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Everything posted by Jubaris

  1. ... Which is what I was saying... :rolleyes: I think you misquoted the sentence you wish to reply on. I assume it was the individual acquirement of one's leash. That's why one should 'earn' the leash through a effort-demanding process, like Dst originally suggested, and that's why leash's abilities should be updated as is the general consensus (I think). The rest is nothing new and already said in this topic several times by various people in their own interpretation.
  2. Belated happy birthday!
  3. Happy birthday Chewett, may all your debug desires come true!
  4. We already interacted during your adventure with the quest, so no questions from me :) I support!
  5. Dst, people wanted to make an event revolving around buying slaves, leashes were made to support that, but in here you partly focus on the usefulness of the leash powers and dismiss the slaves concept. (the one-way transportation devices can be a separate subject unrelated to the existence of slavery if you want, rather than making them, as-they-are-now, more important than the reason why they were made, if they are that important, then they can have a life of their own, they don't need to have fate bounded to that of slavery) I agree that the (slave) leash must be earned, but I would go in a bit different way. For instance, I would like a 'recipe' for that leash of magical nature, similar to what you suggested, but not in requirements-increasing behavior, because I don't understand why would that happen other than some practical results you wish to see achieved on the field - for me it has to feel natural. - A player should be able to make his own leash (requirements: bla bla bla, 4000 heat, drop of blood, bla bla bla, some special kind of metal), and then he could sell it to anyone in any way he/she wishes. Requirements should be nasty. - Player who has a slave should be able to have a bigger variety of effects of enforcing and control upon the slave. (random suggestio - pulling all the chat entries made by player in the last X hours, like hearthepoor spell? Thus tracing what your slave was doing, was he an obedient slave, etc.) There also should be a method to enforce someone to have a leash, but it needs to be very hard to perform. (because what would be the point of having leashes, if you can just 'sell your services'? Aspect of non-consensual must be present for it to make sense) Because of them being able to be sold individually, someone might ask 'what of the slave auctions'? Slave auctions would offer that 'free' way of selling your leash to someone like it was so far, but it would also be a wild card because your control of the deal was minimal. All that leash nature background reminded me of 'damane' from Wheel of time, magic (sort of speak) users enslaved by a certain type of leashes.
  6. Happy birthday flying beast...! I mean fairy! All the best!
  7. Since we're at A25 clickies, I think a lot would agree on removal of the cartography obelisks (make them disappear once you find them), since they 'ruin' every location they are at. Each has a different marking though, so it would be nice to save them automatically somehow I guess...
  8. vacation trip starting tomorrow, won't have internet access for 10 days :( but will plot offline!

    1. Rophs


      I expect you to dream someone and it better be awesome :D

    2. Jubaris


      it would give you satisfaction that someone had a good dream? :D
      something like that hopefully, I am looking to bring something concrete.

    3. Rophs


      It doesn't even have to be a pleasant one, but it should somehow better the realm.

