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Everything posted by Jester

  1. {Here is the official post} *Edited for content with a chainsaw and the Jester version of a partial lobotomy Chewett has agreed to create a hidden forum for those writers interested in the Community Quest to get together and discuss the story and direction it will take. I have come up with a rough overall outline which is a great starting place, but by getting together we can improve it far beyond what it currently is. Please indicate your desire to join this Quest as a writer and therefore the hidden forum by responding to this post with your name, reason for wanting to participate, and optionally a link to a sample of your work, such as a quest or story. This mostly applies to writer's whose work I may have missed during one of my absences. if that is the case with you and you have no sample of your work, you may contact me and we'll work something out. I really believe in this Quest, and I'm truly looking forward to working with all the amazing writers I've seen in my time in MD to create a story that won't soon be forgotten. -Jester {You may cease reading now and respond to the topic, this next portion is included for our archives only} *Edited for content five times, pre-chainsaw/lobotomy version, included here for insurance records in case of malpractice regarding said chainsaw/lobotomy Chewett, as per his usual awesomeness, has agreed to create a hidden forum so the writers for the Community Quest can get together. The alternate forum I was talking about previously may eventually become necessary, or it may not, and I've been convinced that its best to try to keep this as much within MD as possible. I have come up with an outline for the overall plot of the Quest, but I need people willing to help fill in details, change things to make them better, come up with new ideas, and, of course, actually write some chapters, and for that we need to have a discussion. If you wish to be one of the writer's for this quest, please reply to this topic. Once we have enough writers I will ask for the hidden forum to be created and all the people who signed up to be added, and bribe chewett with the finest cortyg brandy one can find this side of Kashyyyk. Sign up form: -Name (spelling counts) -Link or reference to a sample of your writing, ie a quest you've done in the past, a story you created for story time, anything like that. -Reason you wish to help with this Quest (long or as short as you wish) *Paragraph sample speech of why you deserve to be MagicDuel's next top model, along with a head-shot. *sample speech and head-shot optional. If you do not have an example of your work at hand and I've somehow missed it, just contact me and we'll work something out. As you can see by the startling lack of humor present here, I'm incredibly serious about this project. (You should have seen it before I toned it down.) I truly believe in this Quest and what the Community can do if it puts its collective heads together. Looking forward to working with you! -Sir Jester Jesting Rodriguez von Jestenstein the 67th, Duke of Jester's Door in Scenic Tribunal, Earl of Jestington Abbey and parts thereof, Grand Marquee of Jesteropolis International, voted "Most likely to Jest" at the Gremmy's and twice nominated for "Jester of the Year" by the international clown society (now deceased under mysterious circumstances).
  2. Actually, for now I'm backtracking. See my newest topic. Some people move forwards. Jesters move forwards, backwards, upside down, sideways, and sometimes forwards in a backwardsly direction while standing on our heads and walking with our hands and a stylish Jester's hat placed rakishly at an angle upon our rears.
  3. Because we need an entire forum, with subforums and multiple sections and the easy ability to control who has access to which content. Its far too big a project to do on the MD forum, and would be a hassle sending you guys a list of everyone we wanted moved where, etc. On this forum it appears we can sort people with tags, and tag the forums, and seamlessly control who sees what with hardly any effort. We are using a system to make sure that people use their MD name or close enough that everyone is easily recognizable, and there is a big page when you first join saying how this forum is for the Community Quest planning, and not an official part of MD. I'm pretty active today, and don't know lefora very well myself, so I could certainly use some help from some people. This Quest could be incredibly important, I hope some people can imagine it having the same impact I can, and are willing to put in the effort to make something great happen. There are already so many people willing to help, but I can't even start inviting them without assistance! A chance to show what we can do as the community of MagicDuel, without needing to rely on admins or councils or special powers to hold our hands, leaving them free to work on what they really need to work on, and us free to enjoy ourselves while they are. And then whenever what they were working on was finished, we can do the exciting things we normally do. But this way, there won't be the waiting in between. I really, truly believe this is the best way to breathe new life into MagicDuel, attract new players and take some of the pressure off the powers that be at the same time. Isn't it worth a shot?
