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Everything posted by Lifeline
thanks to Tarquinus, Cryxus and everybody else who organized this tournament. it was really excited. to be finally able to compete fair without tokens again was amazing.
23pm to 0am would be best. i would prefer around midnight server time
mp6 is no problem. i just cast holyarmy on cryxus for example and he attacks for me the mp5 who isnt in an alliance. this however only works ofc if i am the attacker and not the other way around. ...so lets just hope all none ally ppl get thrown out as the first xD
sorry i wont have time to participate anymore. please take me off the list EDIT: oh wait its today right? then i might have some time afterall. i will go to lore hidden exit now
then what about me being at the stone of twisted souls and fighting the summoned army for the east quest? why did i do that even when i say i am neutral? because i want change and had the feeling it will bring change. why did i not help u in the necro war? because ur desired outcome would have brought stagnation. u would have destroyed the sentinels completely and removed an interesting part of the game. if u devastate necro what is left to fight for? there needs to be a counterpart, u have to embrace it. its the same with a "paradise" there cant be a real one if its not tainted by evil deeds. nobody would be able to appreciate life if there wasnt pain and a dark side to make them cherish the good moments even more. its a balance both needs to be present in order to assure real living. imagen a "heaven" with only good things in it to happen... that would be the real hell. there would be no purpose nothing to live for and all the joy would become dull very quickly. u get used to it, take it for granted, would have no troubles ... u would decay and stagnate because in order to really feel fulfilled u have to accomplish it urself and not get it served on a golden plate without lifting a finger. but enough of this now i cant explain it well anyway. it had nothing to do with friendship or anything. i think the sentinels and necro are a very important part of the game. they bring more facets to the game. i help and support my friends but surely not assist them in a task that goes completely against my values. but anyway enough with this philosophical stuff. i will stop arguing here now and wont engage in any argumentation anymore. there has been by far enough arguing in this topic that didnt go anywhere and i dont want to keep this more off topic PS: if anybody wants to comment on my philosophies above please pm me i failed to explain it properly here.
[quote name='Liberty4life' date='23 October 2009 - 04:19 PM' timestamp='1256307541' post='45550'] eh yes... to refer back to chews post, yeah that was deal for soe at that meeting and that meeting decided that soe will become just like chew said it while other part of ex soe would get second ally, military based, KOB, that happened but only partially... still mur promised new logo for it as current one was just temporal, in fact mur asked if i want to wait for new logo or to get ally with temporal and i said give me ally with temporal logo, well and i actually pushed him a bit on dsts advice but nvm... well mine point in here is that we could do somethin more about mb (without touchin soe) at that point, but since we were focused on supposed soe event we havent done anythin and well... i also question lifelines view on loyalties to land, becoz he is too much neutral in most cases or he picks side he thinks is in best interest of realm, so its possible situation that he goes against mb, now question is would he put his personal principals on which he build his role in front of mb, or will he stick to interests of mb [/quote] heh what do u want to hear now? a nice speech about how i love MB and would give my life fighting for it? i think everybody is well aware of how i stand. i might have been "too much neutral" so far but is that necessarily a bad thing? u did the extreme other course of action. u waged a war against necro what cost MB a lot and was completely unsuccessful. was betting 1 of MB alliance in the best interest of the land? and were does MB stand right now? u keep saying it is in ruins... so if that is true what is needed is not some leader who is totally obsessed about his love towards the land and willing to wage war against every possible threat but a rebuilder. somebody to restore MB to its former glory and even more. when that is accomplished there might arise issues about being to neutral. but even then there is