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Everything posted by Lifeline
I, Lifeline first king of Marind Bell, hereby officially resign from kingship. I cannot meet the expectations people have. I simply failed and cannot stay king any longer. I will not appoint a new king or ask for one specific person to be considered. I have discussed kingship for Marind Bell in great length with all council members of Marind Bell. I believe they are prepared and I will leave everything in their hands. I hope the other kings will welcome the next king of Marind Bell friendly and cherish the good relationships. In regards to my character: I have no idea what his future will be or if there even will be any. I failed in kingship and have no hope in succeeding. I am sorry for disappointing those citizen of Marind Bell that want me to stay king but I believe its for the best. I have handed the full Marind Bell Wishpoint treasury of 100 unused reward codes to the person I trust the most in Marind Bell - Emerald Arcanix. As for the kingship items they are stored on my alt waiting for Mur to take them or the next king...I don't know what else to do with them.
hold on a second. i said in that mb election topic that i will remain king and am king until my kingship is taken or i give it to someone else. so for now i am not retired, dead, or anything. none of that yet and as for the future i simply dont know yet
do u mean that ghost like swordsman? that has no profile pic? some clarification would be great
[quote name='Tarquinus' timestamp='1291092302' post='73749'] From my perspective, MagicDuel has improved steadily in almost every way since I joined it in the early fall of '08. No, not everyone has liked every change. No, not everyone has benefited equally. But this is a fairer and more open game than the one I joined. Don't talk to me about the good old days, which had different and in many ways uglier problems: the appearance of favoritism, the dominance of very exclusive cliques, and a far less balanced and more exploitable combat system. [/quote] I agree with that and MD hasn't become more automated or anything. The specialness isn't being taken away as well. The game is improving since a long time and on the best way to become even greater. I mean no offense to anybody or want to attack any decisions I just want to point out a general fact that in my opinion limits MD a lot but is unseen. What I meant in my earlier posts is limited responsibility and freedom being taken away from the players. I made the best example I could by referring to Murs topic with the knowledge/info trade for freedom. The more a god/creator is taking responsibility from his community the more it limits their minds. What is a god/creator to begin with? A caring nurturing mother and while the god is intervening to much with his children he keeps them from growing independently. Its the very same Mur said in his other topic just instead of knowledge/info taking the freedom a higher entities interventions are. I don't understand how it is so hard to see... as long as you live under the responsibility of your parents you aren't living by yourself. Same is with MD community we live under the wing of its god and not by ourselves. And no I am not saying the god has to die he just needs to distance himself more and let his people take care of themselves. Mur I don't know how to say this better... just compare it to giving information/knowledge to somebody. You said it comes at the cost of their freedom. Its the very same when a higher entity dictates the course of life for other people. Each time the god intervenes with decisions that concern people in MD, he takes freedom and responsibility from them. And with that limits them. You said “There is just one single way to grasp this kind of information without limiting your freedom (inner freedom)..and that is discovering it yourself. “ Discovering it yourself is key here. The community in MD should discover life by itself and not have a god guide them though all steps.
@ Mur: I am talking about something entirely different here... Why would I waste my own time whining about a character that died yesterday? Lifeline is gone the only task left for him is to actually officially die. Please understand that I neither mean offense nor anything bad with this. I just wanted to point out a fact that made a king die. Was I offensive in the death/life topic of yours or in the shrine keeper decision? no, and the same goes for this topic. I have moved on; Lifeline is gone and I certainly do not have time to whine about a lost cause and a failed character. I am not angry anymore I just try to leave something behind that might help. Please forget about who Lifeline was or what he did for now, actually don't even look at the name at all. Forget chase and the whole incident in the drach lair and what followed and read my last post again. That is an honest statement with no ill will intended at all. Please just think about it you said something very similar a few days ago. With every piece of knowledge/information you give us you limit our own freedom of thought. Its the same with what I call "godly interventions" here. Of course a god has to shape and create a world that can preserve itself but if he interferes with the life and decisions in that world to much it limits their life greatly. It takes away their responsibility. You can take care of "your children" a lot and give them a safe place and everything needed to grow up but at one point they will want to evolve freely and not constantly be guided around at the hand of somebody else. They will break free sooner or later to experience life outside their safe home. They seek self realization and they will crash and burn but that is what life is. I never had the chance to read your book maybe I would be able to come up with a better example then. All I can do for now is hope that you get the message I am trying to send here.
