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Kyphis the Bard

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Everything posted by Kyphis the Bard

  1. [quote name='Pipstickz' date='09 October 2009 - 02:26 PM' timestamp='1255058818' post='44111'] Another thing, Wodin's not a real character any more, so why keep him? [/quote] Clearly you have no idea of Wodins history, for that comment is almost an obscenity. Wodin is not like a normal character, find out his story before you ask "why keep him" [quote name='Yrthilian' date='09 October 2009 - 02:52 PM' timestamp='1255060379' post='44115'] Then dont comment unless you understand. DONT marke post neg if you have not read them properly. for you lack the information and there for make assumptions [/quote] This one's off topic, but I have noticed that someone is going around several topics giving everyone negative rep >.> No idea who, generally best to just ignore it as pettiness. [quote name='Watcher' date='09 October 2009 - 04:42 PM' timestamp='1255066957' post='44121'] In this case, his skimming has pulled out all the pertinent information from yet another rambling and nigh incoherent post. You, a man whose crown was not only far too much of a burden to bear, and which was undeserved from the beginning, seek little else than to regain what small measure power you believe you once held. ..... Congratulations on keeping your crown of tinsel and tin foil. I can think of none more worthy. All hail Yrthilian, Hollow King on the Throne of Dust. [/quote] The vote on this matter was very clear. HE HAS MORE SUPPORT THAN OPPOSITION. This makes him, in my eyes at least, the rightfull king, even if I voted against him (which I did) (Note: I am aware that the number of votes against him was higher than the votes for him, unlike Pipstickz I like to read everything I can find related, regardless of how much sense it makes or how boring it may be)
  2. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='10 October 2009 - 10:44 AM' timestamp='1255131870' post='44217'] what about this: - king can allow new citizens in based on their intention letter - king can kick people out of the land (remove citizenship) only if they did something against the land. That allows people to be part of a land but also be against its leader and be immune to revenge on this reason, unless they do somethign wrong for the land itself (land image, military, treason, abuse, etc) in other words, citizenship is gained by making the king accept you, but cant be removed same way [/quote] Now THAT is an awesome idea
  3. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='09 October 2009 - 09:32 PM' timestamp='1255084323' post='44139'] Having a leader means to have a voice as a land and influence both your land and other lands. For now i don't want other than the 4 main lands to have a direct influence but only an indirect one. Neutrality is not the right word to use, because they are not neutral, but its an other word i cant find (suggestions?) [/quote] Impartiality; Independence; Reactive influence. I'll edit my post if I think of more, or make a new post if I feel like it
  4. The land ruler would also have the responsibility of preventing others from abusing whatever positions they hold, so some types of abuse may go down, as well... While I'm not fond of Kings and such, I do like this idea. The interactions between Necrovion and Golemus Golemicarum with the rest of the realms is enhanced a great deal due to their ability to look to figure heads who represent their land, such as Peace and Marvolo in Necrovion or Yrthilian and MRD for Golemus. The other lands have their own important figures, but I don't feel they are as easy to identify. Hopefully this action will help to strengthen roles within the community, as well as give land affiliation more meaning. A suggestion to prevent abuse of the "take over main alliance, take over land" function: Outside of a war, a person must be a citizen of the associated land before they can be accepted into an alliance for that land. This would also give more meaning to the rulers of each lands role, as they are the ones who decide on who can be citizens.
  5. I wonder what the consequences will be for these actions... Would not be surprised to see Yrthilian "clean House" and exile all of the GG members who actively promoted the idea of His deposing... (By this I mean players such as Metal Bunny, not players like Cryxus who was able to argue both sides, and therefor remain clearly neutral)
  6. I like this idea, but testing values would be very hard. And depending on how you integrate the stats applied via slider, you either end up making the divide between high stat and low stat players worse, or making stats almost irrelevant... I think it an interesting idea, but very easily bugged or exploited >.> (Not fully conciouse, if my English or Reasoning isn't very good, bah. Bah I Say!)
  7. I would like to be involved, and have PMed you in game with details.
  8. Aww.... Ah well, at least I know what the cap is for MP4
  9. [quote name='Nex' date='01 October 2009 - 05:41 PM' timestamp='1254379282' post='43378'] so this is pips 'confessions' spin-off? ok, some 'achievements' with experimental accounts: mp3 with over a million exp (quite common) finished storymode completely without principles (rather rare, i guess) also: placed in HC with just the heads i got over time [/quote] Not as common since the Experience cap was institued.... Nex, were you below the experience cap before it was instituted, and still got it to Mill? Otherwise, as you say, not really an achievement >.>
  10. Seriously though, I'm an MP3 with 650170 experience (yes I am aware of how truly awful my existence is going to be)
  11. Brag about stuff I've done? Well.... I DID sink your battleship
  12. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='28 September 2009 - 04:28 AM' timestamp='1254072535' post='42961'] Public opinion is a powerful jury. Here in MD votes will not count as number but as value, so if you plan on doing a voting thing, then you will have to send them to me, with _strong_ reasons, and your personal reputation will count as the vote weight. [/quote] [quote name='awiiya' date='01 October 2009 - 06:37 AM' timestamp='1254339422' post='43268'] Also, why is Kingship going to a vote? Votes are for appointed leaders of democracy, where everyone's opinion is equal. This should be determined by a fight, because the King is the strongest person in a land, not the one that everybody likes the most. True, death means very little in Magic Duel, which is the source of a lot of problems, including this one. If Yrthilian could just kill Grido, rather than exiling him, this whole business would be avoided, and he would be even more of a leader. Unfortunately that is not so. But in the spirit of the Kingship, and what that means, I think Yrthilian is perfectly in his power. King's powers derive from the Gods, not from his subjects, at least that is the way it was set up in the past. You dare question someone who is appointed by God(s)? In short, Yrthilian's power should not end because he angered his subjects, and they hold a silly vote. No! It should end when there is a coup, a show of military strength that Yrthilian is NOT the strongest person in the world, and NOT appointed by God. [/quote] This vote is serving as the stand in for military action, because as you say death hasn't got that much meaning in the realm. The vote is essentially the coup. As Mur said, the decision is going to be made based on both our reason AND our reputation. If the vote had all the strongest members of GG supporting Yrthilian, and twice as many against him, I doubt he would be kicked from rulership as in a war of succession he would easily win. HOWEVER, if it came to that, he'd no longer be a King, but a true Tyrant/Dictator, and I doubt that that is what Yrthilian would want. Then again, if the strongest member all voted against Yrthilian but the majority was at least or more than twice as many against him, I wouldn't be surprised to see every single one of the people who voted against him kicked from Golemus >.> Remember what was said when Raven wanted to be King? "If you fail, there will be consequences"... I think this sort of action is would have far more impacting repercussions for failure than Raven's simple election, and the threat from that was Imprisonment. Think long and hard about what your reason is and who you really support before you vote on this... ----- Off Topic: Who keeps voting negatively for Yrthilian's posts? Those last ones were very good, and didn't deserve the negative reputation. Voting purely because you don't like the person is a bit petty, show some maturity.
  13. *laughs* The HC always makes things interesting >.>
  14. [quote name='DarkPriestess' date='28 September 2009 - 11:20 AM' timestamp='1254097208' post='43048'] I also would like to say that both Yrthilian and Mur were informed that I was going to do it. I did not ask for permission from them, I merely informed that I would do it. And so I did. Now, can we please go back on topic? [/quote] Fair enough That is an RPC issue now, and not this topics... well, topic.
  15. Good to hear that it's proving a positive result so far, lets just hope we can keep it going
  16. But sequins are so Pretty ^_^