  9. But there already exists an option for it, only you have to spend 2 credits every time to switch the avatars :)) Kind of a luxury, but doesn't the thought of having several avatars for different roles sound like a luxury? Maybe if the cost would be decreased for shifting avatars that are already in your avatar vault, this could be indirectly encouraged.
  10. Eh, I change my mind actually (sorry for double posting... again :P). Boosting all levels of all creatures seems too overpowering, considering the bird also has other useful auras, just compare it with the imp. Perhaps boosting just level 3 creatures? (the point would be, like I guess is the case with the imp, to avoid boosting already too powerful creatures such as the windy)
  11. The description implies intention for it to boost all levels, so yeah, I too would make sense to make it so. If it would boost only level1, it would be too much of an advanced technicality, perhaps used for fun by some knowledgeable players in for-fun rituals rather than really useful?
  12. Seems so! I tried to pair windy (has more than 3 levels) with an imp, he doesn't seem to get boosted (though chaotic attacks are hard to keep track of for me)
  13. Now here's a funny thing. I did a third fight, putting a max imp instead of a bird: max ara did 47 damage (boosted), the imp did 185 (his attack stat is 130, so he boosted himself too), but level 1 ara did 15 damage (no boost at all?!)* edit: *actually, not weird at all, announcement about abilities of imps says "at LVL3 does increased damage of level 2 and 3 creatures plus increased initiative (no more effect on level 1 creatures)."
  14. With the bird aura? Magohi and Mythrandir set up a tree for me (no tokens, no influence, etc.), so I tested it a bit. In this specific case - seems bird attackbonus indeed boosts only level 1 creatures (and I heard this from Lifeline years ago, but I also remember a forum discussion recently where it was said that bird auras work properly, one of Ary's discussions) First fight: 10th anniv. aramor max level doing 28 damage, 10th anniv. aramor level 1 doing 15 damage Second fight (adding a bird):max ara doing 28 again, level 1 ara doing 27 (boosted)
  15. Nah, I don't think Dark Demon and Fang suggested ignoring the blog because of the blunt way Dst expresses her thoughts (on her private blog anyway), I think it has something to do with them being used as an archetype of idiocy on 90% of the posts in the blog. I think it's stupid to use their two posts as a proof to announce that a flame war on Dst began. The discussion itself was pretty decent all-around, and despite being insulted as selfish, Witty was very nice and gave her points. Someone brought up the thought if somebody else posted the thoughts, it would be different. Yes, it would probably be worse, this way people know it's Dst, and know she usually has a more provoking way of manifesting her opinion. That freedom was the whole point of the blog I believe, good for the soul, counter-productive for the relations with other people :P Even Dst (or at least I have that feeling) closed the matter, and had a mild reaction to the reaction on her thoughts. Keep it to the usual reputation system war for the posts that are already there to let go of the last drops of frustration, and maybe we should consider closing the topic. Nobody is entitled to adepts, "poor" EE as one of LR leaders and a respected veteran can actually speak for himself thank you very much, the system needs a fix for years now, everything has been said on the matter. You want to help the situation? Become an adept of someone who wants to be mp6. There's a lot of room to be cynical here and make the stuff bitter with some words and conclusions, but I believe Witty sees this as a misunderstanding of her intentions and wants to clear out her name. Please let's avoid the rudeness while we talk forum-face to forum-face.
  16. Slot usage is basically already charged with more 'expensive' creatures, if you take a windy for example, you ensured you can't go all 6 creatures. Slider is not allowed :P Similar thing that could be legit is allowing combo, but I am still very distant from considering it really.
  17. Budget max/point system sounds like a good idea and can work. But without allowing tokens, as Sunny suggested. I need to meet up with Clock Master so we can test around combinations of rules, see if something would work out. I'll consider this a good alternative to try out if standard stuff don't give satisfaction. I gave some thought on how would the points be distributed though: [spoiler] max:100 pts snowballs,birds=10pts*(number_of_freeze_auras_in_the_rit) //that would make two snowballs cost 80 pts (40 each) in a ritual for instance windy=40 pts elemental=15 pts darkling=25 pts imps=20 pts ... etc. standard recruitable creatures should be 15 pts, anything more rare, more expensive depending of the quality [/spoiler]
  18. Didn't notice anybody talking about this, so here it goes: Whenever I login, the player section where you click for more details shows fugitive stuff by default. Everything else is fine, I can click around, it portrays the right stuff, when I click on myself it's the usual stuff, just the default pic on login is that one.
  19. @Myth: heat war, maybe, will need to check on the rules, could be quite nice! I chattered a bit with Clock Master, gave some thought... Trying with max 2 freeze auras (maybe even go with only 1 ?!), an option to take off your badge (longer fights would be more interesting, but number of people, especially ally leaders, will not look kindly on dropping their badges), should come either way. List of creatures (draft): - heretic archer and bloodpact - elemental - bird - water being - knator - lr archers and sharptrooper - remains - unholy priest - tormented soul and soulweaver - darkling? - nutcracker? - santa? - imps - anniversary aramors? - aramors - grassans - pimped grassans? (let's not make a charade? :D) - jokers and dream mutations ...?
  20. Happy birthday Witty, all the best! :)
  21. Tag game - yes, could be nice! DOM on the other hand is too much of a separate world.
  22. Digression that could be useful for the future: [spoiler] I did imagine it like a world cup of a sorts Richie, Olympics if it had more disciplines. Hypothetically, if it would succeed, and then some other annual contests to arise (only strict procedure stuff, without subjective judging, for instance Trivias), we could host MD Olympics. Trivias would require credible people to host them, and since it requires an effort to lead it, trivia host needs to get payed somehow (i would like to avoid full-volunteer stuff). This hypothetical Olympics would need a budget to pay for the staff it uses as hosts, and it would be funded by making an entrance fee, a couple of silvers per participant, and 100% coins would go into the pockets of the hosts. Sounds good, but need more disciplines. Any ideas for MD traditional stuff, that doesn't require subjective judging, that can be used as a contest? Something for the mind too, not just mechanical stuff like combat [/spoiler] Back on topic: Helping the quota sounds delightful. A 'guard' ensuring some level of quality for the contest can be good, but it wouldn't affect what I had in mind there, one combination of creatures being the most used and decisive in the tourney. The problem with the rules will need help from experience of some people like Clock Master and Sunfire (who were in the finals of the Miq's last tourney which allowed all creatures), and probably everybody who participated in statless BHC competitions. I had experience in Miq's tourney with recruitable creatures only, and it's fun, but people tend to stick to birds and elementals. I am playing with the thought of adding only specific creatures, aside the recruitable ones: - Imps - Bloodpacts - Sharptroopers - Soulweavers ... ? etc. Probably banning windies because of big big stats in comparison with the others, but may consider it if they can be countered without relying entirely on luck of freeze. Limiting number of freeze auras? This is the most important part of the discussion, and feedback is very welcome. It will probably be an experiment in the first few contests in any case, but we are looking to minimize the potential damage to the balance of the contest.
  23. There are no official contests that are held annually, something that players can look up to and prepare. Christmas and MD birthday are great, but you never really know what type of quests/events it will bring. Combat tournament (statless, tokenless, more requirements optional) is a natural idea. I was thinking that it would be held two times a year, maybe three (once in every four months). With WP restriction gone, it can be done 'on our own' until it gains admin support (if it doesn't get it straight away), I can sponsor first few years of the competition :P What interests me is: - Are there enough interested people for this. - Best combination of rules for the competition to be unpredictable, and avoiding the situation of having one ritual that bests all the others. (experience of players that participated in a lot of tournaments of this kind that would answer some questions as in - should premium creatures be allowed or not, should there only be recruitable creatures or does the presence of those other creatures really not make a damage to the balance) I am also considering it to have rules that makes people from the same land avoid each other as much as possible (so the competition gains some inter-land contest image, fighting for the glory of your home, etc.)
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