Ok this is not how I wanted it to sound but I cant come up with a better way to say it: First of all I agree with what Awiiya said and also with what Fyrd said in my trial topic. @ Mur: I believe you created MD as a place for people to develop and grow in. But with your godly interventions you shrink the cube more and more instead of expanding it. I see that I am not alone and that others have picked a much more peaceful road than me but a similar path. You should be proud on the community in MD because it only means that life is no longer content to live in the little cage you have made it lately. You have protected life from abuse and death but that is not the same as living. What do you expect of us? Should we sit back and let you take care of us like babies? You have been leading your „children“ by the hand and gave them a world to live in but still see us as infants. We have grown up, have more faith in us we are stronger than you think. The god has to step back, if he is to present and intervenes to much all it creates is a prison for the minds of the life he means to protects. And protecting turns into drawing the essence out of that life. Humans are meant to evolve, not to sit down idly and being taken care of by a divine god.
I cant find the words to say what I want to but I will later on post what I mean to say. For now I will only comment one thing: I had the chase spell for almost 2 years ...its all written and documentated in the announcements. Only jonn, mrd, possibly renavoid (not sure if his "spaceship" was chase and summon or a complete different spell) and me had it. And people like mur, knatty, ect. Since knatty and mur still have it (according to announcements) the game lost no spell at all. jonn is long gone and mrd is retired as well so nothing was really changed only 1 person lost it while knatty (i guess so because he wasnt mentioned in annoucnements) kept it.
Valuable for others or in general can probably happen either way. A glorious death after an exeptional life might motivate other people. But even if said person doesnt die and continues living a now "meaningless" life he might still be a good example for others to learn from. That is how I can think of valuable in this context. Otherwise I understand the word without the concept of time. And if time doesnt exists then valuable becomes something completely different. I dont want to go offtopic but take a look at every lifeform besides humans: do you think they are aware of time? Does time has any influence at all for their life? The past is something gone already, untouchable, something that cant be changed anymore. The future is infinite could be anything but as a matter of fact doesnt exist yet. The only moment one is able to influence life, change it, make an impact is in the present. The present is a present/gift its the only time that gives anybody power - the power to influence his/her life or the one of others. In this very present moment the past doesnt matter, it holds no power anymore and the future is decided in this very moment. So in my point of view nothing like time exists in the first place. There is only the presence and nothing else will ever matter. (If its hard to follow what I mean try this: close your eyes and ask yourself what problem do I have in this VERY moment/sencond. You wont have an answer because there is no problem. Problems only exist if you give the past the power to rule your life) I dont think dieing has anything to do with giving up. If one was giving up on life he did so way before he chose death. Death was only the final option available because deep down the person understood that he wasnt living the whole time anyway. As for selfdestructing or meaningsless life: In my opinion its the other way around: a selfdestructing life isnt uncommon, in fact many celebrities live such a lifestyle but they are still "valueable" to/for society. A person who gave up on life truely lives a meaningless life, he refuses to honor the present he was given and with that holds no power at all. He cant impact anything and is stripped of all his power - he is harmless and will be ignored. He turned his life into something useless and meaningless which is the greatest crime one can commit to oneself. By giving up on life he strips all meaning from whatever he has accomplished and doesnt value anything. A selfdestructing lifestyle only destroys what was build before but leaves its meaning (that is for the person itself. How others judge the situation is completely different)
Death is what makes life important in the first place. One finds real life through death, the moment that is realized one isnt leading a meaningless life anymore. I cant answer this question because it forces certain answers and doesnt give enough room to truely answer. For what do you live your life? To be prepared for death and embrace it as ur closest friend or to avoid it as long as possible or the countless options inbetween? You are dieing by living and you are living by dieing, by seperating the two you miss what they really are.