a balance in the realm between the 4 main lands that should be respected. and what is the only situation when being to neutral is bad? yes in times of war only. when MB is under attack or wants to engage in war, that is the only point of time when being neutral or not affects anything. if MB is under attack i (if i become king) would honor my duties and do everything possible to defend it. now the only case of an offensive strike against another land is left... is that what u are looking for? another war? i understand very well that being king of one land is different from the role i had so far. of course it is. if i do become king i will have another tag for sure and with that tag will act according to that role. i will suffer a loss of neutrality i am aware of that and willing to accept it
lemme get this straight Pip u never even tried to apply for SoE even tho u were interested because u THOUGHT u would get rejected? now u want to become king but had fear of rejection to only ask if u could join an alliance? is this how a king would act? does this show that u are even a little close to any of the 2 MB alliances? and u being in a lot of alliance has nothing to do with it. we never had problems with ppl who were in several alliances before the only problem was when those ppl decided to quickly jump into another alliance and then come back to SoE. only then they were rejected and not because they were in like 2 alliances before. and Kyphis what do u mean with fiasco in necro. both me and chew totally stayed out of the whole thing. none of us supporter Lib and yrth in the war against necro. i even stated before the final battle in a public topic on forums that i wont participate no matter what because it was totally against my values. let me please remind u. i stayed out and as a consequence of the war with which i had nothing to do KoB was lost. a few days ago i managed to get KoB back and it fully belongs to MB again. or wasnt that in the best interest for the land? should i have better left KoB in the hands of necro and surrendered it? and Pip who is this last co-leader u speak of who got kicked and demoted? i have no clue whom u are talking about ... if u mean Lib he wasnt co-leader he was a full leader. and he was never forced to leave the land. he lost his alliance to the sentinels in the war and deceived to leave. ...wait maybe u mean Fenrir. then i am just really disappointed about ur lag of information... Fenrir helped us recruiting for SoE. he was the recruiter and no co-leader. then there happened an incident and HE LEFT SoE. he was never kicked. all i can see here is tons of misinformation. i am really happy that at least some of it could be cleared here. and i encourage everybody to ask if anything is unclear. so please if u have any questions, concerns, comments, whatever post them right here.
i understand that i am running this from a political point of view very bad. because i only promise what i know i can keep unlike pip who for example promises torch rewards that can never be realized. and as for bringing ppl into MB...the only way for sure i can see right now is through the 2 alliances what i want to do. i cant make any promises on the citizen thingy because we got no clue how that will work out. but as i already said and tried to point out in my application i will try to get more ppl into MB. i am a person who will only run with what i feel is possible and dont like giving players nice visions of an illusion that will never be fulfilled. call me politically stupid if u want but that is how i like to keep things. ppl should be sure that i keep what i promise and have ways to realize it.
good that u read my application so well lib -.- i said that i keep KoB as military yes tradition fine. but u sadly have no clue what i am doing. chew and i already got a new recruiter and no its none of ur old ppl somebody new who promises to bring change. and as for SoE i did write that i open it to a much wider range of players! not just seekers... whats that to u tradition? no! its a complete restructure ...new sections will be added for much more players. when i speak of rebuilding i know what i am talking about. but i dont get ur logic in here anyway. u say u would vote for chew who wants to do the same as me but then say that i am not capable of rebuilding MB because of my and chews policy which u didnt read or totally misinterpreted? but ok here is my applications again (with one paragraph added) so u can reread it and not miss key things anymore: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I decided to