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Everything posted by Kamisha

  1. 10sc for both up's
  2. 6sc for the 2 UP.
  3. Kamisha


    Yes it is a shared item. I think there are some people who have the dice as an item that returns to them due to being a games master or something. This person obviously doesn't but that isn't my problem since I am not hosting it. Thing is I wouldn't be able to promise a time that I would have a draw or even if we would have it that week since I wouldn't be able to promise I had possession of them. That being the case I am not going to even try start this my self. Besides it would cast me in a bad light.
  4. Kamisha


    Now personally I wouldn't get involved in this since the universe in its infinite wisdom desires to screw me over every chance it gets. Though that being said I can attempt to make a suggestion that would get people involved. If I had access to the dice in game I would run it differently but I don't so I wont. I would fix this more up like a official lottery. First of all I would charge less because if you look at an average lottery tickets go fora few dollars or sometimes five depending on the type of lottery, country and the cost of living in said location. I would make the lottery between 1 and 2 silver because of the amount of silver in the realm. I would then put in the 15 silver or gold out of my own reserves as you have done as a starting prize. There is a reason why a jackpot starts at an estimated 3 to 5 million because it means they will win something if they do win. You then take the silver added to the lottery and maybe loosen up the odds just a bit in order to hit the jackpot. Now here are the two very important parts. First and foremost do not roll until the day of the event because you will want people to choose there numbers because people feel much more lucky when they have a choice. Second you allow the jackpot to increase week to week and you take 10% of the jackpot once it is won. What I have given you are the basic things that the Canadian lottery corporations do to keep them selves aloft and keep them earning money instead of losing it. In the long run it turns out better for the lottery corporation because the more people that invest the more money they make over all and the investments increase exponentially with each new one added. Sure one person walks away with 9 million dollars but every time that person wins you get 1 million and chances are that person will only every win the lottery once. The lottery is probably the largest house advantage yet in gambling.
  5. 4sc for the priests
  6. Kamisha


