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Posts posted by cutler121

  1. [quote name='Kafuuka' date='28 February 2010 - 10:59 AM' timestamp='1267354792' post='55467']
    If it gives the userId in number form and not a name, it is not as explicit information as you might think it is. Afaik uid and name are not linked through the forum either, so it is plausible Jacoand didn't have the necessary pieces. (No it isn't hard to get them, although it used to be easier than it is now and thus I suspect it's supposed to be a spoiler.)[/quote]

    The information was there for him to use and the userid is at the top of every in game PM you receive so it is hardly a spoiler.

    SO I take it from your negative comments Kafuuka that you agree that I was treated fairly?

    The point is I feel that I was treated unjustly (again) and getting punished for helping people (in my opinion) is not what MD should be about. Unfortunately, it does seem that MD is becoming more and more about punishing people (just for the sake of it). I would love to be proven wrong.


  2. I just received this PM from Granos:

    I felt that I had to let you know that it was the ctc to your drac I used on the Jacoand fiasco. When I asked you for the ctc fragment to check the drac info at the angiens ctc checker I kept that code and gave it to Jacoand as proof that I had a drac. I am extremely annoyed by these turns of events and will see to rectifying this situation and blatant abuse of powers by admins.

    I just found out from Granos that the partial CTC code he gave Jaco was from my GG Dracorn and after checking my creature I found out that my Dracorn has been taken from me by Mur.

    Before I say anything else, I want it clear that I never gave Granos the complete CTC for my creature and without that there is no way he or anyone else (except Mur) could have stolen my drachorn from me. Since I am the person who coded the Anginen Detector at the Angiens Shrine, I have personal knowledge of what exactly it tells you and what is safe to give out which is why I have never refused a request for a partial CTC when people have asked me for one. The whole point of the MDscript function mds_is_ctc is so that it is possible for people to check what creature someone has before they do a trade or to prove you actually do have the creature you claim to.

    There are several things SOOOO wrong with this whole situation.

    1) Even though Granos used my creature partial CTC to sucker Jacoand into thinking Granos had a drachorn, when Jacoand checked the info in the CTC checker it clearly shows right at the top the userid of the actual owner. Clearly Jacoand didn't actually bother to check the info provided by the CTC checker script and if he had he never would have fallen for such an obvious and blatant scam.

    2) I have given out partial CTCs for I don't know how many of my creatures to people who were having trouble getting the CTC checker to work (including the partial CTCs to a Doppelganger, a wind dragon, rusties, reindrachs and other less rare creartures). Should I expect Mur to steal those creatures from me as well? I understand the saying "No good deed goes unpunished", but I am really getting tired of being punished for helping others.

    3) At the top of my CTC Checker script it clearly says:

    *Copy from "CTC" to "MDC", not the entire code

    which was supposed to protect people from giving out complete CTCs as Mur stated when this script code was first released. If this isn't the case and people are going to be punished for giving out partial CTCs, then this needs to be clear both why and what is acceptable to share or not share.

    4) I do not know Jacoand and I have never interracted with him, but having been forced to look at what actually transpired with Granos, it is clear that Jacoand was either being very greedy and didn't bother to check the info at his disposal, or Jacoand is not very intelligent and shouldn't be trying to get something (dracorn) for nothing (pass papers). Either way this situation should be a good lesson for others to not be greedy and if you aren't that intelligent have someone who is help you.

    I can understand Jacoand's frustration, it is amazing how much getting screwed over here in MD can really piss you off. And I haven't been this pissed off since I found out that last year that simplyzero (shoeps the then game manager) threatened the RPCs if they helped me set clickables or worked with me on getting my quests set up.

    I have to admit that recently I have really enjoyed adding interesting new things to MD such as the MD Creature Card Game Yrthilian and I just released this week, and the slew of puzzles and quests I have created or helped develop over the last few months/year. But I am tired of being abused by people of authority in MD particularly in this instance by Mur himself.

    I find it totally unacceptable that my oldest dracorn gets reset to an egg and has two transfers of age taken off it.