candidate for kingship of Marind Bell. Chewett and I have both agreed that for a strong land a united leadership is necessary to give a clear vision and purpose to all citizens. Inner quarrels for power just weaken the land and bring unrest. We both want the best for Marind Bell and therefore will only act in its best interest and as always co-operate. The war has weakened Marind Bell and the alliances need to be restructured and rebuild. This can only be accomplished if we support each other. We have agreed on the same goal, the same policy, and the same vision. Chewett as council leader will be helping, supporting and advising me. My main task at first will be to restructure the alliances. [b]Marind Bell alliances will expand[/b]. Up until now we only accepted “Seekers” into Seekers of Enlightenment and strong military players into Knights of the Bell. KoB will stay the military alliance of Marind Bell but [b]SoE on the other hand will become more player friendly and not just recruit one kind of people. We will have different sections within the alliance open to a wider range of players.[/b] Diplomatic relationships to other lands are very important to ensure that no unnecessary wars and conflicts break out. Therefore I will cultivate my existing friendships with Loreroot and Golemus and improve my relationships with Necro. There should be a good level of communication between the lands to assure a state of better understanding. Marind Bell will keep its tradition as homeland to all those seeking knowledge and hoping to unfold its secrets. The home of Angiens and a place for all those wishing to understand them better and seeking contact. [b]We will improve on its history by offering new objectives for explorers and fighters alike.[/b] I have been member of Seekers of Enlightenment since winter last year and became leader of the alliance about 4 month ago. Just a few days ago KoB was handed back to me and fully belongs to Marind Bell again. Now that all MB alliances are under our control again the first step towards an improved and unified Marind Bell is accomplished and the rebuilding will be a much easier task to follow. Short summary: - Strengthen Marind Bell with an already united leadership to make it a powerful and unique land - Rebuild KoB (Knights of the Bell) which was just handed back to me and make it the defending and military alliance of MB - [b]Restructure SoE (Seekers of Enlightenment) by opening it to a wider range of players and being more players friendly[/b] - Cultivate and improve diplomatic relationships with the other lands - Improve the history of Marind Bell - [b]Offer new objectives for explorers and fighters[/b] EDIT: lib i highlighted the parts u seemed to miss last time u read it. those parts that speak of change and MB alliance expanding with new ppl.
[quote name='Pipstickz' date='22 October 2009 - 01:01 AM' timestamp='1256166077' post='45391'] Lifeline, the main point I'm getting from your post is "You've never been affiliated with Marind Bell, so why run for king?" Where does it say I have to be a long-time citizen to be king? I have ideas to make Marind Bell a better place, in my opinion, and I'd like to try and put them into action. What I don't know I can learn through interaction with alliance leaders and members. As an example, if there was a war we weren't involved in, and you, Lifeline, wanted to attack or assist someone, while the other alliance members didn't, we wouldn't. You, acting alone, could, if you wanted to, but if the rest of the alliance (and citizens, for that matter) wouldn't have to. And to Shadowseeker, I didn't mean to say that you can't run the Sparring Grounds yourself, I'd just like to help in any way I can, as it's a big part of Marind Bell ^^ [/quote] of course it doesnt say anywhere that a strong background with the land is needed. and i am happy that u show interest in the land and want to improve it. i only see problems arising if there is a lag of communication between the king and ppl within the land. in my opinion the king should first of all represent his people and their values. if a king has been very little affiliated with the land and its inhabitants it is very likely that he wont be able to run any projects because he simply has no backup from his own citizen within the land. i am simply concerned about the well beeing of the land and dont want to see an event like in golemus repeated. where ppl within the land try to dispose of their king because he lags identification with them. for the already weakened MB that would be devasting and a horrible fate.