  4. A Lefora forum has been created (thank you again Aelis) and seems to have everything we'll need. This forum is completely out-of-character and has no relation to MD until the Quest items have actually been placed in MD. Nothing that happens on the forum will influence an MD character, except in extreme examples, by Community Vote, they may be banned from participating. Current Admins: Main Admin and Creator is Aelis, and Jester is one as well (but Jester doesn't count for this role, as he is only adjusting settings). I would prefer there be 3 Admins, as Triumvirate is an awesome word and makes for a stable group. Skills needed: Organization, keeping things straight, following the (loose) guidelines, being available for people to message. Extra: Lefora experience, or experience moderating a forum (bonus if it was similar to Lefora). Current Tasks: Adding people to the forum so we can get this Community Quest started! People on this forum need to use their MD name or a variation of it (for example, a person with a first and last name using just one of those names) to make it easy to see who is doing what. To make sure nobody imitates another person, when someone asks to be added to the forum, give them a random password specific to them to include in their message to be accepted to the forum. Future tasks: I would prefer only having two Admins, Aelis as the Creator and Jester to modify settings as needed, so after people are added you would no longer need to perform the Admin role. That being said, you can start on anything you want to work on! You would be especially cut out for the Mod role, but Mods can participate in anything else they wish at the same time, such as a Mod who is also writing a storyline, play a role, or create a puzzle! If you wish to apply for an Admin role, and I really, really hope you do, post a quick list of what qualifies you to perform these tasks. If you aren't chosen to be an Admin you will likely qualify to be a Mod later, a very important job which can be done in addition to anything else you want to create for this project. Anyone who applies at all will have my gratitude. I would also appreciate a message with a YIM or Skype account name, but this isn't necessary, it would simply make things easier on me. So, if you don't have one, don't worry about it. Thank you again! This is currently nothing more than a Quest, but with this step, its on its way to becoming a true Community Quest!
  5. Sign saying: I aten't dead (somebody get that) So no legend for me. What about characters that seem to have left the game but are still being played, probably by another person? I think they should count, if we know who they are and they don't mind it being common knowledge. Also: Alche, OmegaWeapon, Braiton, Phrog
  6. Excellent! I'll begin my master plan to move MD outside of MD and the forum immediately! Mwuahahahahahahahahahahaha! [If you don't want to read the whole thing, skip down to the section with the brackets around it] Well, I believe its time for an update as to the Community Quest (please do not refer to it as Jester's Quest, I'm only playing a very small role, its the Community that's going to make it happen, therefore its the Community Quest). The current plan (its very fluid, and liable to change as certain things become concrete and exclude other things, which opens up the possibilities for new things) is to have a coalition of writers all working together on a main story, as well as each of them working on a side story. Hopefully each side story will be able to tie into the main story for the grand, epic, finale. If not, they will still be entertaining, and that is rather the point of the whole thing. The writers will know the main story and their own story (though I hope to work out an ending of my own so that the writers can be surprised as well), but none of the others. The puzzle creators and other people helping to add more flavor to the stories will know their section, and no others. There will be a main forum section where everyone can get together and brainstorm, but the creating will be mostly done in private areas. Some of the stories are going to take a long time to unfold, and some will be short. I estimate this entire Quest to take between a month and two weeks to build up to the finale. [Main point of this article is here:] The thing I have realized that I need now for the story that is done are Actors. By Actors I mean dedicated role players who can be given a script of what is going to happen in their section, for them to play out as they wish. They would be Actors and not just Role Players because they would have to pretend to have no knowledge of what is coming and not let it affect their decision. I imagine this could be a chance for some of the really brilliant role players out there to shine. A warning, however: some of the more hardcore, dedicated role players may be forced to do or make decisions that will be very painful to their character, emotionally. The goal is to encourage character growth within MD, instead of having it all be back stories and outside of the realm. I understand that some role players are too attached to their characters to sacrifice like that, and I'm sure we can find room for you as well. Message me or reply to the topic if you're interested. Secondary point: I'm considering creating alts for the purpose of the story. Your actions would determine their fate, and hopefully a well written story would let you come to care about what happens to them, even a little. I know I personally have trouble being mean to characters in games where you have a choice, partly because I'm afraid they'll jump out of the tv and get me, and, well, its just mean. Does anyone else feel the same way? If a character was sufficiently interesting with a unique personality and you got to know them, would you care if they died (the alts would die in the story and never log in again)? This would also present wonderful opportunities for character growth. If a healer were unable to save someone they cared about, how would that affect them? If, at great risk of life and limb, and yes, limp due to loss of limb,a hero were able to save someone they cared about, how would that change them? I anticipate the results with baited breath. Additional thought: If people can fight and argue and care for Bob the Tree and Abra the Aramor, why not a character created for a story? As long as they are well developed and sympathetic this could work out quite well. Especially if some people dislike the character and wish them harm, and others want to defend them.