Signup Topic For Citizen Only Forum
Lifeline replied to Lifeline's topic in Marind Bell Citizen Forum
Totenkopf was added to the list. as for everybody else u have to pm me ingame or u wont get access! -
rhaegar please leave this be. its my responsibilty alone and no matter how things may seem it is another kings land and he has every right to enforce laws and rules as he sees fit. i already informed yrth about what was going through my head at the time i made this mistake. i myself will stand right for this mistake and i kindly ask that nobody reflects it on Marind Bell. it was a decision i myself took and i hope people will allow me to stand straight for it and not involve my citizen. i wont state my reasons openly here but give them to those involved. but something u guys should know: ° the drachorn recruitment place in the drach lair is disabled. ° the training group was planned for a long time but the location was only picked right before i teleported people there and left myself back to marind bell. i didnt even know RJ was involved until he asked me if i can help him in inviting people inside. in other words the training group originally was never intended to be in golemus. so please leave the fact that it was a training group out of the discussion because it has nothing to do with the problematic situation. i will discuss everything else with the king of golemus and the leaders. i wish to take the responsiblity for this myself, marind bell or my citizen need not suffer for my mistake.
thumbs up to the person that setup the new ggg training ground. i wish u the best of luck and as little problems as possible with common troublemakers
i simply get lost on these forums... i only look at on topic, market place and the MB forums. completely confused of what is what here so i focused my attention on the few forums that seem relevant. sorry for that but i prefer to speak and do stuff ingame or messengers. in my whole life i never liked forums so excuse me please. and speaking of ingame i am always at winds sanct if this internet bar here in the USA doesnt log me out right after the time i payed for.
bump... come on guys i dont even care about the age but would pay extra for more age. and u get a windy with 2 token for one that has none. i just really hate token thats why i want mine without
Signup Topic For Citizen Only Forum
Lifeline replied to Lifeline's topic in Marind Bell Citizen Forum
Allyce and goldfinger u two hav to also pm me in game with the name of ur forum account. i am sorry to be so strict about it but i want to avoid any kind of abuse or account mixing up. -
i only read about half of the topic but concerning alt abuses here a suggestion. if it was alrdy made sorry didnt see it. there is an alt checker in place so i believe the system is able to trace alts automatically more or less. so how about giving the same user on all the alts just 1 single chance to activate the wishpoints. what i mean is he can only activate them on one of his accounts. i know there are problems with the alt checker but i dont know how severe they are and if this would even work. but perhaps its better manually fix some cases where the alt checker is broken then having a huge WP inflaction on alts and stuff
i have a none aged windy with claw1 and claw2 token. i would like to get a windy without token. depending on age i might add some coins or other crits.
ok thanks wish worked now
bump.... still the same problem and i would love to buy the clickable acces if the WPShop would let me
Signup Topic For Citizen Only Forum
Lifeline replied to Lifeline's topic in Marind Bell Citizen Forum
just as a reminder u have to pm me in game as well with ur name on the forums. that is in order to make sure that there wont be any confusion with the accounts and citizen ect -
I was completely fine with the announcement stating that a tombola will be made and i still am. In my point of view it makes little different if 1 really rare creature more will be in MD. That one single Dark wont make a huge difference in my opinion. for me the trouble start when things that used to be really hard to accomplish suddenly loose all their value by becoming openly available either in the shop or wishpoint shop. That is how i see values and their proportions in MD and hope that really rare stuff stays rare like first intended in the announcement. if there is value and porportions than escpecially the porportions are crucial for the value. once to many get on "the market" the value will drop like in an inflation. so i would suggest to leave the tombola as a very rare event where 3 new rare things get added to the market but not make it to something that totally throws over the market because it leads to a rare creature becoming openly available in the WPShop.