[quote name='Pipstickz' date='21 October 2009 - 04:54 AM' timestamp='1256093663' post='45326'] I am running for king of Marind Bell because I think it should be a more neutral land, being the most publicly available land (neutral lands not counting), but still have an opinion, and the ability to enforce that opinion. I think Marind Bell SHOULD have a very strong fighting force, but the fighting force should be more applied to the defense or Marind Bell, not offense. I'd like to try and take the community's opinions into consideration when making decisions, because a ruler that disregards his people isn't really a ruler, is he? As King I would ensure that Marind Bell remains the open land to all and peaceful, Also when given the authority I would ensure and Unbiased reward system for people who do participate in the torch competition as it is not only those of the alliances of Marind Bell whom do so. As King I would work to keep all political ties peaceful and ensure that there are no rash, shameful actions such as with the last war against Necrovion. I would fully support the researching and defense as those are the alliance's goals, but keep things flowing in such a way that there will, hopefully, not be a need for defense other than for the sake of friendly competition. I would also use the power given to me as king to offer full support to the sparring grounds as they have been always been a crucial part of Marind Bell. My diplomatic goal for Marind Bell is to be friendly to all lands, but then again, most public doesn't necessarily mean most defenseless. I would like to try a competition for most stats gained in a week, running once per month, perhaps at the same time as heads contest. Also, I promise to put a Canadian flag on top of Winds Sanctuary PS: I don't really promise to plant a Canadian flag on Winds, or anywhere in MD, but it can't hurt to try! Key Points: -Keeping Marind Bell Peaceful by improving diplomatic relations with other lands -Fair Rewards to those supporting the Land -Encouraging Defense of Marind Bell -Support for the Sparring Grounds -Fair decisions with in Mind with all the citizens of Marind Bell Open for discussion and the like ^^ Oh, and in case you didn't realize, yeah, I'm running for king PS: Refer to Key Points if you're too lazy to read through the whole thing. [/quote] yay i was already scared that i was running alone for kingship. now we wont have a boring election great. but since this is an open debate i will ask some questions as well. i am in SoE since winter last year and i never saw u once having any interest in the land or the alliance. i see this coming very quickly. mind explaining ur affiliation to MB here? u know being part of any of the MB alliances or caring for the land for which reason ect... and how do u plan to do anything with the alliances (e.g. KoB forming a strong defense) if u arent member of that alliance and dont know how it was handled in the past? SoE is for example the main alliance with 50 seats of the land. how are u affiliated to it? know members and leadership structures? i think a king should first of all be close to his own ppl in the land. know about the leadership structures to be able to co-operate with them easily. nothing is worse than a land torn between the alliance and a king who cant communicate with them. i am well aware that everybody can vote for the king of a land but isnt the support from the ppl within the land most important? at least that is what started this whole thing with trying to remove yrth. how many good relationships with ppl inside Marind Bell do u have to safely say u wont run a land without its most loyal ppl backing u up? lets take KoB (being the military and defending alliance of MB) for example because u want to form a strong defense for MB. KoB was just a few days ago handed back to me by Jester. i have the same plans for the alliance as u. so here my question? how do u plan to influence the alliance if u were never member of it and the ppl within it are loyal to somebody else? about those fair rewards: u spoke of the torch competition...i am sure u know very well that MB was never able to score a single point in the torch competition and if the torch competition doesnt change it will never stand a chance to win a single point even if u have the strongest military of all lands. so how can u distribute fair rewards if there never will be any? in the next part u speak of supporting the researching because its the alliances goal. do u have any idea were MB stands in its researches? what the alliance accomplished in research and how far they have gotten?
i think its very important to finish all or most of the unfinished features. otherwise it will just become a habit to always start something which is a great idea but then not finish it because another great idea comes to mind. players will be waiting for the change or fix or whatever it is and just keep getting disappointed that it never happens. for example token and the WPShop would be in my opinion very important to fix or bring closer to completion. and having illusions ready would be awesome as well. i would think its best to finish the king stuff and citizenship and whatever else falls into that section. then only focus on unfinished stuff and finish it (token, WPShop, illusions, spells, spelldocs, ect). then announce alpha10 and start bringing all the new ideas into the game
i dont really have creatures right now but i will join anyway. a tournament is fun and finally no lame token!
