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Everything posted by Jester

  1. Happy birthday man.
  2. The Sentinels wish to recruit new people into their ranks. Everyone is welcome, as all different types of people are required to further the new cause. The common thread that binds us is desire for war and most likely a touch of insanity. We need Researchers to study Necrovion so that we may better guard it, Traders to fund the war efforts, Role Players to add realism to the combat and generally represent the Sentinels to outsiders, Questers to gain powers others can’t get which would be useful in combat and other scenarios, Spies to gather intelligence on enemy movements, Diplomats to lay out the terms of combat, and, of course, Fighters to actually wage the wars. The Ranking system is complex and in progress, but no single group will be given priority. To enjoy war you need not actually fight in it. Its been quiet for too long…
  3. As of today the Sentinels have a new leader and cause. The members of the Dynasty were charged with living up to Khalazdad’s reputation, an unattainable task which I did not envy them. Khalazdad entrusted an important task to me before he left, but with him gone it is unfulfillable. Instead I now revoke the part of the Sentinels that was the Dynasty and begin anew. With this I claim the title the Regicide, which means King slayer or Kingdom breaker. I, Jester the Regicide, am now the leader of the Sentinels. Our primary task remains the same: to guard Necrovion from all who seek to do it ill, and to learn as much as we can about the mysteries of this place, our homeland. Our secondary objective is much different from what Khalazdad had in mind. Instead of being a peaceful college and fighting to prevent war, we now desire war above all else. The peace that has been covering this realm like a plague has caused the inhabitants to become stagnant. Instead of learning and progressing, people have become secure with their ineptitude and do not work or grow. We plan on teaching them the folly of their ways. Khalazdad said that people must adapt and change in order to survive, and I plan on enforcing this lesson in the most brutal way possible. Do not misunderstand us, our purpose is not to cause pain and misery. We merely desire combat, true combat, not combat without meaning or purpose. Among our ranks there may be people who desire only to inflict suffering, but they are not representative of the views of the Sentinels as a whole. Diplomacy, threats and bribes have no effect on us, we can not be discouraged, bought or coerced. Our purpose is pure. For now we shall prepare, but soon you will be hearing more of this. Very soon. My reign may be brief, but I am prepared to follow through with my cause even at the cost of my death. As long as I live, there will be WAR! -Jester the Regicide, leader of the Sentinels
  4. "In my opinion you're playing this game for fights because you can't win in NORMAL combat games" And in my opinion you roleplay because you can't actually accomplish anything that requires effort. And the reason you completely ripped off your role, instead of making a new one, was because you can't think of anything original. Oh, and I don't care what you've been through. Your roleplay isn't worth watching, so generally I ignore you, but when you get all self righteous I feel obligated to respond. I don't play MD to fight. I play MD to interact with friends and occasionally join in with roleplay that is supported by the game, or at least not completely off base and complete fantasy. Seriously, you make up a fantasy of your own to play out inside a completely separate fantasy game? How far removed do you have to be? But I digress. My point is that if I was a mindless grinder, like you seem to think, I would be playing WoW or something, but I'm not. This is my final post on this subject...
  5. FREEDOM FOR PENISFEET! (That would make a good T-shirt) As to actually being banned, its extremely difficult for veterans. People get a first warning and a somewhat minor penalty before getting banned permanently, so as long as you haven't gotten one yet you shouldn't be worried.
  6. [quote name='Aeoshattr' date='10 September 2009 - 07:52 AM' timestamp='1252590740' post='41403'] that is right, udgard. but still... how many DO that on day 1? and how exactly are you gonna back RP-ing up with mechanics? RP-ing offers infinite possibilities in how you express yourself. you can't just make a program that stops you from saying *kills Mur (just an example )* because your attack isn't high enough. even if you do, there might be another godmoder that says *strangles Mur to death* and the program won't stop him, because he didn't say *kills Mur*. Godmodders will always be here. the important thing, IMHO, is not to exagerate. i mean, i think every player here has godmoded at least once, i can even make a bet on that. Perhaps we should hold a lecture somewhere and educate godmodders XD i will attend if you want! Oh, and Udgard, asuming you were a new player, would you play this game for a year and a half, striving everyday to rise your stats, getting beaten up by older players, just to be allowed to say *attempts to kick X or Y*?! and then to be answered *dodges*!? [/quote] If you want infinite chances to express yourself, GO TO A ROLEPLAYING FORUM. Finally, I've been wanting to say that for months... ever since people keep saying "if you want to fight, go to WoW". Anyways... Coming into a game with a combat and spell system already set up, with its own legends and rules, and then saying "yeah, well I'm above them because I have an imagination" is the most annoying, self centered thing I can think of. (sorry for the tone, but I'm fed up with stupid RP that ruins the game for the rest of us because some immature kid wants to feel special)
  7. [quote name='Aeoshattr' date='10 September 2009 - 02:53 AM' timestamp='1252572833' post='41387'] alright, i'll give it a bit more thinking then post the complete idea. and jester, i'm not acting "the whatever role you wrote there",( i'm too lazy to copy it XD), i knew from the first this idea would not be liked. i just didn't expect getting only negative comments :| [/quote] My bad then. My point was more that expecting an idea to fail when you post it tends to make that happen.
