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Posts posted by Watcher

  1. This has set quite a poor precedent for those role players who wish to portray characters who behave outside the norm of society, whatever that turns out to be within the game of Magic Duel.

    First, the character of Adam Riddle has been punished in a [u]real and tangible[/u] way for [i]role playing[/i] his actions. This is extreme and uncalled for. Had Adam Riddle been crude or coarse in his language in a public area, had he attempted to or succeeded in the abuse of various bugs or exploits, or had he acted against the rules of the game in some other way, I would support the character being banned. However, Adam Riddle role played [i]two[/i] lines of text, one indicating that he "destroyed" the gate and the second stating that he ran away. Peace, the character, [b]ignored[/b] his actions and stated that the gate was, in her word, "intact."
    Just as those who 'chop down,' 'burn,' or otherwise 'destroy' the tree located on the Path of Loneliness role play their actions, they, along with everyone else, know that their actions will achieve naught. Nothing will happen to the tree because the tree is part of the scene. The same applies to anyone who wishes to "destroy" any part of any other scene. It cannot and will not happen unless Muratus del Mur wants it to.
    A role played "crime" with a very real punishment does not make sense.

    Furthermore, for Peace to state that "all mentally ill people should be locked up" is completely uncaring and ignorant. While I realize this is a game, attitudes like that do far more harm than anything else. Mental illness is a [u]real illness[/u], not something that one should be locked away for and punished because of it. Mentally ill people should receive various therapies and treatments--including medication if needed, yes--but not "locked away" and cared for poorly because they do not behave as another believes they ought. Whether it is Peace or her player saying this makes little difference: it is ugly and thoughtless in either case.

    Finally, let it be known that I have absolutely no love for this player or any of his obnoxious and substandard characters and I do not care whether "Adam Riddle" is banned for six months or permanently. Yet, actions like these certainly call into question the judgment and critical thinking skills of those who institute a [i]real[/i] punishment for a [i]role played[/i] crime of this nature.

  2. It should be noted that Malaikat Maut, a new character, and Wyncken Vanaril, a character who is no longer being accessed, are played by the [i]same person[/i]. Votes should only be accrued for the active character.

    Correct this discrepancy.

    Also, why is I am Bored's public log entry being considered? Has he not been completely disqualified from this year's awards?

    [color="#006400"]This has since been corrected, but I will leave it as a reminder or for those who might wonder why I am Bored is not being considered for the Best PL, or any other, award.

    Edited once more for the apparent theft of another's "moderator color."[/color]

  3. [quote name='redneck' date='06 December 2009 - 04:03 PM' timestamp='1260133391' post='49315']
    and you keep your own nose in your own buisness
    [quote name='Firsanthalas' date='06 December 2009 - 03:05 PM' timestamp='1260129947' post='49313']
    A while ago Redneck accepted an item in payment for artwork he agreed to do.
    He subsequently sold/traded/gave away the item, but never produced the artwork.
    Bottom line, nothing was ever produced by him and therefore he didn't hold up his end of the bargain.
    Mya and myself both asked him to return the item.
    He showed no willingness to make any efforts to retrieve the item.

    Personally I regard this as theft.
    He took something in good faith and didn't uphold his end of the bargain and didn't return it either.
    I also felt he was quite rude to Mya and myself and this after he had applied to join the Guardians!

    We gave him an opportunity to resolve the situation, but I feel that he has failed to do so.
    [i][Edited for the important points.][/i]
    It is clear to anyone with the ability to comprehend the English language that Firsanthalas is directly involved in this situation. It is his "buisness," and he feels that you, redneck, are in breach of a contract of sorts. It is fully within his rights to inform others of what he feels has been perpetrated by a charlatan.

    [quote name='redneck' date='06 December 2009 - 04:03 PM' timestamp='1260133391' post='49315']
    you dont know what my life is like
    This statement is irrelevant. If you had or have extenuating circumstances, you should have informed the various parties long before such an arrangement was made.

    [quote name='redneck' date='06 December 2009 - 05:08 PM' timestamp='1260137307' post='49317']
    just cuz hes king doesnt mean he is everything and he is no different then anyone else
    On the contrary, Firsanthalas has complete and total dominion over the land known as Loreroot. Redneck, by your application to join the Guardians of the Root, you willingly placed yourself within his jurisdiction and sovereign control.
    He is quite different from other players and will have abilities beyond theirs.

