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Kyphis the Bard

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Everything posted by Kyphis the Bard

  1. I will choose... #42
  2. I'm going to hop in, Shop CTC for whoever gets me
  3. Buggery, my recording Hardware has been shot since April >.<
  4. A good, logical, and consistent story that contributes to the development of the MD Realm
  5. I play this game for Roleplay. I have a great time on it, and I work hard to make sure my interactions with other players make sense and are as fair as I can be. When I roleplay a combat, I react however the combat comes out. If I'm feeling really boisterous, I'll even roleplay my intention to attack them and only make the attack when it makes sense (like what happened recently when I was turned into a werewolf, thanks Burns ) My favorite things to do are to just find a quiet spot, and sit there for a few hours crafting an RP trail for someone to find, like the months I spent cleaning pheasants for the Loreroot Inn ("The Root of the Matter Inn, If we don't have it its not important") But I think its really important and enjoyable to be able to roleplay spontaneously with other characters, and while it isn't vital to stay "In Character" all the time, it is of benefit to choose a character you are similar to in RL, so even when out of character you can still make who you are IC grow richer and fuller.
  6. [quote name='Chewett' date='07 December 2009 - 04:27 PM' timestamp='1260167276' post='49358'] H is most definitely an alt [/quote] He may be, but I have not seen any conclusive evidence for this case yet. [quote name='Chewett' date='07 December 2009 - 04:27 PM' timestamp='1260167276' post='49358'] actually pip was pointing out chewett2 is my main account [/quote] I know, I had already figured that out myself quite some time ago. However, by the terms through which I determin an alt as an alt I consider chewett2 as the alt, and Chewett as the main, if not the original Ironic, no? (We are getting rather offtopic now )
  7. [quote name='Pipstickz' date='07 December 2009 - 03:39 PM' timestamp='1260164345' post='49355'] chewett2's ID < Chewett's ID [/quote] And yet we all know chewett2 is Chewett's alt.
  8. [quote name='Tipu' date='30 November 2009 - 01:10 PM' timestamp='1259550638' post='48738'] Head contest is all what we see a change to even the odds. If u implement Vet to participate i will tell the winners in Mp3 section now itself. Kyhpis, H, Chewette well u can start giving them 7 K Vit and 10 K Vp with 200 attack and defense Stats right away for next month too or perhaps for the next whole years hehehe No need to conduct head contest for mp3 hehehe. [/quote] Whoah there, H hasn't won at all and the only reason I bothered to participate at all was a medal on my avatar. There is NOTHING the HC could give me that I couldn't get myself with a little patience (A fact that anyone who looks at my creature/Equipment collection would know) You don't even need to spend money on MD Shop items to get strong if you know what your doing, I have several items in the Permanent Booster branch that I haven't even touched. And While chewett2 is an alt (Obviously) I most definetly am not, and as far as I know H is not either. And yes, Falsh Nubrigar, you would make it interesting But I think I could stand up to you > (PS: I am against this idea >.> the only reason I would want to play HC again is for the Gold Medal, and I can get that anyway )
  9. [quote name='Assira the Black' date='07 December 2009 - 01:48 PM' timestamp='1260157724' post='49345'] I think something does need to be done to reduce abuse by alts. In my opinion alts are to be used to experience MD in a new way and to create new experiences for others. So the ones who do not abuse their alts may be limited because others are abusing the alts. I do not think that it would be a good thing if you made it where alts can not create items. I think it should be done correctly by methods that normal people use. I know the chances of everyone doing things correctly is slim but I do not think it would be fair to limit everyone's alts like that. Alts to me are separate characters and so they should have the same chances to do things as a main character should. [/quote] To clarify my previous statement, I would assume that crafters who recognised alts that were being abused would refuse to serve them, and the point of tracking the items is to help identify alts that are being used for abuse. If I ever create an Alt account that I wish to play as another character, I would not want them limited in their capacities.
  10. [quote name='I am Bored' date='07 December 2009 - 03:54 AM' timestamp='1260122054' post='49308'] well since i didn't think of the possible abuse with items, i will say that there shouldn't be alts now...... unless you make it so alts can't make items.... [/quote] I think most crafter would be capable of spotting an alt But there are two other solutions I can think of: The first is to give crafters the ability to track where their items go. That will help them identify alts. The other is to prevent people who share IP addresses from trading anything, be it items or creatures. I know that IP scramblers are easy to get, and I know that people can just use a third party to make the trade, so I don't think this is a good solution. But I do think it will make a small difference.
