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Everything posted by Lifeline

  1. to Kafuuka and Sharpwind, Mur told me that if i want my alts back i should make a poll on forums and he will decided based on the result of the poll. all my carrier accounts got banned as u can see. other accounts that mur didnt detect are nothing but normal mp3s or mp4s that have archers elemtents and the normal crits an account needs to survive here.
  2. by the way if u want to check those accounts i would like to have back they are: CarrierC with my really old beloved crits (very first ones i ever bought) CarrierD same as above but also withe expensive premium crits like 2 nutcracker and a soulweaver Jareth mp3 i am playing since last year. i really love that account all the other accounts including those that didnt store creatures can stay banned.
  3. u guys are awesome ... i wanted to make this simple and only state the important facts and u guys dig like crazy to reveal that even the banning was done totally wrong. what am i supposed to say now? that the banning system doesnt work properly? oh well now u will have to read a huge explanation: as u can see in the announcement none of the accounts i really play on (Lifeline, LifeIine and 2 more i would like to keep secret) were mentioned? why? because mur never knew it was me. it is said that Yunain is the main account. the fun aspect of that is that i log onto Yunain maybe once a month and it isnt even my account. so i asked mur what he did, why he would ban alts and even give the warning to an alt. his reply revealed that he really didnt knew it was me. i wanted to sort the thing out and decided to hurt myself even more and tell him that it was me. i gave him the best explanation i could why his system could only track 80% of my accounts and not the rest that i used at the very same day. as u can see from teh amounts of accounts i normally dont log into all of them at the same day. it was actually the 1 and only day in the month that i logged on all to activate them. that is why i exactly know on which day they were tracked. i was on 3 more accounts on the very same day and mur wasnt able to detect them. now dont worry those are also normal accounts that have nothing to do with any crit storing. and please note the names. i obviously named them carrier ... the players from germany list was full of carriers so at least everybody from germany could see that somebody made tons of mule accounts. why did i name them like that? because i thought its legal to store crits on them. if i had believed that i was doing something illegal i would have given them a proper name IF i wanted to cheat. but back on topic i told mur it was actually me who owned all those accounts and he told me the banning was because they stored and aged creatures. if i hadnt told mur he would have never knew that it was me and i would still not even have a warning... why did i walk even deeper into the shit and told mur it was me? because i am not a person who wants to cheat. i never meant to cheat the system or do anything bad. so i felt i should tell mur that he couldnt track the main account and that his banning system has flaws. also note the date when the banning was done. why did i made the topic 3 weeks later? because i didnt want to reveal that the banning system is faulty and gives u possibilities to go around it. so now u got the whole story. i made the whole thing look worse than it actually was because i didnt want to reveal how much went wrong in the system here. i risked to appear more of a "cheater" and waited 3 weeks for that... but u guys now forced me to reveal the whole story but to say something positive: thank u very much Granos and Unbelievable Power for ur words and also thanks a lot to all those who support me here
  4. [quote name='Guybrush Threepwood' date='11 September 2009 - 11:07 PM' timestamp='1252703245' post='41555'] For some reason I feel that Lifeline was not the only one two store massive amounts of TSs on alts... Is there something more to this? Or was it explicitly stated that that is exactly why, storing these TSs, was the cause for the ban? [/quote] i was really suprised to see my alts banned and didnt understand why so i asked mur. he told me they were banned because i used several alts to store and age creatures.
