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Everything posted by Watcher
i wanna a darkness knight avatar
Watcher replied to The Knight of controversy's topic in MD Artworks (former Artisans Guild)
I will tell you the exact same thing any of the artists or long-time players will tell you: you can request as many different avatars as you can imagine. However, none of these requests means anything beyond ideas for the artists. There is no system in place which allows players to request [i]and receive[/i] specific avatars. If you request one, or even more, and it is drawn up, you must be the one who chooses it first once it is released. It does not matter if it is "your" avatar; it is first come, first served. You can "want" all day and all night; it means nothing. -
First off, could either Rhaegar Targaryen or tankfans explain to me, or to anyone for that matter, what the point of the Savelite Church alliance was? You both protest so much about it having been taken over and disbanded, yet you say nothing about why you feel that way. Is it simply because it was 'your alliance' and is no longer? Do you know the history of its founder? Do you know what he wanted? Can you tell anyone anything about this alliance [i]other[/i] than the fact that it was based in Loreroot and has been considered by many to be completely pointless? You want to do something with this alliance? Perhaps you should prove to those who currently have the power that you actually know something about its purpose. Screaming about pirates and hidden enemies makes you look foolish and pathetic. Stop complaining and start doing. Now (Zl-eye-f)-nea, how, exactly, should any previous member of this alliance be "grateful" to Grido for anything he has done? They should ‘be happy that he did not obliterate the alliance?’ Grido did not keep the alliance out of some altruistic desire to see it rebuilt; he kept it around because King Manu would have flayed him alive for such an act. Furthermore, Grido's underhanded tactics are comparable to a stranger waltzing into a house, kicking out everyone who lives there, and then changing the locks so that none can re-enter. Should these people should be "grateful" that he chose to not burn the house down in the process? Their anger and distrust of Grido, and Golemus Golemicarum by extension, is quite understandable. They have proven that they cannot be trusted and have no honor. "Even in war, there are rules." In a game such as this, one does not sneak into an alliance and rip it apart from the interior when conflict seems imminent. The Savelite Church was not the only target to this treachery. However, the Children of the Eclipse protected itself from such subversion. In the end, what Grido did was despicable and dishonorable. The Savelite Church, whatever it was, whatever problems it may have been experiencing, has been treated with the utmost of disrespect. He can justify it how he wishes, but the fact remains that, during a time of potential conflict, he infiltrated an opposing alliance and dismantled it for no other reason than to eliminate a potential source of opposition. The previous members wish to rebuild or remake the Savelite Church and they should be allowed, without the interference of outsiders, without their rules or regulations. I certainly cannot blame former members if they do not wish to abide those who unjustly occupy their previous residence.
What I find most interesting about those who have posted and who choose to whine and complain about a possible game reset are those who have the weakest roles – if they have any, indeed – and poorest role-playing ability. I will take a moment to remind everyone that this is a [i]role-playing[/i] game. It seems that some have forgotten that, if they ever even knew. The point of this world is [b]not[/b] to have the highest attack and defense values, the largest, nastiest creatures, nor to have innumerable alternate accounts to use to circumvent the system in order to gain spell-casting capabilities. A [i]role-playing[/i] game is about creating a character and interacting with others in a fantasy world. The point is to have fun while acting and interacting, to create stories and tales to tell others, to create legends to which other players and characters will stand in awe and to which they will aspire. King M. has stated his desires, many times, and those who pay attention know that he wants this to be a realm overflowing with characters and roles, all of whom are playing and working together to tell their stories. He does not want it filled with those who seek power for power's sake, whose only goal is the farming of one statistic after another. He wants people here who find role-playing to be enjoyable, not a burden. I would not welcome a game reset with open arms, but neither would I shun it. Should everything reset, should everyone have to start again, I would not be among those who were crying nor protesting nor threatening to leave. I would simply start again and continue to play as I have: for fun and with superb role-playing skills, skills which some on this thread could never find nor earn from a simulated battle and are even less likely to understand. Each person who comes here should think long and hard about what the idea of a game reset means to him or her. If one finds it so entirely detestable, an attempt should be made to figure out why. If it were found to be they would 'lose all their progress and hard work' at gaining nothing but creatures and statistics, I suggest they pack up and leave now. While those who have worked hard at defining and creating a character – of which there are more than a few – would not like to see that work lost, they also know that progress like that can be made again or even carried over, should everything need to begin anew. It is clear who the strongest players in this game are.
