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Handy Pockets

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Posts posted by Handy Pockets

  1. I would like to add what I wrote within a few days of my return, upon the suggestion of Awiiya, so it would be fresh in my mind. I kept notes.

    [spoiler]Seeds of the East

    Handy Pockets
    Day 255 Year 4

    Awiiya planted the seeds of the Oak, Maple, Willow and the Spruce on Day

    143. He told me about them the night before he left on a short trip. He

    asked me if I would water his seeds while he was away. I agreed and

    struggled with my heavy watering pail, spilling water on the paths every

    night. When at last he was home, I had the opportunity to witness his

    magical watering can. Night after night he watered, and never refilled

    his rusty can. Phantom Orchid joined us his first day back, she helped

    set up the schedule, with stories for the Oak, Day’s Happenings for the

    Maple, a poem for the Willow and secrets for the Spruce. Without fail, we

    did this every night. Friends, Pamplemousse, and Keith Moon, were the ones

    who joined us most often. Rendril Revant, Guybrush Threepwood, Innocence

    and Fenrir Greycloth and many others joined us on occasion, telling their

    own stories or poems.

    At the end of July, Awiiya came to me and said Akasha would need our

    help, but he did not know when. Soon after this he went away again and I

    cared for the seeds in his stead. “Invite others to join you, it can be a

    lonely task.” he said. That is when I asked if he would lend me the

    watering can while he was away? Little did I know that taking ownership

    of the watering can would lead me on my greatest adventure. Awiiya was

    away for just a few days when I received a message from Akasha. -- Can I

    kidnap you? --I paced the Main Land, back and forth running into people

    as I paced blindly. Akasha was looking for me? I knew there was a

    reason for this meeting, I did not understand how exciting it would be.

    July 25, Day 205, Akasha messaged me to wait for her, that she was not

    sure of the upcoming events, that I should be ready for her at anytime.

    My pacing brought me into Loreroot, it was not long after that I found

    myself in a concealed room, teleported by Akasha for our secret meeting.

    She explained that she needed me to find a seed in a dry arid place, and

    that I should ignore the voices. I told her I would be ready when she

    needed me.

    July 25, Day 205, I sent a scroll to Clock Master asking whether he would

    tend the seeds if he did not see me during the day, he agreed to my


    July 26 Day 206 I found myself teleported to Stone of Twisted Souls. I

    blinked and there was Akasha, Liberty and Mur. Mur frightened me, I could

    not find my voice. Mur talked to Akasha and Liberty and I just listened.

    Akasha made it very clear that I was not to leave the area, one step to

    the left or right and the mission would end. Liberty was to protect me at

    any cost. Harm could not come to me or the mission would end. Akasha

    told us we had to make five tools before Day 210. I told Akasha that I

    already had Awiiya’s watering can, and that it never ran out of water, but

    she said we had to make what we would need. She explained I had a spell.

    A heal spell, to help heal if there was any problems with the Shades.

    July 26 Day 206 After Akasha left the two of us there, Liberty promptly

    helped me set my defense. He said to me, you have the Head Contest

    Trophy, this is good. But when he saw what I had for creatures he was

    upset. “How did you win the Head Contest? You are so weak“. I explained

    that I was in the process of sacrificing creatures and training for stats.

    Finally he had a defense for me to set that he felt comfortable with. It

    was time for Liberty to attend to matters of another kind; his departing

    words, --I will make sure it is secure before you wake up.

    Akasha would visit us everyday to see our progress.

    July 27 Day 207 Ever vigilant Liberty fought off many Shades before I woke

    up, he said there were over 20 but now only 4 remained. (I see over 20

    shades, but he said all were taken care of, everyday I see over 20 shades

    at our spot) He felt safe that we were not in danger from the four. We

    started our task of looking for the tools. First we made a list of the

    tools we would need. I said to Liberty to look at the stone wall, that

    maybe we could find something hidden there. Liberty said yes, he found a

    handle. He picked up a large stone and smashed it against the wall, we

    now had odd shaped slivers of rock and after a bit of work, Liberty made

    our first tool. I suggested that the principles would be important. We

    talked of principles, and with the trowel being the only tool the next

    day, we realized we had to physically make them.

