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Everything posted by Lifeline

  1. ah and btw i do have 2 free wishpoints to buy the wish...
  2. hey i just tried to buy the Edit ALL Clickable items wish from the wishpoint shop but it tells me unknown wish when i want to purchase it. it doesnt take my wishpoints and also gives me no new ability. ah and one more thing does the mutate drachorn to windy wish work now? was it fixed?
  3. If so many people complain about this already in a petition that is intended to have mur solve problems in the gameplay (punishing feb, removing him from mp3 or whatever) then i suggest petitioning for something that will eliminate the problem by its root. not just remove one factor of the problem that could easly come back because lets face it the problems are angiens and the fighting mechanics and not a mp3 who legally uses the crits that are harder to get early in the game. angiens dont even need xp at all to be able to uprade to a level where they are capable of fighting. (and with that are already able to cap other people) all they need is 120age and some VE that can easly be gotten even without grinding. if a mp3 shouldnt be able to have a lvl3 angien then same goes for other expensive creatures like birds ect (if u have the vitality to buy and upgrade a bird u can ugrade ur angien as well) what is feb doing? he has really low profile stats, no drachorns, ect. so in oder to get wins for a burst he can only use angiens. otherwise he is the normal average mp3 and will have a hard time getting to his bursts. without breaking any rules he can beat the strongest players which surely is an inviting challenge so he goes for it. so far there is no problem at all, the problem starts when [u][b]angiens give xp to the opponent which is the only real problem![/b][/u] [u][b]so instead of multiple complains against a player who has nothing to do with the real problem i suggest to go for multiple complains against a broken fighting mechanic WHICH IS THE SOURCE OF THE PROBLEM that needs attention and has to get fixed.[/b][/u] if we are lucky mur tries to balance angiens and do something about the unearned xp they give to the opponent. then feb wouldnt pose a problem anymore and we would also have a better game.
  4. my reservation price is 5 gold or the same in a gold silver mix whatever. the bidding is close to that amount already but i will not sell the drach for less than those 5 golds. its a rusty afterall with over 450+ age
  5. ok thanks if no other related question comes from somebody then the topic can get closed.
  6. [quote name='Sasha Lilias' date='13 August 2010 - 09:11 PM' timestamp='1281726710' post='66067'] Bloodpact (I know it only has 13tokens but I am willing to raise my coins also. [/quote] sorry 15token is the absolute minimum i was looking for. if i ever get an archer like that then i expect around 20token. so i cant take that bloodpact offer of urs but keep in mind that i am bidding for ur pimped grasan so we can include that amount into ur offer (that is however stillmuch less than other offers i got here)
  7. If a bestiary is newly bought in the WPShop is it transferable or not? Mur has 2 bestiaries it seems one of them cant be transfered the other can so i am confused
  8. seeing that the postman has lots of the old raw materials i supposed with recent mur ment the new guild material items. the real raw material is over half a year old now that shouldnt be "recent"
  9. until it hits a good price i dunno i am in no rush to sell the drach. this auction will continue for some time. maybe a 1 or 2 weeks.
  10. baiano sry only need an archer with 15+ token. so no to that dragonrider7 i have to many aged angiens myself i dont need another one. and 40 silver is worth much more than the zircon sorry. so highest bid so far: 40silver from manda
  11. selling a rustgold madhorn (rusty) with 448 age. no tokens. highest bidder wins unless the price is to low. coins are prefered but [b]highly tokened(15+ token)[/b] bloodpact or normal chaos archer are cool as well. no other crits. happy bidding xD
  12. Manda delete some of ur messages in ur inbox on forums. i cant send u any message because i guess u have to many messages in ur inbox
  13. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='05 August 2010 - 12:56 PM' timestamp='1281005761' post='65115'] because this might turn into an expensive auction that could drain the winners funds, i think it is fair to tell something about what the next future auction will be, becquse in time there will be more. [/quote] will there ever be an auction where one can offer all kinds of accomplishements? like avatars, wishpoints, creatures, items, ect? or will every future auction be only decided by silver or gold coins?
  14. Pimped Grasan - 15 Silver coins
  15. i disagree. training grounds are fine no matter if they are public established or not. abuse is always possible and of course open training grounds are more likely to produce abuse. but it can just as well be done in private if there is the will. the training grounds help people which is the big difference. the privat places only lead to abuse and the public ones to abuse and helping others. most people go into a martial arts school to learn how to defend themself but some only to attack others and hurt them. of course the martial arts school bring forth more abusing people as some hidden privat training grounds but martial arts schools arent banned by the goverment. its pretty much the same here. help 10 people and with that support 2 abusers. or help nobody and get 1 abuser who trains secretly. plus there is also the possibility that it even encourages abusers to abuse even more because if they setup a privat training ground then they alone can abuse and nobody else(or just a very few people) which makes them even more superior.