    AND I have never asked Mur for a single special request. I think it is time.

    I would like to request that my dracorn be restored to its pre-stolen status and that I be given one Boon from Mur.

    I would also like to hear what the MD community feels about this situation. I would hate for this to be the final straw that breaks me, but I have to honestly admit that I am seriously unhappy at the moment. If I am so far out of touch with reality and others agree with what happened in this situation, that is important for me to know.


  3. [quote name='Amoran Kalamanira Kol' date='26 February 2010 - 11:19 PM' timestamp='1267226376' post='55364']
    I spotted Simplyzero online yesterday at wasp's totem, Simply also appears to be the leader of the DS... is it possible that Shoeps escaped by having Simply send him an invite?

    If you are in jail you can still be part of an alliance? That would be a large oversight!

    As I said earlier this player has no respect for others, don't expect him to act or speak in an appropriate fashion.

    Maybe an IP ban would work better.


  4. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='26 February 2010 - 11:19 PM' timestamp='1267226363' post='55363']
    clicking the Tell / Continue button will "continue" regardless if you write something or not, i thought is obviousl because of the name of the button.

    Nope it looked like you were required to write some kind of comment to continue. If there were a button labeled skip or no comment that would cut down on people just filling something in to move on.


  5. [quote name='Shadowseeker' date='26 February 2010 - 11:55 AM' timestamp='1267185303' post='55284']
    Hm..tried 3 games and won each, what's the limit for computer AI in difficulty, 30 wins?

    At present the AI improves from completely random stat choice at 0 games played to a close to optimal strategy (based on a random deck) at around 20 games played. When the MD CCG competition starts you can expect the computer play style to change somewhat to make it a challenge (but hopefully still fun).

    The play style and strategies are also different for the 3 MP levels due to the different deck compositions and stats available.



    PS I developed several play strategies for the computer, but it wasn't as much fun when the computer always beats you. I hate it when my creations make me feel dumb. :unsure:

  6. [quote name='Burns' date='26 February 2010 - 10:38 AM' timestamp='1267180702' post='55278']
    I played a bit with it, and i honestly think that some of the creatures mp3 can play with shouldn't be available, e.g i stumbled upon chaos archer, wind egg, max imp aramor, and lvl 5 ele, including their attack, init and defence stats... When i was younger, i was told off for telling people that eles had decent defence and archers were fast, without even going into actual numbers... even when archer is outdated info by now, i still think that there's simply too much spoiler on that game, and not only for mp3, but also for mp5, like windy, dream mutation and angien stats :/

    It's a cool database, though LOL

    And about the AI... i won like 19 games in testing, and even won when i didn't choose a good stat, but simply randomly clicked...
    And i noticed that the AI still, after getting beaten 15 times in a row, picks stats that its creature has a plain 0 on when it wins too many rounds in a row, it doesn't even try to win -.-

    You know, it's really impressive that you _can_ do such things, most people couldn't even read the code for that, but it's nowhere near as interesting as a big anti-maze, or the puzzles from good old what number am i =(

    Actually you just played 1 game. After every game you play (not round) the computers player improves in play. The first few games were designed to be relatively easy so new players wouldn't be beaten right off the bat by the computer. After you have played five or six games you should find a noticeable improvement in the computer player as I mentioned in the first post. You only win a game when you have captured all of the computer players cards.

    I have also moved six max creatures from the MP3 level (Majestic Winderwild, Lore Archer, Knator Master, Elem V, Chaos Archer, and Imp Aramour III) to the MP4 deck since that makes sense and gives the higher MP4 level players some more benefits over MP3.

    All of the eggs are currently at the MP3 level which seems appropriate since getting those eggs is not a matter of mind level.

    Only the hatchling levels for those same creatures are available at the MP4 level. To see more advanced "hatched" creatures you have to be MP5.

    Any additional comments / suggested improvements are welcome.