  7. Of course. We will moderate any abuse ourselves, and although I do not anticipate any I could be mistaken. We have the ability to ban people, with a one strike policy. Nothing on the forum will be officially MD until it is brought into the game. This will all be easily visible on the main page, and we'll only allow people to join the forum if they use their MD name (of course if they were to do some form of abuse using their MD name, it wouldn't carry over into MD, except possibly banning them from participating in the quest). I assume that is okay, since its the Communities Quest, and if they don't want to be part of it, they don't have to be. Just to reiterate: THIS QUEST FORUM IS NOT PART OF MD. IT HAS NO RELATION TO MD EXCEPT IN THAT IT WILL BE USED TO PLAN AN EVENT FOR MD. NOTHING SAID IN THE FORUM WILL BE PART OF MD UNLESS IT IS BROUGHT INTO MD AS PART OF THE QUEST. Oh, and also, its not even an MD forum. Its a Community Quest Collective Forum. There will be no mention of MD except as pertaining to the Quest. Chewett, I'll even give you access to the forum so you can glance over it and make sure it conforms to the rules (but you can't have admin access, neener neener neener). I understand outside forums are frowned upon, perhaps even intimidatingly scowled upon, but I could think of no other option.
  8. A forum has been created to help manage everything, its simply too much information to put here. Some people have graciously agreed to help me keep everything managed and organized, as I am terrible at that. The point of this Community Quest is to pool the talents of everyone willing in MD to create something greater than the sum of its parts. The forum is still in a beta stage and getting set up, so I will invite people as I am able. The quest hasn't been abandoned, its still going strong. As for support from Council, PAL, or anyone official, I must decline. This project is for the community, by the community, and has to be able to hold its own with no help from administrative powers, or else the point is lost. If, however, you wish to help as a player, and not as an administrator, you're more than welcome! P.S.Nimzy, I would like to contact you, but I believe you have blocked me because I was a d*** to you when I was having a bad day. Which is unfortunate, because it meant I never was able to apologize. I would greatly appreciate your help with creating puzzles and story lines, if you would deign to contact me. P.P.S. This forum that has been created will pertain only to this quest. It is not meant to replace any part of this forum. We need control of who can access what information, so that people working on one section of the quest can still participate in the others. And there will be many sections, oh yes.