  16. lol i hate alliances now xD ...right because i stayed for 1 1/2 years straight in the same alliance without ever jumping out. and now that i am temporary out of one i am permanently in winds sanct without ever leaving it. even if i was perfectly balanced (what is almost impossible for me to even try) none of my arguments would change. how can it be a different view? mp3s and mp4s get attacked by much stronger people so how can that be beneficial for them? xp loosing consumes imensly more time ...so yes right thats a priveledge that helps u. its completely awesome how one can state a few points regarding what he/she thinks of something and directly gets personally attacked for it with some weird examples how it applies on that person. especially those contradiction ones.... first u say i hate alliance because i get attacked and just 2 sentence later u say i dont care about being attacked anyway. its true i dont care about that skilldamage at all but just as u said it certainly has nothing to do with alliances. anyway back on topic: fighting is already hard enough these days so especially some boring time consuming activities like xp loosing should be made better by the community in helping people there. and just as dst said she has 2 alts who did the same thing for over a year. but now that the alts are called lib it suddenly becomes a huge problem...
  17. [quote name='No one' date='12 July 2010 - 12:41 AM' timestamp='1278888106' post='63813'] [size="5"][b]Alliances are not mandatory, they are a privilege.[/b][/size] [/quote] sorry but why are alliances a priviledge? in every single aspect regarding the battle mechanics alliances are nothing but a burden and make ur life harder. - ur round count gets dropped which is almost always very bad. - u cant train decently because all u can do is take but rarely give since people can only attack u all 25minutes. - xp loosing becomes horrible if u dont have huge VE - mp3 and mp4s get killed but much stronger mp5s - the attack for loyality sucks. seeing ur honor reward there is much more useful. and much more important attacking alliance members gives u no honor reward (for those that get it) and the good points? some lously stats u get from housing? which is mostly not even worth mentioning? getting a little less attacked than usually? joining an alliance really screws u. its only good for mp6s otherwise it only handycaps u. just being a normal citizen is 10times better than being in an alliance. one gets punished badly for being in an alliance which should be the other way around in my opinion. with the new regen timers alliances are at least not as bad as they used to be but still very bad so some more regen rit alts are a good idea in my opinion.
  18. when i started playing there was something in the introduction that said even a new player can beat an older one if he sets the correct rituals. or something like that. was that taken out or why are people thinking all that is needed are stats? what makes ridiculously strong rituals are not stats at all! even most tokened creatures can be easly beaten without stats or having token urself. how certain things work in the fighting is what makes u ridiculously strong along with the right set of creatures. those lame profile stats really matter the least and even now with the new crit restrictions its still like that. EDIT: Anatoli i have 10000+ attack stats and i can easly be beaten by people who have no profile attack stats at all even if i set a good ritual.
  19. ? now u completely lost me. i speak of a chain of command in Marind Bell... i cant speak of any other because just as u pointed out alrdy i said that i have nothing to do with sparring grounds. anyway enough of that. if u have issues with the name being violated or stolen or whatever then i suggest that Rhaegar gives it another name. for now i see u doing nothing at all in the PARK and Rhaegar suggesting a nice concept for the PARK. actually we could even move it to wisper alley, champ challenge or anywhere else in Marind Bell. the park is the best location though because its intended for newbies and almost all start at the park. they cant see the orange dots on the worldmap so chances are high that they would miss the location if it were somewhere else. this is intended to be a marind bell project! so if u will forget about sparring grounds or dojo or whatever else for a second and turn to what this is about a new idea for new players and also older ones to learn how to fight. give ur feedback to that please the location really matters the least ...
  20. ok then... [quote name='Shadowseeker' date='04 July 2010 - 10:09 PM' timestamp='1278274158' post='63371'] You regard the SG not as a part of the community, but yours, solely because it is located in MB? You hereby declare this by royal decree, against any resistance by the community? You order him to take it up? And I ask you again. Do you order this, no matter what reaction it shall have? [/quote] SG is community project and "landless". park is marind bell location. since ur question uses a mobile community project/a concept or idea that i cant touch and tie/bind it to a physical location this is the best i can answer with. but if u meant that i consider myself as authority over the sparring grounds then no. NO i have nothing to do with it and no say in its affairs. the king of a land however is free to apply the best concept in his own land. and i do see this one as superior to the current deserted/abandoned sparring grounds for sure. but lets see... this is a topic that asks for the community opinion afterall. so lets not rush stuff. and no i declare/order nothing at all. like i said in other topics before i cant stand how people get attacked for eveything they try and want to help the community with. so what i am doing here is defending Rhaegar in stating that he honored the chain of command and did all that was necessary before merely announcing an idea and his plans.