    July 28 Day 208 Again, Liberty battled the Shades that were a threat,

    then gave the ‘all clear‘. This is the day we worked very hard on making

    tools. We knew we would need wood for more handles, but we were stuck, no

    fallen tree branches, we looked behind rocks for whatever we could find.

    Finally, I ask Liberty what was the stand near Deathmarrow. His first

    reaction was not favorable, after he gave it some thought, he realized

    the possibilities and chops off large long “slivers” of wood. The first

    tool we made with the wood handle was the hoe, Liberty made a slit in the

    end and stuffed another piece of shattered rock into the groove. Now we

    needed a rake, this proved to be the most difficult to make. I looked at

    the four rectangle pieces at what Liberty said was the Land weapon, I

    suggested we use one piece, just one to make more tools. It took some

    convincing that we could use part of this land marker. Liberty was

    chopping thin slices, I watched in amazement. I asked what he used to cut

    the nice thin strips off of the metal piece, Liberty said to me “It is my

    hatchet” I said “ What hatchet?”(we were not given any extra supplies)

    then it dawns on me as he growls, “did you buy all your weapons?” The

    next day we had more tools in our inventory.

    The water pail was all the was left to make. Liberty took one large piece

    of wood from the stand, he started to carve out the inside and then I

    carved, we past it back and forth until we thought it was carved out deep

    enough to be used as our pail.

    July 29 Day 209 We had all our tools, and Awiiya's magical watering can.

    We spent the day looking for the seed. Out on the outer shelf there was

    something that looked like a seed, Liberty said he would watch for Shades

    so I would have time to see what it was. On the left side of the shelf

    towards Deathmarrow, very close to the cliff, was what appeared to be a

    seed. After, crawling to the edge, and avoiding the urge to look over

    the side of the cliff, I see it is not a seed. I continue to crawl

    further along the edge, I think I see the seed. After an attempt to reach

    it, and I can not, Liberty suggests I use the hoe. I grab the hoe from

    the pile of garden equipment and crawl back to the edge. I use the hoe

    to reach further, the first time I miss, the second time I gently pull

    back the hoe dragging the dirt with it, then I push the dirt away and I

    find a seed. I place it carefully in the cubic pot.

    July 30 Day 210 Akasha dropped in to see how we were coming along on

    finding the seed. I tell her I found it. She says it was not what we

    were looking for. During this time the Shades are still there for me to

    see, to Liberty he sees just the four left each day.

    Akasha asked me to get the seed from the orb, as I walk towards the orb,

    the Shades start to move around unsettled . Akasha told me to stop what I

    was doing and walk back to her. I did this. It was obvious that the orb

    was very hot as I walked towards it. Liberty asked Akasha to send for

    Lifeline and Jtz, the request was sent.

    While we wait for Akasha to return, Liberty talks of battles with Jtz

    Champion. I had a conversation with Jtz Champion and Liberty, Liberty

    told me he is the General in his Army. I knew I was well protected.

    Akasha returned with Ailith. Ailith and I are told to work out some plan

    to get the orb down, without burning ourselves to ashes. The shades were

    growing restless. Ailith and I discussed how we would protect the orb as

    I pulled it towards me with the hoe, it would fall to the ground and we

    needed to be careful. Ailith says she can use powers to protect the orb.

    Akasha laughed at our naiveté.

    Lifeline and Jtz were there to help control the shades. Someone noticed

    that the Orb stopped glowing when the shades were killed. I remember

    someone mentioned the Summons Army was there.