  5. [quote name='Chewett' date='11 September 2009 - 08:04 AM' timestamp='1252649057' post='41496'] Can we have some more infomation about your alts? since really most people will be guessing now about what they think [/quote] i am not quite sure what u mean but if u need more info sure. 1 mp3 that got banned that has normal crits archers grasans elemetals ect. it was never involved in any trading (i think 3 month ago i did 1 trade on it or so cant remember)or anything at all (the mp3 i speak of i would like to have back) then 2 mp3 accounts that never fought a single battle expect against the shades in the prologue. i just made them to put my creatures from Lifeline on it when i bought token on Lifeline. i never transfered the crits back. (my old original crits 1 of each from the first day i started playing. including a lot of premium crits) and the rest are accounts that have only fought the shades in the prologue no other battles and had stored masses of 1 single creature. for example 16 tormented souls. those accounts is were i broke the rules i never knew would apply like that. so i fully understand that those accounts stay banned. but the mp3 for example had nothing to do with anything at all. and the 2 others that hold Lifelines old crits were never meant for any trading benefit or for whatever they could get abused. just to keep my old crits on them until i need them again. i didnt want to lose any more age on them so i just kept them on the mp3 accounts and didnt trade them back i didnt understand why they were banned and asked mur. he told me because i used them to store creatures... hence only to benefit my main. so again i ask to ban all those accounts that really did store creatures in an abusive way (liek 16 tormented souls) but i would like the 3 accounts back that were never meant to deal any harm in trading or whatever. those that just have my old creatures which i left on them
  6. first of all this topic should serve as a warning because i am sure the same thing could happen to a lot of people here. ok so to start. almost all my alts got banned because i used them to store creatures. originally i did it because i bought token. i send all my creatures on Lifeline to alts to get the token on the correct crits. because i didnt need my other crits and wanted to keep the highest possible age i just left them on the alts. that were for example a soulweaver, 2 nutcracker, one of the oldest angien from before they got released to teh public and others. but now to be honest i have to admit that i started buying tormented souls and put them on the alts as well. lots of tormented souls... i never knew, like everybody i talked to, that it was forbidden to store crits on ur alts. of course u are using multiple accounts for ur gains but whenever i read that rule "not to use alts to benefit ur main account" i interpereted it as giving wins to ur main and stuff like that and not sending crits back and forth. ok so to make it short i fully understand that those accounts holding only 16 tormented souls and similar stuff shoudl stay banned. i understand that that is abusive indeed and that is why those accounts should stay banned. but i would like to get my beloved mp3 back that didnt store any crits at all. its just a mp3 with normal mp3 creatures. and the 2 accounts with the old creatures from Lifeline. i kept my age old aramor, barren soul and all those crits because i love them i cant replace them anymore... if i loose them then i will loose the only crits i am willing to fight with. before teh CTC i used to always have a full profile because i kept at least the first crit of each type i ever trained and played with. i never sacced them even when they had 1000wins i send them to an alt because i love them. they have a place in my hearth and cant be replaced buy new crits i recruit ...sorry for the spamming i am just a sentimental fool who cant get over his lost babies well i am making a poll just like unbelievable power to get those 3 accounts back that only have my old (2accs) or normal creatures (the mp3 i play on sometimes) that i will never trade away anyway. the other accounts can stay banned that is fine with me, i will loose all my old angiens as well but that is a price i am willing to pay
  7. hmm true ok then here another idea: new feature that token can only be used 10-20 times a day (random number). when u set ur ritual there is another box just below the set as def rit that says use token. (if u click on it the rit will use token if u leave it empty it wont) if u bind a def rit that uses token and get attack ur uses per day just get used up. then token couldnt be completely abused. u just have limited uses of them per day and setting them in a def rit could cost u ur charges very quickly. so for important fights u save ur token and otherwise fight without.
  8. [quote name='Death Bell' date='27 August 2009 - 11:58 PM' timestamp='1251410297' post='40357'] wont removing the init stat from claw 3 fix everything ?? for most people all are saying is that they lose for people do first hit because of claw 3's init boost.. so if u remove that then what a normal player has to do is train his VE like crazy i think [/quote] i have been thinking more about tokens lately and agree with Death Bell - removing the initiative boost from claw3 completely would help a lot. to beat a rit with huge attack and defense is still possible but if on top of that an insane amount of ini is added and allows the opponent to attack with 6 creatures in the first turn its truelly overpowered. and especially initiative is one of the hardest skills to get. having a token boost it into ridiculous amounts is to overpowered. the small 20% boost for initiative on blooddrop token for example are still because it will then be a small value being added, but one token giving a crit only 100 initiative is already to unbalanced. so yeah removing claw3s initiative boost will balance the fighting system a lot. a smart fighter can deal with a ritual that has huge attack because of token.