  21. Shadowseeker u are missing what this topic is about... Rhaegar is stating his plans here and waits for feedback from the community. there is no enforcing or anything so far. he is actually doing what u expect of him asking predecessors or ANYONE else what they think of this or how they feel about this project. [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' date='04 July 2010 - 02:31 PM' timestamp='1278246672' post='63336'] After some feedback, if nothing tries to stop this, I will begin announcing it in game and getting to know newbs with this. [/quote] just incase u overread that
  22. it would have been polite of him to talk with u before it yes but it certainly isnt necessary. let me give u an example here: CEO of a company hires me to replace his old manager who was in charge of staff training. old manager retired and left the company. of course i could come to the old manager and ask him for advice or similar but that would certainly be the exception. he is retired from the job afterall so i have nothing to do with him [u]anymore[/u] even if he was my superviser before. i am really sorry but i dont see ur arguments relating to the situation. Rhaegar applies for a job in [b]Marind Bell[/b] why would he ask a [b]Golemus[/b] alliancemember especially if that person abandoned the place? the park is in Marind Bell and with that I or the council of Marind Bell is the only entity that he needs to talk to. Firsan made a big post about a chain of command in loreroot and yes Marind Bell has one as well and it would be news to me if golemus citizen are included in there. I prefer activity in MD over dead leftover projects that are slowly rotting away. in my opinion Rhaegar is the right person to take charge of the park and whatever happened in his past is of no concern to me. the past is over so i move on and live in the present ...on top of that people change.
  23. [quote name='Shadowseeker' date='04 July 2010 - 03:48 PM' timestamp='1278251320' post='63345'] You seem to misunderstand something. I'm aware that SG lies in Marind Bell, but I ask again: Who did you talk to regarding this before, and who is backing you, going to help you? You didn't answer the question (well). [/quote] I talked with several players about the park and how I would like having a decent training ground there because the place was deserted and nobody cared for it anymore. There were really good plans from a player within Marind Bell before but he sadly has no time atm to care for the dojo. Rhaegar is very enthusiastic about the whole idea and is also mp6 what makes the whole new concept work even better. I talked a long time with him about the park and agreed to his ideas and think they are good. I hope this answers ur question.
  24. [center][size="3"][b]Knights of the Bell[/b][/size] [img]http://img257.imageshack.us/img257/1674/mdkob.jpg[/img] Traditionally the Knights of the Bell were the elite defending and military alliance of Marind Bell but with more seats available and now as main alliance of Marind Bell another section, the pilgrims, will reside within the alliance as well. Pilgrimage in the Knights of the Bell means a journey to one’s centre and a path to greater awareness. A Pilgrim of the Bell has the ability to listen to the voice of the land and to hear its calling in order to give Marind Bell a new face and identity. The alliance is built on three pillars: Knights, Squires and Pilgrims. The knight rank will only be given to the strongest and most capable warriors in Marind Bell. It will stand for courage, loyalty, strength, experience, dedication and honor. They wear their badge with pride and guarantee a safe haven for all Marind Bell citizens. The title of squire will be given to those that show great potential but aren’t ready to be a knight yet. Knighthood is their goal and possible future if they master the various trials and challenges that lie before them. A pilgrim will stand for sociability, charisma, friendliness, benevolence, creativity and uniqueness. They have a strong connection to the land and its citizens. [s]If you feel a sense of belonging to Marind Bell and can identify with the above characteristics the Knights of the Bell is the right place for you. Contact Lifeline to start your journey in Marind Bell and to become part of the Knights of the Bell.[/s][/center] [color="#FF0000"]This is an old Topic, Do not contact Lifeline regarding recruitment to Knights of the Bell. Please Contact Aelis if you wish to join KoB[/color]
  25. its official name is wind DRAGON and not drachorn. and i must highly disagree with u yrth. some stupid example ...lets see...if human is killed and bitten by a vampire he becomes a vampire as well and isnt human anymore. the gg drachorn died in the mutation just like the human who going to become a vampire.
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