The maintenance and upkeep of your creatures is not, and should not necessarily be, an easy task.
now totally unfair outcome of feb/march head contest
Watcher replied to Lifeline's topic in General Forum
Burns, you should critically evaluate [i]any[/i] source before you claim it to be "quite good." You spoke with someone who was accused of cheating by not only other players, but by King Manu himself, and asked him how he won a contest where everyone else [i]except[/i] him and MRV -- who was also accused of cheating by none other than King Manu himself -- has been allowed to participate again because, as far as anyone knows, they did [b]not[/b] cheat (though, of course, that is up to debate, as well.) Believing anything that comes from Lightsage concerning his alleged cheating and abuse of bugs is akin to believing your cat when it tells you it does not know where your canary is when the cat clearly has blood and feathers on its mouth. Is that to say that Lightsage is lying or not telling the truth? Of course not. However, it would be folly to present his perspective on events as truth or as matter-of-factly as you have. There are many who know, I among them, that it was not 'a simple case of passing heads from one mind power level to another, holding them, and then passing them to a nigh-unbeatable character.' Lightsage was penalized during the previous contest for using a bugged ritual to obtain the score he had acquired. He dropped out, by moving on to MP6, when it was made clear that he would be unable to regain the number one slot. Again, as has been stated, [i]ad nauseum[/i]: this contest is unfair. Many understand this. However, it seems that there needs to be a working definition of what "unfair" actually means. As King Manu himself has stated, "Everybody knows the Head Contest is unfair, but why should it be unfair just in the favor of cheaters and abusers?" I doubt he made a statement like that without knowing he was talking about. In the end, thinking that Lightsage is the innocent victim of slander, lies, or rumors seems so remote as to be an impossibility. This event has passed. King Manu has made a decision. There are those who have agreed, those who have disagreed, and those who have benefitted from it. This event was a learning experience for all involved, but few seem to want to put this episode behind them and that is the saddest thing about this whole debacle. This topic is old and the outrage is wearing thin. This topic needs to be closed so that people can get over it, and themselves, and begin to move forward. -
And what leads you to believe that images like that would not be acceptable?
You are incorrect, Liberty4life, there are several cases where tags and descriptions were purchased from the now-closed wishpoint shop. As for other tags and descriptions, most are earned through consistent and quality roleplaying.
Two who presume to speak for entire lands? What hubris...
Consult the announcement history to answer your questions.
The entrance has been sealed, with the possibility of it reopening at a later date.
The fact of the matter is, is that there are the [i]haves[/i] and the [i]have-nots[/i]. That is the way it is for both this world and the other that we inhabit. There are those who have the resources to do as they please and purchase what they wish. It is a simple, and some would say unfortunate, fact that is unlikely to change any time soon. As has been pointed out, the addition and placement of this premium creature within the shop has allowed us all to continue to exist in this world. I am thankful for that, as I am sure we all are. I cannot begrudge those who have attained this creature, or any other premium creature, for it is through their support that we all exist. Something else that has been pointed out is that there is more to this place than the creatures we command and the rituals in which they are placed. Those who have the resources to support this place may have the strongest creatures and the highest stats, but what does that mean if they are not a recognizable character or, even worse, one who is seen as a bully? What does it mean if another does not place the same value on how many people these players can destroy in five minutes or how high their stats climb in a 24-hour period? However, that is not to say that you, Awiiya, are wrong in your desire to see some parity between those who have and those who do not. I can definitely see a place and demand for a non-premium creature that could counter or eliminate the bonuses that are assigned to other, high-end creatures. After all, this world should not be a plutocracy, allowing those who have the most resources to set the pace and policy of the world. The [i]have-nots[/i] should not have to fear the power and tyranny of the [i]haves[/i]. I believe that this can be a place where many different kinds of people can assemble and enjoy. Financial resources should not be a requirement to be here, and once that path is taken, it can become quite a slippery slope. At the same time, those who do not have the same resources should have some means of countering or reducing the effect of what is an obviously powerful creature. There is a solution; my desire is to see that we all look for it together.
Awiiya, I must cast some doubt on the premise which you base your suggestion. From observing the happenings within the Dojo, those who violate it seldom, if ever, choose to speak. I find it difficult to believe that one whose sole desire is the continual violation the Dojo for easy wins - for what other reason is there for such behavior? - ever wishes to stay within it to have a conversation of any great significance. While the idea is sound and worthy of investigation, I must also question how much work would have to go into choosing who would be tagged as a violator and then tagged again to make the area a sanctuary for this person while simultaneously ensuring that the Dojo performs as desired for the remaining people within in its designated area. Surely, ejecting the violator from the area is the simpler solution of those proffered? However, let it be known that simple is not always best. Nevertheless, for the ease of King M. and the others involved, the ejection solution seems to be the best of those presented.