alright then u will get a clear answer but u cant expect me to provide all inner politic informations here. the answer: it of course depends on the situation... alliance matters: the king is the king of the land and has a say in alliance matters. however the alliances are a strutured system in itself with its own leader. the leader of the alliance will have the main decision power. the king cant force any policy on an alliance he doesnt lead within the land. military affairs: once KoB is fully established again it will be the militray force of the land as it used to be. how to act in a war will be decided by the king and the alliance leader of KoB. i have seriously trained for 2 month and posses a strong army (creatures, stats, principles, ect). if i think i need to be involved in any war i as a player of magicduel will join the war myself no matter if anybody is against it. i might be a king (if i get elected) but i build my strenght, the only strenght used in that fight, before i became king so i will use it as i think is right. chewett has no say in that matter because its what i owned before becoming king. no member of SoE will have any say in how the land acts during the time of war. why? because they are no fighters and dont participate in the war no matter what. the war is not their business. spectactors shouldnt meddle in the affairs of fighters who risk everything at the front in a fierce battle. KoB isnt where it once was it still suffers from the consequences of the war. i dont know yet who the leader of KoB will be. so i cant tell anybody yet to what kind of arangements we will come. u will have to be statisfied with this explanation. to summarize it quickly: king and KoB leader will have the full saying in how war situations are handled. SoE members can advise on how to react in the war but cant stop the militray from launching. here u go hope u are statisfied now. the king cant force a policy on any alliance he doesnt lead himself. and all military affairs will be handled completely by the king and the leader of KoB
Truthspeaker here is a quote from my initial post that clearifies the situation [quote name='Lifeline' date='14 October 2009 - 07:12 PM' timestamp='1255540367' post='44670'] We have agreed on the same goal, the same policy, and the same vision. I will candidate for the kingship of Marind Bell with Chewett as council leader helping, supporting and advising me. [/quote] i think along with my other posts nothing more is needed to explain how things will be in case i win
a council is doing what a council normally should. advising, helping, supporting, ect. i am sorry but i dont get the question... to me its totally clear what a council is for. in many cultures and in history a king had a council. and otherwise as i stated chew and i have the same goal ect. its very unlikely that we will still disagree with eachother after a discussion of all facts. chew is a good friend and will be free to do as he thinks right. but it seems like i have to remind u again. we are here to act in the best interest of Marind Bell and to ensure that it blossoms. it is perfectly clear to us that we want and have to work together to help the land grow.
[quote name='Liberty4life' date='14 October 2009 - 08:56 PM' timestamp='1255546567' post='44681'] i wont go for king of bell thats for sure and no lifeline ya missed something, kob is under necro, and i wasnt forced to leave, it was my own decision, and cless is leader by loyalty but he has to do as necros say, if he doesnt he is then opposing necros which rightfully acquired kob, so ya will have to make diplomatic deal with necros about kob, or second choice is to do it by force (kick necros out of kob) [/quote] ok fine i interpreted the enemy in ur own alliance as u being forced to leave because who would like to stay in the alliance like that. and in my point of view it wasnt taken over. taking over means taking the alliance by becoming new leader. this didnt happen. anyway i am well aware of the little possibilities there are. and as i said the current situation is unacceptable and will be changed one way or the other.
KoB wasnt taken over. Lib was forced to leave and Sentinels were invited. currently cless is the leader (who has been in SoE and later in KoB for more than half a year) but yes the alliance cant stay the way it is now. as i said in the initial post there will be changes. and dst as for other candidates who knows lets see. nobody expected Lib to go for kingship of necro as well
Chewett and I have been discussing the kingship for a long time. We have both agreed that for a strong land a united leadership is necessary to give a clear vision and purpose to all citizens. Inner quarrels for power just weaken the land and bring unrest. We both want the best for Marind Bell and therefore will only act in its best interest and as always co-operate. The war has weakened Marind Bell and the alliances need to be restructured and rebuild. This can only be accomplished if we support each other. We have decided that I will candidate for kingship of Marind Bell. We have agreed on the same goal, the same policy, and the same vision. I will candidate for the kingship of Marind Bell with Chewett as council leader helping, supporting and advising me. My main task at first will be to restructure the alliances. Marind Bell alliances will expand. Up until now we only accepted “Seekers” into SoE and strong military players into KoB. KoB will stay the military alliance of Marind Bell and drastic measures will soon be taken to rebuild it. SoE on the other hand will become more player friendly and not just recruit one kind of people. We will have different sections within the alliance open to a wider range of players. There are however several factors that prevent us from making the new policy of SoE public yet. I kindly ask you to be patient and trust into the love Chewett and I have for Marind Bell. Marind Bell will keep its tradition as homeland to all those seeking knowledge and hoping to unfold its secrets. The home of Angiens and a place for all those wishing to understand them better and seeking contact. We will improve on its history by offering new objectives for explorers and fighters alike. This has been all decided before the introduction of kingship. So no matter who becomes king, Chewett and I will stick to what is said above. We will always make efforts to help Marind Bell flourish and pass on its legacy. I am posting this so early because I wish for a debate. I want everybody to be clear about what I have in mind for Marind Bell. If anybody has any questions feel free to ask in this topic.