    Furthermore, your subsequent posts have not addressed the issue that Firsanthalas has with you: the non-return of a payment given to you in good faith as part of an agreement you made with him or another affected party. You have resorted to pathetic insults and are behaving as if you were the wronged party here, which you are not.
    Your behavior is, as another stated recently, 'childish and annoying.' It would be within one's best interest to either avoid you entirely or be extremely cautious in his or her dealings with you in the future.

  4. [quote name='Watcher' date='03 December 2009 - 02:24 AM' timestamp='1259825094' post='49008']
    As far as the nominations go, as happened last year, one cannot nominate any of their own characters; all nominations must come from another with a complete disqualification penalty for those who choose to try to circumvent this rule.

    In regards to the above post:
    [quote name='Grido' date='03 December 2009 - 07:34 AM' timestamp='1259843689' post='49026']
    I'll take the first bit and apply that, the other two bits are said more eloquently than i did, and also apply.

    [quote name='I am Bored' date='04 December 2009 - 10:58 PM' timestamp='1259985520' post='49183']
    There you never said we couldn't nominate ourselfs so :D
    Congratulations, I am Bored, you are the first to be disqualified from the 2009 MD Awards.

  5. That is why I proposed the idea of eliminating any previous winners from attaining yet another trophy for having accomplished or contributed little. Categories such as "Least Convincing Alt" and "Most Annoying" were made specifically for two players and they are the ones who will win each time.

    You are completely correct in that "achievements" such as these should not be honored and should be removed from the pool of possible nominations and awards.

    As to the vote collectors being restricted from voting, I do not believe that would be necessary. If [i]all[/i] the votes cast are sent to each vote collector, then the chance of there being voting irregularities is reduced or eliminated. Even in other types of elections, poll workers are allowed to vote and I see no reason for it to be different here. With the low census that Magic Duel has at this time, each vote matters that much more.

    As far as the nominations go, as happened last year, one cannot nominate any of their own characters; all nominations must come from another with a complete disqualification penalty for those who choose to try to circumvent this rule.

    A similar rule should be observed for those who wish to vote multiple times from various accounts, eliminating their own chance for an award, any future award, and maybe even the potential publication of the names of all the associated accounts.

  6. It would be refreshing to see a new batch of winners this year as opposed to seeing the same names as last year.

    I propose a small twist to this year's, and every subsequent, ceremony: Any individual who has won an award the previous year is ineligible for nomination, in any category, for the year following.

    The thinking behind this is to see more people honored and awarded for their excellence or contributions in certain areas than to see the same people win yet another accolade, whether it be deserved or not. In my experience here, it is the same people lauded repeatedly when there are others who are just as deserving, if not more so, of such praise, but who go unrecognized. This is a chance to encourage those who do great things to continue doing so.

    However, with Magic Duel's low census, coupled with the popularity of certain people and their characters, I realize this might not be an option for all or any of the categories, or that it might meet with strong opposition by, or from specific entities within, the general population.

    It is still something to be considered.

  7. I have to wonder why a thread like this one is allowed to continue without any intervention from Akasha. This is nothing but forum roleplay and as Akasha so artfully and courteously pointed out in Wolfmist's thread, 'roleplay is for the game and not for the forum.'

    Would a moderator, or even Akasha herself, care to explain why Peace and Zleiphneir may keep this thread open while Wolfmist's thread was shut down in a rather ungainly way?

  8. The Intelligence Quotient, which is determined by any test, or set of tests, is a highly misunderstood concept. In short, all an "IQ test" tests for is the knowledge contained within that test. That statement itself will confuse most; I explain it this way:

    If one is tested on mathematics in an IQ test, then that test is looking for knowledge one has in those specific disciplines. If one has been educated in those types of mathematical concepts, the score will be higher. However, if an IQ test contains questions about geology or the history of a small, little known country, then the score may be lower if they have never received related education.
    An IQ test can have any number of questions dealing with any number of topics. An IQ test could contain questions about automotive engineering, fluid dynamics, recipe conversions, obscure religious texts, medical concepts--anything at all. The point being that the test is not measuring your intelligence, but only what you have learned. They are not the same thing.
    An IQ test tests only about the questions contained with it.

