OK the first two quotes relate to the third one. Necrocron being ruled by jester does make it jesters land. I truly beleve that a land is defined by its ruler. Regardless of who rose novocron out of the ocean it does not matter who they are as they dont have control of it. For example if I where to buy an xbox and I don't use it but lets say my brother where to use it. I own it but I no longer define the games it plays or the time that its used. I simply have lost control in essence it is no longer mine.
Likewise necrocron is no longer the wizards it is now jesters.
Ok as for betrayal. Regardless of what jester did you are still betraying him plain and simple. An eye for an eye does not makes both of you equal but you still end up as two half blind people. Neither of you are getting that eye back plain and simple. Two wrongs don't make a wright would be a nice way to put it. You both decided to betray each other plain and simple thus they should be treated as separate events.
Now as for the last quote he has answered that.
[quote name='Jester' timestamp='1291530981' post='74452']
I was not deleting your posts because they were from you, but because you posted them in the wrong section.
The Necrovion Wish Points are mine to give out to Citizens of Necrovion. I do not consider Rebels to be true Citizens of Necrovion. If this is truly rebel abuse, then I will change my stance, but I do not believe that it is.
I did not ban you from making quests, I banned you from using Necrovion WPs to make them. You can still use your own rewards, and you can still participate in Necrovion quests to win things that aren't Necrovion's WP, if the person making it wishes.
Edit: I sent a message to the staff. We will have answer soon enough.
See he is not restricting people he is restricting people from his rewards which he has every right to do. People restrict people that have already won there quest from receiving another WP from them. Think of it like this if it makes it easier to understand.
P.S. Sry I have a tendency to be abrasive. I just don't see the relevance of what you arguing here. If I don't see a valid point I am going to be brutally honest. I haven't lied yet on the fourm and I don't plan to make a habit of it. (I may have made hasty decisions but that's not lieing before you bring those up.) I even Kept my Hate Pages the same when I was running for election of lore-root. Granted I now regret it even though I would have lost either way.
Edit: (noticed that you posted in between posts)
[quote name='Aysun' timestamp='1291537388' post='74463']
My oh my, somebody's found a loophole in the code. The whole point of Rebel status is so that rebels may maintain citizenship while protesting the king- finding a way around that isn't going to help you. It's only going to reinstate our status and close up the hole. Thanks for finding it, though.
Loophole what the hell are you talking about. Even if you still are a citizen you are not entitled to such. The lore root king needs you to prove that your quest is worthwhile so did lifeline when he was around. Please this proves nothing. It is not a loophole just a statement.