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Everything posted by Aeoshattr

  1. Aeoshattr (89024) Heat Donation 9 August 2016
  2. And yet... nadrolski himself depletes. That seems to be lacking some objectivity. I do realise the above screenshot is in Loreroot, yet it is not as if nadrolski doesn't deplete water in Marind Bell too. For clarity: my issue is not with depletion itself (while I do dislike it), it's with the apparent double standard which is in my opinion unacceptable for such positions. It could be argued for or against, but I would honestly like to see nad say something on the topic.
  3. My bad. Apparently I have never been fast enough to see that bucket in the shared item list. Then I suppose we need to refer to the original topic where Mur says "The Guardian will have powers to ban players from grabing shared items if they are found to have more than one of a type or if they are hoarding them on alts, or abusing them in any way (abuse ways will be clearly specified)" I don't know whether depletion falls under abuse or not, I don't know if these abuse ways were clearly specified to the guardians of tools themselves or if they were publicly released somewhere (and I missed them). So perhaps we need confirmation first on this aspect?
  4. Darkraptor wouldn't be able to harvest water with Marind Bell buckets anyway (citizenship locked)... I think an explanation is required?
  5. Next iteration: Sunday, 24th of July. Apologies for not having posted the logs (I do have the raw version, just need to give it a scrub); vacation and travelling are highly detrimental to my access to a working laptop. The theme will be Wealth. Feel free to host or organise trading or harvesting throughout the day; I will be hosting the (by now stereotypical) storytelling in the evening, around 8 PM ST - anyone is welcome to tell a short story or contribute artistically in any way on the theme. Location to be announced on the day as usual, through the mood panel.
  6. I will post cleaned logs on the forums when the activity suits logging; some days might revolve around harvesting or maybe trading, which won't produce very interesting chat logs, most likely. If anything noteworthy happens, it will be posted. I have to decide on how to tier rewards and I'll let you know.
  7. Tranquil Nights When the clashing of swords echoes no more, I call upon you to join me in storytelling, harvesting, reminiscing, teaching, trading or any activity that is deemed suitable for the day. When the day does not make itself entertaining, it is up to us to make it so. Lay down your blades, Lay down your shields; Join one, join all, on every Day of Tranquility from now on (12th and 24th of each month). All are welcome and encouraged to contribute; I shall set the theme and pace and will announce it ahead of time. Rejoice, unite Your scattered might. Points will be given and a tally will be kept. Rewards will be given to the diligent, ranging from coins and spellstones to nightmode access. Any sponsors are welcome, everyone is free to reward what they deem worthy of rewards. Fate and Control shall be your first theme. Prepare a brief parable (or another short act that you deem suitable). Important tidbits and TL;DR
  8. Interested in trading: GG Drachorn (mine) for Wind Dragon (yours) For clarity: I want to give a GG (+ a few coins maybe) in order to obtain a Windy. I can toss in a few gold coins to balance the deal, or other deals may be struck. Please contact me via forum PM.
  9. I'd like to do it, but I am returning home on the 30th of June and I'll need a couple of days to sort out my rained-on laptop. First week of July would be ideal for me.
  10. Taking into account Ann 3906 and then subsequently Ann 3917, the titles of "Demon" and "King" are interchangeable with regards to the very specific point I was addressing: legitimacy of heredity. Exactly how they rule is besides the point. The point is that only they have the authority to name/train/magically appoint a heir. Currently, Mur has that running quest that you're mentioning to appoint a king (technically a heir, since he's the ruling power currently). But until that quest is complete, the candidates are not official rulers and thus cannot appoint heirs of their own. Can they take leader responsibilities? Maybe. But not appoint heirs. You can't name someone to inherit something you don't have yet. Also I thought I had a pretty neutral and serious tone, I don't know what prompted you to feel that my humor is dead (since you clearly downvoted both me and DD when you posted that, so you weren't talking to DD only, and even more so since I posted a humorous reference in my initial post)? So is it a joke or not? Because Nimrodel suggests this is a humorous thing, but Sunfire seems pretty serious.
  11. As per Ann 3917, which you are quoting: I agree, it is not a crown or a title that makes you a leader but it is a crown that makes you a king, at least as per Ann 3917 - can be seen to happen in other instances in MD, where loss of the crown is synonymous with loss of the status of king but not necessarily leader. If anything, quoting Ann 3917 works against you.