  9. Ah yes, another thought occurs. With inner magic basically gone and role-players choosing their powers all willy-nilly (never used that in a sentence before, too funny to pass up, dictionary doesn't even recognize it as a word/phrase, ha!) I will want powers/spells to play a part in this quest. We already have official Inner and Outer Magic, so I shall call these Sideways Magic. I could use ideas. If you wish to help think of ideas, link the powers to the principles and possibly reference spell docs if you can. They MUST fit magicduel. Since Inner Magic can't be used to change the AL like it was said it would, why not make up our own Sideways Magic that can be used to change the story we're creating? Anything overpowered will simply be ignored. Do not create powers for yourself based on your character, we are not at that stage (Role-play powers your character has will likely be unavailable as well, as they would unbalance the Sideways Magic). These would be powers that anyone with the right combination of principles and the cunning to use them would have access to, based on if they earn them during the Quest. Thank you all who have pledged support so far, and to everyone else, what are you waiting for? This Quest's success will rely on you, because it is YOUR Quest. Even if so many people contributed so much to this Quest that nobody in MD was able to participate I would call that a rousing success, and of course new players could partake once enough joined (thus giving another reason for them to stick around, killing two stones with one bird). This seems like just a trial run so far to test the feasibility of the idea (though that could change, as could nearly everything about this Quest). But lets make it F***ING EPIC! And I of course mean epic in the original sense of the word as well, as in an epic saga or poem.
  10. What this quest is going to need: Anyone can do these parts and submit them later, you don't have to fit into a category to play the part. Explorers: Keep an eye out for scenes that have some sort of meaning to you (unfortunately they must be accessible to everyone, although using the pillars is acceptable). In these scenes find some detail that isn't readily apparent at first glance, that would require someone to really look at the scene to notice. Writers: Eventually there will need to be a meeting/forum between everyone interested. I'm not sure when this will happen. For now you could work on developing a character, I'm pretty sure this quest will use "NPCs", or some kind of conflict that may arise between different factions of these NPCs. Puzzle creators: If you have an idea for an interesting puzzle I'm sure it can be incorporated. Dedicated Role-players: Further define your characters. Ponder how they would react in difficult situations, what they care about, what they're willing to sacrifice, etc. This quest has so many pieces involved that even the people working on it can participate, since nobody will know the whole. If anyone has any more ideas, feel free to share them. I also desperately need people willing to help bring this all together. I'm terrible at management.
  11. Update for the style of the Quest: This is simply a rough draft as of a yet, ideas evolve. If anyone decides to put in enough time and effort into this quest to deserve a reward, I am speaking with Pip as to the feasibility of this. With the help of the writers, I hope to craft a tale that solving the quest would be worth learning and deciding the end result on its own, with no other reward necessary. I'm negotiating with the Treasure Keepers as to what the actual rewards will be, and there will be sponsorships too I hope. First Section: This is the tricky bit, for which I will need dedicated role-players. It will involve acting. Characters who have clearly defined themselves in MD will start behaving differently than usual, and this will be the hints you need to find the second stage. Although this is the first section, it will continue and evolve as the quest does. Second Section: deals with puzzle solving, clickies and choices. The choices you make will determine where you end up at the final stage (but NO choices will exclude you from participating, they will simply decide which options are available to you at the end) The puzzles will reference things that have happened in MD, the AL, Lore, and the scenes themselves. One question that stuck in my memory was when someone asked "which scene can you see Kelle'tha from outside of GG?" Things of that nature. That is where the explorers come in, for help coming up with interesting questions that involve delving deeper into MagicDuel as a whole. The scene poems will also have a part to play. Final Section: This will be Role-playing based. The people acting differently than their normal selves will come fully into play in this section. The choices that you make will have an effect their characters (or, if they are not willing to do that, then it will at least change mine). If this quest does well I hope to create a second quest that will continue where the first left off. Problems that need working on: Getting everyone together at the same time for the final scene. Perhaps multiple scenes will be possible, in different time zones. I came up with the idea of this type of quest as a new form of role-playing, playing within MD. This quest will not always be nice. If the stories are written well, and from what I've seen of the writers in MD they will be, they may force you to make tough decisions. Decisions between land and friends, taking a life to save another, tests of your character's mettle. In this way, role-playing would be fully integrated into MagicDuel. Real stories have conflict. I propose we create some ourselves.
