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Everything posted by Jester

  1. Kurt Vonnegut - Sirens of Titan Awesome book. Kinda depressing. I haven't read his other stuff, but I'm trying to find it.
  2. Since no verdict has been rendered as of yet, I will reserve my judgment. However, if it turns out someone else did the work, "and someone did steal them, what the hell is wrong with you?!" -Fenrir Greycloth To adequately express my response, I shall turn to the words of someone who can express their abhorrence of stealing far better than I. “You stole. It is against the laws and the moral obligations of society. We work for what we have.” –Fenrir Greycloth “I don't see how you still thought you could do this and think it is alright. YOU STOLE. Simple. It is wrong.” –Fenrir Greycloth As you can see, stealing is wrong. As for ideas about punishment, I will turn once more to a quote. "I would like to see this trial as well. *grins*" -Fenrir Greycloth Maybe another public stoning is in order?
  3. Logan Marquis was offering the Wish Points, which were the main focus, and he has disappeared from the RPC list.
  4. Yeah, so my main backing is now gone. I'll work on getting more, but for now Jesterfest is off.
  5. You just don't know how to use them, I can beat most MP4 and some MP5 with a certain combination on MP2.
  6. Shady Jester Jestermale (Jester isn't part of the gender, its like a prefix that improves upon the gender) Random time zone Random amount of time (but still a lot) Random Mind Power (MP5 or MP6 most likely) I can follow you around and be Jesterlike.
  7. Doing things legally takes all the fun out of them. Oh, and happy birthday Burns.
  8. No, I won't be running Jesterfest at the same time as Kriskah's fair. Also, with the current ratio of votes, I think I have enough support to finish this. I'll let everyone know once I'm about finished so I can work out a time where hopefully everyone who wants to attend can.
  9. Thanks for the support. The reason I added a stat gaining competition is because I wanted to hit the interests of every single type of MD player. I know MD isn't a stat farming game, but if they have fun doing it, they might as well. Also I don't want any type of player to feel left out and like they didn't get a chance to compete. Oh, and for the people who voted "Not if Jester is running it", I'll let my secret alter ego, Jesterman, do it. He's a masked superhero who fights to uphold the ideals of truth and justice, and also wears a cape.
  10. Sigh.... sarcasm mode on. Next time I'd appreciate it if you would be more polite when "correcting" me. When I said "see" something, I wasn't referring only to vision. I meant seeing results, as in hearing about them from a source they consider reliable, or reading them, or however you wish to say it. I didn't realize I would need to elaborate, please excuse my ignorance regarding your ignorance. As to what is "right", and what is "wrong", that is a matter of no small debate. However, I believe Awiiya was referring to "what is right" meaning what the solution is, and not what is "right" ethically. When I solve a puzzle using the correct combination, I rarely find myself pondering the moral implications. As to what you actually said aside from "correcting" me, that was basically my point. People can't tell themselves to believe in something, they need an outside source to tell them. Anyway, that was a fun exercise in sarcasm. This will be the only sarcastic reply I post, because there is no point in continuing the argument. I merely enjoy sarcasm now and then.
  11. Trying to believe in something is incredibly difficult, we as humans need to see proof that something is working. Not many people can simply will themselves into believing something. I think this is a good idea, but if we actually do something to try to unlock the cube, and start to believe that it is working, then your idea will kick in. What I find funny is that if it works, we'll have no idea whether it worked because it was the right answer, or simply because we believed in it. Also, when did we start caring about the well being of shades? I must have missed a memo.
  12. Since we hadn't talked enough about the fair being part of Jesterfest, I left it off the list because I didn't want to put your name on something you hadn't fully agreed to yet. When I put creature trading as a time filler, I wasn't referring to the Fair, I purposely had left it out for this draft. Sorry for the confusion.
  13. After I see if the festival has enough support, I'll finalize everything which shouldn't take too long, and then it will be the next Friday and Saturday probably. Maybe Thursday or something, in case people can't make it on weekends.
