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Handy Pockets

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Posts posted by Handy Pockets

  1. Congratulations to Katt and Dragual. It had drama and suspence. I was enjoying the wedding.


    There were words of discontent because Eon kept teleporting the bride away. Please consider this:

    [b]In Germany friends of bride and groom kidnap the bride and the groom has to find her. The search starts in a local pub. The groom pays a drink to everyone who wants to join him in search.[/b]

    How romantic this could of been. There are other traditions too, I am sure.

    The important thing is,

    The two of you did find your way to each other. Enjoy a long and happy life together.

  2. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1321697437' post='96183']
    Did any king ever use the spell? I know that in MB we got to a point where the MB council were discussing its use, and then it was completely forgotten and never mentioned again by handy.

    Chewett, I did contact Mur about that spell for Princ, true not to be used in this manner, but if we had it in hand who knows what we would of thought up. I dont know why it
    stopped there. (not forgotten)

    I would like to try this summons spell with the memory stone out, to see how it worked.

    [ edit--took out (and if), this was a reaction I don't like that I had. I also checked to see when I sent the message about the summons spell and at that time it also included two other ideas. It was on Oct 24 and It very well could of been to his phone, which I knew could mean it would get lost so I made a copy of message to send later if this was the case. Later meant I was without electricity and then internet for 11 days total (started on Oct 29). not an easy way to communicate. then again it might of gone to his regular YIM and was again up to me to contact him with more of what I wanted with all three ideas]

  3. [quote name='dragonrider7' timestamp='1320976539' post='95610']
    Really sad to hear that and I wonder why these resignations happening only to MB........dont resign Handy...we all are with you.


    I will be here in MB still, and in Guild. I am not leaving MD
    I don't have the time that is needed. I take this job seriously
    I have not seen resignations. Well, I had the two rebels, and the two
    played that part well. I look forward to guild work, to questing and
    will miss being Queen. Things changed faster than I wanted. This
    storm made me realize I have to do things to protect home in future because
    I know these storms are just beginning. "Winter is coming"

  4. I will try every way I can to be here for this gathering. but

    I might be able to attend, it is because I am sick and at home. What if I am sleeping because i am sick.....eeks
    But if I was not sick, I would be at work, which the computers will only take me to research sites out of the intranet connections.
    My iPhone is giving me issues of late so that is not a sure option.
    My travel time is an hour each way.

    message to Mur
    Mur--- Please give us time to prepare, to be at spot you pick. You could come to the Wind's Sanctuary. It is a nice place ( and I am there resting.) :(

  5. Hello Citizens of Marinds Bell and travelers of other lands.

    I need to take a few days to rest. I keep fighting a fever and the chills.

    I will come on game everyday and perhaps more than once, but will only answer messages
    and I prefer messages in game, not forum as I can not access the forum all the time. I will stay idle
    in the Wind's Sanctuary for those that dont have me in friends list. I will answer all messages.

    Thank you for understanding


  6. Greetings, After many months of trying to get the side bar that tells me who applied for citizenship, I now have it.

    I could not tell who applied for citizenship unless they told me they did. I now have many applications to go through.
    I will write to all applicants to explain this.

    If you applied and would like me to consider your application now, please let me know and I will review as soon as possible.

    Thank you for your patience


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