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Everything posted by Jubaris

  1. Chewy, why do you keep deleting your posts? That's a bad habbit :P
  2. I didn't judge it purely on how people perceived the post as you say. That phase was brought not as an originally planned phase (as you can see on the main post), but as a result of my dilemma between Z's and Phantasm's entries. The race of voting in the phase was very close, I couldn't rate Z as a decisive winner. It wasn't the very fact that someone tried to elaborate the vote that helped for Phantasm to win, but the arguments that were brought made me give Phantasm's entry an edge over Z's, tight vote race considered, I think that's one of the misunderstandings. I can't comment on people hypothetically not reading given instructions. This is a similar to my Books and Library quest, where the entries were very nice, and everybody received a very valuable reward in the form of a book. Technically, Lashtal's post was the winning one there, with a slight edge over the others (a very tight call, like I said, in that type of quests), but as a questmaker I had a very big luck that my request for the rewards was approved, otherwise a lot of people would have been deprived of deserved reward compensation for their awesome entries. Sadly, I didn't have that sponsorship support here to reward each and every one based on their entries, and because of the competitive spirit of the events made in MD, it seems like we have a winner, and a bunch of losers, which isn't the case. Someone had to be chosen as the winner, but I appreciate each entry in its own way, they are results of people's creativity with their own mind set and hard to compare, what I want to say in this unrelated-to-Chewie's-post-paragraph is that for people not to try to put a concrete value on the work and feel disappointed theirs is "lesser" to somebody else. Because of the subjective nature of the assignment, the result won't be "fairly made" no matter how you do it. Is it a vote based on a subjective opinion of a number of people, or my subjective opinion, or someone else's subjective opinion, etc. No matter how you turn it, it's gonna be that way. If you feel the result is not in favor of the real situation on the field, please state it so, and please elaborate why do you believe Z or someone else was wronged in the matter and should have won the quest instead.
  3. I hear ya, Chewy, and I'm glad you opened the subject. There's also one more quote from that post, actually sentence next to the one you quoted: It was to (try to) ensure people will actually vote for the work they really believe wins over the other one I gently asked for explanations. It wasn't left entirely procedural with counting who has more votes for the same reason it wasn't the whole quest wasn't made entirely procedural with the mentioned reputation system (which failed because low number of people rated entries), to have a human factor trying to minimize the errors of the voting system (for example, voting for a person and not for an entry). This type of quests are usually hard to judge and it is expected people will have issues with the results, hopefully minimal. I've seen people employ other people as judges, seems fair from the distance, but in lot of opportunities I noticed poor judging from some anonymous judges. I'm still unsatisfied with the judging system and can't find the indisputably right way to do it, and will consider avoiding such quests in the future just because of the judging part, or just shift responsibility in the hands of someone else :P
  4. Aethon is the only one that didn't respond (inactive I guess). I was pondering how fun would it be if he voted for Phantasm, from pure number of votes perspective it would be 3-3, which would annul the point of this phase. The votes went 3-2 in favor of Z, but, I proclaim Phantasm the winner, because the 2 votes were argument backed, while the 3 in favor of Z were plain votes. It was a really close race, both of the works were very good. I will emphasize again the seemingly subjective part of the quest aside the pure protocol aspect, which lead to this conclusion. Still, before awarding the WP, I will leave a bit of time for possible objections, etc.
  5. http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/ungod I'll quote a part: To divest of godly powers; to strip of divinity. Even in the most extreme interpretations of Ungod's (Richie's) motives, you can only say he's proclaiming himself an enemy (loosely said) of the god concept you take so seriously, rather than insult it. Controversial or not, I find this as per the MD way.
  6. Everybody voted in the period of a day or two, except Aethon, who hasn't logged into forums since May 29. The week deadline is expiring soon, and the results will be posted.
  7. We are discussing your case internally at the same time, which may provide delays in our answers to this topic. I think that the general view is that you being part of MRs is not a problem itself, but the conflicting loyalties must be defined. Still, this is only a secondary problem to the one with the KoB thing.
  8. Thank you for your entries! Each was pretty much special in its own way and unique, it was very hard to compare it with each other. I'm sorry there were no rewards other than the one for the first place. I managed to narrow down my dilemma to Phantasm's and Zleiphneir's entries. Here are my thoughts on the entries so far: [spoiler] dark demon: more of a summary rather than an elaboration on how to cleanse the taint, which is the reason why it scores lower. if the steps were worked through, it could have been pretty good. aethon: the construction is pretty good, but i have problems with shifting it to MD perception, it reminds me too much of RL self-renewal rather than MD self-renewal process. the fact that it has +2 reputation (others having 0 or -1, my rep votes are not counted) brings it close to the edge, but i simply can't give it victory. If there were more spots, it would be 2nd or 3rd ranked. myth: very interesting entry with a crude method to take care of the job! however, i am not quite sure the fenth press can do the trick! the altars in their usual use kills the creature, depletes it of its personality, but return its knowledge and energy to the owner, therefore it seems to me that even though we can target the tainted parts of ourself, the press would only return it in different form! MRWander: his one liners can't be disapproved, even by ary! however, not a wishpoint winner this time rophs: another very interesting entry for me! other than the wonderful meaning of wiiya, the process reminds me of meditating in quiet and peace, which does seem useful in combating your personal taint. That argument Phantasm used in the following entry: phantasm: very nice and simple entry, gets to the point. Aeoshattr: Imaginative :D Nice ritual, but avoids hitting the point and meaning, I am not assured the practiser would purify himself, it might get the opposite, being overwhelmed with your troubles in all that silence. Although you do speak about the fight with yourself, so it's not that you assume it is bound to be productive. Zleiphneir: Very good entry. [/spoiler] To be able to get to the bottom of this, I ask every participant other than Z and Phantasm, to vote anonymously to me via forum PM for one of their two entries. Adding a why do you vote for that specific one would be welcome, but not entirely necessary. Based on their votes I will determine the winner. I trust none of the two will try to influence the voters based on my perception of their characters. Deadline: week from now, sooner if the voting is done fast.
