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Everything posted by Kamisha

  1. [img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/gallery_uploads/1291086514/med_gallery_2814_181_8904.jpg[/img]
  2. Well I guess I will keep it as simple as possible. Since he is looking for activity it only makes sense I show it here. And apparently explaining wont help so I wont bother. [img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/gallery_uploads/1291086514/tn_gallery_2814_181_1281.jpg[/img]
  3. There is also email transfer which is open. All you need is an online bank account to do that.
  4. Kamisha


    You could always open up the location name to public opinion in order to find a name that does not have that bug.
  5. 2 gc 15sc
  6. Good question considering lore root has started to be the only side still participating.
  7. It could be interesting but having negatives to everybody during the bad weather just causes frustration. If there are weather effects they should effect people differently as if everybody is effected equally then there is not much point of implementation.
  8. [quote name='OmgWhoAmI' timestamp='1291669984' post='74687'] Whats up guys? Some of me mates told me i should register, But recommended not using my playername as it be safer as you normally hunt people down who dont agree with ya So im Omg, lets hope i can try and understand how this forum works [/quote] Well technically you should only have one fourm account though i only have one most people have two and some hated players have five just to make people listen. I would however suggest adding your name to your forum account. Nobody knew who my character was until I had this account. Also I usually don't have enough time in university to actually play in game as much as I would like. Sometimes its a good idea to have a secret account but i wouldn't only have a secret account.
  9. lol Well often with the tree planting in order to replace the trees there is a failure to maintain the biodiversity of the region by planing one type of fast growing tree in order to allow the logging company to come back in a few years too cut down the forestry in that area. What kind of policy are you recommending for planting and what kind of forestry cutting practice do you plan on using.
  10. I'm sry but almost everybody here minus chewy and dst are making assumptions. Two people using the same rit is becoming very common as too some creatures which mur did not want to make rare are. I think mur said there where 64 different kind of creatures in md. Anyways here is the problem. Similar rits may be suspicious but they are not proof. They could be adepts of each other and talk about rits or they could just be two people who got each others by chance. They might atk each other and find the other persons defense is strong so try to copy it. There is any number of reasons it might be like this but we cant assume that's why we need solid proof to proceed.
  11. Although this might mean the loss of one of my wp which are as follows: *Sagewoman*on 22/10/09 For having the guts and ball to apply and campaign for Kingship and to gracefully withdrawn knowing the odds were against him. Blackwood Foreston 11/05/10 UTOB second place winner entry reward I have to agree to this clean up. With WP for days coming in there are a lot of undeserved wish points out there. Add that together with the extras and you have WP totally devalued. Then there are people dishing out the dollar values for people to reward them. If i am undeserving so be it just so long as everybody else who is undeserving takes there hit.
  12. 3am, anger and a drink makes my English suffer. It is my first language I assure you and I am fluent. Now that I look over it I would have half a mind to edit it but I wont it is testament to what happens when I shouldn't be thinking. I hope that when I announced this some people would make it clearer. I mean no hard feelings and these people seem to make things clearer then I was. Sharazhad I thank you for defending my point and making it clearer. Since this topic seems to be resolved I am done here.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. (Zl-eye-f)-nea


      I've always found it fascinating how opposed necrovions in particular are to outside input from a community which their actions have a knock on effect on.

    3. Pipstickz


      Not all of us, Zleip D:

    4. Agis Asticles

      Agis Asticles

      well conflict of a land which considers itself friends to none would of course interest others lol.