  11. Personally, the only reason I play this game is for roleplay. I know I am strong enough to do what I want, but I don't play this game for combat. The only place I tend to exercise my strength is the SG, unless I have an aggressive roleplay to perform (my recent forced transformation into a vampire hating wolf, for example) I am [i]vehemently[/i] against any punishment for staying at the lower levels. I am only advancing when it is appropriate in my RP to do so, and while I hope to advance to MP4 very soon, I expect to be there for years. However, in my comments on Mur's "WP for Days" scheme, I suggested that the WP only be rewarded when the player reach MP5. If there is a log of how many age WP a player has earned that they can see, I think it would encourage players to advance in their MP levels. The freedom to stay at lower levels and play the game my way, bend the world to what I want it to be, do almost [b]anything[/b] I want is the reason I returned to this game the first time. If that is taken away then anyone who is like me... I do not want to see that sort of loss. I like the idea of preventing MP3 from using tokens however, and if it is not possible to transfer creatures that have tokens to MP3 then veterans will be restricted from transferring their creatures. I'm not suggesting you do anything to the tokens that are already at MP3, that is retroactive punishing and you will see a lot of good players leave for it. Most MP3 go up or quit, so eventually there will be no tokens at that stage if you give it time
  12. [quote name='redneck' date='07 December 2009 - 10:54 AM' timestamp='1260147259' post='49335'] well me and sparr have worked this out he has juts be an A-hole and not a very good king to argue with me and bring stuff up like this i have many friends that know how i act when im not trying to piss someone off or just be lkike laz,*laughs* i like to piss on and piss off kings like firs that lieks ot bring up stuff that isnt neccisary [/quote] It is fully necessary for people to know who can be trusted and who is a worthless slattern
  13. Another example of a real world entropic system is the "Survival of the fittest" model of evolution. This model states that entities that don't have desired characteristics have a smaller chance to survive. For example, lets use fur color in arctic rabbits. Obviously, a white rabbit is more likely to survive than a black rabbit, because it will be harder to spot. After a few generations, all the rabbits will be white because the black ones wont survive for as long to breed. However, the result is a reduction in the amount of genetic material available. Now due to the fact that some genes are recessive and others dominant, in about half the possible cases the "undesirable" trait will not be lost, just masked. We see an example of this in the moths of Industrial England. Prior to the industrial revolution, there were two common varieties of a specific moth, the brown ones and the white moths. Due to the lack of airborne pollution, there were more white moths than brown. However, with the advent of the industrial revolution, within a few years there were barely and white moths and almost the entire population was brown. After pollution control was introduced, however, and the amount of airborne pollution reduced to lower levels, the number of white moths compared to brown moths sharply rose, until they were once again about equal with the brown. Now, due to the obvious fact that you can't prove the white moths were ever completely removed, you can't say the brown variety became white. However, studies conducted in which only each color of moth was isolated for multiple generations have shown that the brown moths were capable of producing white offspring, and like so with the white producing brown offspring. This shows that the gene for each pigment is present in both, and also that neither pigment is fully dominant over the other. The effect of this was to mask and retain the "undesirable" traits. However, masking process can only occur when the undesirable trait is not dominant over the desirable one, otherwise the only way for the survival of the fittest method of evolution to apply is through entropic loss of genetic material. Humorously, this is the only case of natural evolution observed above the level of simple organisms (which do some very strange things indeed due to their relatively simple DNA structure, as well as reproduction methods) that I know of (feel free to message me other examples of observed evolution systems, I am always happy to expand my knowledge base but try to stay on topic in here )
  14. [quote name='Sparrhawk' date='05 December 2009 - 07:38 PM' timestamp='1260005883' post='49206'] The deadline is 0:00 server time day 339 for the dance, send in a pm of the dance. The other parts were a pre warning so that people would have time to write a story. [/quote] Thanks, guess I wont have enough time to prepare then as it is 1am and I dont wake up until the deadline occurs. Would have been good with a bit more advance notice o.O
  15. [quote name='Mya Celestia' date='05 December 2009 - 08:12 AM' timestamp='1259964748' post='49154'] [font="Palatino Linotype"]Get out your costumes and get ready to dance! Day 338 is a dance contest. So shake your fanny and raise your hands in the air! Send your dances to Sparrhawk or Phantom Orchid. You've got until Day 339 to get them done. Preview of Day 339: An assortment of events will be happening this day including a story contest. Your story must include something from Loreroot or take place in Loreroot. No word requirement or anything too challenging. There will be other events throughout Day 339.[/font] [/quote] Not a 100% sure on your meaning, when is the deadline for dances? I want to participate in this one, but it will come down to whether *Burns* has turned me human again or not >:|
  16. [quote name='dst' date='05 December 2009 - 06:38 AM' timestamp='1259959110' post='49143'] I still think 2/year are too many.At least do something like this: 1 in the first year and then 2 for the second/third/etc year. [/quote] I voted the 2 year option because the format dst has suggested is the one I really desire. one for the first year, and then another for every half year after that. I am actually of the opinion that a lot of people use alts as seperate characters, mcvities accounts for example. However, because I know there are a lot of people who would abuse this, especially with staying in MP3/4 to win heads, I voted that there be no awarding to alts. I can, however, think of another option: Do not award the wishpoints to anyone below MP5. record the number that they should earn, and when they reach MP5 award them, but not until then. I expect to take years to reach MP5, and I would very much like to get these wishpoints, however I think this solution would help to even things out. Another way of evening things out and prevent wishpoints inflation would be to limit the number of free wishpoints you can get in some way. Either by an actual hard limit of the maximum number of days they will reward you for, or by giving the free wishpoints a value that only lets them buy half the things in the WP Shop, and keeping the best wishes for real wishpoints (I suggest the first option, as otherwise you get people spending real wishpoints on wishes they could get for "free")
