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Posts posted by Lifeline

  1. its true that the damage boost from darksky and claws is too high. lowering the added value is a good idea. but do NOT make it like this: first attack boost(claw2) will give the full amount 100%, the second (darksky) only gives 50% of the amount, the 3rd (calw3) 20% ect. that would totally destroy the way how token stack on each other.

    there are insanely high principles out there so i think the best option would be for darksky for example to add the full amount until a certain point and then lower it more and more. like darksky gives attack equal to dark principle until point A, after point A it adds 50% of the principles to attack until point B and after point B only 10% or something like that.

    claw2: balance out the attack boost. lower bonus
    kellethafire: lower the defence boost a lot
    firedrop: adds way too much vitality in some cases so balance that one as well
    darksky: balance out the attack boost. lower bonus
    claw3: ballance out all 3 boosts

    as for sunshine and other token that give a %boost. if the above tokens are balanced out and the bonus is much smaller so will be the % bonus of the sunshine automatically. it needs no changes at all if the damage boosting tokens get much lower bonuses.

    enlightening is fine in my point of view. if somebody has 8k wins on his crit and doesnt use to sac it its ok to give him 8k more attack. in my whole MD time i had 6 creatures with around 7k wins. all other creatures were barely above their win req to max. and about 4 more or so with around 3k wins.

    blooddrop2: its a rare principle combination ...hmm i dont really know. but an elemental with perm antifreeze is very deadly in the headcontest on mp4 for example. so perm antifreeze might be something that is too overpowered. open for debate

    EDIT: ah and also this is a great opportunity for me to bring up the token deletion feature with around 60 supporters again xD

  2. he is a mp5! why are mp5s still using the dojo anyway. if u managed to get around 5mil xp to get to mp5 u clearly dont need special protection anymore because u are too weak. i fully understand that the dojo is really nice for mp3s and mp4s but come on mp5s really dont need it.
    and a ban for such a violation is way over the top

  3. i like the idea. most of my adepts ask me "what should i do now are there any quests left in the game i just got into loreroot?"
    they dont even see that rpc have quests even if they already made it into loreroot and probably are worried that the game is about to finish for them now. if there were such a page for all to see they would quickly understand that the game is about more than just beating the few ingame quests and getting to mp5.
    and if there is one please for all. its especially the new players that want to know how much the game offers to them. and if they see that they dont meet the requirements for some quests that might give them more motivation to reach those set requirements.

  4. i cant delete pms anymore. it tells me retry in 5min. but now it has been 3 hours.
    i saved very important pms which are not in my list anymore right now. because i got 50pms in the last 2hours. it is very important for me to keep my old pms i would be really screwed if they were gone. i hope i can soon delete all the incoming new pms again to get to my important ones

  5. [quote name='Granos' date='08 July 2009 - 12:31 AM' timestamp='1247009460' post='36521']
    Adeptrewards, ways to reward adepts for loyalty, in a similar way to the calender daily bonuses,(minor stat increases) only amplified based on the number of days that the player remains loyalty to whom they are an adept to, also punishments for dis-loyalty to adepts and protectors.

    a way to reward loyal adepts is a nice idea but punishment for disloyality isnt well thought trough. if an mp6 wants to drop back down to mp5 he has to tell his adepts to be disloyal and leave him so he can drop back down. the adepts would get punished for helping their protector becoming mp5 again. i think just a loyality reward like the daily bonuses as u said is enough. but only after they have already lets say 30days been loyal. so if they do change the cant get the daily bonuses for 30more days. i know that that still doesnt solve the problem of an mp6 wanting to go back to mp5 but like this its at least not double the damage.
    or if there is a punishment than there needs to be an option for the mp6 to always be able to drop back down to mp5 even if he has 30+ active adepts.

    otherwise yeah more stuff in the wishshop and please something that is usefull to those players who have a lot of wishpoints. right now the rewards are only usefull for mp3s and mp4s but all those players who have a lot of WPs really have no use at all of the possible wishes. just look at the WPTop and the top10 players none of them would need any of the current stuff. something unique should be there perhaps spells at a really high cost or special crits.

    and finally i know that the storyline is a big issue. but the reason why i even started and continued to play the game for several weeks was only because of the story. i do realize that with the current developments the story wouldnt really fit well anymore but to me it has always been a mayor important part of the game. would be awesome if chapter3 gets completed.

  6. i am really amazed i only sent pms to older players who are already long in the game and most likely understand the game mechanics well and i still managed to get almost 60 supporters. i never expected that. i finally have some holidays for 8 days and am going to travel to remote areas in china so i will probably not even have internet access at all. before i go on my holidays i want to thank all supporters. oh and if u arent on the list but support this idea feel free to post here and i will add u once i return :D

  7. actually now that i think about it 1credit every month is fine. if u vote everyday u get 2credits every 8 days right now. sacrificing 4 days to keep an avy for a month is ok in my point of view. and a cost of 1 credit makes sure that u are still serious about the game or active enough to do the free votes.