  12. This Quest is trying to be what a Quest could be, with the entire community working on and enjoying it. It will have a puzzle, role-playing, and most importantly, a story. A story that continues after the first quest is over. A story that changes based on the decisions made by the questees. People Needed: Organizers: Eara Writers: Maebius Coders: samon Puzzle creators: Vertu? Explorers: Syrian Treasure Keepers: Pipstickz? Misc: Ackshan This will be my final attempt to do something worthwhile in MD, but its not about me. I just happen to be the one to get it started, since nobody else was going to. If it succeeds it could mean reasons for new players to stay with this amazing game instead of seeing empty lands where people battle for no apparent purpose, occasional chatting and nothing more. I think this is all very possible for the people of MD to do AS A COMMUNITY but I'll need your help. If you're willing to assist, mention so in the comments section, what your favorite part of MD is (exploring, questing, combat, research, writing, etc), and what you can contribute. Its possible that you can contribute without even knowing it, hence the question about your favorite part of MD. Please, not for me, but for the Community of MD as a whole, give this a shot.
  13. Not at all what I meant. If player A had too many more losses than wins, he would no longer be able to get ANYTHING from battles that he lost. If Player B had too many more wins than losses, he would no longer be able to get any wins for creatures, stat bonuses, anything at all. On second thought, however, this would require reworking the combat system in a significant way (which I won't bother mentioning because it won't happen) so forget I brought it up.
  14. Another random idea that just popped into my head: why not enforce balance instead? If you have too many more wins than losses, or vice versa, you can't get any more until you get more balanced?
  15. The list: 1) wild creatures, these will be NPCs of varying strength, traveling around to both promote exploring as help lower mps find more targets, these would respawn on a regular basis (Mp 3) 2) a buddy mentoring system where each young player has someone looking over him more personally, so each mentor will only have few students unlike protectors (Mp 4) 3) prolong idle mode to 8 or more hoursto increase targets (Mp 5) 4) introducing a real warmechanism (Mp 5) 5) classlike system of fighting, no mps, level decided by stats and combatknowledge (Mp 5) 6) gradual implementatioon of viscosity on new players (Sunfire mp 5) 1. Reasons against this have already been listed. 2. I have an idea for a mentoring system which I will be posting shortly. 3. There aren't enough people in MD currently for this to make a real difference. 4. A simple war mechanism would be that every person in the land (or fighting for the land or group) gets a certain status. Once defeated by an player from an opposing team, that person is dead. The war ends either with the last team standing, or after a time limit if it takes too long. Once the war is over, everyone is revived. Revival and kill items should not be able to be used. 5. Perhaps a system where you only gain stats from defeating people with stats similar to yours, and lose stats fighting people too much weaker? You could still gain stats from saccing creatures. This is just a random idea, I haven't really thought it through. I eagerly await dst/no one's criticism as to why this is a stupid idea. 6. I personally think viscosity should replace Exploring Points, which are essentially useless, and that viscosity should be linked to you personally. That way, the first time you enter a scene that few people get to, it would have a high cost, but as you enter it more and more, your own viscosity cost would go down, Certain scenes that people need to access, like the aramory, would be exempt from this. The initial viscosity cost to enter a scene would be the same way it is now.
  16. Jester - Berkserker's Charge Hadn't read the forum lately so I missed this. I should have access to that scene.
  17. Sorry I'm late. HAPPY CHEWDAY!
  18. Ah, thanks for pointing out the resource/tool section, I had forgotten about that. Off the top of my head: Each participant can grab one tool (maybe more, testing would be required). These tools cannot be transferred, not even using IRC. This tool could harvest any of a variety of common resources, so you'd need to choose which one you need most at the time. These common resources would be the basic ingredients. . Second type of resources would spawn and be more like clickies, the first person to see it and grab it, gets it. There would be a variety of locations they could pop up and they would do so randomly, not on a set time period. These resources would have a wide variety of effects and be required for more advanced recipes. Final type of resource would be similar to bushies, you would need to build them up within your land, and then eventually you would get to harvest them. The most potent recipes would require this type of ingredient. Stealing would add a completely new element of course. If this Torch Concept gets implemented I would expect just enough of the first type of resource to make revival potions. One great thing about this idea is how easy it is to add new things as new ideas or features come out!