  12. In a way, I like the concept. I wouldn't automate it too much,because that might restrict the tasks that can be given and I think there is much more of a "wow" factor to realising an old/powerful player can actually make stuff happen in-game, rather than viewing the progression through MD as purely mechanical. Maybe a role would be best for this, with a few tools? Or a function, like LHO, that old players can apply for. I think @Assira the Black was running a similar thing, with heat stones as rewards, among other things.
  13. Not really my business to butt into this thread, but I do want to point out a couple of things relating to the above. I never got any sort of apology for the incident with the hollow warrior plushies (which involved essentially outing one of my alts and publicly slandering me) in spite of it being subsequently announced that nothing wrong was done. Furthermore, not only did it involve you alt-checking the account that you thought was suspicious, but also all my other alts and then extending the accusation to farming and abusing my alts as a whole, without me even doing anything on those alts. I didn't get any sort of apology for that either. If it had been all in PMs, I would not have cared too much, but it was all done at GoE, with many people around. Log attached. dst plushies log.txt
  14. I got it only once, when clicking "resume from idle". Also, I just checked and I get it from the forum link too ("Play Magicduel").
  15. Pool rewards: Jubaris - Imprinted Dark (Nightmode) AmberRune - Mirrorritual stone dst - Movelock stone All other rewards have also been distributed. Thanks all for participating
  16. After a long time, the results are finally here! Rejoice! Do the drum rolls, spray confetti and champagne! The following are the results (in order, score out of 100 in brackets): Jubaris (57.7) - WP (from TKs) + pool reward (from me) AmberRune (40) - 2 Root Warriors (from me) + pool reward (from me) dst (37) - 5 SC (from me) + pool reward (from me) Blackwood Forest (26) Sirix The Black Robot (24) FireStarter (8.3) *Nimrodel* (0) Wideberth (0) klawdees (0) Maebius (0) Participants 7-10 either forfeited willingly or never submitted an entry, in spite of reminders. The score breakdowns can be found on this Google Spreadsheet. This was done with the help of 2 judges, Assira the Black and MaGoHi, who to my surprise were considerably harsher than me. Top 3 entries: Jubaris - sent in a whopping 30 minutes total quest time! AmberRune - very personal and insightful, looking at symbolism a lot. dst - best, most clear reasoning, in my opinion. Rewards in the first post. Jubaris, Amber and dst please post what reward you pick from the reward pool here, in order. Find me in-game (usually with the Travelling Training Camp, currently at Ash arch) for all rewards except the WP, for which either contact Eara or wait for me to contact her.
  17. Added section about Quest Judging. Also included Ivorak's tip and added a short list of players who can provide special rewards, whether in their own quests or as sponsoring. If anyone can provide any unusual quest reward, please let me know if you want it included here.
  18. Aeoshattr (89024) 1_3x0_2 (following Neno's resignation) I considering myself a fair person who has spoken against tool abuse or depletion. I know the NC tools and I can strike without being seen.
  19. Quest Ended. Judging in progress. Keep in mind, it might take a little while since I've got an exam hell-week coming up. Also: question for participants: Would you object to your submission being made public, if you rank in the top 3? This is an opt-out! I will post your submissions (top 3), unless you specifically ask otherwise.