    An argument against this is the "General knowledge category; things that everyone should know." However, that is a fallacy.
    There is no "general knowledge" that everyone, everywhere can know. Every country is different; every city within a country is different. Even neighborhoods within various cities can differ dramatically in population, ethnicity, language, and even geography if the city is large enough. What "should be known" by all within any specific place will differ depending on where you are.

    Moreover, it has been suggested that there are different types of intelligence.

    Bodily-kinesthetic: This area has to do with bodily movement and physiology.
    Interpersonal: This area has to do with interaction with others.
    Verbal-linguistic: This area has to do with words, spoken or written.
    Logical-mathematical: This area has to do with logic, abstractions, reasoning, and numbers. (This is strongly associated with traditional IQ tests.)
    Naturalistic: This area has to do with nature, nurturing, and relating information to one's natural surroundings.
    Intrapersonal: This area has to do with introspective and self-reflective capacities.
    Visual-spatial: This area has to do with vision and spatial judgment.
    Musical: This area has to do with rhythm, music, and hearing.

    Standardized tests can measure some of these things, though clearly not all. Regardless of the outcome, what would such a test determine? That one had aptitude in that specific area and nothing else.

    As it has also been mentioned already, there is the measurement known as "EQ" (emotional quotient,) the measure of one's emotional intelligence that is one's ability to understand their own emotions as well as those of others, using these feelings in constructive ways. This has more social implications than IQ testing, but is far less "concrete" as most believe IQ to be and is dismissed by some.
    However, this could explain why some people are able to form more and more stable relationships more easily than others who seem to be unable to keep any relationship they are in from falling apart.

    A human's brain is capable of innumerable things, both wondrous and grotesque. To suggest that any one number can sum up the whole of a person is simply laughable and has no meaning or purpose.

    It may be one's ability to take a test that lands him or her a job, but if they cannot manage their relationships with the people within, or even outside, that job, they are not likely to keep it.
    Humans differ greatly in their abilities. There are those who know music and sound better than most alive while they know next to nothing about calculus. How can it be determined that a physics teacher is more intelligent than the band director is when they both excel at what they do? They have had different educations and different life experiences.

    In the end, an IQ is simply a number with little to no meaning behind it.

  9. You still have yet to answer the question asked, Lifeline. You are sidestepping the inquiry, believing that your post gives all the answers when it does not.
    What would occur should you and Chewett disagree on something?

    King Manu has stated several times that the Kings or Queens of each land will have [i]absolute[/i] authority. Your posting lacks the foresight to address a potential problem that another, The Truthspeaker, can see that may develop. Two people, no matter what they say "now," will invariably reach a point where they do not, and cannot, agree on everything. When you reach this point, will you, as the king, overrule Chewett, regardless of his wishes and desires?

    Furthermore, an advisor is nothing more than that: one who offers advice. Advice is not a rule or a law, it is a suggestion, and as the potential ruler of Marind Bell, you have the prerogative and authority to reject such advice and decide on your own.

    What would happen if you were to desire the removal of all Necrovion sympathizers from the Knights of the Bell while Chewett believes they belong there, the alliance having been a casualty of the battle with Necrovion? What do you do then?

    Whether or not this specific item has been addressed by the two of you is not as important as the fact they there [u]will[/u] come a time when the two of you will come to a disagreement.
    What happens then?

  10. You impress me with your role, Yrthilian; you play the martyr exceedingly well.
    Sadly, I can see through your attempts at misdirection all too well.

    None understands what you mean.
    None interprets what you say correctly.
    None wants to see what you're really doing.

    Your excuses are as feeble as your control over Golemus Golemicarum and just as tired. It is not the fault of another if you cannot communicate your thoughts and intentions with simple words. Take responsibility for your own actions, and inaction at that. Your whining is contemptible.

    There are many who see exactly what you mean, who do not need to read further into your transparent statements, and who can see what your true goals are.

  11. [quote name='Yrthilian' date='08 October 2009 - 10:17 PM' timestamp='1255054631' post='44109']
    We all know that the new leaders of the allaince [u]will never invite me back into the allaince as they know i could just retake it[/u]. So for now we are at a stale mate on that matter. But also [u]the allaince will end up operating outside of Golemus[/u] unless we can come to an agreement of some sort. But as King and as Yrthilian i cannot allow trators into the land. So we will end up in a catch 22 situation.