  19. Torch Contest New Concept These are just the basics to a very complex idea. I need to know if its possible to code this with the time frame and energy the programmers have and are willing to spend, before I go crazy and plan out and type up everything I can think of. PLEASE LIMIT YOUR REPLIES TO CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK AND AVOID NEEDLESS ARGUING. THIS IS A DISCUSSION. IF YOU FEEL THE NEED TO ATTACK SOMEONE ELSE'S IDEA KINDLY SEND THEM A MESSAGE INSTEAD. To clarify, it need not be a kindly message, it would just be kind of you to send it to them instead of posting it here. The Basics The most important aspect of this Torch Contest Concept focuses on allowing everyone, no matter their combat ability, to play a crucial role in the competition. This will be accomplished through the use of many different types of items that are only available during Torches. Specific details will not be included yet as I am not sure if the idea is viable or not. Even if it is possible to implement it seems like it would take a huge amount of work, so I am trying to keep it as simple as possible (sorry Chew!). Joining the Competition Firstly, people would join Torches for the entire duration of the contest, being given a special status and the homeland that they've joined. Only the four main lands would take part in Torches. Once you have joined a land you cannot switch to another or leave the contest. I believe this could be accomplished through illusions but I am not sure. I apologize to everyone not in a mainland, but this is the only way things could work the way they are. In the future the other lands could be added. Players who wish to participate in Torches but are not part of the four main lands would need to send a request to the King of that land, or another person that the King appoints to lead his army. The leader of the army will henceforth be referred to as the General for the purposes of this document, whether or not it is the King. The General can choose to accept or deny an application. This will eliminate cheating by joining a land to provide free points (even if the rest of this idea is too complex I believe this would be a good feature). Players will have two statuses: Soldier and Medic. All players are Medics until they pick up a Torch, Medic is simply what I am calling the normal state of a participant.. At any time a Medic can pick up a torch and became a Soldier, upon losing the torch or scoring a point they revert to being Medics. Resources This Torch Concept requires a great deal of new, Torches-only resources and items. Both of these would only exist during the torch contest and disappear once it is finished. Only players participating in the contest can harvest them. These resources will update very frequently during the Torch competition, unlike their normal counterparts. The role of Medics in the battle will be to harvest these resources and combine them to create all manner of game changing items. Examples of these include poison/healing items that raise/lower a target's stats, mimic spells, and even adjust regen times! The possibilities are endless, and new items could be added periodically to keep things fresh. With the proper use of these items any player could be beaten, though it would remain very difficult to defeat the strongest players even with clever utilization of items. The most common resources available in this competition would be considered base ingredients and used for many different types of items. The limited nature of these would require a land to plan ahead and use their resources for the items they need most. Each land would have a variety of resources, with some being unique to each land and some being available generally throughout the realm. The most powerful ingredients could be found far away from the main battlegrounds, such as within Tribunal and other hard to reach areas. Due to only torch competitors being able to harvest and their being part of one of the mainlands, travel to those areas would take a long time. The most powerful and game changing ingredients would require rare resources from out of the way areas or a combination of ingredients that can each only be found in separate main lands. This would encourage teamwork and alliances between the gatherers to take down a powerful enemy. Death and Revival When a Medic is defeated by someone carrying a torch they are movelocked and unable to gather resources for their land for a set period of time. A Medic defeating a Soldier has no effect. When a Soldier is defeated by another Soldier, the losing Soldier is killed and transported to the capitol of the land they are fighting for. Revival will no longer be automatic. Instead, a revival potion will need to be created from harvested resources and used on the corpse. These potions would be cheap to make, but require base resources that could be used to create more powerful recipes. If possible death from Torches should be separate from death from a killing item or contract so that this feature cannot be abused to revive those killed through other means. If not possible I will rework this section. MD Shop Potential Some rare resources could only be harvested by buying a tool from deep within the MD Shop, or perhaps from a brand new