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Everything posted by Jubaris

  1. What you said about medicine, Nim, doesn't contradict what I said. In regards to the reaction of the body - you found out a pattern (by observing and processing information) where substance X helps with the disease Y and you apply it. Those patterns can be useful on their own and can be used as a reference to discover new patterns, and you use that to manage yourself in the world BUT they don't grant you the understanding of the realm, you ponder upon the patterns and observations you know and throw some abstract conclusions, theories... Simply said, those abstract conclusions and theories are metaphysics, and it's a rough equivalent of what research in MD is. Practical information, patterns such as reaction of the body in medicine, have MD equivalent in the actual mechanics. In reality, you cannot prove that our whole existence as we know it, for example, isn't just some simulation, you work with what you get. But in MD, the context of MD existence was imprinted by Mur. There may be lesser amount of 'planned' concepts and info on MD than some think, not everything is made to have perfect sense (lot of things aren't), but it's not the opposite either. There's a lot to be known under the surface, and that's where you head with the research. Sometimes you don't search for the MD truth either, just for personal interpretations (or should I say inspirations) that help you in your own understanding of the world in reality by using parallels by drawing up conclusions that weren't intended by the creator.
  2. I can document dreams, sorry I didn't appear earlier, wasn't following the progress of this topic. Research interface I can do too. However you feel like it's best, with precise instructions I'll get on it.
  3. If we shift to reality, nobody can verify 'science' either, observations and trying to detect patterns. In here on the other hand, Mur can validate a lot of research, even though it's not present in some textual form as part of the game at the moment, the concepts are still in his head. Meanwhile, you can observe and find patterns, deduct reasonable thoughts to the most logical one. Abandoning the road to understanding of the realm is quite disappointing. Peculiar that you, Miq, as a Golemusian, have that view
  4. Happy birthday Burns! :)
  5. I hope this helps a bit for future entries: Repentance, confessions, mantras and prayers, self-punishment, baptism... Many examples you can use in reality, every religion/philosophy should have practices of its own to clean the mind or to wash away something. Cutting off your hair is a symbol used by many individual women through history after traumas, or decisions to go in a different direction. How would you do it here?
  6. It's allowed alright, although the connection with Magicduel itself is a bit loosen, the rest is up personal liking and disliking of the audience and is a legit entry :) The context can be applied, if for "the lost ones" we use "the ones that stopped playing" as equivalent.
  7. Wow! One of the best looking avys in general! I hope shrinking it down won't mess with its current quality :)
  8. But gotta add, I'm sorry to see you, DD, making an entry that in my view seems not-that-personal because of the reference to a magic-originated taint. For lengthy periods of time you felt uneasy with events and people in MD, and certainly all of that has affected you. Being mad at the world, that people used to label on you, usually eventually stimulates change in yourself. You have an opportunity to use drops of that passion and create something here, based on your true feelings that you can connect with the purpose of the quest, and by that making a very quality entry. Not that I discourage people from just being creative... But maybe it's a waste for some not to use extensive material that they have when making an entry for this quest. :)
  9. Indeed, the case is I was talking about general corruption of one's soul, however, I won't refuse entries that are referencing Granos' taint.
  10. Extra points for proving Ary wrong! :P
  11. Task: Develop a self-cleansing process (in spiritual way), how would it look like in MD, what would it require, etc. Post your entry in this topic. Stuff you can use for example: Rituals, usage of specific scenes to enhance symbolism of your act, abandoning anything that connects with your tainted identity to this point. You can present your thoughts in any way you deem right, although they need to be backed with some words and description. It can just be an 'essay', it can incorporate drawings (but it doesn't have to), if you get an inspiration just follow it. Wider description: Too many contests about devising torture or killing methods have haunted MD quest history. Too much Necro tone for my taste. Help cut off the corruption and taint the environment has stimulated in you, return to the beginnings and the truth, your ritual represents starting a new 'life', putting your sins and wrong decisions behind, becoming purified and your own again. Reward: WP for the best entry, no matter the amount of participants, but some minimum quality will be required, especially in case of a single entry or something like that (subjective category I'm afraid, but don't worry about it) Ineligible for my WP because of being the last 5 awarded by me: Clock Master, dst, Soothing Sands, darkraptor, Samon. (can be fixed if someone else sponsors a WP, sponsorship is generally very welcome, although not necessary) Judging criteria: Reputation points on your post in combination with my personal opinion (that won't vary radically from the rep points high score, but has potential of changing the order)