  20. Happy birthday, Shadowseeker have a good one!
  21. Happy birthday, Azull! Hope you have a great one
  22. Wizard's Atoll or Wizard's Refuge Ooooh.... The Forge!
  23. Hi all. Since I produced quite a stupendous amount of text, this will come in parts (since I do need time to study and other things too). Please feel free to move, I was not sure if it was appropriate to post this in the "Quests and Contests" subforum. Feedback is more than welcome, please try to stay constructive. If you feel that I missed something, point out where and what you think should be added. Pardon fancy language. I may or may not have been under the influence of beverages at the time of production. Without further ado, here is the first part, about quest design and sponsorships. The part about judging & rewarding is still a work in progress. Text Wall ahead. Questmaker’s Etiquette Guide With various fantabulous tips, tricks, do’s and don’t’s Glorious Introduction Here we shall look at 3 major topics regarding making, holding and rewarding a quest, particularly for the realm of MagicDuel, as follows: Quest Design What is good design? What is bad design? Accessibility. Types of quests. Target audience. Tips for a few types of frequently-held quests. How and when to announce quests. Miscellaneous. Sponsorships Short tips about who and how to approach for sponsorships. List of rough values of certain items and creatures (maybe). Quest Judging and Rewarding Single blinding, Double blinding and other judging paraphernalia. Rewarding: do’s and don’t’s, who and how to approach for help. "How to". Quick guide to help you jumpstart your quest. (This will be a skeleton only! To help you guide your own creativity, not to be used as given!) Case studies (maybe). I shall point to a few quests (mine, unless someone else volunteers their own quests and experience with them) and try to dissect out the good and the bad. One thing to keep in mind is that throughout this guide I shall ask questions. These are to provoke thought rather than to demand an answer. There is no correct or incorrect answer in general (with a few exceptions), but there will be a correct answer for your quest. You just have to think how that question relates to your quest (think about how your quest would answer that question, not about what answer I want to hear, if that helps). Quest Design Briefly put, in MagicDuel there are a few things to keep in mind as a questmaker. Some are obvious, some are not, some are counterintuitive. I will also look at a few specific structures of quests that pop up frequently and suggest tips for them, if they are to be used as templates. I shall also attempt to discuss how to tailor your quest to a target audience while keeping in mind the idea of accessibility, and a few suggestions about how to make announcements regarding quests. What is good design? What is bad design? In a nutshell, a quest that is well designed will run smoothly. It will not need adjustments on the way, it will not need the direct intervention of the questmaker to resolve issues, it cannot be cheated, and there is no unintended interaction between participants (spoiling or sabotaging). It’s vague, unfortunately, and it will vary for each quest types. But here are a few things you can do, or questions you should try to have an answer to: Try and test whatever can be tested. Do your clickables function, if any? Is the quest goal achievable? Does it require very personal information (i.e. specific relations of your character in-game)? Could others effectively know and solve it? Is the amount of heat/resources/whatever obtainable in the time you give? Could you do it? Could someone help you test it? Is the time window feasible? Will the quest take too long or too little time? Does the quest heavily depend on everybody showing up, or on a specific number of participants? Can that become an issue? Can it be avoided? Try and anticipate flaws or issues in your quest. Are there ways to cheat/cheese it? Can it be easily disrupted by a third party (movelock, attacklock, teleporting)? Do you want to change the design to avoid this, or rely on external help? Are there any unintended progress-stoppers? Is there a risk of participants spoiling eachother, or sabotaging eachother? Is it indended? Is it an issue? How could you prevent these issues? Is your quest transparent? Is your judging and rewarding transparent? Can people obtain details about judging and rewarding after the quest? The answers here should be yes! Can you manage the quest by yourself? Do you need assistance with: Scripting clickables? Try the scripting section on the forums Try contacting known scripters for help (please let me know if you want to be named here) Preventing disruptions? Do you know who might potentially disrupt your quest? Diplomacy works (most of the time). Request help from friends, or protection under neutrality (Can MDA offer such help?) Request help from your land leader (if any)? Alter your quest design to avoid or reduce the risk of disruptions (hold it in a nojump location, for instance). Effectively holding the quest? Need a shady character that participants need to chase? Ask around. Need another helping hand with distributing things to players during the quest (information, items)? Need someone to supervise what participants do? Is the quest engaging? Does it feel like an adventure, a continuous process or are there breaks and holes in it? Is it just a series of unrelated trials? Does it relate to MagicDuel at all? You could run a ‘good’ quest without this, but a good quest design will also make the quest enjoyable and fun, not just ‘doable’. One of the best things to do is to try and integrate it with the world of MagicDuel. Try and make it part of the game, rather than just a ‘task’. Accessibility, Target Audience and Types of Quests Though this may be subjective, one fundamental principle of quests is their accessibility. This doesn’t necessarily mean that everybody should be able to complete it, but as many people as possible should be able to begin it. This may refer to restrictions or requirements on: Mindpower Is your quest for a specific Mindpower only, or does it bias for/against a specific Mindpower? How, why, and is it intended this way? Active Days Don’t