    PS. Burns, this is a card-style game not a logic game. I appreciate that you enjoy my logic games, but this is geared to a somewhat different audience. Your comments are helpful though and anything further you can suggest to make the game better / (less spoiler-ish) will be given full consideration.

  7. Well if you think there is going to be a high demand for lawyers in the future, I could help you setup a law office in the new astral GG town (coming soon).




  8. [quote name='Kyphis the Bard' date='26 February 2010 - 03:43 AM' timestamp='1267155815' post='55259']
    Let me know if there are any creatures you need the data on, I have the data for More than 75 creatures and that is growing weekly.

    Go check out what is there already, I put up the link to play earlier so it is accessible. This week the game is there for people to test out and if you have any comments or suggestions feel free to leave them here.

    In a week or so, there will be a competition starting with rewards for people playing the MD CCG. Take the opportunity now to practice so you are ready next week when the competition is announced.



  9. [b]MD Creature Card Game[/b]

    The MD Creature Card Game is a 2-player card game based on the Top Trumps play system. Each player has a hand of cards drawn from the complete deck which are based on the creatures within MD. The game has been developed (and coded) to be played within MD from clickables and hopefully will be both enjoyable and instructive as a new form of play/combat to complement the ones already available within MD.

    [b]Creature Cards[/b]

    Each MP level 3/4/5 have a default set of 16/32/48 cards which are automatically available. These are the default cards for each MP level. None of the max levels for the creatures are included in the default MP decks.

    All of the premium, rare creatures, and max level basic deck creatures can be added by using the partial CTC for the appropriate creature. Until a CTC has been added for a creature type only the creature type name is displayed on the deck builder page. Once a CTC has been activated the enabled levels are shown in orange and the CTC used to activate that creature is shown to the right. This CTC can then be used to reactivate any cards which were dropped.

    [b]Play Deck[/b]

    The system will deal out 20 to 40 cards depending on your MP level.

    MP2/3 receive 20 cards
    MP4 receive 30 Cards
    MP5/6 receive 40 Cards

    1/2 of the cards are taken from the creatures activated in your deck.
    1/2 of the cards are from the default deck for your MP level.

    If you don't cancel one of the default cards it can be picked twice once from your active cards and once from the default deck. For CTC activated only cards you will never have a duplicate.

    These cards are then shuffled and distributed between the computer and player. The player gets to choose first in every new game.

    Clicking an activated (orange) creature on the deck builder page will drop that creature from your deck.


    The player to go first chooses the ‘best’ statistic (usually the highest) from their top/current card, e.g. “Vital Energy: 2400”. The computer player then compares the SAME statistic for its top card to yours. Whoever has the best or highest value wins and places those two cards on the bottom of their card pile. They can then choose a new statistic for the next round.

    During a round, if 2 cards ‘tie’ for a particular statistic then a tie is declared and no cards are exchanged. The other player then chooses a statistic from the next card in their deck.

    [b]The first player to win all cards is the winner of the game!

    Other notes:[/b]

    In the MD CCG we also worked to avoid giving spoilers and there for you will only see the base stats for each creature as you play them. Note that MP2/3 and MP4 players will only see some of the Base stats and not all. Only MP5 players can see all base mp stats when playing.

    MP 2/3 can see the following stats [b]Vital Energy, Attack, Defence and Initiative[/b]
    MP4 can see all of the above plus the [b]Power [/b]stat
    MP5/6 can see all of the above plus [b]Regeneration[/b]

    At each MP level the computer player plays differently based on the available statistics. As you get more proficient with the game the computer gets harder to beat. The more wins you gain the more challenging it will be to win. The game is designed to be as much fun as possible and each new round is made up of a different set of cards to play. There are over 145 cards in total with more to be added as they become available. As you play, your wins/losses are recorded. The more wins you accumulate, the more complex strategies the computer will use.

