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Everything posted by Miidorii

  1. Yeah.... I had a lot of rl stuff to do. I'm going to try and stay on more often. But the school has it blocked, so I might go on at home later.

  2. Hasn't been on in a while. T.T

  3. Goin' Good. Though at the moment a short break. I has school. @__@

  4. Good. Then perhaps not only to learn what you will teach, but maybe we could get some kind of knowledge of Necrovion as well?
  5. Just make it worth 0.50$ for a silver coin. They'd have to spend 2 md credits just to get 2 silver, an in turn, only be able to spend 1 md credit for every 2 silver coins. People would still use it in game.
  6. [quote name='Shadowseeker' date='29 July 2009 - 10:30 AM' timestamp='1248885054' post='38183'] Sorry for not bothering to read all of this, but I'm sorta distracted: Adding an AURA which makes something every turn isn't wise, make it the ability of the creat itself. Auras apply at the start, continuosly, they don't change..if you make it that way it means a lot lot of extra code for mur. (if he adds it that is) [/quote] Oh my! I never thought of that! >.> Guess I'll just make it like all the other aura abilities. o____o
  7. I'll get there. I am going to make some changes, and I'm already starting to create (draw) the next level for the gem.
  8. [quote name='Firsanthalas' date='28 July 2009 - 01:49 PM' timestamp='1248810563' post='38128'] Nobody mentioned muffins. Im shocked and appaulled. What kind of debate are you going to have without muffins? I'd love to go, but Friday night? Thats drinking night me laddies. [/quote] Actually firs, before this got on the forums, I suggested there be muffins.
  9. [quote name='Nex' date='17 July 2009 - 12:07 PM' timestamp='1247854022' post='37339'] actually, in the initial description of the aura she excplicitely speaks of reviving [b]enemy[/b] creatures (blue text added by me) she later explained that it steals the 200 VE from the creature that killed the enemy creature when the aura activates and that this effect has a 2 turn cooldown. if i got what she said right, it normaly steals 200 VE from an enemy creature and gives it to the weakest creature, no matter on which side, with a 50/50 chance if both players have an equally weak creature. i guess that's what you meant. [/quote] o____o But in the beginning, it talks about [b]your[/b] creatures getting healed...
  10. [quote name='Nex' date='16 July 2009 - 10:17 AM' timestamp='1247761041' post='37256'] my new batch of thoughts and questions: now, if it's set to weaken defense, the enemy will never benefit from it since the aura is only active at soul heal. also, unless an enemy dies the effect is activated when the creature gets its turn to steal 200VE from an enemy creature. assuming that the stronger player is faster and will steal 200 VE from the weaker enemy, s/he can then happily slaughter enemy creatures since the aura has to recharge or does it only have to recharge to survive enemy creatures? and will it stop working while recharging altogether (for you and for the enemy) or will it keep working for you? aslo, would anything special happen if it kills an enemy by stealing its last 200 VE? also also, have you for potential higher levels thought of increasing the value for soul heal at a fixed rate or based on power? [/quote] It will NEVER activate if it is on weaken defense. No, what I mean by recharge, is, it will say "no target found, skipping turn," for two turns REGARDLESS if there is a dead creature. As for who's creature it takes, it's weakest creature selected first. In which case there is one of the same creature on both parties, it's a 50/50 chance your creature gets selected. It will work for neither parties. Hmmm... I guess it can't steal from a creature that has only, or less than, 200 VE. But remember, it's only doing this to other creatures. Thus, if it has 700 ve, and uses the special ability, 700. Like charity, perhaps. Nothing to gain for itself, really. No, I haven't thought of that. I do know, on the other hand, that this aura will only be there for two levels, as you might call it. Then It'll probably go on to something else... I'm starting of thinking of the next level, but I always draw it out before I figure out what I want it to do.
  11. [quote name='Burns' date='16 July 2009 - 08:26 AM' timestamp='1247754408' post='37241'] so, fi you are stronger than your opponent, it would be useless to set the gem on this currently only level, but if you know you are the weaker combattant, you can use it and make the opponent lose VE for killing your crits, and evne revive your own in the process? seems like a nice new ability... but i want to see higher levels of the crit before deciding, that one has insane potential to be WAY overpowered... [/quote] Don't worry, it wont get that strong. I haven't even decided what it's going to be or anything. And as for overpowered, it only does steal 200 after all. I could make it less. Of course, maybe I should put another requirement for it.
  12. [quote name='redneck' date='15 July 2009 - 09:31 PM' timestamp='1247715063' post='37184'] i like the crit and the crit idea but i think it could actually work if it had a couple touch ups:)) ~Red~ [/quote] What do you have in mind, red?
  13. Ahah! Sorry 'bout that. I didn't even know there was a creature section for each place... Shows how stupid I am sometimes. XD To Nex: Weaken defense is used on either dying OR random (depending what you set for the ritual.) And the special influences only works if you put "soul heal" for your ritual rather than weaken defense. Now, how the influences work is kind of twisted. When an enemy creature is destroyed, it takes 200 VE from the enemy in which killed it - the creature that killed it. Kind of like a double edged sword. But I'm thinking of soul heal only working every once in a while. For instant.... Okay, your enemy has 6 creatures, as do you. Their heretic archer dies, and your heretic archer 2 killed it.. The gem "steals" heretic archer 2's VE, or technically, part of the creature's soul, as I view it! Then gives it to that dead creature. Thus called Soul heal. The influence can only work with that.. Kind of like the first influence you can sort or control. Then the gem can't heal for two to three turns. Kind of like it has to "charge up" it's powers. But it can't heal itself, so it wont last long.. For now.
  14. Thanks, red, but it seems it was deleted! T_T