think I’ve seen this one, but is there a restriction on active days? Why? Is it necessary? Why? Land / Alliance Can only people from certain lands/alliances participate? Why? Does your quest design bias against/for people from certain lands/alliances? Why? Is it necessary? Specific people Obviously, saying “X cannot participate” will immediately be bad. This does not mean you cannot exclude people from your quests, but it should not be baseless (for instance, that person is a judge or a sponsor, or that person has a repeated history of trolling your quests, etc). But excluding people should be considered bad practice, and making such a decision should be taken extremely seriously. Number of participants Does your quest have a restriction on how many questers can begin it? Why? Is it intended or necessary, and if so, why? Talent & Skill Naturally, drawing quests are going to be fundamentally different from tournament quests. Keep in mind though that you can easily put talent into the backseat by adjusting your judging/scoring parameters! Stats Does your quest bias against players with specific stat values? Is this intended / necessary? Does it need adjusting (such as tiering participants)? Keep in mind, many quests will often encounter at least one of those restrictions. These are not to be considered as deadly sins (or things to not do under any circumstance), but rather things that you should be prepared to explain if asked, or changed if not intended. Moving on to the target audience. MagicDuel has a very mottled player base. Some are artists, some are grinders, some are roleplayers, some are coders, some are good with numbers and ciphers, etc. It is very difficult to design a quest for absolutely everybody, so you should at least aim to have a specific audience (whether it is broad or narrow). It is perfectly fine to make a quest for artists or grinders only, but it is good practice to try and make it as broadly available as possible. Think “roleplayers” rather than “that specific type of roleplayer”, if that helps. You could also include multiple, different types of players by introducing multiple stages (have a combat stage, an art stage, etc)! This should be designed very carefully however, or it might discourage people from participating. Maybe make the quest for teams, and thus give them the possibility to include different skill types in their team? Up to you. Quest Types The Arts & Crafts Quest The Tournament Quest The Roleplaying Scenario Quest The Clickie Chase Quest The Cipher / Puzzle Quest Announcements. Miscellaneous Tips about how to announce your quests, where to do so and how. You should announce your quest preferably when you are certain you can hold it (this means you have found sponsorship for rewards, if necessary, or already designed and implemented the bulk of the quest). This is often done on the forums, here. Key elements you should mention in your quest release announcement should be: Description of the quest requirements (registration - optional, only use if 100% necessary, or details you need for an application) The task itself + deadlines Rewards Judging or scoring methods (do not name your judges. Just say if there will be any and give a few details on what you will be giving points for, if applicable). Keep in mind that for some quests it is better to announce later rather than earlier (when you want to prevent people from finding loopholes in your quest, for instance). Try and give a decent amount of time, but do not give a stupendously distant deadline. This means people will have to wait very long for their rewards! Give too short a notice and people won’t participate, as they will fear their effort will be wasted. During the quest, keep in mind that you announcing details about any of the participants (who is participating, if they have any score so far, who is leading, etc) may lead to their sabotaging! Do not divulge information about participants that is not public by quest design, even if you think it’s harmless! Be wary that information leaks. Try to tell as little as possible about the quest prior to its release. You might give details to third parties helping you set the quest up and while said third parties may not participate, they may pass the information further to potential participants. Sponsorships and Rewards Quest rewards can be varied, but can usually be broken down into 5 major categories: Wishpoints. Arguably most valuable. Coins (Gold or Silver). Arguably most versatile. Creatures. Can vary from extremely valuable and rare, to very mundane. Items or Resources. Some can be valuable and usable (spellstones), other are for RP purposes only. Some resources can be used to create other items or creatures. Other rewards. This may include things such as nightmode, dreams, melodic charm, medals, group memberships or spelldocs. These can perhaps be some of the rarest rewards, but their value will vary wildly on the perception of the receiver. For 1-4, you can approach the Treasure Keepers (namely Eara Meraia in-game). You can also ask for sponsorships from just about any player! However, by the time you ask you should already have: A clear quest structure in mind An idea of how difficult the quest would be An idea of what sort of rewards would be suitable for it For 5, you should approach the players responsible for those rewards (for instance, myself for nightmode - Aeoshattr in game) Players who can give special rewards (in their own quests and/or as sponsoring): Nightmode - Aeoshattr Dreams - Jubaris (?) Melodic Charm - Burns (debated currently, I believe) Spelldocs - lashtal, *Nimrodel*, Intrigue You can always award part of your own items or creatures. If you want to be able to award Wishpoints on your own, you will need to obtain Wishpoint Reward Codes, which you can get from the permanent Drachorn Quest, but are sometimes awarded to questmakers by admins for particularly good quests. Keep in mind that rewards should scale with quest difficulty! There is no “here are some average rewards” guide. You should be able to assess the difficulty of your quest and have a rough idea of the type of rewards that should be given. You can always use past quests that you can find on the forums here as a reference. If you are unsure of the value of