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  1. Bump. I'm still looking to buy the Angiens, and a few others. A Pimp, a UP and a TS.
  2. As the title says,I am looking to buy Angiens. I need three of them, please PM me here or concussion in-game.
  3. I need to withdraw my bids, I no longer have the funds to fulfill them. Sorry Maebius.
  4. 5 SC for the BP & 3 SC for the Imp.
  5. I was unable to be as active as I hoped to be, but I still had fun running around. The low viscosity everywhere was great. :) I had a good time. Side note: I did not properly read your chat posts regarding the use of the items on participants only, I killed someone outside of the event. I take full responsiblity, it was my fault and I accept any punishment deemed necessary.
  6. everyone ID: 103401 AD: 1585
  7. The last time I checked, (a couple of months ago) unread PM's or PM's marked as "read later" that are deleted don't show in the outgoing messages section, the sender will still think the message has been read. The point of the "supress messages feature" is to cancel a message so it cannot be read. The pm to e-mail system makes this feature pointless if the reciever clicks the lit-up envelope to find the message gone, then checks their e-mail to read the message that was suppossed to be suppressed. if a delay was added to the e-mail being sent, and the sender given a warning that they have an X amount of minutes to suppress it before it is sent via e-mail, the system would be better in my opinion.
  8. MB has another new citizen! :D

    1. Jubaris
    2. Maebius


      welcome indeed!

    3. nadrolski


      Welcome, and high five!

  9. The PM to e-mail system makes being able to suppress a message obsolete since the person can read it anyway. If someone gets an in-game message, they should read it in-game.
  10. After a long 28 days, concussion has applied for citizenship again. As usual if any citizen has a question for concussion he is usually around NML or MB training, so feel free to message him. :D
  11. I'd like to see Eon (and his skill damage) come back. MD is more fun when there are villainous characters/players like Eon. :D
  12. Well the vote was close at 36%, 3289/9019. But unfortunately not enough. Thank you for the support. I will be applying again as soon as possible and look forward to it. :)
  13. Herbs Basket (id:15413) has a 200 second shorter cooldown than any other basket that I have used before.
  14. Hello Marind Bell citizens! I am applying for Marind Bell citizenship as concussion, my alternate account. I have been wanting to branch out in a different direction and experience another facet of MD. I believe that this the best way for me to do so. If any citizen would like to know more feel free to message me here or concussion in-game.
  15. I bet that "dude 2" is BFH :P
  16. Not really extreme or hard to achieve, but I want to see if there is anyone older that still has an incomplete sidebar. :D Edit: Adding image later.
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