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Amoran Kalamanira Kol

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Everything posted by Amoran Kalamanira Kol

  1. I do not mind offering my assistance either, and I do posess a needle currently.
  2. Just so you all know, Texans do not ride horses to work and dress like cowboys all the the time. (however I'd totally jump at the chance to wear leather chaps, but that's just me.) Most horses are behind fences in the city, unless said horse feels adventurous. I voted for Texas, as obviously I live there, but I have ties to New Mexico too. So confusing!
  3. Well this is a fun little predicament. I wonder if this occurs with other water guardian rituals? I'll do a test of my own I think.
  4. I would suggest that you do not give the coins to the Treasure Keepers, nor would I suggest that you claim them as your own. I would send Mur an email, rather than acting rashly on the subject of the coins. Remember, some of those coins were ones that even I paid you with, and I would prefer if they were used for their proper intentions, rather than your own- or the Treasure Keeper's.
  5. Good communication, a strong and stable structure, and clearly defined leaders is a must in an alliance. I agree with what you've said too.
  6. Quest has ended! Judges will review the entries over the next two weeks. Artwork judges: Amoran K Kol Marvolo Story judges: Amoran K Kol Tarquinus Innocence
  7. As some of you know, I've met a couple of people from the game off site and I was curious if anyone would by chance be interested in doing a USA meet up? This is more or less to gather some opinions and maybe some ideas. This has been talked about before in the past but it ended up falling under.
  8. It was short but sweet, and we should have another rain party soon!
  9. Posted the update in the mood panel.
  10. Go to the Archive's Indexed Room of Memories and meet Innocence. You'll get along.
  11. Hello Caggie and welcome to the realm! If you have any questions feel free to shoot one to me, or any other mp6 or LHO out there. The players in the game are welcoming and though your questions might not always be answered quickly, people do like to help other people here.
  12. Since we speak on the subject of Morphs, while I quite understand that unreleased creatures are not supposed to be given so carelessly - I am finding this sudden urge for elder players in the realm to hoard the morph creatures completely unreasonable. Sure, there are more of them, their rarity has decreased, but many many players were granted gifts- if you have extras why not put them toward quests instead so that younger players are given a chance to get something unique and interesting too?
  13. Yossssshhhiiii... welcome back!
  14. Quest will be extended until after new years. The week of the first is when judging will begin. Each person who has entered thus far or will enter during the extended time will be granted an entry prize once the judging begins. I try to give everyone something for just trying the quest, even if it's a small something.
  15. Christmas cards will be a bit late. I'll be sending them out Monday.

  16. Hollywood sure is making a lot of action hero trophy movies lately.......I think I'll go watch 'em all.

  17. You may certainly try it BFH. Entries so far: Ivorak Sky Army (Eagle Eye) Chengmingz ZenTao
  18. Don't end yet! I want to put in an entry, it looks like fun!
  19. Yay! Rum!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Maebius


      Where's the rum gone?!

    3. BFH


      I HATE THE RUM!!

      If you where in my country you would know why XD

    4. Quas


      Care to share? BFH? XD

  20. I'll be sending cards out too this year. I have some that I wasn't able to send last year, but I'll send them out this year! PM me on the forum if you need an address (so I can keep track of everyone!)
  21. No, I didn't nominate anyone because I didn't nominate. I suggested people to be nominated by others because I don't agree with how the awards are being done this year, but I can fire off a list of people who deserve the award and play the game every single day: -Lashtal -Azull -Jaden Dew -Maebius -Arkken -Ivorak -Phantom Orchid -Marvolo -Innocence -Guillak -Amber Rune -Tarquinus -Brulant -Passant the Weak -Kiley You can suggest that I feel hurt that I have never been nominated, but I don't. I appreciate the nominations I am given, but to me it's a simple medal. What I care more about is that there is a huge amount of people who are never looked at or thought about, this year especially, in certain categories. They play the game in their own unique way, and though they don't interact with tons of people on a daily basis, and try to do big massive things to get themselves recognized - they deserve at least to be nominated.
  22. [quote name='(Zl-eye-f)-nea' timestamp='1323812538' post='97864'] Whilst you might find it fair for people who have won not to win again, I find that hugely unfair, on everyone. If it were me, I'd be annoyed that someone had assumed I could not beat the person who won last year, and wasn't even given the chance to compete against them. That situation would be a farce. [/quote] It's an awards ceremony, Zleiphneir. You are being awarded based on how you have stood out or for things you have done in game. It was to my assumption that it was not a beauty contest or a cut-throat competition but rather a ceremony which grants recognition to players for good things they have done, how they have played the game, etc. Correct me if I'm wrong, please, so I can go and host my own awards ceremony in a fair way. [quote name='(Zl-eye-f)-nea' timestamp='1323812538' post='97864'] You bring my name into something, use me as an example and state that I caused people to be 'overlooked' just by the fact that I exist and can be voted for. I don't know about anyone else, but if I were one of the people you are talking about being 'overlooked' I would find that incredibly insulting. Z [/quote] I did bring your name into question to point out that you have not only won an award each year, but that you have been nominated each year for the same thing. There are plenty of good role players in the game and many of them are ignored for the more popular or more influential players such as yourself. My point is, if people are allowed to win year after year after year, we have a repetition of the same person getting recognized - thus limiting the view of the community regarding newer players who have new stuff to bring to the table. I did not insult you or your roleplay, I stated instead that your nominations and rewards are repetitive. That was purely an example, and you chose to feel insulted by it.
  23. Okay, in response to you Burns - what I'm noticing is that a total of maybe.. 4 people are speaking against in group nomination, where as we have many in this thread who are FOR in group nominating. This is where my confusion sits. This year things are not quite as they were the previous year, many of the people who spoke out against in-group nomination last year have not even posted in this thread. We have lost members of the community due to RL, and we have gained new ones that don't necessarily agree. The argument that the MD Awards Ceremony is a popularity contest is correct, but banning or limiting who nominates what means that certain people who SHOULD get nominated, get ignored and overlooked. What should have happened is that people should not have been allowed to nominate people (who have won an award) twice for the same category. (Nothing against Zleiphneir, but an example is that he has been nominated - and has won already almost every year for the role player award, and others have been overlooked. And also, Amoran has been nominated again for the best protector award. While I appreciate that people notice that I am doing a good job, it would be fair to give others a chance too, wouldn't it?) You know the people of your land better than anyone, and unfortunately there is no way to stop the MD nominations from being a popularity contest. I just feel that you banned the wrong thing this year and this is why I chose to argue against the way the Award Nominations are being run.
  24. Thank you Ivorak for your entry! I enjoyed the story and the artwork as well. It's a wonderful example of how you can illustrate a story even if you can't draw traditionally. Be creative, and remember, you get something just for entering and showing your artsy side.
  25. I believe I know what happened with this.. No one asked or argued the point of not being able to nominate people of your own land. It limits the nominations, and gives the person nominating only a certain range of people to nominate. So perhaps people just ran out of nominations? I believe the way this is set up is a complete farce, and honestly.. I don't like the way it's being run. No one asked for the limitation, and people have argued it clearly, so why is it in place? Do you really need 20 people to say "this is stupid" before you decide that it's a stupid idea?
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