  9. i can just say read my post again more carefully its all said in there. and besides just because u guys are all on mp5 consider mp4 as well. on mp4 token help u almost not at all but a rusty makes u overpowered. and buying minimum token for claw3s and darksky is still 72$ thats more than single rusty. and no tokens on mp4 have a chance vs a rusty. in token u have to invest a lot of work. u have to train principles...u can only do that with loosing xp. u also have to transfer crits ect... its a huge time investing. most important u are forced to grind to make them useful. for a rusty u need to do nothing at all. u just buy it and kill everything on mp4 that doesnt have one once its max. for people that didnt train much on mp5 a rusty will still be better than tons of token
  10. everybody in here seems fine with the rusty which is much stronger than token for average players!!! dont u guys realize that the only "cheap" token u can buy are the claw1 and 2? darksky is deep in the shop (u have to exhaust 3 branches before u get to it. and minumum is 2x12 and 1x18 = 42credits). that are 42credits to just have a chance for darksky no gurantee! for 54 credits u get a rusty and 3 other premium crits. and claw 3 (the one most people complain about)is the very last token branch so even worth more than a rusty alone. every average guy wins over another average guy if he has a rusty. that is a simple fact. and on mp4 no matter how much u train token will never save u from a rusty even if u invest twice the amount of credits. so overthink this 42credits to just have a chance for darksky along with other bad aspects like random distribution and low chance to happen. so u spend 42 credits that most ppl dont have on an alt so u are also forced to send all ur other crits away. making them loose all wins xp ect and a huge age loss because u need to send them back and forth. and dont forget that only darkness principle helps darksky so its weakened even more. ok now claw 3: minimum credits invested to get it is 54$! with that u can already buy a rusty and 3 pimps. EDIT: if u exhaust darkseries u have to spend 18credits and exhausting light takes 12. u spend 72$ on those token and dont even have all (u missed 3entire branches). plus all the trouble with getting them on the rigth crits ect. Exhausting all token takes 120$ and that is no matter how u look at it even worth more than 2rusties, 6pimps and 2gold. so...if u want nice token on ur crits u can just buy 2 rusties for almost the same price. now 2 rustys 2 antifreeze 2 freeze and huge attack power which u can compare to token. how good have ur principles to be to beat 2 rusties with normal creatures? above average for sure. and now if u have a gg drachy then i can stop right away because then the drachorns will own any above average token player with normal crits. and now dont tell me about shopresets ect. its way easier to buy 2 rusties even if u are a new player then to get the right token on the right creatures. so before u keep complaining and trying to balance the fighting equal tokens to 2 rusties in the rit. in conclusion the only token i see that needs to really be lowered because it is easly buyable and gettable is the claw2. that is unfair indeed. u buy 12claw token to have claw2 on 6crits (if u only have 6 crits to begin with) that do insane damage then. and that for just 12credits. that is indeed overpowered. so if u think about fair balancing lower the claw2. darksky and claw3 are almost equal 2 rusties, 6pimps and 2gold and i think u all know how unbeatable 2 rusties are for somebody who doesnt have one EDIT: 120$ = all token (that with random distribution. and claw3 max on 4 crits if u want to make sure that all get it. if u buy it for 5 crits u might end up with only 3 claw3. and darksky is useless for 50% of all players because without darkness principle it does nothing at all) 110$ = 2 rusties, 6pimps and 2 gold
  11. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='11 August 2009 - 12:38 PM' timestamp='1249987133' post='39193'] What do you say about the new way of using principles based tokens (more skills/ve VS principles tokens) ? [/quote] i like it. if somebody cant afford token he still has a chance to beat a token rit with his stats. because if the token rit is strong principleswise less stats are in it. its balancing the token vs nontoken a lot more. at least for the average person with average principles. with insanly high principles it doesnt matter anymore anyway but i think its a step in the right direction
  12. Its time to announce a role development now that all the planning has been done. As many of you probably noticed I am a mp6 with over 80 worshipers since some time. I decided to finally go to mp6 planning to become a protector for all those walking the path of knowledge. Everybody who desires better understanding and keeps questioning... This is a new role I will take because I respect the trait of seeking knowledge. That will be the only requirement to get spell support from me. I have really high briskness and am always at max heat anyway so nobody will have to adept or worship me for this. But that is not all, those that show potential and are dedicated will be able to join the inner group. People who really actively do researches and seek a better understanding of this realm. Other members of the group and I will share their knowledge with those that are truly worthy. There will be for now an undisclosed ranking system within the group with instructors such as Udgard, yrthilian, Firsanthalas, Tarquinus and Peace. As you can see it will be a completely neutral group open to players from every land, no matter if it is Necrovion or Golemus. I have at least one representative from each of the four main lands available to guide members that take particular interest in one land. Now let me make this clear it doesnt matter to me if your character tries to spread war or has any ill intentions. This group is for people who seek knowledge and values freedom highly. I mentioned a ranking system within the group already so dont expect to get any valueable information without really showing commitment, involvement and most important a feeling of how to wield the weapon called knowledge. This is not an alliance, wont have a K-Doc and is only meant for a small circle of players who really fit in it. Its purpose is to develop skills and potential that is already there. If you think I am talking about you here contact me in Magic Duel. But be warned I am deeper in the Lands of the East than the current map allows to freely travel to. Until I come back you will have to find a way to contact me somehow. Everybody who is able to will have a better chance to join.