Treehill, you might wish to reexamine several of Calyx of Isis' last few posts. She is not seeking to ban people from the current location in the Marble Dale Park, but a new, different, and dedicated location where the Dojo will be set up. She is not looking to ban people from the current location, but from the future one.
It is unfortunate that there are those who come here who do little more than seek to exploit the system on which this world is based. They are the ones who only seek power for power's sake and miss everything else that this place has to offer. I look forward to the day when stats are simply an aspect of the world and not the sole focus of so many who are here. Of course, I would love for that day to be tomorrow, but I know that King Manu must work hard to achieve that and that it will not be an overnight accomplishment. May your fingers and mind work quickly for the benefit of all, King Manu. I am curious to know what else this world has to offer to those who seek more than the ultimate combat ritual, the strongest creature, or the highest statistic.
I propose you celebrate with him and enjoy the day. However, I believe 'squeezing him to death' would be most ill advised. If such a thing were to occur, I think it would be detrimental to most, if not all, of the residents of this world. I wish you a most joyous day, King Manu. May all your hopes and dreams come to fruition and may you be surrounded by all those who you love and who love you -- which most certainly includes all of us. A most happy birthday to you, King Manu.
[b]To Awiiya[/b]: Yes, this topic is about assisting Renavoid. My posts, while they may seem off topic, are quite on target. I do not believe Renavoid deserves assistance. I oppose it and I would actively work against it if I thought it would have an impact on the end result of this misadventure of his. However, it is clear to me that he will survive this self-imposed ordeal regardless of what I, or others, post here. He does not need help; he will achieve his goal in the end whether he deserves to or not. [b]To Burns[/b]: You have actually made an excellent point for me: "he will do evil stuff to you just because he can." I thank you for that. Renavoid should be held to a higher standard, as should all RPCs, than the other people who populate this place. If he is petty and wishes to use his status and power against another for personal vengeance or "just because he can," it is clear that he is unworthy of either. It has been made clear to me that King Manu does not appreciate it when people abuse the powers he has granted them. Indeed, if stormrunner is to be believed when he says "[Renavoid] once locked one of my alts in the passage of war, so I would have a reason to dislike him," it is clear that Renavoid has abused powers granted to him. Again, I wish to thank you both for making excellent points for me. [b]To stormrunner[/b]: At the risk of going off topic and posting something which may be interpreted as a personal attack, I would ask that you use appropriate punctuation in your posts. It is difficult to read and understand, with certainty, the points you are trying to make. Again, this is not a personal attack. Your thoughts will be clearer, and your arguments stronger, if you separate them from each other. As for the "guts" comment, I doubt that either the Shade Sentinel or Renavoid himself have been injured in any significant way. "Brave" acts mean next to nothing when, one, it is difficult or impossible to die (none of the players can die) and two, if the objective is clearly beyond the means employed. As the Shade Sentinel is able to move about in the way he does, there is little reason to believe that anything has happened to him. Finally, I will say this again: Leave Renvoid to his own devices. Renavoid does not deserve aid of any kind. He has placed himself in this situation through his own foolish and shortsighted actions. He should remove himself from this same situation and without the aid of anyone else. And while my vocal opinion may be in the minority, I know that it is silently echoed by others.
Sadly, Burns, you have made several grievous errors in your post. [quote name='Burns' post='26081' date='Feb 28 2009, 05:38 PM']he is a bit full of himself, that's true, but nonetheless he is a valueable part of the game, he does write a lot of archives stuff, and he does know a lot of stuff because he is a good listener... so claiming he wouldn't do anything to deserve his role is a straight-out lie.[/quote] First, saying that he is "a bit full of himself" is a colossal understatement. There are few people here, or elsewhere, who I have met who have had an ego as large or as out of control as Renavoid. He is rude and condescending [i]on his good days[/i]. As for the material which has been placed in the Archives under his name, if you actually care to look closer, he is the one who is getting credit for it and not the actual author of the material. I suspect that is the case for more of his "contributions" than not. Also, I never claimed "he wouldn't do anything to deserve his role." Do not credit me with statements I have not made. [quote name='Burns' post='26081' date='Feb 28 2009, 05:38 PM']and with that post count and sign-up date i will just assume that you have NO idea what ren did or didn't do to deserve his role...[/quote] You are judging my position on your erroneous perception that I have only recently joined this community and that I am unaware of what has come before now. I have chosen to remain silent on the myriad topics available on this forum for my own reasons. I am quite aware of what Renavoid has done in the past and his currently behavior only confirms that he is reckless and egotistical in the extreme. [quote name='Burns' post='26081' date='Feb 28 2009, 05:38 PM']but assuming oneself to be among the strong and intelligent while the people that were picked as RPCs and PWRs are jerks is most likely not one of the wisest things to think[/quote] Again, you are crediting me with words I have not said. I never claimed to be among those who are worthy. I can only tell you what I see. And, it would seem that some recent statements by King Manu himself have indicated that those who have been selected to be among the RPCs and PWRs are now proving themselves as less worthy than originally thought. Indications lead me to believe there will be quite a clearing out of those who are not up the challenge of being RPCs. Beyond that, I have made no comments about the other RPCs or PWRs in this post, or any other, concerning their worthiness or lack thereof. I would also like to take a moment to point out that I am saying what others wish they could say. Yet, I also realize that others are too timid to do so for their own reason; I, however, feel a strong need that this be said. No one likes someone with an ego which runs rampant and roughshod over others. Nor do others like one who abuses the power he has been given. Renavoid is leagues away from the wonderful saint and mentor which others will choose to paint him.