a specific item or creature, you can consult past prices by searching the forum here. Make sure you look at the time and date of the transaction! Prices change in time! If still in doubt, you can always ask veteran players in-game or post on the forums. Quest Judging and Rewarding While I cannot provide direct instructions as to how to judge each and every quest, I can provide some principles that are good to follow when thinking about how you select your judges, how you send the quest information to those judges, and subsequently how to distribute rewards. Luckily, some IRL principles can be applied here very successfully! Without further ado… Judging Principles Single Blinding. This means that your questers do not know who your judges are. This is extraordinarily simple to implement and I dare say it is something that you must do in all of your quests. How? Ask for judges publicly, but ask for applications to be sent to you privately. Go directly to someone you know does judging and ask privately. Make sure you ask them not to divulge their judge status. Do not accept judge applications that are made publicly. Why is this good practice? Think about questers potentially influencing judges. Telling them “look for a submission like this one, see if you can give it extra points”, etc. If your questers are unaware of who judges your quest, then that is much more difficult to achieve. Always try and go for reliable, reputable players, whenever possible. Double Blinding. This means, like single blinding, that your questers do not know who their judges are, but it also means that the judges do not know whose quest entry they are judging! This may sound a bit trickier, and it is, but nevertheless it is not very difficult to achieve. What this means is that you need to take these steps, in order: You apply all the principles above when selecting your judges Ask for quest entries to be sent to you privately (forum PMs?) Make sure you keep a record of which entry belongs to whom (privately). Microsoft Excel (or Google Spreadsheets) is great for this. Anonymise each entry (remove player names or revealing details, such as titles, ID, etc). Replace them with “Participant X”, where X is a number you assign so you can undo the anonymisation later. Send each anonymised entry to your judges. Therefore, the questers will not know who judges them and the judges won’t know whose entry they are judging. This is one of the fairest things you can do. This also ensures that the only one who knows whose entry belongs to who is you. Obviously, this can be cheated, but it is much more difficult than if you don’t do it at all. For the more visually inclined, here is an example of what you would receive by forum PMs and what you should send to your judges (using real player names, for the sake of it): Other bits and details, in no particular order. Google Spreadsheets is a great tool to be used for judging. Here are a few things that it can do (automatically) to make your life easier: Maths. It can calculate averages and just about any other formulas you might need just from values you input. Easy Sharing. Just send a link to your judges. Make sure you set the document to request permission to view from you by e-mail, don’t let everybody with the link see it! Hiding. You can hide certain parts of a sheet, or certain sheets from your judges, so they don’t see either your own scores (if you give any) or they don’t see the totals and rankings so far, so that it will not influence their judging! Think of it this way, if one judge sees that he can make the difference between 1st and 2nd place by his choice, it might influence him in the scores he will give in order to put one participant in front of the other. Selective Editing. Google Spreadsheets can be set-up to allow each user to edit only a specific portion of the entire spreadsheet. This means you can have a single sheet for everybody, and each judge can edit only his own little section. No changes in the formulas you put in or in the layout, etc. This works very well for quests where specific score break-downs are needed (such as an arts & crafts quest, where the total score is composed of many little scores awarded for different criteria). You should post your score break-downs, where there are any. This is for transparency. You may or may not want to reveal the judges at the end, and if you do not want to reveal their names (also ask them if they want their names out or not), then simply use Judge X, Y, Z, 1, 2, 3, etc. You should double check your scores and calculations. I know it’s very tempting to just take what Google Spreadsheets gives you, but at least look over it once to make sure there are no blatant errors. You should aim for two judges for most quests. If you apply double blinding by default you cannot be a judge, unless someone else does the anonymisation for you (which I don’t recommend, I would prefer depending on myself only for this kind of thing). Each judge should have an equal weighting in the final score. This means you can’t have 3 judges, but in total their opinion is worth 10% and yours is worth 90%. Each judge should have an equal weighting. Make sure your ranking criteria are defined at the beginning. This means if your quest isn’t a simple hierarchy of scores but has some sort of tiers or thresholds, you define those clearly from the very beginning and maintain them at the end of the quest, regardless of how many people ranked in each tier (or didn’t). You should always consult your sponsors, if you think there is a problem with how many people ranked (or didn’t) in a certain position. Make sure you provide the judges with your marking scheme. This means be sure that you send them the entries you get from the questers, but also exactly what they should be giving points for, how many and how! If the quest is a puzzle, you might need to send them the puzzle solution. If it’s an arts & crafts quest, you might need to send them the criteria (such as creativity, originality, design, relevance to quest, etc). Always send marking schemes after the quest is finished and when no further entries can be submitted. Just to be extra-safe so your answer doesn’t get leaked before judging starts.
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