  13. i want to make something clear i think most players dont understand: no matter how much u lower the boost of token a player with lots of token on a crit will still always beat one without. here an example: max boost of claw2 = 300attack (which would be insanely low), max boost of darksky 600, max boost of claw3 300. that would still be 1200 attack and 600 ini on one single crit. to get the same effect from stats alone in a 6 crit ritual u would have to have 7200attack and 3600ini. now tell me how many people have that? that single crit would still wipe out all competition and i didnt even took vitality %boosts, antifreeze, ect into consideration. and even if u drop the boost of token even more having those token on all of my 6 crits in a ritual i will still always win against players with no token at all. most players want token balanced because there is no chance to win with a tokenless ritual vs a token rit. that wont change anyway! think again about the values above. to get all those token u have to spend a lot of money in the MDShop and u also need an alt to buy it or get rid of all ur other creatures to get them on ur wanted crit. who would do that for a low boost of only 300 attack for a claw2 if u dont even know which crit will get it and with no guarantee to even get the claw2 because it might give u a claw1. to even get the chance for a darksky token u have to exhaust 2 other series completely so if u dont buy all at once all u will get is a lousy 300attack boost for claw2 and nothing mentionable besides that. if the boost are that low then either people will stay away from token completely (because its not worth it to have some token on some crits. below 30credits u cant even get darksky or claw3. then just getting credits on an alt to buy a rusty would be much better) or they will get lots of token on all crits (10+ or so on the same crit) and then still be able to kill everybody. and no u cant limit the number of token on a crit anymore because some people already have 10+ token on a single crit. i am sorry to destroy ur hopes of being able to compete with token rits if u cant afford token urself but no matter how this is changed it wont be possible anymore
  14. yeah i knew it was an awesome idea. u got my vote!
  15. lol lib what kind of crappy games do u play? ok to avoid looking like a spammer let me think of something constructive to put in here....hmmm....ahh...mhhh....cant think of anything...dammit *dances and writes something into his book* ah that was very bad rp and rp wont save me here anyway. i still look like a spammer ...crap no seriously MD doesnt need a police to watch everything going on. rules just limit freedom and alt abuse isnt really that bad to be worth the trouble. i mean come on! all u get is age on crits and awesome vit and vp boosts. and i personally am even to lazy to do that. its simply not worth it as somebody said already. if u want to monitor possible abuses do it for wish points. that is the only thing important enough to be monitored.
  16. i see this thread with high chances to win the worst thread of year 09 category people use alts to get age on their crits and then trade them to their main. so what!? everybody can do that so there is nothing unfair at all. if ur moral standards tell u that is cheating, well then that is ur problem but certainly not a "mistake" of the game that needs to be changed. look perm stats and principles are the fruits from training that crit after it was transferred and then sacing it. the only thing that is abuseable are the VP and Vit boost. so the only half decent way would be to only remove the vit and vp boost from transferred crits. but what about real crit trades between 2 different players? it would cost all players trading normally vit and vp boost ... how fair is that? and what about people playing 2 completely different roles? like one honorable knight that protects bob for example but at other times they prefer to play a character that is dunno an evil necromancer or something like that. there are a lot of players that invest a lot of time in multiple characters and dont use alts to only transfer crits.
  17. its true that the damage boost from darksky and claws is too high. lowering the added value is a good idea. but do NOT make it like this: first attack boost(claw2) will give the full amount 100%, the second (darksky) only gives 50% of the amount, the 3rd (calw3) 20% ect. that would totally destroy the way how token stack on each other. there are insanely high principles out there so i think the best option would be for darksky for example to add the full amount until a certain point and then lower it more and more. like darksky gives attack equal to dark principle until point A, after point A it adds 50% of the principles to attack until point B and after point B only 10% or something like that. claw2: balance out the attack boost. lower bonus kellethafire: lower the defence boost a lot firedrop: adds way too much vitality in some cases so balance that one as well darksky: balance out the attack boost. lower bonus claw3: ballance out all 3 boosts as for sunshine and other token that give a %boost. if the above tokens are balanced out and the bonus is much smaller so will be the % bonus of the sunshine automatically. it needs no changes at all if the damage boosting tokens get much lower bonuses. enlightening is fine in my point of view. if somebody has 8k wins on his crit and doesnt use to sac it its ok to give him 8k more attack. in my whole MD time i had 6 creatures with around 7k wins. all other creatures were barely above their win req to max. and about 4 more or so with around 3k wins. blooddrop2: its a rare principle combination ...hmm i dont really know. but an elemental with perm antifreeze is very deadly in the headcontest on mp4 for example. so perm antifreeze might be something that is too overpowered. open for debate EDIT: ah and also this is a great opportunity for me to bring up the token deletion feature with around 60 supporters again xD
  18. he is a mp5! why are mp5s still using the dojo anyway. if u managed to get around 5mil xp to get to mp5 u clearly dont need special protection anymore because u are too weak. i fully understand that the dojo is really nice for mp3s and mp4s but come on mp5s really dont need it. and a ban for such a violation is way over the top
  19. i like the idea. most of my adepts ask me "what should i do now are there any quests left in the game i just got into loreroot?" they dont even see that rpc have quests even if they already made it into loreroot and probably are worried that the game is about to finish for them now. if there were such a page for all to see they would quickly understand that the game is about more than just beating the few ingame quests and getting to mp5. and if there is one please for all. its especially the new players that want to know how much the game offers to them. and if they see that they dont meet the requirements for some quests that might give them more motivation to reach those set requirements.