  15. Requirements for recruiting this creature: Action points 20 Value points 17,000 Sacrificed vitality 2,000 Exploring Points 10 Creature name: Necrovion Gem [img]http://i702.photobucket.com/albums/ww25/Midori_moon/insdoc0008.jpg[/img]( supposed to be: 294 x 400) Targets: weak creatures Abilities: weaken defense [i]Actions of this unit are performed on enemy targets[/i] Creature description: [i]An odd creature. Is it even an egg? Curiously, the fire surrounding it does not burn, nor is it hot. It kind of feels cold.. The second it is picked up, though, everything feels ominous. But the black fire should have warned anyone. The fire is almost Shade-like. Although the markings can intrigue someone. This light green gem might be useful…[/i] Stats: Vital Energy 700 Defense 5 Initiative 1 Attack 2 Power 1 Requirements for next level: Experience 12,000 Won battles 50 Age 30 Upgrade costs: Action points 20 Value points 3,000 Sacrificed vitality 2,300 Exploring Points 10 Creature name: Dragon Shade [img]http://i702.photobucket.com/albums/ww25/Midori_moon/dragonshade.jpg[/img] (supposed to be: 410 x 468) Targets: Strong creatures, dying Abilities: Damage [i]Actions of this unit are performed on enemy targets[/i] Creature description: [i]A shade and dragon were sealed in the gem a long time ago, when there was war. The shade stole the dragon's life in it, and in return gave his life to the dragon. They became one. The dragon holds on to the gem carefully, finally being released. It makes you its' master, hoping that it can become stronger. It trusts it's master. With it, the carnage it needs to grow stronger will become possible.[/i] Stats: Vital Energy 1,500 Defense 10 Initiative 2 Attack 5 Power 4 Requirements for next level: Experience 50,200 Won battles 210 Age 70 Upgrade costs: Action points 50 Value points 5,300 Sacrificed vitality 3,400 Exploring Points 10 ___________________________________________________________________________________ In the next level: Special Influences: [animasalve] Steals 200 enemy vitality and uses it to heal allied creatures if they are dying. Does not work on user. If enemy creatures are dying, it steals 200 allied creatures vitality and heals the enemy targets. Only steals from the attacking creature, and only gives to the attacked creature. More insight on it's aura & ability: Weaken defense is used on either dying, weak creatures, OR random (depending what you set for the ritual.) And the special influences only works if you put "soul heal" for your ritual rather than weaken defense. Now, how the influences work is kind of twisted. When an enemy creature is destroyed, it takes 200 VE from the enemy in which killed it - the creature that killed it. Kind of like a double edged sword. But I'm thinking of soul heal only working every once in a while. For instant.... Okay, your enemy has 6 creatures, as do you. Their heretic archer dies, and your heretic archer 2 killed it.. The creature "steals" heretic archer 2's VE, or technically, part of the creature's soul, as I view it! Then gives it to that dead creature. Thus called Soul heal. The influence can only work with that.. Kind of like the first influence you can sort or control. Then it can't heal until the next round. Kind of like it has to "charge up" it's powers. But it can't heal itself. [b]New:[/b] I'm thinking that this should be a rare creature, rather than someone being able to just buy as many as they want. Edit -- Sorry both pictures are so big. I'm attempting to resize them, but that's hard for me to do.
  16. Is the contest STILL going? Lol, if so, I might be able to submit a drawing. >.>
  17. Miidorii


    Heehee, I bet!
  18. I'll (Miidorii) be going to attend, as will Kyuuketsuki.
  19. [color="#006400"][size=2]Hello. I, like some others, would like to join the Dojo. I'm almost always online throughout the day; at the dojo. I know of the dojo rules and would like to enforce them. I'm also a friendly person and I think I have a pretty good idea of how to rationalize situations peacefully. :D I might also be able to help out the newcomers - for example, helping them with rituals and creatures. [indent] My username on MD is Miidorii. [/indent][/size][/color]
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