    Lifeline spoke of his powers. Lifeline is very strong, even Liberty is

    amazed at his strength. Ailith is very strong and with Akasha force

    joining in to control the Shades, the Summons Army and what ever the

    forces that cause the sky to grow dark, we were ready to begin. There

    was yelling back and forth, I remember Ailith saying she was hit, then

    Liberty, and Jtz, the confusion was intense. Akasha told me that when the

    orb is cool enough, from the Shade army dying, I would need to work fast

    to get the orb. It was time. I ran over to the Orb with my hoe, and I

    started to pull it towards me. Very slow I pulled, I do not want the orb

    to crash to the ground. When I had the orb on the ground, I fell to my

    knees and started to reach for the orb. Akasha ran up to me and opened a

    bottle of red liquid and shook out a few drops onto my hands. I looked

    inside the Orb, found what I was looking for and quickly set it into my

    cubic box and closed the lid. I stood up.

    Akasha tells me to run to Marind Bell Gates. I looked around, I did not

    know which way to run. The sky was darkening. Akasha yelled again. “RUN”

    I asked which way. Liberty yells, “LEFT.” I ran. I knew most of the way

    out from my one visit to Necrovion. I have to stop once maybe twice to

    look at my map. ‘Run’ I hear in my ears. I am at the Well of Tears and I

    ran out the gate, almost running into Liberty. He was right with me. We

    wait at Marind Bell Gate. Finally, there is a message to meet at the

    Plains of Deceit. I hear Guybrush speak to me. I do not understand him.

    I ran to the Plains of Deceit. I see Akasha, everyone is there, but I

    only see her. She asked me to get the ground ready for the seeds. I

    asked where to plant them. Akasha said “you are the seed master,”. I dig

    and get the ground ready for the seeds. Akasha said firmly, “Stop, Stand

    up I must give you the seeds”. She told me about each seed, one by one.

    I planted the seeds. Ailith is there, she was panting from running, she

    hand me Awiiya’s Watering Can. I watered the seeds. Akasha asked me to

    give the watering can to Ailith so she may care for the new seeds while I

    am away. I hand the watering can to Ailith. I hear Akasha yell “HANDY”

    I feel her grab and hold onto me. I look up and I see frightened faces

    and Morpheus. I feel fear spread through me. That is the last I see of

    the seeds.

    I was put in a dream by Morpheus. Morpheus asked me questions. Did I

    know who he is? I don’t remember him, I knew who he was, but I was still

    breathless from the running and planting. He asked me two questions. How

    many seeds are there to close the realm, and name the color of one of the

    missing seeds. (and explain why)

    When I return a few days later, I see two growths where I planted the

    seeds. Everyday Ailith waters the seeds when Akasha asks her to water.

    One day I witness Akasha add a red liquid to the water, and then she

    added remains of some leaflets. This is what I record: Bored wants to

    know color of liquid she poured on plants. Akasha starts to search in her

    bag. “they are leaves that grow from a tree that has been touched by

    Shades or from the ground in Necrovion where Shades inhabit. The touched

    tree would die outside of Necrovion, rather quickly. The tormented souls,

    their blood is what you see on them but it is black as Shades” I also

    recorded this from Akasha at the new plants. Red bottle, red dust in the

    watering can, puts red bottle back in the bag and takes out a strange tube

    containing some remains of leaflets. Pours the liquid leafs in the

    watering can, shuffles a bit and then waters the plants- you see this is

    not a normal plant. (Akasha’s words)

    The day after Awiiya asked Ailith to send the watering can back to me, I

    am summons by Akasha to water the plants. I watered them. Akasha took

    out the bottle of liquid and pours it on the roots of the plants, she

    touches the roots and a tear is in her eye, Akasha--black tear rolls down

    her face, catches the tear into her tube. Within minutes the Gate appears

    before my eyes.


    [spoiler]Appendix I

    We will need five garden tools to help with the care of the seeds.