    The MD Creature Card Game can be found at the combat arena which is located in the Marin Bell Astral Plane to the left of the Marin Marble Stairs. Once you enter the arena (and the game has been officially released) there will be a link to start the game there. There are entrances to the astral plane at many locations around MD, including, the GoE, Marins Roundabout, Sages Keep, Paper Cabin, and many other clickables (try Cutlers puzzle arcade links since there are enter astral plane links in some of them as well).

    This game was developed in collaboration between Yrthilian (the King of Golemus) and Cutler (the MD Puzzle Strategist). Keep a look out for new additions and possibly even a competition with this game in the future.



  10. [quote name='CrazyMike' date='25 February 2010 - 07:10 AM' timestamp='1267081847' post='55164']
    Granos plays a delicious villain.

    He is so good, he is even respected as a villain.

    Can you imagine Granos knocking on yr door and saying "Give me all yr money", and you cannot report it coz he is Granos!

    Wow, I just imagined it ! :D

    There was only one Nietzsche and some say there could ever only be one.

    Granos may just fall into this category, luckily there are like 8 thousand miles between where he is and where I am.

    Asia is safe at present.


  11. [quote name='JacoAnd' date='24 February 2010 - 09:15 PM' timestamp='1267046159' post='55124']
    I dont really see why it serves me right, I have never said I wouldnt sell it to golemus, they have had the exact same chance as any other, of course I could have waited to see if golemus would offer more than a drach, but really a drach was all that I find it worth.
    So going over that would make it only possible for the ones who has the most money in the game, thats the reason I stopped it there.

    And I just say I want it back or my drach, because I believe that if a trade is agreed on it should be hold.

    And I couldnt find anything negative about Granos, so I decided to trust him after he sent me the first part of the ctc to be sure that he had the drach.

    The paper was the most valuable item I have ever had, so for it being scammed from me and then geting told it serves me right just seems plain wrong.

    If I shouldnt trade it I could also just have kept it, being an item hoarder instead.

    I am confused. In your post selling the item you said you had a bid for 7 gold. You can buy a lot more than a single drach with that!

    Not knowing what Granos and you discussed, I can't speak about the outcome of the trade (whether it is over yet or not) but one thing which might help is to look at the 2009 year awards. Granos was nominated (and I think won) the villian of the year award, but it was my impression that he usually targeted people who had done something wrong to bring them to his attention.

    So can I ask a question, did you really have a bid of 7 gold for your GG papers? (I have to admit I was somewhat dubious about that when I read it.)


  12. [quote name='Shadowseeker' date='20 February 2010 - 03:04 PM' timestamp='1266678242' post='54829']
    Then what is N in that case? Curious, since common maths won't give a solution to that.

    OOOOOwwwww I know !!!!

    N + 1 = - N (add N to both sides)
    2N + 1 = 0 (subtract 1 from both sides)
    2N = -1 (divide by 2)

    N = -1/2

    Hmmmm that doesn't look like infinity ...

    Maybe you were using the real numbers (-1,0)
    in which case its half way there.


  13. I really wanted to stay away from this forum topic for a number of reasons but mostly because I get depressed when I talk about the "lack" of what MD seems to have lately. I personally don't see myself fitting into any of the major categories that people seem to be defining MD by --- RPers (I am really bad at RP) and stat grinders (this seems like mindless repetition and the few times I tried it I got so bored I had to take mini-vacations to want to do anything with MD).

    I gave up on the MD fighting system when skill damage was introduced for having excessive losses. I understand it is my fault that I let people heal on my nutcracker and racked up 3K losses. (Which didn't ever give me a benefit) I even tried to reduce that and got it down to 2.4K losses but since GGG does NOT give victories in general (only against MP2s) even the mindless stat grinding doesn't help. Oh well, as they say no good deed goes unpunished. I still think a WishPoint shop item balancing out wins/losses would be a good addition (I had to add in something for people to complain about hehehehe).

    At the same time, I really enjoy participating in other peoples quests and I also enjoy making quests and helping others make puzzles and quests.

    I fully understand how people feel about being ignored and made to seem like their actions are meaningless. For the most part I just ignore people ignoring me and go and do something I think is interesting.