    (I actualy own an outfit that looks similar to that :P)

  17. Good to hear your support, Whitewater And congratulations on joining the Forum community
  18. I'm more hoping to create an area where people can train for experience, similar to how there is the GGG to train without experience. The Sparring Grounds is an area that you can train for experience, but because you can only do it off of idlers who are after losses, the gains aren't that good. I know that there are going to be big challenges to this, but I am hoping that with the attitude of fighters I have seen at the Sparring Grounds, this will get a positive reaction.
  19. That's what I'm doing I'm going to be spending a lot of time there trying to encourage people to fight there.
  20. [quote name='dst' date='27 September 2009 - 11:34 PM' timestamp='1254054864' post='42876'] Why higher levels? Mp3s and mp4s can get tokens. It may have a good start but I think soon it will degenerate. Why do you think GGG and SG have all those rules? [/quote] I'm more interested in getting it off the ground, as far as figuring out how to get it to work I'm leaving that up to people with more influence. Hence why the topic name is "Help". I'm asking for help in this. And It's more of an issue at higher levels because people at higher levels are more likely to have been playing longer, and hence gained more credit to spend on tokens.
  21. [quote name='dst' date='27 September 2009 - 11:14 PM' timestamp='1254053665' post='42874'] Free battling area? Are you kidding me? Sure, I would love one but be serious! That cannot happen due to the tokens. Players with tokens will always (or ok..98% of the time) win. That will be a slaughter house and soon everybody that is not strong enough will leave. Think about it. [/quote] Fair point. But how people deal with that is something they will need to consider themselves, and that is usually more of an issue for the higher MP Levels only.
  22. Yes, it's essentialy a free-for-all area. And the GoE doesn't have the same history as Willows
  23. In response to a point raised by .Shadowseeker.: I am aware that the Willows Shop training area used to be primarily used by MP5, however this doesn't mean other MP levels shouldn't come here to practice fighting as well. I also think that MP5's would be able to benefit from a training area devoted to experience fighting as a counter balance for the Golden Globe Gazebo, an area also used by all MP levels.
  24. I got your old Avatar ^_^

  25. I am putting the word out to help Revive Willows Shop as a place for serious fighting. If you support the idea, show it by coming to Willows Shop in Marind's Bell and fighting. While you are here, feel free to enjoy the hospitality of "The Bunnilicious & Fruitastic Lounge" Information can be found on the signpost, or check back at this topic!
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