    Hoe, a long-handled implement with a thin flat blade used for cultivation,

    and loosening the dirt for gardening.

    Rake, a long- handled garden tool having a crossbar with prongs, to rake

    rocks and debris away from the seeds.

    Trowel, a small , flat or scoop like implement used in gardening, to dig

    the hole to plant the seeds.

    A small box to carry the seed.

    Water container, to carry water to the seeds to water them.

    Before we use our tools, if water is available we will soak the tools in

    water to make the wood in handles expand and hold better.

    Rocks found on floor of cavern, were thrown against the rock wall to break

    them into smaller pieces. Shaping them with other rock to make scooped

    shaped rock. Entropy principle used when rocks lost original shape when

    they broke into pieces, when sharpening them against each other.

    Trowel --Two pieces of wood sliced off the massive pillars from stand in

    front of Deathmarrow. Groove made in one end, with broken and shaped

    rock pieces. Scooped shaped rock pushed into groove of one handle to

    make trowel.

    Rake --With Liberty's axe he was able to cut one of the blades at hole,

    after cutting off four tines; Handy Pocket walked over to the stand in

    front of Deathmarrow and found two more pieces of wood to use for rake;

    The shorter piece four holes were made and the four tines were put in

    hole, with an extra piece of wood smashed into each hole to hold the tines

    in place; Then a hole for the handle was made and the longer piece of wood

    was added as a handle and small flat shard of rock was pushed into the

    hole to hold the handle in place

    Hoe-- Liberty cut another piece of wood from pillar and we pushed it into

    the hole at end of wide shard of stone blade which was smashed before to

    make the tines for rake. The wood handle needed very little carving at

    end to help it fit the hole in blade. It is a very snug fit.

    Box for seed. Liberty cut a piece of square wood from the pillar stand

    and Handy Pockets carved the inside of the square to make a place to hold

    the seed. With one piece of thin wood used as a cover to the wooden box.

    Water pail - Liberty cut a 30cm piece from pillar for Handy Pockets to

    start scraping out the inside. After taking turns with scraping, a hollow

    log, big enough to carry water for seed, is finally finished. Before we

    fill it with water, we will add a layer of sand to help hold the water a

    little longer.

    The Seed

    On the left side of the arrow pointing towards Deathmarrow, very close to

    the cliff, is what appears to be a seed. Handy Pockets thinks this is the

    seed we are looking for. After, crawling to the edge, and avoiding the

    urge to look over the side of the cliff, the first place Handy Pockets

    looks , it is not a seed. Handy Pockets continues to crawl further along

    the edge, carefully avoiding looking over the edge, until she thinks she

    sees a seed. After an attempt to reach it, and can not, Liberty suggests

    she use the hoe. Handy Pockets grabs the hoe from the pile of garden

    equipment and starts back to edge. After crawling close to edge, she uses

    the hoe to reach further, the first time she misses, the second time she

    gently pulls back the hoe and grabs the dirt from hoe and looks through

    the dirt and finds a seed. She puts it carefully in the cubic pot.

    Yes, we found A seed, it is not the correct seed. We need to do some

    planning on how to get to seed.

    The orb is the seed, we must take a piece of the orb. It looks like a

    difficult task. We will find a way to get this seed.


    Now that I see what Liberty experienced in the days after, I am looking for some more notes I have.
    (how can I fix this so it is single spaced? this is not easy to read)

  2. I would like the PM's, when I am off line, to be sent to my email. The forum messages are sent there now and I like to keep up with what is going on when I am away from the computer.
    It should be off by default.

  3. I think berries could be added to Phantom Orchids list of parts of plants to use (I see this is fruit, this fading in and out is getting to me)


    Leaves were used to treat wounds.

    Blackberries- in olden days gave protection if gathered at the right time of the moon.

    Fiber from stem to make twine.

    The Thorny canes can make a barricade around something to give some protection.

    A dye from the the berries.

    Other valuable berries (particle list)

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