[quote name='awiiya' date='14 October 2009 - 05:58 AM' timestamp='1255492718' post='44633'] And so it goes. Kings are a mistake, a large mistake. No one is fit to fill the role of a King, and anyone attempting it will quickly be treated with contempt by their subjects, who will feel dejected and uncared for. Awi [/quote] i heard this several times now. and i must admit that the chances are high for it to happen. but it always depends on how the leadership of the land works even if there is a central king. if there is a clear structure and policy kings can succeed. it will be a challenging path and it is easy to fail at one point but lets not be to quick with these assumptions.
[quote name='dst' date='14 October 2009 - 01:33 AM' timestamp='1255476834' post='44604'] It's not about trust. It's about the fun they provide . Lib's arguments are delicious [/quote] glad u liked it writing that application was amazingly funny. i got really excited. but i wont repeat myself here i commented on that in the kings topic already
i had to really pull myself together not to reply sooner but i just had to wait until the election ended. all these responses were just amazing. to me this was a joke as most probably knew. i enjoyed writing the application even if nothing would go more into contradiction with my role. it was real fun. but dont understand me wrong please. Lib was serious about it
do not forget the second purpose behind this: we want to force...errrr ah yes! bestow the throne of Marind Bell to the honorable dst
the realm is boiling... u have been wondering what this is all about. u shall not have to wait any longer. nobody dared to make his/her application public before the election and didnt wanted to face the masses and their criticism. we however are ready to face the enemy anytime. so here as promised the application for Liberty's kingship: What was once a prosperous land with a bright future is now the twisted land of Necrovion. Deathmarrow and the Shades have tainted the land and taken it from its rightful proprietary – Ourselves. We have had enough madness and corruption in the realm! The last war in Necrovion itself has shown that very well. Such a tainting of once resourceful and sacred human lands cannot be allowed anymore. Enough with feeling helpless! Enough with feeling manipulated! Enough with feeling corrupted! Let us turn our blade against what opposes our very nature. The pain and suffering shall end here. Therefore I candidate for kingship of Necrovion to reclaim the land from the plague called Shades. We have all seen that shades aren’t even able to protect their own land. They failed twice not only did the Summoned Army stand no chance vs human fighters including necrovion sentinels after the war; but even a few month before it was defeated by thief’s stealing from the land. The so fearful Shade Sentinel itself could do nothing more than swear revenge and stay helpless and was only able to watch how its land got pillaged. It is obvious that Shades are unfit and cant even reign their own land. And they corrupt everything that presents good values. We, the humans, cant allow this much longer. Shades are useless without the humans. So I will take the necrovion alliance and cut the shades from all their supporters. Why should once peaceful and sacred lands serve as a prison for the mad? Since not too long ago we have an own prison. So all those twisted beings that support the Shades will be exiled into our own jails. Then I will tear down the wall around Necrovion and reclaim the land step by step. If you appreciate human values and have had enough of foul creatures tormenting you and your family then join me and help restore the former prime of our civilization! Application sponsored and written by Lifeline © Lifeline Inc. and Co.
[quote name='dst' date='11 October 2009 - 09:16 PM' timestamp='1255288567' post='44403'] If Lib wins kingship for Necro I will apply for queen of MB [/quote] i will hold u on that dst! i wrote libs application afterall xD