  8. [quote name='Burns' date='04 July 2009 - 01:35 PM' timestamp='1246710920' post='36105']
    i had the same thought, but got to a serious trouble in it: who decides what activeness is?
    is an RPC active for MD when he's offline writing a quest?
    is a player who is roleplaying to be bound to one inaccessible point inactive because he's not walking around to show people his avi?
    how many lines do you have to write per day to be active?

    if you can't answer that questions, you can't determine activeness...
    whereelse inactiveness is easily found, and to use your example: if you take the time to log in everyday, you must obviously plan to come back, else you wouldn't bother, right?

    true i thought of something like 1 active day = 1hour logged in and not idle or something like that. but that isnt a good solution as well.
    i got ur point there are several players who do most things not being logged into the game. hmm having to log in 15days a month helps for sure but i doubt it would recover more than 10% of the inactive avys. and then again just what u said before. what about holidays? 3weeks holidays somewhere without internet?
    i cant think of anythig better. guess the 15days are the best solution for most players

  9. even if i dont have time to play for half a year i would keep logging in everyday to make sure to keep my avy. logging in takes 10seconds of the 24hours of ur day. i also think that a lot of avys are on alts as well. i think the problem lies somewhere else... to log in 15 days each month is no problem. it would be best if there was a way to determine if a player is really active and let avys only stay on active accounts. by active i mean really playing not login in each day for a few mins.

  10. yeah i fully support the fact of teh randomness. it should stay random. the only thing i dont like, like many, is the fact that something u spend money on can hurt ur creatures. if it does hurt them or even makes them useless u should at least have an option to undo that damage. disabling would be a possibility too but that gives u too much power and influence over the token. they are supposed to be distributed randomly so that rich players dont get all the advantages and at least have to count in a certain degree of something they cant influence. players who are able to buy credits already have a lot of advantages: better crits, more crits, silver, gold, more features ect. there needs to be at least some degree of balance left between rich and poor players and that is the luck factor when it comes to the token distribution. a rich player might not get his token on the crit he wants because he has 40 maxed crits in his profile. a poor player with only 16 has a higher chance and can then trade it with the rich player. its just fair. giving rich players a lot of influence on how the token work wouldnt be good. i fully understand that it would be great if u can chose if tokens are used in the fight or not it would be great, i would really like that but it would break the concept behind the token. i am very sure that adding an option to delete tokens would give mur a hard time already just because it gives players some degree of influence over the token. that influence was probably never intended. but the fact that something u spend money on end up hurting, limiting u or even make one of the crits u invested much time in useless is something i think should at least be able to be removed. completely delete that token so its gone forever and the credit u spend on it is lost too. thats straightforward and would fix teh problem. in my opinion it doesnt give to much influence over token and is therefore a possible new feature. as much as i like a lot of ideas in this thread i am afraid that they simply go too much against the concept behind token.

  11. i almost got 40 people supporting this idea but 95% were because i send ingame pms. i can only login each day about 2 hours so its impossible to even message 10% of the people playing MD. and i dont think presenting this problem to new players helps so all i have been doing was ask "older" players if they agree. please if u read this and would also like to see a feature added that allows one to delete token that hurt ur creatures say so in the post or send me a pm. i am most of the time idle at berserkers puzzle.

  12. [quote name='King Manu' post='34589' date='Jun 24 2009, 12:31 PM']list, where[/quote]

    sorry for the delay i am very busy lately and in china. i added a list of 22 people so far to my first post. i will keep expanding it in the next days.
    everybody who supports my idea liking a new feature being added that allows u to delete tokens that hurt ur creatures please pm me...

  13. oh well we could go on like this for quite some time ...
    if something u spend real money on in the MDShop ends up hurting u in any way or proofs to be a limitation it would be great to get an option to delete that unwanted token. it wouldnt give u much control about token or anything. it would simple be an option to undo damage u suffered for paying money

  14. [quote name='Burns' post='33111' date='Jun 9 2009, 08:10 PM']and what kind of argumentation is this? :D

    d'ya really think that some player under 1000 atk has the principles that are necessary to make claw 1 work against you? like, over 2000? you do know how much saccing that makes, right? LOL[/quote]

    oh is that so? ever thought about none allaince people hmm? they have fights up to 15 rounds. thats plenty of time to give even with low principles a tree the chance to start weakening u. a lot can happen in 15 rounds and if a fight is that long then it should especially not get messed up in the end because of some miraculous token interferance.
    and besides its not only the claw token that might turn out harmful...

    EDIT to ur EDIT: heh this starts being fun... wouldnt u agree that its much easier to just get rid of the unwanted token on a drachorn(ur example) instead of going through posting, negotiations, having to trust the other, searching, and many other things to set up a successful deal?