  8. [quote name='Aeoshattr' date='10 September 2009 - 01:01 AM' timestamp='1252566092' post='41383'] duhh... that is not what i meant but whatever. the main point of this idea was allowing weak players to get out and socialize without getting busted down the first second they leave sanctuary. i really really don't think of this idea as complicated. you can add tons of disadvantages: for instance, a creature once stabled cannot be returned to your inventory for 2 weeks. besides, the stable could be in a location, not in a player page. that way, you couldn't just go to GGG without creats, bust everyone up, stable your creats then run away. But if everyone is against me (stupid me, all influent players are daily fighters) then i'll just dump the idea... [/quote] Stop playing the "poor me, nobody likes my ideas and won't give them a chance" act if you want people to take your idea seriously. As for the idea... its interesting, a creature stable could have uses. I don't think it's well thought out enough yet, and I wouldn't consider it a pressing enough issue to warrant time spent on it though. Maybe if you think of a way to address more issues than just whiny MP3s getting creatures killed.
  9. [quote name='Leucretia' date='08 September 2009 - 04:55 PM' timestamp='1252450528' post='41265'] It amazes me to see people laying claim to parts of the Lands of the East! Let's see... 1. I Am Bored laid claim to the pub. Others have also, so I've heard. 2. dst lays claim to the bedroom. 3. Some guy (All-something)who claims to have Princ Raygar's voice, claimed the last building in the quad for the Savelite Church! Now what is the point of having applications for leadership if people are laying claims? I wonder what Mur has to say about that? It would please me to see people keep mum until this all works itself out. Who has that ability? Is that for admins to use and abuse or is that something from the wishshop? [/quote] That ability is from WP shop. Also, I have 2 screens in the East, jestersdoor and Jesters Streets. Mine are different than the other peoples in that mine are actually official...
  10. [quote name='dst' date='08 September 2009 - 03:10 PM' timestamp='1252444219' post='41253'] One thing though: the bedroom is mine. As soon as I will decide to spend my WPs I will name that place DSTs bedroom! So please, I don't want to see anyone saying something about it! [/quote] Change location subtitle Allows you to change a subtitle on a given location. The new title will remain forever untill someone else changes it and for at least 4 days. With this you can mark locations to support your role, such as pubs, markets, themed gathering places, mark historic locations to remember an important event for all future players, organise group activities, support role play situations, etc. [u][b]You are not allow to write playernames in this subtitle.[/b][/u] Abusing this by writing ofences, advertising or similar will be penalised.
  11. I really like Fenrir's idea. It seems difficult to pull off, but if he can it seems very beneficial to the land.
  12. [quote name='Guybrush Threepwood' date='07 September 2009 - 02:52 PM' timestamp='1252356758' post='41127'] I would love to be able to choose to fight without tokens. Be helpful for a lot of things, but this doesn't fix the problem if wars come about. 10-20 battles is enough to slaughter for that purpose. Also, what would happen on defense? I think this may have been mentioned before, but what about capping the token bonus at a percentage of your stats? The percentage could be different for each token and I really have no idea what percentage that would be, but, it would be easy to keep it from being exceptionally overpowered (except on people who are already exceptionally overpowered, so really, who cares.) and it could still be useful to everyone. Also, the initiative bonus from blood 1 is, to my knowledge, always 1 or 0, because it does not take your stats into consideration and as far as I know there is no critter with more than 5 initiative. A bonus 1 initiative might be fun nifty for an MP3, or on an elemental to keep them hitting before a chaos archer (though not that nice) but it's a pretty darn worthless token. Blood III has the exact same problem, it's worthless. Unless of course things have been changed since I last checked, which was a long time ago. I haven't done much fighting with the whole tokens on defense always being 100% issue. [/quote] Guybrush, THE ENTIRE PURPOSE OF BUYING TOKENS WOULD BE IF WARS CAME OUT. You can't seriously think that war should be fair, do you? The only reason I would get interested in combat is if there was a reason. Why spend tons of money on tokens and stuff if you can't use it?
