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Everything posted by Jester

  1. Strolling beneath an orange sky I think to myself, and wonder why when inside my grave I lie I wish I could bring this orange sky. Sunset Red (This is an incredibly fun topic, thank you for creating it Mimicry. Next time I'll try to make a longer poem but I'm best at very short ones.)
  2. Icky stinky gorey medium blue Has such a decidely unpleasant hue My room for the night has such a view As do all nights that are without you. Dark, deep purple velvet.
  3. Off topic I know, but you just went up 50 points in my book for that one.
  4. The Sun burned high overhead Bleaching the endless sea of sand White, the clouds moved into position and water gave life to the land Not very good, next one will be better. Octarine! Or if you don't know what color that is, Pale Blue instead.
  5. Good name for a sidekick is Piss in Boots. Like Puss in Boots, but better.
  6. A completely new chapter or two of the AL, starting back at the basics. This one has gotten extremely confusing and isn't having anything written on it, so I'd like to see it go back to how it was a long time ago. I'm speaking of trying to find the book of principles, finding the cave with the tiny men and the drachorns, the shades, all of that interesting stuff. Since it isn't as complicated it wouldn't need to be 100% written by Mur so the old archivist's role could be back. As long as the writer didn't make up anything hugely contradicting MD it seems like it would be fine, so it would just have to be someone who knows quite a bit about how MD works. Inner Magic could come back and fit into that AL as well, since that is what it was supposed to be for. Not sure if this fits in with Mur's overall plan but I miss the old AL. And to clarify I don't mean for this to replace the actual AL. It would be more like side stories to take up time while waiting for the main story to continue. All the good games I've played have tons of sidequests scattered throughout the actual plot, so something to that effect.
  7. "Because"
  8. Lightsage, hes already proven he can organize things and is consistently active and productive.
  9. The way this list is turning out it seems like there will be more "Legends" than people attending the Festival itself.
  10. Test run has been canceled. Sorry for the short notice, but I just woke up so I could not post sooner.
  11. Dream Mutation. Should be obvious.
  12. Jester


    Have you considered the "RP Reality requirement: moderate" aspect yet? I haven't looked into this very much myself, but I think it simply means that your RP has to follow the guidelines set by the amount of people. For example, if you have two or three people in a scene flying around or transforming, since the RP Reality requirement is set low, they can. The issue that was happening is from when you have two or three people making up spells amongst a crowd of thirty people, and the rest of the group don't believe in the spells. If you can gather twenty or thirty people in a public area who all want to role play the same thing and have two or three people there that don't, I'd say the role player's win. On a separate topic, I never understood why magic and abilities are seen as so essential to role playing. Back when Jester was a younger player he used to hang out in Cryxus' pub, getting drunk and starting wars with chairs for moving when he tried to sit down, or attempting to sing Bohemian Rhapsody with Granos. To me that was fun role playing.
  13. I don't suppose we could just leave it this way?
  14. I'd like to join the winning team, by which I mean the team that has dst and cutler on it.
  15. Your soul!
  16. Twitter feeds on your soul.
  17. Q: What is good? A: Pie. Q: What is your best physical attribute? A: Corporeality. Q: What is your best non-physical attribute? A: Awesomeness. Q: What do you value most? A: Value. Q: What is 2 + 2? A: 3, but only for extremely low values of 2. Q: What do you know? A: The answer to this question.
  18. The waves were pounding, crashing on the cliffs, and above them stood a young girl. She looked back, detached, at the howling mob that had driven her here, and time itself seemed to slow. As she watched, the members of the mob seemed to fade away until they were naught but etchings in mist. The torches they carried seemed to dance like merry will-o'-the-wisps, leading the bearers teasingly onward, down path and through thicket then disappearing in a flash, leaving the follower hopelessly lost and forsaken. She giggled a bit at the idea and how the symbolism would be lost on the crowd behind her. As she turned back, her thoughts drifted yet again to her violin, that most precious of her possessions. She regretted that never again would she create such beautiful music, and she looked down at what awaited her. Still caught in that almost timeless moment, she became aware of a music which she had never before noticed. The rushing waters seemed to sway in a hypnotic rhythm, punctuated by the crashing cymbals of the rocks. The melody eternal called to her, the ceaseless interplay of wave and rock, swirling and beckoning her to join them, to become an instrument in a song greater than she could have dreamed. And she jumped, her body hurtling down the cliff side, splashing amongst the waves and currents. Her awareness instantly fled her body, but her body remained, and eventually nestled between two boulders. The boulders steadied her, the waves parted to make way for her, letting her join in their music. Long after she was naught but a skeleton, her remains were one with the seas and their everlasting song. Fin. (As to the beginning being different than the guidelines.... Creative License!)
  19. Happy Birthday.
  20. "Using alts to increase the number of rebels of a land will be punished" I read that, but it didn't say anywhere that its not possible. For example, you're not supposed to use alts for adepts and worshipers, and it will be punished, but its fairly easy anyways and I haven't heard of anyone being caught. Be realistic, if its possible, people will do it, whether or not it will be punished. As to the issue of a person having two active roles, I don't think that's very limiting. How many people do you know with two completely separate characters in all of MD? Not enough to make it a deciding factor. "Having 100 alts rebelling will achieve next to nothing towards overthrowing a king. There is no need for an alt limitation on rebels." If there was only the 100 alts this would be true. What if, however, there was a difference of only 10 people between the members of a land and the Rebels? Alts could make a huge difference. Also, think of people from other lands being recruited by members of the Rebels in another land. Someone in Necrovion could ask someone from GG to make a simple alt, have them act interested in Necrovion, log on for 30 days, and then rebel. This whole situation is far too easily abused for my liking.
  21. I haven't tested this yet myself, but I never saw anywhere that alts cannot be Rebels. I think this is a big concern, because somebody could create a lot of new accounts, join a land for a month, and then switch to Rebels. On a personal note, this is making me paranoid about letting any new players in, and that can't be good for my Land or the new players themselves. I propose only the oldest active account be allowed to Rebel.
  22. In my opinion Fyrd is showing good initiative. When is the last time anyone heard a Legend Speaker speak about a Legend? I was around when Yami was playing, and the way the Legend Speakers have been recently has been rather pathetic. So far the only thing I've seen is Story Night, which are made up stories and have no relation to Legends whatsoever. These "tabloids" have actual relation to MD, and I think they show potential. I'll assist with this if I can, but I'm rather busy at the moment so I don't think I can write any articles. EDIT: I agree with the other responses about the non-serious manner of the articles being a problem, but you have to start somewhere.
  23. I'm not sure if this is a bug or not. I have the Kingship Item "NC Writ of Revocation" which allows me to remove citizenship from citizens and alliance members. As Rebels are still Citizens, this item does exactly what it says, and removes their citizenship. I used it on Aysun, Pamplemousse and Roland to make sure it worked multiple times, and in case it wasn't a bug.
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