    The allaince will also operater in fear/paranoia of the members they do let in. [u]for anyone of them could also invite me into the allaince and then i could take over again[/u]. So this would meen the new leader of the allaince would have to be 100% sure that would not happen. Well [u]you cant be 100% sure[/u] can you?

    [i][Emphasis added.][/i]

    Where am I in error?

    [quote name='Yrthilian' date='10 October 2009 - 10:32 AM' timestamp='1255185120' post='44289']
    How [many] can say [they] can play [two] RPC's at once and run them well

    [i][Edited to prevent potential confusion.][/i]

    I have yet to see you roleplay [i]one[/i] effectively.

  12. [quote name='Kyphis the Bard' date='09 October 2009 - 08:31 PM' timestamp='1255134670' post='44224']
    Clearly you have no idea of Wodins history
    The one who doesn't know Wodin's true history is you. You know only what was told to the general public to keep the legend of this man alive and his reputation intact.
    Wodin is certainly nothing of what he once was and has deteriorated into a desiccated shell toyed with by others.

    [quote name='Kyphis the Bard' date='09 October 2009 - 08:31 PM' timestamp='1255134670' post='44224']
    The vote on this matter was very clear.
    This makes him, in my eyes at least, the rightfull king, even if I voted against him (which I did)
    Again, you show your ignorance of history as well as of other things.

    Also, the raw data determined he did [i]not[/i] have more support than opposition, a statement you later make which contradicts your assertion.
    It was only after the various "arguments," which is a term I must apply loosely based on the drivel supplied, and land affiliations were tabulated that he "gained" support. Looking through the comments made and Grido's analysis of them, they were stating Yrthilian had the right to exile Grido 'because he's the king' which was never the catalyst which spurred Grido into action.

    Finally, Yrthilian is still playing a martyr while [u]simultaneously[/u] threatening Burns, Metal Bunny, and Grido's control over the military.
    He was an ineffectual ruler.
    He is unlike his predecessor in every way.
    He may be king, but there is no point in having a title that has no power.

  13. Pipstickz, for all his flaws, has succinctly stated exactly what needed to be said to you, Yrthilian.

    In this case, his skimming has pulled out all the pertinent information from yet another rambling and nigh incoherent post. You, a man whose crown was not only far too much of a burden to bear, and which was undeserved from the beginning, seek little else than to regain what small measure power you believe you once held.

    You clearly have a fetish tending towards a necromantic flavor, playing with and pretending that men who were far greater than you, men who were true leaders and who could unite not only their own lands but bring those from others to them, are your friends or personal advisors. Their souls have long since left this world and what ghastly and ghoulish things you do to their bodies, while claiming it as some sordid, deserved right, is deplorable and sickening.

    You claim you are doing what is best for Golemus Golemicarum? You insult the land you claim to love by your mere presence.
    The worst that Grido, Metal Bunny, and Burns have done is far better than what you could ever hope to accomplish. These men are true leaders and know how to care for a land and an alliance that you poison and twist with your unadulterated selfishness. Every time you whimper pitifully about how unfairly you were treated and call them "trators," you only earn them more respect, for they "betrayed" naught but a bloated and useless figurehead who knows he will never measure up to the greater men who have come before him and in whose faded shadows he will forever find himself.

    Congratulations on keeping your crown of tinsel and tin foil.
    I can think of none more worthy.
    All hail Yrthilian, Hollow King on the Throne of Dust.

  14. [quote name='SageWoman' date='01 October 2009 - 03:25 PM' timestamp='1254425125' post='43450']
    The dance is erotic in nature but so is the Flamingo.
    The dance known as the [i]Flamenco[/i] was derived from a style of music long before the dance style, known as [i]El baile flamenco[/i], came about.

    Furthermore, the dance is all about extraordinary precision, the quick movements of the feet taking years to perfect. Most dancers of any notable caliber will be into their thirties before they are believed to have developed the understanding and emotional aptitude to present the "duende" (soul) of the dance.

    What is considered the most authentic type of this dance is performed during gypsy weddings and celebrations in Spain. A derivative of this style is known as "Flamenco puro." These styles differ from those that have come after in that these are informal and spontaneous and, in the latter style, performed solo, with both styles lending to arms curving around the body versus having them extend from it.