This world does not need [i]this[/i] Master Archivist, one whose ego, arrogance, and self-importance cloud his judgment and lead him to behave like an archetypal 'holier than thou' preacher with all the subtle nuances of a well placed brick to the face. If there were any true balance in this world, reckless actions would have dire consequence and natural selection would have removed the weak and useless. However, it is apparent that this world rewards idiots and fools while leaving the strong and intelligent to wallow in obscurity. As much as I would appreciate seeing the removal of Renavoid from the office of Master Archivist, and the installation of someone who [u]clearly deserves it,[/u] I have a feeling that this latest adventure of his will lead everyone to laud him as a great hero. It is sickening. It is also clear to me, and to anyone else who utilizes his or her intellect in the least, that the system which rewards actions is faulty in the extreme and possibly beyond repair.
Renavoid has acted rashly and behaved irresponsibly. He has blatantly taunted the Shade Sentinel and its Guardian, transporting them out of Inner Necrovion to Golemus Golemicarum only to return them moments later after desecrating a hallowed ground, inviting in a massive amount of people to gape and gawk at the Tortured Souls. He seeks to play with powers which he clearly does not understand. He is seeking fame and attention while distracting people with his sophomoric antics. I say Renavoid be left where he is and that he find his own way out of the situation which he has placed himself. If he believes himself to be as intelligent and clever as his delusions indicate, I am sure he will be able to repair the situation with little to no effort. Simply leave him to whatever shreds of mercy the shades may have...
You are reading to far into this mission of his and placing a spin on it which needs not be there. 'Is it good? Is it bad? Why should I support it when I might want to oppose it?' First, the concepts of good and bad are completely arbitrary. Is it good for a man to steal bread so that he can feed his family? Is it bad when a criminal is incarcerated for a crime he didn't commit? What is wonderful for you may be catastrophic for another. Your choice to neither support him nor to oppose him is for you to make. However, it would seem Khalazdad is looking to break the world of MagicDuel out of the stasis in which it has become trapped. MagicDuel has ceased to change; it has ceased to evolve. I will gladly welcome whatever it is that Khalazdad is going to do or whatever is going to happen because of his actions. The lack of progress this world is enduring is nearly unbearable. Good? Bad? I make no arbitrary assignments to his actions. You should keep your mind open and see what it is which will come. If you oppose this, then I would accuse you of opposing change, and thus, being unnatural. Bring change, Khalazdad, and bring it quickly.
[quote name='pamplemousse' post='24675' date='Feb 2 2009, 11:24 PM'][b]To show your support[/b] a gathering at the Howling Gates may prove effective.[/quote][Emphasis added.] [quote name='Grido' post='24700' date='Feb 3 2009, 10:45 AM']And it is [u]needful also that others speak[/u] of him... [b]As stated before[/b], people are gathering at the Howling Gates [b]to support[/b] Khalazdad.[/quote][Emphasis added.] I believe you can see why I might be confused. There are two posts which quite clearly state that those who wish to support Khalazdad's efforts should gather at the Howling Gates. And then, within one of these posts, it is stated that there is a need for others to speak of him. So, I believe my initial inquiry stands. However, I will repeat what I have already stated: "I wish to see the Rajj succeed in whatever he does."
[quote name='stormrunner' post='24718' date='Feb 3 2009, 10:47 PM']speak where and whatever you wish of him the fact you speak of him is enough, though keeping to your manners is always good[/quote] ... I certainly hope you are not implying I lack manners? I wish to see the Rajj succeed in whatever he does.
How, exactly, would we show support? Speaking of him? Simply standing and talking at the aformentioned Gates? If we choose to speak of him in other places, with the effect be diminished or unrecognized?