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Everything posted by Jester

  1. Jester


    "It is not an alliance though it has more members than each of the alliances. Funny that..." I believe that's because alliances have requirements for joining.
  2. Jester

    Winds Sanctuary

    I think the above posts are on the right track, but you should also disable the "stop" music button. That way nobody will be able to stand being in Wind's Sanctuary and I'll sit outside and farm them as they run out holding their ears.
  3. Jester

    Winds Sanctuary

    I second Burns. I also propose kegs be added.
  4. Oh, just to clarify... I did enjoy BrightShield's story, I was just criticizing the judges for putting "original story" as one of the points after that He-man reference. And since I forgot earlier because I was too busy judging the judges, congratulations BrightShield.
  5. Good, at least some people have watched He-man. But still, you can't just rip off He-man like that. Its... He-man. C'mon. And my main point is that his wording is exactly copied from another source, with no effort to change it.
  6. Brightshield + original story Apparently none of you watched He-man and the Defenders of the Universe. He-man: Prince Adam possesses the Power Sword, and when he holds it aloft and says the magic words "By the Power of Grayskull! I have the Power!",he transforms from skinnier, average Prince Adam into a tall, muscle buff, blonde hair, handsome man that was later to be known as He-man. BrightShield: “PICK ME UP CHOSEN, RAISE ME HIGH AND SAY BY THE POWER OF GREYSKULL” Upon doing so, a great light filled the entire room and an amazing transformation took place. The once medium built, black hair, tanned and average looking cattleherd turned into a tall, muscle buff, blonde hair, handsome man that was later to be known as BRIGHTSHIELD.
  7. Shady Jester ID 77557
  8. Sounds like Fenrir is one of those people who found religion while in Jail.
  9. As you can see by the following scenarios, the DraLHOrn is a great idea. All hail the mighty DraLHOrn! Scenario 1 noob: I'm new and I don't understand this game, so it must suck! Luckily I'm 10 years old and learned a new swear word, so I'm going to go post it all over chat because that's how cool I am! Grido: Send in the DraLHOrn. noob: Why is the ground shaking? Wait, whats that?!? Nooooooo its eating me alive! Ahhhhh! Scenario 2 Older player: I'm bored, so I'm going to go annoy people in paper cabin! The LHOs won't ban me because I have lots of active days! Grido: Send in the DraLHOrn. Older player: Wait! Not the DraLHOrn! I'll be good, I promise! *Older player flees into the distance* Scenario 3 noob: Whats a Mur? Grido: Send in the DraLHOrn. noob: Whats a DraLHOrn?... uh oh. *noob flees* (These scenarios were performed by trained actors. Please do not attempt them at home) Well, as you can see, the DraLHOrn has a wide variety of uses. However, I do think that last one was a slight abuse of power. I mean, he just asked a question. Completely uncalled for. Grido: Send in the DraLHOrn. Wait! I take it back! Grido is all knowing! *Flees*
  10. It'd be a lot harder if you didn't give them instructions on how to do it, Burns.
  11. Are you saying you don't want an army of DraLHOrn policing the realm and upholding the law? ...On second thought, I don't like my idea anymore.
  12. Did anyone bother asking the Angiens about this? Since you seem so intent on crossbreeding something, I have an idea. DraLHOrn - crossbreeding an LHO with a DracHorn. Any volunteers?
  13. Its not "easy" to remove someones fighting ability. On MP5 its nearly impossible since people can recover, but on MP3 and MP4 the amount of effort required to get that ability is more than most can put in. Also, there are ways of guarding yourself against it. I wish it was easier, there are a lot of people I want to destroy, but its not at all.
  14. My enemy's time comes soon, Imagining the darkness breeds his doom, Coat his heart with liquid dust, Remove from him which his life trusts, Ignore his cries and crush his wards, Destroy this one, my foe abhorred! (Black Water) Surrounded by foes I stand alone In the flames shall they atone Cast out the wave, return to me Drain from them their energy Use the fuel to start the pyre Cleanse my enemies with thy fire! (Circle of Flames) Impose my will upon this blade Converted to spirit, the change is made Ignore the laws that matter binds Harness the powers of the mind Cleave through objects without a scratch The strength of my spirit has no match! (Sword Slash) Done in the same format as Air Ward.
  15. Jester

    Happy B-Day!

    Happy extra post count day to you!
  16. What about sorting the adept list, with active people on top? That way you can see everyone, and can count your inactive adepts, but its a lot easier to deal with.
  17. Trying to steal my adept, Sage?
  18. Hey, I'm still on the list? I did tell you I'd stop, but if you insist on me being an enemy of Bob I suppose I can oblige. Now to start plotting...
  19. In a month you can easily get enough free credits to buy a friends list. If its that important to you to be able to message your mentor do free credits for a while and then buy the list, or just save a message from them. I really don't think this needs its own feature at all.
  20. You must have been snobby from day 1 then, Watcher. As for looking for a Mentor, you might be better off finding someone in game you get along with and would like to be taught by. The forum tends to devolve some posts into meaningless arguments.
  21. Having an adept is different than training one. A single adept on your counter is rather worthless, but the time you spend training one is much more valuable. I don't mean someone who just asks you basic questions and goes on their way, I mean someone you really invest time in.
  22. I'll be your mentor, but only if you're violent/crazy enough.
  23. I wasn't saying I don't think its a good idea, because I do. I was saying there are players that use them.
  24. I had a hate list that had a page or two of things I hate, and I've seen a few other people with long lists as well.
  25. Alright... here we go: I and a few other people are setting up a training ground for Loreroot. I'm attempting to set up a system that works better for the Lorerootian's playing style. They are not stat grinders, therefore a training center that focuses on that would not be as beneficial as one that caters to their specific interests. As to what system that would be, I'd tell you but then I'd have to kill you. No really, I haven't worked out the details yet. What we were testing was the impact a training center would have on the Lorerootians in general. Therefore, nothing went wrong. If you have any further questions, feel free to PM them to one of my alts that I never use. I will update you as things progress, or when I get bored.
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