    There are group dances that tourists in Europe would classify as "flamenco," but which is simply commercial in nature, choreographed to ensure quality in the entertainment received.

    "Classical flamenco" is a style that has movements similar to ballet, which many of the dancers in such troops have also studied, holding the body upright, in tight control, and with little movements from the hips.

    Finally, a newer, "sexier" style has developed, "flamenco nuevo," which has most of the men dancing bare-chested and with women wearing little themselves. This style is heavily influenced by others and is, perhaps, the style that Sagewoman is speaking of.

    Unless you were referring to the pink bird itself.
    I suppose that could be considered erotic to something, if not humans.

  15. [quote name='redneck' date='07 September 2009 - 06:07 PM' timestamp='1252361272' post='41148']
    i think what you put up there was the best. so i personally think you should be the leader and if you become the leader i wanrt to srtand by your side in the ally

    At this point in time, you have seen exactly [b]one[/b] idea spelled out in a sensible and coherent fashion.

    Your posts consistently reek of desperation, and they are easily read as you screaming, over and over again, "I want to be in an alliance!" seeking little more than attention and notoriety.

  16. For those of you unable to read, the roles that have been listed--Services to the dead, cleanup of crime scenes, ritual activities, research, mercenaries--are simply suggestions. There is no reason to believe that the alliance need be all or any of those. If the leader has a clear and concise vision, which Leucretia/Windy has yet to state, then the alliance is open to anyone and for any purpose.

    However, simply stating that you want a place for oddballs (is that to be read as "those who only know how to godmod"?) and that you "believe in the new lands" is barely reason enough to offer the leadership of the alliance to you.

    You are going to have to write much more and be far more convincing if this is something you want.

  17. [quote name='SageWoman' date='04 September 2009 - 02:00 PM' timestamp='1252087231' post='40892']
    Whats next, a Witch Hunt? That was done in the Human Realm and many life's were lost over mass hysteria. As this is Magic Duel, there is no such thing as true Death. Only the deletion or abandonment of a account can do that!
    Then it is most fortunate for all involved that this is [i]only[/i] a game, is it not? And as you noted, no "life's" [sic] were lost.

    [quote name='SageWoman' date='04 September 2009 - 02:00 PM' timestamp='1252087231' post='40892']
    Healers protect and defend Life. Does that make us Pro-lifer's? You bet. All Life is precious. Even Burns. Today he was savagely attacked by Marvolo.
    Lycanthropy is widely known to be an aberration, not a part, of the natural order. Protecting "life" such as that goes against what you purport to do.

  18. Please note the following:

    Pure silver, as with pure gold, is a surprisingly soft metal, with silversmiths easily being able to manipulate the metal at room temperature. While you may be able to fashion a weapon out of such a metal, it would likely blunt itself into uselessness upon striking the enemy for the first time.
    It should also be noted that the vulnerability to silver is a more recent addition to the werewolf mythos, despite its widespread knowledge.

    Some legends indicate that werewolves have an aversion to the genus [i]Aconitum[/i], also known as wolfsbane. Though the legends differ on this somewhat, there are those that lead one to believe that inhaling, ingesting, or simply coming into contact with any of the various plants causes death to werewolves.

    Other legends indicate that causing a great deal of neural or cardiac trauma to a werewolf would be enough to prevent the creature from regenerating from those, and therefore other serious, injuries, effectively killing it. Such methods would include decapitation or the removal of the heart from the thoracic cavity.

    I, too, agree that the werewolf, a typically uncommon creature even within other realms of fantasy, has become akin to the pigeon within the world of MagicDuel. Both are mindless, annoying creatures, which make nuisances of themselves and contribute little else.

  19. [quote name='aero' date='24 August 2009 - 02:15 AM' timestamp='1251094514' post='40145']
    What could possibly cause the universe to end? There is no end, only a beginning. And what the beginning was or what came after is all speculation at this point. You can debate it all you want but you're not goint to figure it out.
    Research subjects thoroughly before you spout off nonsense.

    There are several theoretical ends to the universe.
    The first that comes to mind is a concept referred to as the "heat death of the universe," where the universe reaches a maximum state of entropy. There is no movement. There is no altering from one state to another. Without the movement or exchanging of energy, or "work," in another word, life is impossible. That is but one end to the universe.

    You would do well to think more before you speak at all.

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