  15. lol what kind of argument is this pal?
    u admit that u mess up one of the crits, that u trained and spend a lot of time in plus real money to buy a token, and say ahhh just give it away to some new player and all is fine? there are people out there with just 16 creature slots who might not have the time to get 100+ wins to train a tree back up. and especially not after the disencouraging of spending money for something that ruined it. ohh and no matter what they would get offered they would still be forced to get those wins back on the tree to max it which is time some roleplayers arent willing to infest into fighting. of course if u fight 100 battles a day its no prob and u are strong. but imagen the average player who now has to somehow deal with all the killer defences around because nobody wants losses. they are happy to even gain a bunch of wins especially if all they do are 10fights a day with only 16crit slots.
    and now they need to somehow gain (wait lemme look that up) exactly 150wins because they spend real money on something they hoped would help them but ended up destroying their crit?
    sorry but when i look at this i really have the impression that an option allowing u to delete token that end up being harmful to u would prevent a lot of dissatisfaction.
    and this example was for a tree what if a rare creature suffer under a token u cant replace so easly? and that with only 16crit slots. take the token that leeches 1/5 of the vit from other crits. u got that on a rare creature that doesnt need it and that with only 15 other crits in ur slots. so now u really limited to the possible creatures to put in a ritual. ohh and it might be ur precious rarest crit and the other 15 crits u have in ur profile dont go well together with the new randomly decided and distributed token. that could in a bad combination really mess up ur whole battle strategies.

  16. yeah and i think we arent ment to have so much control about the tokens. thats why i suggested simply an option to delete those u dont want.
    i dont know if it is only me but if i would have some token on a crit that doesnt need them i would rather sacrifice it and get a new one instead of keeping it with useless tokens. it would just hurt my eyes to have a creature boosted with something that isnt neccessary. and even if it does nothing in a fight i would still feel like i have an advantage since my crit has token.
    there should be a begging section on the forum ;P

  17. just had an idea there could be a new item added in the shop giving u the option to do something with unwanted tokens.
    ok then lets collect names... who also thinks that it would be great if there were an option to either delete a token or as nex suggested have a cooldown but be able to discribute it randomly again? or any other idea doing something with the unwanted token?

  18. [quote name='lightsage' post='32844' date='Jun 6 2009, 02:30 PM']Anything to stop people from trading till the tokens are on the creats they want them on?[/quote]

    my frist idea was as well to be able to trade a single token away to be distributed randomly again. but then i realized as lightsage did that u could keep on doing it even with the really good tokens until the crit u want to have it has it. so i came up with the idea to delete it.
    from murs post i got the feeling that he doesnt want to give the player too much power over the tokens. there is already an elite that can afford everything in MD so they shouldnt get their tokens perfectly distributed. thats why i thought the only solution to the problem with having unwanted token was to complete delete them. as i said before u spend money for something u know might not prove valueable (might randomly end up on the wrong crit). but if u did spend money on it u should at least be able to undo the damage it did to one of ur creatures.

  19. [quote name='Lady Ailith' post='32812' date='Jun 5 2009, 06:12 PM']Maybe a solution could be found to discern between creatures getting the tokens. By this I mean, the creatures like trees that are mostly used in non defensive rituals do not get any tokens that are meant to boost certain stats and in doing so, affecting their natural abilities in a way that Lifeline pointed out in his first post.

    I like the tokens, and they have very interesting uses. However I do agree that there is a difference between a token boosting a creature or changing it it in some interesting way and actually affecting the creature in a way that for the most part makes it unable to be used for what it is needed for.

    So maybe keep the random selection, but have certain tokens miss out creatures they might 'damage' in this way.. this would only mean a couple of creatures, I think, as some effects (like the example with the wind drachorn) might make for interesting and imaginitive rit making ^^

    p.s. if not a delete button, then a button where you can choose to make the token active or inactive maybe? You never know, you might regret deleting a token afterwards for some reason.....[/quote]

    yeah a button to switch them on or off would be the same thing but i dont think so much control about them was ment to exist. u could alter a fight too much if u keep switching the token on and off. i think deleting them would be the better option since they are disctributed randomly afterall. random because u should not have 100% control over them. and only those really hurting ur crits are the problem that u wouldnt want to switch on anyway. u buy something so u should be able to get rid of it again if it proves to be hurtfull to u. turning on and off is as i said giving to much power over something that is discributed randomly. but whatever u spend money on should not end up hurting u and curse u forever. if it is a curse u need to have an option to get rid of it not alter it.
    i however dont think that banning some tokens from getting onto specific creatures is good or even possible. and if only with a lot of work. the tree uses power so why would a power boosting token not be able to go on a tree? that wouldnt make sense.

    the problem is that if the tree has too much power it starts weaken defence instead of boosting it. and most players who dont know this will start loosing after some rounds and will most likely not even notice why. i doubt there are many people around who read the entire fightlog and not just the log from the first few rounds. this negative effect would only kick in towards the end and crucial part of the fight. i am sure it wouldnt be noticed and people start wondering why they keep loosing without realising that their trees started hurting them

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