    Here are some examples:

    1) The astral plane.

    This was initially just a way to make quests more interesting and interactive since there were so few locations which could be interacted with in MD. Now it has an inventory with items which can be used, combined, sold, bought, traded and some new interactive games will soon be linked in with this as well.

    2) Fishing System

    On the first of next month I will be releasing a fishing system for MD which will allow people to use different fishing poles, and lures (19 different ones at present with all new artwork) to play a new logic game I made based on minesweeper but with some new twists. For those of you who would like to try it out before then, there is already a way to play it if you go and find some materials which could be combined into a fishing pole. This will be released as a fishing tournament for people to compete in and will have a bunch of prizes.

    3) The impossible maze

    In coordination with Grido we have made a brand new labyrinth maze in the same location as the MDA labyrinth in the astral plane. This maze will open in the middle of next month (see Gridos announcement) and will have 3 WPs as quest rewards. It is a really tricky maze!

    4) The anti-maze

    I released this puzzle this week as a new logic interactive game for people to play at the stairs to the champions challenge. From what I have heard most people like it although it has given a few people actual headaches. I liked making this puzzle since it made me think in a way that our brains don't seem to like to work which made my brain hurt as well.

    5) The jigsaw puzzle

    I released this interactive puzzle a month or two ago at the berserkers challenge location in necro as a fun game for people to try. I actually made this puzzle at the request of an MD player who wanted to make a quest with a treasure chest you had to solve the puzzle to open. Although this quest hasn't happened yet, it might soon be released as a Loreroot quest since I just heard from that person about completing the quest and I have almost everything I need now to help him pull it all together.

    6) The MD Tarot Card Game

    I made this card game a few months ago with the major tarot arcana cards represented by MD players, but it wasn't actually that fun to play so I never released it. But another person just asked me about making a similar type card game for MD and when I receive the card images and stats, this game will be released as well now that there is a better play system than what I had initially come up with.

    7) Puzzle Quest #2

    I made Puzzle Quest #1 almost a year ago now and it was supposed to be very difficult. Only 2 people solved the first one and I know lots of people made it to the 3-4th leg. I got a little bit depressed with this at the time since an RPC lied to me about rewarding WPs for the winners, but it worked out in the end. I have most of the Puzzle Quest #2 pulled together and will be releasing that sometime in the next month or so.

    8) Loreroot Houses

    Since I am currently building a RL house for my pregnant wife to have a nice place to nest after giving birth to our child, I thought it would be nice to let others have that same experience in MD by designing and building their own houses in the astral plane where I can add any new content / locations I want. This project turned out really well with 2 of the 4 houses being complete and the other 2 are just waiting on some more scene images to be drawn. I really enjoyed making private chats for the houses with integrated doorbells to let people enter the houses and have a place to make your home here in MD. I have had MANY requests from other people to do the same in other locations and that is something I will move forward with when these four houses are all complete.

    9) The new GG town / university

    This is a concept the king of GG had which we will be developing over the next months. At present the only scene which has been released publicly is the Mt Kethella overlook which I think turned out really nice. There are plans to have a full university, town with shops and public spaces, homes and work sites. This town hopefully will have some really interesting interactive locations as well as maybe be a site for study and learning within MD for both teachers and students. The old MD university was a nice idea but it never had a real location to let people go be part of the university community and hopefully some nice new scenes with classrooms and whiteboards will move this "semi-dead" idea back to a more active state.

    So why did I just detail some of the things I have been working on the last few months? Well I have a lot of respect for Mur and what he has created in MD, but he is only one man. There is enough freedom in the way MD is put together to make it into anything we as members of the community want it to be. I agree with many of the points people have made about what is wrong with MD. So I just settled down in a sanctuary where I wouldn't be hit with stat damage constantly and worked on things I was interested in. Maybe you don't have programming experience or know how to make a quest, but I am sure there is something you enjoy / are good at. Why not just jump in and do it.

    I personally will be happy to work with / pay artists who want to make new scenes to expand MD. I have like 30-40 scenes in mind already and many others already drawn just waiting to be implemented.