  13. OK the first two quotes relate to the third one. Necrocron being ruled by jester does make it jesters land. I truly beleve that a land is defined by its ruler. Regardless of who rose novocron out of the ocean it does not matter who they are as they dont have control of it. For example if I where to buy an xbox and I don't use it but lets say my brother where to use it. I own it but I no longer define the games it plays or the time that its used. I simply have lost control in essence it is no longer mine. Likewise necrocron is no longer the wizards it is now jesters. Ok as for betrayal. Regardless of what jester did you are still betraying him plain and simple. An eye for an eye does not makes both of you equal but you still end up as two half blind people. Neither of you are getting that eye back plain and simple. Two wrongs don't make a wright would be a nice way to put it. You both decided to betray each other plain and simple thus they should be treated as separate events. Now as for the last quote he has answered that. [quote name='Jester' timestamp='1291530981' post='74452'] I was not deleting your posts because they were from you, but because you posted them in the wrong section. The Necrovion Wish Points are mine to give out to Citizens of Necrovion. I do not consider Rebels to be true Citizens of Necrovion. If this is truly rebel abuse, then I will change my stance, but I do not believe that it is. I did not ban you from making quests, I banned you from using Necrovion WPs to make them. You can still use your own rewards, and you can still participate in Necrovion quests to win things that aren't Necrovion's WP, if the person making it wishes. Edit: I sent a message to the staff. We will have answer soon enough. [/quote] See he is not restricting people he is restricting people from his rewards which he has every right to do. People restrict people that have already won there quest from receiving another WP from them. Think of it like this if it makes it easier to understand. P.S. Sry I have a tendency to be abrasive. I just don't see the relevance of what you arguing here. If I don't see a valid point I am going to be brutally honest. I haven't lied yet on the fourm and I don't plan to make a habit of it. (I may have made hasty decisions but that's not lieing before you bring those up.) I even Kept my Hate Pages the same when I was running for election of lore-root. Granted I now regret it even though I would have lost either way. Edit: (noticed that you posted in between posts) [quote name='Aysun' timestamp='1291537388' post='74463'] My oh my, somebody's found a loophole in the code. The whole point of Rebel status is so that rebels may maintain citizenship while protesting the king- finding a way around that isn't going to help you. It's only going to reinstate our status and close up the hole. Thanks for finding it, though. [/quote] Loophole what the hell are you talking about. Even if you still are a citizen you are not entitled to such. The lore root king needs you to prove that your quest is worthwhile so did lifeline when he was around. Please this proves nothing. It is not a loophole just a statement.
  14. Technically speaking jester is necrocron is jester. A land is defined by the most influential person in that land. For example in marnidbell I would see lifeline (it seems thats going to change soon.) By declaring your self your self a rebel you are declaring your against the ruler not the land that much is true. Though your land is formed by your ruler there for you are betraying your land. Also this is not rebel abuse. You should realize when becoming a rebel you are betraying jester. Now tell me Aysen lets say I was your friend and I posted this. Lets say you where king had wish-points to give. Would you give me the gift of using them. Now if you did I would declare you the either the nicest most forgiving person or the most stupid. Now ill tell you now that jester is not stupid and since he is not giving you the wish-points he is not the nicest or most forgiving and I believe he is comfortable with that and I would be as well. If that doesn't quite sit right with you or you don't understand that ill make it painfully simple. Kings are allowed to use wish-points as they see fit. If he does not find you fit he is not obligated to give them up. They are his property plain and simple.
  15. well ill start with 1 silver
  16. The problem is showing the percentage could eaither discourage or facilitate a rebellion. For example if only 10% where rebelling few people would join over 50% would make it increase. There are also in actives which would make a lower percentage.
  17. pimped> 3 sc and 2 lumber
  18. I guess ill kick it off 3 sc for the pimped.
  19. is lagging becouse of the univercitys on again off again connection

  20. Kamisha

    New Ggg?

    Ok I agree with DST on this one and alot of people with side with her here. The main problem with the GGG is protection. The bad rep that it gives you should not appear. You training somewhere with a friend you are doing this at your own risk. What people don't seem to understand is that is that you are in a hostile world. You can create all the god damn rules you want. If you are going to **** and complain about it well that's just ****ing fine with me. I said I was fine with it earlier but now I withdraw that claim. If you are complaining about a few attacks inside your safe zone then you start to look like the GGG that I resented. P.S. Please forgive my language as it just gets me angry once something like this pops up after its already been beaten down time in again. just im so ****ing angry at having to keep on standing up for something I believe is breaking MD. If anybody needs help breaking down these things im always available for hire. Hire isn't the right word because ill do it for free. Ok service.
  21. Not the right place though being able to post more than originally intended is something that is meant to be there. Though you can get punished for using this trick so its a good thing that you posted it though in order to stop other people from using this please star out the method used and instead pm mur directly.
  22. Kamisha

    New Ggg?

    [quote name='Vicarious' timestamp='1290040456' post='72370'] The issue here MasterB was that the location was originally the basement of the Archives. And Dst once again followed me, used her acoustic remains, and broke the rituals. We purposely chose this next location to keep wanderers from finding us, and then of course, Dst came and did her thing. [/quote] I'm sry but regardless of what was done I feel that things regarding dst personally should be not be done in a thread regarding a GGG for the same merit I also beleve that the assumption including sigheart should be posted in another topic as well. This should be about the GGG replica and nothing else.
  23. Kamisha

    New Ggg?

    This is a rare instance which I can actually agree with this training ground. The idea is this location which makes it ok in my mind. First off you cant get there without using a portal which is open for a limited time which is an important factor. My personal problem with the GGG is nobody would leave and when they did they ran back right after. This eliminates the ability to get back for a little while causing people to be out of there safety for a while. I know the GGG was a bad idea this location actually has some merit. However only here would I allow such. The idea of a moving GGG or a new location to do these rits are people protecting them selves.
  24. PV = nRT atmosphers volume in L n in moles R is a constant and T is the temperature in Kalvin.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. dst


      Ugh...I hate physics....and i hate the fact that I still remember some of it...

    3. Mr Mystery

      Mr Mystery

      not only is this physics.. its chemistry too xD

    4. Kamisha


      Yeah I was using it in chem. Most important equation for me to know.

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