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Posts posted by Jubaris

  1. Good thing I bumped it :D

    I personally have no problems with rescheduling - however one of my key team members has a problem with this Sunday and asks to delay it until Thursday, important thing being for the TC to cover the 'extended' weekend because it's very convenient, like you suggested in your first post...?

  2. So everybody has a feel torch starts on 29th of January, which is tomorrow :)

    But since Chewy is in Poland and on MD vacation for some time (and I was expecting an announcement from him) - is it happening?


    Bumping because I'm getting a feel this would just pass on unaddressed for a few weeks...

  3. Maybe the fogginess would only start be gradually applying after certain amount of viscosity, rather than follow percentage straight away?


    An example, if a location hits +20, then you start gradually applying fogginess, and maximum rate at +40, rather than start applying from 0.

    Thus most of locations won't be affected, and the neglected location will be temporary lost...

  4. Now ...to throw a nuclear bomb here.....do you realise that if you make the earth like a dome, partial sphere, most of your explenations to prove its round will be useless? :))

    Most but not all...its round alright:)) but people get so excited, angry and sometimes violent, if you question their obvious beliefs, thats what this contest was about!


    Only if you experiment partially. :P

    If you experiment on every point in a cyclic tour around the world, then there's no problem

  5. Murs quest never even entered the boundary lol. Find me 10 MD quests which did not enter the boundaries of MD at all and wishpoints were rewarded. I will give you 1g for it ary.


    I know of a number of those...

    But to be honest, several are Mur's, again :))

    Won't make a fortune out of you, though, I'm just selling my ass for WPs :D

  6. Not really a backyard test, you gotta take a 'walk', but from various points on Earth you get to see stars that you can't see on various other points. Aristotle pondered upon that and concluded the Earth is round. If it was flat, navigation via night-sky would be easier, I guess :)


    The farther you go from the equator, the farther the ‘known’ constellations go towards the horizon, and are replaced by different stars. This would not have happened if the world was flat:

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