  12. Sunfire's bid is the winning bid! This topic may be closed!
  13. Happy birthday King and Kingsguard! :) How convenient that you have birthday on the same day ^_^
  14. I'm sorry but I can't accept this offer. I would indeed value nutcracker on 3gc, but I think it would take quite a while to sell it, which I would try to do if I would get it. I think the demand is pretty low for them right now. In general, not that interested in other creatures (those that I am interested in will not be bidded for a reindrach), coins and maybe items (but that's complicated), no to resources
  15. So, reindrach up for an auction. Age: 625. tokens: bloodrop1,blooddrop2,claw1 Minimum bid: 6gc. Ends 2 days after the last bit, in 2 weeks max.
  16. Happy birthday Alyon! :)
  17. @Mrs Pedlington: Drac, from the Latin draco, is the word for dragon or devil in several languages, such as Catalan and Romanian. Golemusians are fans of ambiguity. An addon of "horn" to "drac" just accents that devil-dragon ambiguity, double damage sort to speak. They like to be on potential and go either side, depending of the circumstances.
  18. Those two spells (mark and teleport to mark aka recall) are present in Elder scrolls games, btw. http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:Mark http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:Recall Seems pretty sensible. Can be somewhere deep in the WP shop? Although there might be a tad too much teleport spells around.
  19. "Question 1 I got lost in Necrovion and don't know what to do, I can't leave my scene, has anyone got any advice? - The Headless Horseman -" Well mister headless horseman, there's someone thrown in a well, as well some as some people... hanging... around, and they've been trying to get out for quite a while, ask around and maybe you can use their valuable experience. Besides, if you don't manage to, I hear all those that came out of Necrovion are mad - I understand it as a metaphor for describing just how cool that place is.
  20. Very close one indeed, was 5-5 around 15h server time, and now it's 6-6 :)) I didn't write much poems or rhymes, and it's starting to be fun. It amazes me that so many people actually read all the entries (some were huge! cudos!) and gave their votes, thanks for the vote of confidence, means a lot! (mine was entry 5 obviously, MB mentioned) Eh, never gonna grab that WP, tired of these pretty and powerful aramors... :D So many people on the highscore list in front! Congrats Aeo and Z!
  21. about 15 avatars missing in this topic! :P Wanted to see them, this is pretty nice
  22. "Reverse-umbrella that rips itself off on special rope mechanism pull." Simplyzero got his soul massacred when swimming the Golemus waters. Since then, he can travel underground waters to reach many locations, but every time he travels, he losses a part of his soul. Simplyzero obviously has a major weakness to water. (maybe all of us do :P) My plan: Find Simplyzero somewhere on the open, and invoke rainy weather (spell stone, or ask somebody for help). Simplyzero will panic a bit because he doesn't like the rain, and I will offer him to accompany me under my umbrella. The umbrella is such that on the top it accumulates water. *points you to the sketch* When it gets filled, I will pull the red rope which will rip off the top, and all that water will splash on Simplyzero, to take his soul! Answering some FAQ: - No, not much blood, this is an elegant, MB way, to kill somebody. But lots of "liquid"! Well, water... - Very terrifying! He losses his soul! You should give me that anni imp reward straight away! - Very humorous, mind the fact that somebody losses his soul!
  23. Happy birthday Sunfire!
  24. Too bad, I already had my hopes high :P
  25. Happy birthday Rophs, all the best! :)
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