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Everything posted by cryxus

  1. [center]Hello everyone, and sorry to those who this doesnt apply to, but i was hoping to arrange the first official pirate meeting. I have found that over time i have assembled quite the motley crew, and i feel it is about time i do my part to make the pirates feel more comfortable with each other, combine our efforts, and discuss other things. I feel we are doing a great job right now, but i think together we can achieve much greater heights. Currently I am setting the first pirate meeting to be at 04:00 server time on saturday; this equates to friday night in the U.S. Also i know there will be timing conflicts, and that some may not be able to come. No need to worry though because i will later hold meetings at different times, and attendance isnt mandatory. It will be held at the plains of deceit. Other than that i hope to see a great deal of you there, Cheers! ~Cryxus~[/center]
  2. it makes sense to me... in fact a whole array of things went off in my mind, but i instantly thought what you were thinking when i saw that he was combining mp levels in his diagrams... i definitely see a lot of biology, chemistry, and mathematical (fractionals mostly) type information in there, it kinda holds true on many layers... definitely interesting, i must say...
  3. oh no... am i gonna have to go pillar counting?
  4. [center]it definitely reminds me of atoms, the mp7 bit reminds me of bonding, perhaps depicting some sort of dehydration synthesis, or perhaps something similar to how oxygen takes electrons (since there is the O thing beside it also)... the positive and negative maybe refering to ionic charge... looks like a bit of covalent bonding in the "split // count" depiction... the entropy, syntropy, and ballance examples are fairly straight-forward. If you look at the way they group it seems they prefer 8 (The first valence has a capicity of 2, but every valence thereafter has a capacity of 8 ) in the one picture it depicts the negative and the positive splitting which makes sense, if a positive and a negative combine, then it nuetralizes itself. im not sure how the charge plays into effect, but it seems as if a number is repeating predictably (im just gonna go with the example of the fraction 2/3 which is .6666...) are negative and those that are positive are complex and non-repeating. i would assume something like pi would work here. as for the 2x and 0 that is also easily explainable through the example of an ion. when and ion gains an electron it usually takes it from a more susceptible atom, and therefore one had to be robbed, and the other benefited, creating an electrical rift, in dramatic sounding words.... the other picture has something to the effect of (+) live : (-) die . What came to mind here is something like fractals where it continually splits off in similar patterns... the picture above the pyramid looks as though it depicts entropy because as we know that entropy states that things prefer a chaotic state, meaning that the binds they have will eventually deteriorate. the bottom also appears to represent fractals, and perhaps also a "cell division"...not 100% on that also not 100 % on the cell with the A, B, C, D, E, F although there could easily be a code with the way they "combine" (addition), shown just right of it... i could continue to critique the rest but i think i've done enough of an analysis as it is... i hope this is helpful ...props to the Crimson Lord! ~Cryxus~[/center]
  5. cryxus


    alright mate, no need to pay ahead of time ill set the next date soon... as of right now i am thinking 13:00 next saturday (server time), but that is subject to change.
  6. cryxus


  7. cryxus


    best would be right before the quest, we'll meet at GoE at the appropriate time that when late-comers can come to join as well
  8. cryxus


    i will change the time if there are enough people willing to join at that time
  9. what happened to LR?
  10. cryxus


    alright mate ... i'll come find you right quick, i may be able to help you. i also wanted to say that since it was a late announcement that this week it'll only be 3 silver for a spot on the quest, however ensuing quests will return to the previous rate.
  11. cryxus


    it is, thats part of the reason i have reserved spots, and i know 5 coins is a bit, but i want to be able to offer a wider assortment of rewards... i can promise that any coin i gain through this will be used for non-personal use. Also i know it's short notice, but really it's too in depth to run during the week when i have little time, but i guess if i dont get any interested parties ill just have to reschedule for next week... To be honest though im surprised people want to see a market develope, but dont want to spend some coin... heres a little hint for you... money has no value if left unspent... There must be some type of circulation going on with money for it to work, a place to recieve it, and a place to spend it. What I'm hoping is that this encourages more players, not just RPC/PWR to make quests. Well i guess i wont start going into economics at this point in time, nor get further into my intentions on what i am gonna do later.
  12. cryxus


    Cryxus, duh
  13. cryxus


    This is a public announcement of my new quest "Curses". This quest is built to instill a sense of teamwork into a group of individuals. For this quest a date is set, and a group of no more than 10 is gathered. Once the party is gathered in a predefined location hired helpers will help unfold a scenario designed to entertain, as well as test those attempting it. also "Curses" is using a questing style that incorporates silver into it's functioning. As such Players doing the quest are asked to pay 5 silver to reserve a spot on the quest. Silver gained will be used as rewards, as well as to hire helpers in this, and future quests. Other rewards include the possibility of Wish Points, Spell Docs, Items (maybe), and creatures, although rewarding is at my discresion, which mean that i decide who gets rewarded, and who doesnt. Also as a note, if you intend to pay me please make sure i know you are paying me so there are no complications. ~Players should expect to spend a few hours attempting this quest~ Now that that's out of the way i would like to set the first quest for May 23rd, day ~142~ at 17:00 game time, i feel this is probably a generally acceptably time, although next time i run this quest i will run it later to give everyone a fair chance I am currently reserving 3 seats of my quest, but i am now opening the rest up for reservation, anyone interested should contact me, and arrangments will be made. Thank you in advance, ~Cryxus~ 1.) RESERVED 2.) Camilla 3.) Lightsage 4.) Kafuuka 5.) Shadowseeker 6.) *Clock Master* 7.) Awiiya 8.) Rendril Revant 9.) Guybrush Threepwood 10.) Gremlin
  14. happy fifth j/k, hope you hope a pleasant, interesting birthday, cheers mate
  15. quick someone set up an emergency chat room like last time, haha
  16. ooh, we found the "lost book" so should we name it something different now?
  17. Oh Yo-Ho-Ho!!!! it seem a caught a variation of this yo-ho-ho.... *ahem* Yo-ho-ho... :/ ... moving on... Please help yo-ho-ho find a cure... this is not a yo-ho-ho... :/ ...Cryxus
  18. [center]~*~ Leader Spirit ~*~ A man alone does not a leader make, From within the masses his identity takes. Though they follow themselves when they start, the many lives of one share a common part. As nuturing, wisdom and respect take hold, From the individuals comes a group that is bold, Now the many's interests are as one, All their goals laid beneath the same sun, If treated poorly, the group will unravel, or the man cannot keep the will from travel, And as the group of many disbands, The leader need only look at his hands. ~Cryxus~[/center]
  19. Thanks for the interpretation mate
  20. [center][quote]I see too many sell-swords, honourless brigands, and cowards. Perhaps we can show you something better?[/quote] hope you arent talking about me... just because im willing to strike a deal doesnt mean im honorless, or a coward. you know i cant help but give you a hard time ~Cryxus~[/center]
  21. "time" lasts forever for those who can, or care to, perceive such things
  22. HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams (im pretty sure) a must read...
  23. hey i wouldn't mind a plaque (so i can steal it )
  24. i feel that trial is just what the doctor ordered, allow some room for him to defend himself, and a punishment (if any) settled upon. It's obvious it's a system Fenrir believes in... ~Cryxus~
  25. something'll always come in and take you by surprise mate not to mention rules change in such a dynamic atmosphere, it may take some getting accustomed to, if you ever need help or advice, mate, dont be afraid to ask
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