  9. It might have something to do with the war of Yrthilian and Liberty against Jester's Necrovion. KoB was lost to Necrovion for a period, until Lifeline brought it back. Liberty didn't want to return to KoB (I think it was related to terms of the mentioned war), and it might be the point of your arrival there. If you're intent on the application it would be very welcome if Pip could say something on the matter, or anyone else who was active with the case. Chewett was, but he is a busy man, and I'm not sure he would remember such technicalities, because the main point of the story really was that Pip took over an ally and we wanted to solve that. The thing was years ago, but it carries some weight. Also, I'm curios on your status regarding the MR fraternity, how does being MR affect you, and would it conflict you as a potential Marind Bell citizen?
  10. According to the archives, Liberty invited you into KoB to guard it with your loyalty points. You went inactive, but were kept in the alliance, which eventually lead to you being able to send invite to Pip. I can't reference the sources to you, because it's in the private part of the Marind Bell forums, but to other MBians I can: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11939-kob-take-over-situation/?p=107364 You don't remember the situation?
  11. I didn't know MRWander was your main... Few years ago, Pip took over KoB, he did it with an invite from MRWander, or MRWanderer (your account anyway). This creates a problem for your application, why would you get accepted back with that act in mind?
  12. Sorry for not finishing this yet, just giving a bump so you know I didn't forget. By 1st June I hope for every entry to be described by me and winner determined.
  13. It's hard to discuss a process so very personal while staying on the concept of general taint. That's why I will look to go into specific forms, mostly rage, when talking about concrete process of embracing the taint. The influence of shades and the creation of taint does not come naturally from ourselves, but with our interaction with the world, the rules and expectations it installs in us, and our reaction to it. An urge that is in conflict with the rules of the enviromnent will be held back. Depending of the urge, it can be a matter of a huge potential energy. It gives initiative, it gives purpose, and turns you into a very active element if only you accept it. Not without a price. To be consumed by this energy, to be overwhelmed with it, it suffocates the remnants of your identity. Sometime it is temporary, until the energy is spent, ultimately releasing you from the taint bringing you closer to the balance of the mind, but sometime it is permanent. A process to embrace the rage, and an attempt for it to be permanent, is to encourage the taint and amplify its stream: 1) Let go of everything that connects you with your own original identity and is not related to your pain and rage. 2) Preserve everything that remembers you of the source of pain. In practice, those points would manifest somewhere along: 1) Change your avatar, find the appropriate one to symbolize just what you are now. Sell all your possessions unrelated to your new purpose, creatures, items, delete your papers. 2) Heretic Archer is your main creature now, it represents the aspect you want to use. The items or anything similar that is related with the source of your pain are now there, accented by the lack of anything else, as your scars and marks for everyone to see. You will soon start to accumulate new things, with the soul reason to direct their symbolism towards your target, tools for rage to start. With your acquired wealth made from the selling in phase 1 you might see to acquire killing items, or hire others to assist you. You will have a daily ritual where you will recite the same poem, oath of a sorts. This will be done in a scene that awakens the thoughts about the root of your taint most clearly. It can be several scenes, in which case you will use them in a "tour" fashion, something for each to get. Mantras, routine, focus, all in favor of 'washing' your mind and fortifying your new identity. As time goes by, you will be a shell capable of little else other than your designated purpose, and it will take extraordinary effort to stop and become 'normal'. Necrovion encourages such aspects, it should be your new home from now on, although not necessary. Spending some time there periodically 'helps'. If you are lucky enough for there to exist a faction which goals are unifiable with your own, join! Transform the name of your spells accordingly. People are social beings, they need interaction. If you can't find allies, by common belief or by trading favors, social interaction urge will be satisfied with striking your enemies. The pain and reaction you will cause in your own enemies will be a fitting preserver of your new identity. You cannot stand still, there must always be action. Every 'great' act you do will leave traces of your new identity, and of the glow of those traces you will also help maintain it.
  14. Evaluation time! I ask for some patience until I announce the results (number of days).
  15. Happy birthday Eagle Eye, have a good one! x)
  16. We have already talked Vladan, and I tried to help you in your need to choose your home, in accordance to your nature, without trying to sway you here. To my delight, you indeed chose it to be Marind Bell. The following goes in case your voting doesn't go through due to people not checking such things :) Reference to: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/15199-getting-a-marind-bell-citizenship/ (...to become citizen of Marind Bell...) quote: "- Get three (3) Marind Bell citizens to vouch for you and confirm that you are their friend and that they wish to see you as a citizen of Marind Bell." I give my vouch to your application Vladan, hope to see you in your new home soon!
  17. Don't post dream interface pictures, it's a spoiler, or at least put it in a spoiler box.
  18. Jubaris

    Even Odds

    Yes, yes, I noticed afterwards that you started the mentioned paragraph with "Now... this is a gamble" ... :) Much cooler that way indeed
  19. Jubaris

    Even Odds

    I probably won't participate in this nice game (although I will if I'm around), but may I suggest changing the prize rules to if two players get 1st place both, they divide 1st and 2nd place rewards (50%+30%)/2 rather than 50%/2 where the 2nd place gets higher reward while actually being third? If more than 2 players tie on the 1st, just split the whole pot on them equally, and that's it. ...or I just read it too fast and superficially and you got it covered? :P
  20. Why do you think training angiens should be convenient, Aeo? :P
  21. Approximately two more weeks until the end of the quest! PM me if some clarifications are required regarding new entries.
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