branch of the shop entirely. Each player would only be allowed to carry one of each tool at a time, though they could absolutely buy more than one if they sell or trade the original. There are certainly other torch related items that could be placed in the shop to encourage people who aren't grinders to support this most awesome of games. If this idea is feasible I would be happy to come up with some more and suggestions are, as always, very welcome. An entire, deep branch of MD shop would be fairly easy to build on over time. Mechanics Not Included Yet These would all require time and testing but I think the end result would be well worth it. -attacking cost would be high but not crippling -movement cost would be fairly low in homeland and high (though not as high as last Torches) in opposing lands -durations of items and movelock status -item/resource types and regen rate -a way to make each homeland have identical regen rates, or some other way to balance out AP costs -how to score (a very complicated issue with these proposed changes!) -a way to add other lands besides the main lands -etc. Even More Crazy Ideas These could be added years down the road for even more fun! -ability to strengthen your land's gate using constructive items to increase AP cost -items for bashing down an opposing land's gate to decrease AP cost -building permanent totems to have a beneficial effect on every member of your homeland -weather slowing down movement or speeding it up -assassinations during night mode -variable resources that could be added to a recipe that already exists to boosts its effects Final Thoughts If someone who understands programming could please let me know which parts of this idea are doable and which are the fevered dreams of a madman, I would be most grateful. Indeed, full of great would I be. Thank you all for your time.
  20. Vaporizers Sublimators
  21. mur·der (mûrdr) n. 1. The unlawful killing of one human by another, especially with premeditated malice. 2. Slang Something that is very uncomfortable, difficult, or hazardous: The rush hour traffic is murder. 3. A flock of crows. See Synonyms at flock1. v. mur·dered, mur·der·ing, mur·ders v.tr. 1. To kill (another human) unlawfully. 2. To kill brutally or inhumanly. 3. To put an end to; destroy: murdered their chances. 4. To spoil by ineptness; mutilate: a speech that murdered the English language. 5. Slang To defeat decisively; trounce. Death is MD is not unlawful. so definitions n1 and v1 are out. There are no crows as far as I know, so that takes care of n3. Death in MD is just a status effect applied to your account, there is nothing particularly brutal or inhumane about it. Its not the end due to revival and does not destroy an account, so v2-3 is out. n2 and v5 are slang. Therefore, the only murder in MD falls under v4, "To spoil by ineptness; mutilate: a speech that murdered the English language." What you've done to the word murder by creating this topic is simply murder.
  22. "Death" in MD shouldn't even be called that. Its just a really stupid feature that imposes some temporary restrictions on an account. Would you suggest people who use the curse spell are jailed for a week next? The word "killing" might bring up negative implications to you, but that's your own problem. You don't need to freak out about people using a game feature. In RPGs do you refuse to fight random encounters because you don't want to kill random monsters? I really can't believe you actually thought people who used an in-game tool should be jailed. That's just idiotic.
  23. A selection of accepted images along with specified areas people could use sounds like a good idea to me. Putting a limit to how many there are, or perhaps linking them to a clicky could be awesome for quests. For example, entering the right phrase into a clickable would make the pickable item appear, which could be used to continue the quest, with a limited number so only the first 10 or however many people could grab them. Keys that unlock the next clickable would be a great use for this. A more advanced option could be having the pickable items actually be the reward for a quest, if you allowed the quest creator to assign them properties. For example, giving the creator the ability to assign 5 items with revival properties and link them to the final clicky in their quest. Even more advanced would be setting levels to item's abilities. Assign Revival to Rank 5, minor stat boost to Rank 1, and fill each rank up with different abilities. Then giving a certain amount of a rank to each quest creator based on their skill in quest creation would allow a ton of customization. It could be done almost automatically after enough time has passed, with them getting a certain amount each month. Rating each quest creator out of 5 stars and giving them items for quests based on their rank after they have enough votes would cover it.
  24. Sorry, but where exactly are we posting this? You lost me on that last one. I'm in, this is a really fun idea. I tried posting earlier but it vanished somehow >.>
  25. Would it be possible to have Chewett or someone pick a location that you don't know about Mur, and then we can all try to get you there sneakily?
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