  20. i cant delete pms anymore. it tells me retry in 5min. but now it has been 3 hours. i saved very important pms which are not in my list anymore right now. because i got 50pms in the last 2hours. it is very important for me to keep my old pms i would be really screwed if they were gone. i hope i can soon delete all the incoming new pms again to get to my important ones
  21. [quote name='Granos' date='08 July 2009 - 12:31 AM' timestamp='1247009460' post='36521'] Adeptrewards, ways to reward adepts for loyalty, in a similar way to the calender daily bonuses,(minor stat increases) only amplified based on the number of days that the player remains loyalty to whom they are an adept to, also punishments for dis-loyalty to adepts and protectors. [/quote] a way to reward loyal adepts is a nice idea but punishment for disloyality isnt well thought trough. if an mp6 wants to drop back down to mp5 he has to tell his adepts to be disloyal and leave him so he can drop back down. the adepts would get punished for helping their protector becoming mp5 again. i think just a loyality reward like the daily bonuses as u said is enough. but only after they have already lets say 30days been loyal. so if they do change the cant get the daily bonuses for 30more days. i know that that still doesnt solve the problem of an mp6 wanting to go back to mp5 but like this its at least not double the damage. or if there is a punishment than there needs to be an option for the mp6 to always be able to drop back down to mp5 even if he has 30+ active adepts. otherwise yeah more stuff in the wishshop and please something that is usefull to those players who have a lot of wishpoints. right now the rewards are only usefull for mp3s and mp4s but all those players who have a lot of WPs really have no use at all of the possible wishes. just look at the WPTop and the top10 players none of them would need any of the current stuff. something unique should be there perhaps spells at a really high cost or special crits. and finally i know that the storyline is a big issue. but the reason why i even started and continued to play the game for several weeks was only because of the story. i do realize that with the current developments the story wouldnt really fit well anymore but to me it has always been a mayor important part of the game. would be awesome if chapter3 gets completed.
  22. i am really amazed i only sent pms to older players who are already long in the game and most likely understand the game mechanics well and i still managed to get almost 60 supporters. i never expected that. i finally have some holidays for 8 days and am going to travel to remote areas in china so i will probably not even have internet access at all. before i go on my holidays i want to thank all supporters. oh and if u arent on the list but support this idea feel free to post here and i will add u once i return
  23. actually now that i think about it 1credit every month is fine. if u vote everyday u get 2credits every 8 days right now. sacrificing 4 days to keep an avy for a month is ok in my point of view. and a cost of 1 credit makes sure that u are still serious about the game or active enough to do the free votes.
  24. [quote name='Burns' date='04 July 2009 - 01:35 PM' timestamp='1246710920' post='36105'] i had the same thought, but got to a serious trouble in it: who decides what activeness is? is an RPC active for MD when he's offline writing a quest? is a player who is roleplaying to be bound to one inaccessible point inactive because he's not walking around to show people his avi? how many lines do you have to write per day to be active? if you can't answer that questions, you can't determine activeness... whereelse inactiveness is easily found, and to use your example: if you take the time to log in everyday, you must obviously plan to come back, else you wouldn't bother, right? [/quote] true i thought of something like 1 active day = 1hour logged in and not idle or something like that. but that isnt a good solution as well. i got ur point there are several players who do most things not being logged into the game. hmm having to log in 15days a month helps for sure but i doubt it would recover more than 10% of the inactive avys. and then again just what u said before. what about holidays? 3weeks holidays somewhere without internet? i cant think of anythig better. guess the 15days are the best solution for most players
  25. even if i dont have time to play for half a year i would keep logging in everyday to make sure to keep my avy. logging in takes 10seconds of the 24hours of ur day. i also think that a lot of avys are on alts as well. i think the problem lies somewhere else... to log in 15 days each month is no problem. it would be best if there was a way to determine if a player is really active and let avys only stay on active accounts. by active i mean really playing not login in each day for a few mins.
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