    Im sort of cautious on the wish point idea. It may not be clear but I think that is um buying a wish point because you are putting 6sc in you although only possibly getting a wish point out. I think there was a game similar to this one that the wish point was controversial. I dont have the time to look but its somewhere in there. If somebody finds the post please post a link.
  7. I'll be involved ill be really pressed for time because exams will give me three free days to do this. Oh well only 1200 words is only a page and a bit. that will take me maybe a total of 30 minutes to draft. The rest is easy.
  8. I have said what I have to say and stand by that. I am not going to argue this anymore but don't take this as my defeat. If somebody else has something to add that they find a problem with please add. I have exams coming up and I don't have the time to restate my self.
  9. Regardless we are still looking at a very powerful item and that still stands. As your send to spells they are to particular positions on the map not everywhere. All the spells that cause people to be tugged around without restriction to that location are voluntary perhaps not at the time of summoning but a voluntary risk for joining that faction, alliance or soon to be if not already tag. The repercussions are still in effect regardless of my over sight.
  10. Yes one slave per week is a possibility but think of this in context. It is not the amount of slaves it is the possibility of being the target. If a person does not want to open them selves up as a target the only safe way to do that is to either option A stay online every hour until the item is used or option B remain offline till the item is used. I am totally fine with having an automated process but that being said the process should have to be agreed by both parties (I mean people in the past did sell them selves into slavery as a way to make money in order to survive for a given time look at Rome) and should be open to more people then just Necrovion citizens since what you are proposing is one of the most powerful items in MD and the first item to make items.
  11. Great we have another restricted item to the general public. I dislike the idea of being a slave which is why I didn't auction my self off. Also due to the low amount of people in the game think about how vacant the world would be if nobody wants to be a slave. If anybody in idle mode can be captured then the entire world turns into a ghost town. an integrated item may be a good idea but I would highly advise you to change your pitch and the repercussions before you make a second attempt.
  12. I will attempt to make it though fridays are a bit well hectic and the question always looms if I will have time. I have 6000 heat I can give but I will need jars to donate it.
  13. I don't see why not considering you would have enough to afford them.
  14. Every once and I while I get irritated with my self and start to wright. Alot of them go to a point but dont really have an ending but I think I have got one in mind. I am also attempting to challange my self by righting a first person female character. I have tried to wright female characters before from a third person view often from a first person male so this is somewhat new to me. There are some differences in chracter between a male and a female reaction so I am worried if the charcter first of all seems beleveable and second of all likeable. I am still working on a name so any suggestions would be helpful. This is simply a draft the prologue so its not much to go on but before I venture any fearther into the unknowen I need some feedback in order to stop me from running beside the train and actually jump on. I find it a little choppy here and rushed I will fix that when I have time to look it over more carefully. Prologue: “What is this place why am I here.” where the only thoughts that echoed through my head when I awoke. I had yet to open my eyes but my last memory did not include the lapping of waves against a coastal land mass and the occasional rushing sound of a large wave. I opened my green eyes and saw a figure fairly close but still far enough away that I hadn’t been noticed. As my vision was still focusing as I stood up I called out. “Hey can you tell me where I am”. The figure turned to face me the expression was sad. Her eyes where green the hair was brunette and long and stopped just before the shoulders; she was slim but still showed intensity and strength of both character but also dynamic emotion. Without warning she spoke. “So this was your doing.” Her expression had changed from a sad expression to a cautious smile. “No” I wheeled around in place to face the other direction. “But I have to say I couldn’t have picked a better method the time and placement is almost well let’s say adequate but I think we both know it’s more than that.” The other voice was that of a man’s the entire figure of him was black hidden by the suns light behind him. I turned back to the women. “Hold on a tick. That’s me I said looking at the women. At least I think so…” I said quietly allowed. “If that’s me then who am I” I held up my hands to look at them inquisitively but all I was met with was nothing. The version of me that was still visible replied with a small laugh “Well isn’t that true enough right back where we started right where we need to be.” “That’s right” replied the man “I really wish we could have met under better circumstances.” “Well we both knew it would come to this” “Your right as always” The man pulled out a sharp knife. “Right as always” He repeated again softly. As he repeated it a second time my eyes opened. I was on the shore line that I had seen in what I guess must have been a dream and still I was wondering how I got there.
  15. 6gc and 15 sc on elu. Master I can do this all day. Ok not all day more like 16 hours of it.
  16. Master I think I will classify this as a bidding war so you just matched by bid since 1g = 15 sc so my offer is 4gc 31 sc If that doesent cut it then 6gc and 1 sc. You have your choice.
  17. Could everybdoy who has volenteered out up your amount of days you are willing to be a slave or what conditions you must meet before you are freed..
  18. 4gc 30 sc
  19. In any case there are a alarming large amount of ajax errors occurring. I got one that would keep on going off at the GOE until I restarted the game.
  20. 3gc and 15sc for the elu.
  21. For example my name was just a whole slue of letters mixed togeather. It wasent untill last year that it was pointed out my MD name means master of desire.
  22. If this just started today I think this might be a problem in the code. What you are seeing here is a chat error. I can decode it a bit from what I can see. If it is repeditive and other people are exsperiancing it it isnt just one of those ajax occasional failers. Decoded: *xcercses passed Bottle of Tequila to redneck* Death Ray:Hey ya'Mur Death Ray:He is under age xcercses:aye, didnt knew that Death Ray:I'll be reporting this... redneck:lies xcercses:okay redneck:':/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::":::/::::::::::::::?::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Death Ray:Hep Death Ray:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;; ChildOfTheSoul:broken chat. So im guessing COTS was eaither coming back from the same problem or was commenting on redneck's and death ray's spamming. There is a little more to take out of it like font color what type of font and all that but I dont have time to sift out the fine stuff. Thats your chat anyways up to your crash.
  23. 2gc and 5sc for the elu
  24. [quote name='Krioni' timestamp='1328305948' post='103338'] Cool! That clarifies the spell for me. I didn't know before, and now I know more ^^ As for fighting, I generally would like to, with people that are in the competition. That seems hard to accomplish though, especially looking at the locations. And like I said, by the contest page, shouldn't other people in the competition be trying to come after me? Especially if I am winning and have the most heads. But the people in the competition aren't, it is just other people messing. [/quote] You might think so but no there isnt any considerable point. Lets say i could still compete in the competition and take and recieve heads. When you hit MP5 as you are now you should have learned that instead of two outcomes to a fight there are infact 4. In the case of winning you can have a win or a victory. A victory is in the case that at least 10% damage is done to each player and there is a 30% difference. A won fight simply means that your percentage of damage was higher and you didn't meet those specs. A deafeat and a retreat is not important to exsplane for this example. The difference between these two specs is that when a player attacks and get a win he gets one head and continues on his way. However if this person pulls off a victory he takes all the heads of that person whoever he may be. So if I am to attack you and am not confident that I am going to get a victory but still confident enough to get a win I am wasting vitality in order to get just one head which is not much of anything and it puts me at risk of being attacked by somebody who can do a large portion of damage and if that does happen I am going to have to run to a location to heal enough in order to get back into the fight and take back those heads that where taken instead of running away and still having heads and vitality in order to defend from attack and disipear again before they can try again. Right now you are a risky target since you can take heads and hold them. However that will change in stage 2 becouse if people want points they have to keep in close vicinity. [quote name='durex' timestamp='1328307408' post='103351'] i had same problem like u .a player not in HC.Legend knight attack me and take from me lots of heads.then he simply log out... [/quote] They dont have to be on the list in order to be considered part of the heads contest that is just the leader list. Everybody weather they have won or not is bound by the rules of the contest except those who have won have some restrictions in winning heads from opponents that causes it to be harder for them to win a second time. Though it does happen they recive no additional rewards. Logging off would cause the heads to be removed from the system so they cant be re-taken. Weather that person was trying to be a dick or not is irrelevent. If you can do it during the heads contest and it is not a bug its all good and legal.
  25. [quote name='ChildOfTheSoul' timestamp='1328239161' post='103243'] I'll put myself up for auction. I've purchased the first clicky access (is that grade 4?), and your wish is my command. , [/quote] Yah thats grade 4. Branches and less important objects.
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