  14. After the 2nd MD spring festival and MD's birthday party, normal MD life just seems... dull. So, I decided to make Jesterfest!, a festival made mainly by me with help from a few RPCs and friends of mine. I've come up with lots of ideas, but before I finalize everything, I'd like your opinion on it. Here is most of what I have so far: PRIZES 5 Wish Points Pamplemousse’ spell doc Ailith’s spell doc Logan Marquis’ spell doc Amoran’s spell doc Silver Coins x5 Premium creatures x2 Normal creatures CONTESTS: MD Lore Contest* Story telling contest Treasure Hunt Puzzles Role playing quest involving broken item* Trivia Stat Gain contest Hardest Partier *Haven’t quite figured these out yet, or pending on someone’s support. CONDITIONS: Use of the silence spell when justified Ability to bar people from competing DETAILED CONTESTS: Story telling contest: people sign up in advance, best story chosen by panel of judges wins WP, stories told out loud so that all present may enjoy them, consolation prizes for runner ups Treasure Hunt: Word activates RPC item, Item/location is described, Final item gives two words, first to make it back and type the first word wins WP, next few to make it back and PM me the second word win consolation prize Puzzles: a selection of riddles or other puzzles designed by random people, prizes vary Role playing quest: sign up beforehand to be put into groups. an item is split, the groups involved must find out how to put it back together. Sign up beforehand. Trivia: random pieces of trivia, similar to what Mur did. Reward is spell docs for top contestants. Stat Gain Contest: The person who gets the most overall stat gain during the festival wins a prize. Hardest Partier: the person who parties the hardest during the festival (drinks the most, breaks the most chairs, etc.) wins a prize. The person will be chosen by Jester. MISCELLANNEOUS TIME FILLERS: Gambling on Kittiness’ games* Creature and item trading CTC codes placed on far off places on map *Depends on if she still feels up to it CONTEST FUNDING: MD Lore Contest - none Story telling contest – Pamplemouse’s spell doc x3, WP x1 Treasure Hunt – Ailith’s spell doc x5, WP x1 Puzzles – silver coin x5 Role playing quest involving broken item – Amoran’s spell doc x?, WP x1 Trivia – Logan Marquis’ spell doc x5 Stat Gain contest – WP x1 Hardest Partier – Logan Marquis’ spell doc x1, or maybe WP x1 CTC codes placed on far off places on map: Joker, Imperial Aramor, Unholy Priests, Eggs, Aramors Now, this contest is being funded mainly out of my pocket with the assistance of the RPCs mentioned above, and I don't have many coins or premium creatures, so if anyone would like to lend their support or create a puzzle let me know. Also, since this contest is being managed by me, and I can't edit the triggers window, and I'd appreciate it if you'd spread the word if you think this is a good idea.
  15. Uh, try again, this time with less ads.
  16. Jump to leader was literally the only thing that made that competition fun for me, without it I wouldn't even bother to play it again. However, I agree it is a bit one sided. I don't know if this is possible, but maybe each torch could be its own alliance, with a leader being chosen beforehand and that leader always having a torch. That way, everyone could tactically use jump to leader for maximum effect. Moving a single screen and being left with no AP to attack is incredibly boring to me, I like attacking and disappearing before anyone realizes they're dead. Also making the torch a temporary alliance of its own would have the added effect of allowing everyone to attack everyone, and we wouldn't be left sitting outside the capitol with no kills and 3 enemy MP4s sitting there doing nothing. I don't remember how illusions worked, but I'm pretty certain there was no penalty to loyalty for becoming an illusion with an alliance, and that's how this way could work. When the enemy leader is killed, instead of just dieing they could be sent back to their capitol, and unable to move for a shorter period of time then people stay dead. This would add an additional element to it, because people would go out of their way to take out the enemy leader to prevent reinforcements from jumping in. Once again, not sure if this is possible, but I think this way would make it a lot more fun.
  17. I'll make you laugh, alright... I'll make you laugh so hard... you'll... laugh really hard, but it won't be a good laugh, because you'll be laughing too hard. HA!

  18. Now that creatures can also be traded, would you want to combine the fair to include items and creatures? If people could go to a specific place to trade both, it would open up more possibilities for trade, and you'd have my support.
  19. When you say the archivists are neutral, does that mean we must be neutral about everything? For example, can I be for wars in general, as long as I don't take a side? Or can I favor chaos over law, or vice versa, as long as I take no action in favor of one or the other aside from my words? As the pen is mightier from the sword, I will of course refrain from writing any articles on the subjects. I await with bated breath your impartial and intelligent response, oh most gloriously citrusy of leaders.
  20. Knator Commander is gone? Now who will guard the secret entrance to Loreroot for a few hours every few months? All Jesterness aside, from what I read Knator Commander was a valuable asset in the war against the shades, and as such I'm glad he's gone.
  21. I've been asked by the great and glorious grapefruit to amend my post, since some people don't know what context is. I have no strong feelings whatsoever.
  22. I'm in favor of a game reset. I think the realm as it is now is not a good place for roleplaying. There are too many random back stories, too many people who think they used to be Gods, and too many roles that don't fit with the story line, not to mention the copyright infringement as far as the eye can see. (in my opinion, no offense intended to anyone). This also has the side effect of ruining the actual game story for me. I do think that past achievements should be recognized, if that is at all possible, such as all RPC and PWR getting something, but I don't know if that is possible. As for the people who would quit because of their months of hard work, I don't think what you did was in vain. Training has enabled you to better understand game mechanics, so you'll have an advantage at the start (unless that is completely changed as well) and roleplayers or alliance members will still have the social network they built up (unless Mur has found a way to reset our memories, which I doubt, but I'm still wearing my tinfoil hat) which will also give them an advantage at the start of the game. I am biased in this regard, since I'm a newer player, but it would start me off nearer to the ancient players, so I would have a better chance to pass them.
  23. 1.Who is your (MD): a. closest friend - me and myself are pretty close, but I is growing on me. b. lover - I wish it could be myself, but unfortunately his standards are too high. c. bitter enemy - pamplemousse. 2. “Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice” Ice. Three cheers for delirium! 3. Where is your favorite place in this Realm and why? Wherever Shady Jester is. That guy is awesome.
  24. oh, I get it now. thanks.
  25. when I log in, some of the logged off names from that screen follow me to the other screens I go to. Its slightly weird, not really a problem, just wondering if anyone else has noticed it. I started seeing it a few days ago, about when the festival started actually.
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