Signup Topic For Citizen Only Forum
Lifeline replied to Lifeline's topic in Marind Bell Citizen Forum
everybody who applied here so far has been given access to the closed forum. -
Signup Topic For Citizen Only Forum
Lifeline replied to Lifeline's topic in Marind Bell Citizen Forum
[quote name='Fyrd Argentus' timestamp='1288142604' post='70988'] So would it be appropriate or not for the MDA Envoy to MB to participate in this forum? If so, "Fyrd Argentus", Envoy to MB. [/quote] yes u have been citizen and are the envoy to MB so surely u will get access as well. -
We will have 2 different Marind Bell forums for citizen. One will be open and viewable for everybody with general topics that are of relevance for all. The second one will only be for citizen of Marind Bell and will cover topics about inner politics, quests, events, organisations within MB and all kinds of polls or discussions that only concern citizen. Every citizen of Marind Bell can join this closed forum and in order to do so please sign up here with ur ingame and forum name. Also pm me ingame that u wish to join the closed forum and leave the name of ur forum account in the pm. [b]I can be found at Winds Sanctuary.[/b] Citizen to be given access to the closed forum: Lifeline, Chewett, Rhaegar Targaryen, emerald arcanix, Nera, Nylah Raynen, Fyrd Argentus, nadrolski, Redd, Tipu, lightsage, Handy Pockets, dragonrider7, juntaozhu15, magustrick, Juni0r, Cless, Totenkopf, Allyce, baiano, Princess Katt [color="#FF0000"]======================================== This is an old topic, for the new one visit [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/9808-sign-up-for-marinds-bell-citizens-forum/"]HERE[/url] ========================================[/color]
"The remains of a once flourishing town, Marind Bell's real name was forgotten, and its current name is given after Marind, the protector of these lands. Its power lies in deep mysteries and powerful protective magic developed in time to withstand Necrovion's constant attacks. This land was once peaceful but is now tainted by the fury of war and hatred against darkness." To fully understand this introduction inscribed at the Gates of Marind Bell, we must first consider some of the special places within the land… · Marind's Roundabout, a fountain holding special water - a place for redemption, cleansing and a new beginning. · Stairs to Champion's Challenge, inspiring a climb to higher achievement and new challenges. · Angien's Shrine, the place where Angiens dwell, mysterious and legendary beings we don’t know what true power or knowledge they might bring · Sage's Keep holding information and knowledge of unknown but possibly immense value. · Wind's Sanctuary, a colossal place with unearthly architecture. · Passage of War, with mysterious guardians that won’t let anybody pass, and yet the tunnel beeing an undeniable connection to Necrovion. · Champion's Dome, a mysterious vault inaccessible by all, with unknown treasure or danger lying within. · And finally take notice of the ancient Gates of Marind Bell which are made by the same hand as the cube that was handed to you. The appearance of a land and the creatures that inhabit it reflect the mind and mentality of its people. The struggle of the heretic archer but also the harmony of the Angien and the aura of glory and hope that surrounds the land. Marind Bell is shrouded in mystery, its past taken away by time. It is a place of glory, harmony, taint and above all self reflection, a sanctuary for your mind and a haven of personal growth. But it is also a dangerous tool that might as easily destroy you as become a step-stone towards a brighter future. The vision I have of Marind Bell is a pilgrimage. A journey that we must all take, facing its challenges in order to learn and grow. We all start blind and helpless, inside a small cube and with every step we take we eventually leave behind the old one and arrive in a newer, ever-larger cube with more opportunities. The trials we face inside Marind Bell make us grow and bring us closer to enlightenment. [center][URL=http://img96.imageshack.us/i/73104107.jpg/][IMG]http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/1788/73104107.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/center] Marind Bell is open to all, and is the starting point of most who enter the Magic Duel realm. The land is thus a reflection of you, the citizens. It is in our power to create what we wish for, and you are welcome to join in this creative adventure. Let us honor the legacy of this beautiful land and rebuild it to the prosperous nation it once was, only better. The remains of a noble and true civilization shall not remain just a monument of history, but shall become a symbol for the future, an incarnation of our shared goals and motivations. Let us, together, create a glorious kingdom worthy of remembrance for generations to come. ~Lifeline