    I will be happy to help anyone who has a quest / puzzle idea. There are lots of WP rewards sitting idle with the Kings and if you have a creative idea want to make something new in MD, come talk to me about making it happen, I know the Kings would all be happy to support anyone who has an interesting quest idea.

    So if you want to do something my advice is to just do it. I have been impressed by a bunch of people doing quests lately ladytwin, Bloodprince, MasterB, Burns, tara, Granos, Indyra, and others I can't seem to remember at the moment.

    I guess my point is just because Mur doesn't seem to be doing anything new with MD and has abandoned a bunch of project while only semi-complete, that doesn't mean that we as members of the MD community can't do stuff ourselves.

    It would be great if the AL were resurrected, but look at Awiiya's Oak tree stories, there will soon be more there than the whole AL combined.

    It would be great if the tribunal were finished and not just a ghost land.

    It would be great if ... fill in your own pet peeves.

    So how about this as a direction to head, if you want to wait for Mur to complete everything and get his batteries recharged, fine, but in the meantime why not do something in MD yourself?

    I would be happy to help.



  14. [quote name='Skie Anderson' date='16 February 2010 - 04:34 PM' timestamp='1266338086' post='54599']
    I really liked all the puzzles in this quest. :0)

    There was one though for which figuring out the answer to was very difficult since I didn't understand the instructions clearly - it was the puzzle where you have to black out the duplicate numbers in any column or row. I kept getting script errors on that one, so I was never able to finish it.

    What type of script errors and what browser were you using? The best thing to do is to close the puzzle down and reload the browser. Sometimes the javascript doesn't finish loading in time for the page to run properly, but if you reload that should fix it.



  15. [quote name='ladytwin' date='15 February 2010 - 08:10 PM' timestamp='1266264646' post='54552']
    [size="6"]and the winners are[/size]

    [i][font="Arial, sans-serif"][size="2"]culter nimrodel and bfh they can get their Wp if they find Granos

    hoped you al liked the quest


    Thanks Lady it was a lot of fun. :D


  16. [quote name='phantasm' date='15 February 2010 - 01:09 AM' timestamp='1266196188' post='54485']
    My proposal has nothing to do with a Katana. As I myself have attempted many times to create things in the forge below the Defensive Quarter and have failed, I have no doubt the only person capable of actually creating it is our dwarven friend who is rarely on. I seek the bar of iron in order to put with my piece of wood to create an icon for the the Caretakers Alliance. A spade of darkness, in which will be the essence of my own darkness infused with the powers of Udgard and whatever other crafters I can assemble for it. As this proposal is obvious, it has no advantages for you, it is only a proposal upon why I should acquire the bar of iron.

    Well part of the problem may be due to a lack of quality equipment. I don't think this is a spoiler so I can say that there will soon be a high quality forge in Golemus. Maybe that will be able to help.



  17. [quote name='Kamisha' date='15 February 2010 - 03:58 AM' timestamp='1266206293' post='54492']
    So wait your confusing me so I count my self as an adept so if I have two then it should mean that it should be displayed as three.

    OK ill just give you the numbers and let you sort it out. 2 active adepts excluding my self. 2 active shown on my right panel.

    Heres the jpg 2 days after the count.

    Aww you look at it and looks like im going to be down to 1 again or 2 maybe because I don't understand that's depressing.

    The last time this came up I think we figured out the logic as such:

    0 adepts -> 1 adept (self)
    1 adept -> 1 adept (your adept)
    2 adepts -> 2 adepts (an so on)


  18. [quote name='Burns' date='14 February 2010 - 05:26 PM' timestamp='1266168371' post='54473']
    i think you are supposed to have exactly as many spikes pointing to an edge as the number in that corner implies...
    eg, when a 4 is in a circle, 4 spikes have to point towards it, when a 1 is in it, you should get 1 spike pointing to it and 3 others not touching it

    Thanks Burns,

    Yes that is correct, you also need to set a spike at every location. The last thing you need to do is to make sure there are no closed loops made out of spikes. This is the reason you won't ever see a 0 in one of the circles since you would have to make a closed look of spikes around it which is not allowed.