  13. [quote name='skinwalker' date='07 September 2009 - 03:08 AM' timestamp='1252314503' post='41062'] a.personal page is quite good.. although most of the personal pages have been hidden (although if you put it at the personal page, there wouldn't be the second topic, coz you can have it hidden) b. it should be displayed, not hidden, what use is it to have those when nobody will see them? ( having it displayed doesn't mean you are bragging your achievements, it just there to show what you may or may not have achieved yet..) [/quote] Why would I get achievements if not to brag about them? To better myself? Ha.
  14. I'd like to see a top achievers page next to the AL and that utterly useless webcam feature. That could be interesting to check, and would be yet another way for dst to beat us all again.
  15. Hey, its going good. (I have to approve comments on my page before they show up, just so you know.) How is the skinwalking?

  16. As you can see, after months and months and months of training, I managed to become the adept of Pamplemousse. [attachment=1109:1mil_ve.jpg]
  17. Tokens are already way too messed up. All removing the initiative from claw 3 will do is make it so a really expensive token becomes worthless. There simply is no way to balance tokens with the way they are right now. That is all there is too it. I have yet to see a single suggestion that makes sense. I think tokens were a mistake, and the only way to fix them would be to completely redo the entire way they work. Since I doubt that will happen, the only thing to do (in my opinion) is wait for a solution that actually makes sense to surface (not likely) or deal with the way they are. If you want I can post an idea of mine about the way tokens could be, but I have no idea how hard it would be to program and doing everything all over again doesn't seem likely to happen to me.
  18. I think that factions were supposed to assign land affiliations and stuff like that.
  19. [quote name='Liberty4life' date='02 September 2009 - 08:47 AM' timestamp='1251902822' post='40766'] burns has the point, veteran hc should be contest for fun and reputation, nothin else [/quote] What, you mean like torches? Only the strongest people fight and nobody wins anything?
  20. "- "Mark of History" :: get something in the realm marked permanently by you, like place name, or other" Grido, you should head down to Jesters Streets in the Lands of the East. I'm not sure if that's permanent, but there is another screen that is.
  21. [quote name='Burns' date='25 August 2009 - 08:35 AM' timestamp='1251210934' post='40227'] interesting thoughts... we have stopped quarreling over rusties because they are expensive enough, if people really want to buy them, they can also use them... they don't show their true value to people without golemus-drachs anyway, and for those, you need to quest or trade... mainly trade, these days XD tokens, on the other hand, come for as little as one (1) buck and have insane powers, in fact powers huge enough to destroy all the people who did pretty much stat-farming for a pretty long time... and, seemingly a way to get done with grinders, they are now just making grinders a thousand times stronger than normally, so i guess a nice way to deal with the issue might be making tokens progressively weaker with active days... like, i'm not sure about this since it just popped to my head, but how would it sound to make tokens start losing their power after day 150, with... say... half a percent a day, finishing in 0% (useless) tokens at day 350? of course that puts the issue of uselessness to some players, and all players after some time, at hand, but to me it would seem like a solution to make the tokens do what they should, give players a chance against the old-age-grinders... same could be thought about with stats (as mur is doing right now, i guess), starting to make them weaker after 500 atk, and ending in useless tokens at 5k atk (this is a random number i just came up with, don't hang me on that, please) to bring up the same effect, that i think to be the desired one... [/quote] If you used the idea to make tokens weaker with active days you could change the slogan from "a newer player can beat an older one" to "a newer player can beat an older one, but an older one can't beat a newer one" because there is no way I could compete with someone with 150 active days and tokens no matter how much I stat trained. That's a terrible idea. Either that or I would make an alt and just give all the creatures to him.
  22. Hmm, yes, quite.

  23. Does reputation affect anything? If not, why do you care? If it does mean that much to you then try to look at which posts have negative reputation and then figure out why they do. I don't really see this as an issue that deserves time spent on it, complaining about it will just get you more negative reputation probably.
  24. Does this apply to remote areas of the map with only a few friends around? Could I silence one of them as a joke, as long as nobody else is around to see?
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