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Everything posted by Jester

  1. I'm not sure about this, but wouldn't it be possible to add a few features designed to keep more people in the game? Pointless little things like a ranking system for alliances which has no affect on anything except that people can work towards it. Things like that can actually keep me occupied for a long amounts of time even while I know there is no point to it. I don't think it would really affect the game as it is too much either, but like I said I'm not certain.
  2. Jester

    The Jester

    I'm going to kill whomever wins this. Unless it turns out I like them, and then we should hang out and make fun of stuff. But try to steal my job... *shakes fist angrily in a random direction*
  3. [quote name='King Daimon' date='16 July 2009 - 01:50 PM' timestamp='1247773858' post='37270'] i cant understand a bit what reward i get or if i dont get anything at all... [/quote] Jester 29 2 Name QP Reward if there is no 3rd entry I assume you don't get anything.
  4. Jester


    [quote name='awiiya' date='16 July 2009 - 12:14 AM' timestamp='1247724846' post='37204'] The problem with exp is that you can gain a MASSIVE amount in a very short period of time. With the help of Jester or Cless you could have thousands of principle points in a week. With stat farming it took a long time and a lot of dedication, because the stat gains were so low. Awi [/quote] A week? Try an hour.
  5. 1. You talk to Canadians. 2. All Canadians are actually Granos in disguise. 3. Talking to yourself is frowned upon. Therefore, you are frowned upon.

  6. I'm surprised, you actually managed (in my opinion) to take a hugely overpowered and not well thought out creature and make it into an interesting one. Personally I don't really care for the idea of a toy soldier, but well done.
  7. I've gotten to the point where I don't even see banners unless they say something that catches my eye, which doesn't normally happen. I didn't even notice this forum had banners, actually.
  8. Look, its not the stats that are too powerful. Its the fact that it would essentially multiply any stats or tokens you had x5, and also attack first. Having a ritual with 6 of them and a claw 2 on them would essentially be claw damage x30, and they also attack first? This would almost single-handedly ruin combat in a way even tokens hasn't done yet.
  9. This is MASSIVELY overpowered. Try thinking about the ideas for creatures and what they would do before you post them.
  10. It does matter when its one of the first creatures released of that type. I don't think this is a very high priority, there are a lot of other things that would be better uses of time, I just think it'd be nice to have.
  11. I would like to see something like that as well. Its a hassle to go through and mark when I bought each creature, which is what I'm doing now.
  12. My post was sarcastic. I was more pointing out what a nazi-like Mod would have done, as opposed to what you did, Chewett. You've been nothing but fair in my opinion. Although I think this may be offtopic, so I'm shutting up now.
  13. I agree with Luecretia. The language used was harsh and unfair. I'd like to add that it is also completely unfair that they were given so many warnings. I think next time you should avoid the problem and simply delete the topic without saying anything.
  14. Jester

    Happy B-Day Grido!

    I don't get a bday topic, and Grido gets two?! Heh, happy birthday man.
  15. 6 hours a day? Slacker.
  16. I hope you allow Death Ray into the alliance. I'm going to hit him so much he goes back to MP2.
  17. I am that desperate, Burns. I was a tad unbalanced.
  18. I think all of the alts involved should be banned. However, if I'm not mistaken, some of the ones that got banned were completely unrelated to the abuse issue. So personally I think those that weren't related to the abuse should be unbanned. This is his first offense after all, and I believe he profited the least from it out of those involved.
  19. Since Lightsage would be allowed to come back into the game as an alt, I think if he wants he should at least get his account back but have it be basically reset. The reason I say this is because I really like my name, and wouldn't want to have to pick another one. Overall it really doesn't make too much difference on the punishment, but a name can be very important to the player who uses it. Also this would allow him to continue his "RP" and let Czez continue her character's role. I actually voted yes he should come back, this is just my idea for if the majority votes no, which is how its looking.
  20. Shady? I'm a key word?
  21. I will now be forming a group dedicated to opposing the salad. I call it... the Anti Salad Society. Death to the Salad!
  22. Free Browser MMORPG alpha (I specifically look for alpha games because I don't like playing games where the other people are already way ahead of me, then I have too much catching up to do)
  23. Jester


    Esmerelda: "Our *cough* alliance *cough* has requirements! You should go through the *cough* alliance *cough* page a.s.a.p." Windy: "And remember, the rules are not to be taken seriously!" If you say so, Esmerelda. P.S. no, I don't know how to use the quote feature, and I don't care.
  24. The same thing happened to me, MB, but shes my boss too so its even worse. Its ok, the story I wrote has a great morale.
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