  19. [quote name='empirelove' date='14 February 2010 - 06:47 AM' timestamp='1266130075' post='54456']
    I didn't know it was quest related, and I solved them because they were the easiest ^^ well thank you now i know what they're for ^^

    I am happy that people are still solving the puzzle quest puzzles on a daily basis. There have now been 690 people start the puzzle arcade quest and 23 people have completed it with the latest being Dughfo. The center of MD is the gazebo of equilibrium which is also where the check in center for the quest resides at the talking rock.

    Recently I have been making some more puzzles and I will be releasing one of them later this week as a "lock" challenge to open a new area. Keep an eye out in Marin Bell later this week and you may find something new.



  20. [quote name='Chewett' date='12 February 2010 - 02:40 PM' timestamp='1265985610' post='54347']
    Will all these Quests use the Astral Plane? Because i prefer running around with tons of clickables and such rather than standing at GOE place getting beat up...

    I don't assume that they all will be in the astral plane, but I agree it is a real pain to get beat up at the GOE which is one reason I set up an astral plane entrance at the Paper cabin. That seems to be the only sanctuary with a clicky.


  21. This person and some of his alts have been banned in the past due to his inappropriate and at times extremely antisocial behavior. I guess we can just be happy he isn't in a position of authority or power anymore and most people have lost all respect for him.

    It would be great if he would just leave MD forever if we all ignored him, but unfortunately he is way to petty for that.

    Being a personal friend of Mur, I would leave it up to Mur as to what is an acceptable PL. Maybe Mur will delete it.

    What I wouldn't expect is any kind of reasonable or courteous response from this player, he has shown many times that he is incapable of treating others with respect.


  22. [quote name='Rendril' date='07 February 2010 - 11:25 PM' timestamp='1265585142' post='54024']
    This still leaves the same problem, how to reduce a tax on less than 10 bronze.

    Well, shortly I will be releasing a new and fairly significant update to the astral plane which will have a large number of interactive items which can be used combined and traded among different people. As part of that update I have implemented a cash system with copper and pennies. Copper have a fixed value of 10 copper = 1 silver and there are 100 pennies in a copper.

    Although I have not implemented a taxation system, there will be several stores (the first to be released next week is the bait and tackle shop) in which you can buy items and services. Although 1 silver is a large amount 1 penny is not being only 1/1000th of a silver.

    Hopefully once this is released, having a functioning system which can allow an easy buy/sell of items and services will help improve the MD economy. I already have several people working with me to implement future projects which will allow further ways for money to be used.

    As has been posted on this thread a few times, the only way an economy can work is if there is a flow of money. Using the MD items that can't work due to scarcity of resources, but those same items can be used to back/value a fluid money which will allow a much richer set of interactions within MD in the future.



  23. [quote name='Shadowseeker' date='07 February 2010 - 09:22 AM' timestamp='1265534561' post='53965']
    There's a reason why I didn't contact them when I saw them, plus I don't..notice any constant presence, at least not enough.

    It's also about fresh blood.

    Well, I am not into any of that blood ritual stuff. If you want your katana created in some strange ritualistic way, getting someone else to help would be a better option. :)

    But if you are looking for someone with a presence in MD who can help you for real, I am definitely your man.



  24. [quote name='Chewett' date='07 February 2010 - 08:43 AM' timestamp='1265532191' post='53962']
    The main issue with any type of quest in Golemus, You need to be teleported out once you have done it. But as long as yrth has enough teleport's... I suppose people will do the quests.

    We can also easily provide access to the Golemus Astral Plane which can be used to set up and run interactive quests. No need to deal with the troublesome entrance/exit into GG. Currently only GG citizens and people in GG Alliances can enter the GG astral plane, but if and when a quest starts it will be possible to open the gates to those participating.


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