  17. [quote name='Laphers' date='25 November 2009 - 07:02 PM' timestamp='1259139772' post='48433'] So, a couple of thoughts: Allow the player to "hide" an offensive/inappropriate log entry. They must type a reason for hiding it when hiding it. On hiding, a PL moderator will be notified of a hidden log entry and can review it and the reason for hiding it. If the PL mod chooses to unhide it, the owner can not rehide it until it has been changed by the original poster. If the comment is deleted, the original poster is not able to post to the owner's log (perhaps for a period of time or permanently). The PL mod also gets the ability to affect the reputation (Not sure how Mur has this implemented) of the owner/hider and the poster to hopefully limit the amount of frivolous hiding of log entries and offensive postings. There should be at least 2 PL mods and a PL mod is not able to act on their own log or their own entries. Perhaps there should be a reward to the PL mods. Something small but significant like 1 loyalty for every log entry that they deal with. I will not say who I think should be a PL mod as I don't think I know the people well enough to say yea or nay. [/quote] This seems like a really good solution, if there are multiple PLM's then it could operate the same as the LHO alerts do. However, as far as not being able to rehide it goes, I think that the person should have the option to appeal to Ailith if (and only if) they have both reason to believe and evidence to support that the PLM is biased toward them. Or Mur,, since he heads the MD Court >.> I think the reward would be abused though, probably beter to use something like how the LHO's have special markings, giving them status in the community. [quote name='Daemon Torvez' date='02 December 2009 - 12:22 AM' timestamp='1259677373' post='48812'] For punishment, if the offense is blatantly discriminative in nature than the offender should be considered for banning and force a transfer of their better creature(s) to the victim as added restitution. For a lesser offense the offender can be jailed or better yet “tied” to the “town square” (forced idle for a bit) so everyone can publicly stone them (get free attacks on them in some fashion with their stats being lowered-just a thought). [/quote] I like the Public stoning idea, the creature transfer is a bit harsh and could cause bugs. Actually, I REALLY like the public stoning idea >
  18. [quote name='Kamisha' date='02 December 2009 - 07:36 AM' timestamp='1259703396' post='48864'] OK I vote on the side of skill damage keeps me out of the losses more. Though I think an outing of skill damage would be a foolish move as the same outcome as before skill damage would result. So I counter your proposal with another proposal. Once getting to the loss cap you still do take skill damage but only by losing through an attack but not through defending. I up right out understand this will take a bit more coding but skill damage just setting up skill damage coding used alot of coding as well. [/quote] Personally I think this is dead on target, Kamisha. But if skill damage was to go, to help prevent the stat farming through honor from returning I would suggest that the loss cap is different for each MP level. First at MP3 1000, then at MP4 750, then at MP5 500. I like Skill damage. I don't think it should be removed, and I think Kamisha's idea is a good one (so long as 1000 is a hard coded loss cap and not a psychological one). But because this will mean more people will operate from the region of skill damage, I think it best if there is also an adjustment to the caps anyway (as I suggested prior)
  19. [quote name='Pipstickz' date='29 November 2009 - 02:38 PM' timestamp='1259469525' post='48667'] Alliance, Kyphis. [/quote] Ah, thanks
  20. [quote name='DarkPriestess' date='18 November 2009 - 10:50 PM' timestamp='1258548651' post='47767'] I do not know if it is extreme, but I like it. [img]http://i451.photobucket.com/albums/qq240/kounoupi86/NecroSkin-1.jpg[/img] [/quote] Is it normal for someone to be able to have a max AP of 150? And the Exploration Points are maxed at 10 o.O
  21. Haha, Reset everyone to MP3, but don't touch their stats like Experience People will be able to go almost straight back to whatever MP level they were, as well as get the cubes. _______________________ I think the idea of using a system like the paper dispenser is a good idea, and if having had a cube generated marks your account in some way then you can just make the requirement that you have never had a cube generated. Hehe, what about making it so that having someone cubes allowed you to choose who they were the adept/Worshiper of, and removed that ability to choose from the person? And how about the ability for higher level cubes to use the original owners Principles to fuel Inner Magic spells (when they turn up)? Oooooh... Second level cubes having the ability to pull heat from the original owner! Hehe, maybe even higher levels could pull stats like AP, EXP, VIT, and VP? Hmmm... How about for every level above first (or whatever) the cube expansion acts as an additional Erolin slot? Or perhaps they increase the maximum amount of principles a player can have? (Haha, Fractal Expansion ) Shame that this idea would encourage Alt farming >.< Hmm... Why not make cubes from higher MP players or players with higher days more valuable? Oh, now THERE's a thought... why not make it so that if you have someone's cube you gain access to whatever they have purchased in the WP Shop for as long as you have their cube? And why not add "Cube Return" to the WP shop? That would be funny, if someone was using your cube to level theirs up and your cube suddenly returned! xp ______________________ Okay, yes... I clearly like this idea....
  22. Probably means it hasn't been changed recently >.>
  23. [quote name='I am Bored' date='26 November 2009 - 08:56 AM' timestamp='1259189814' post='48477'] Who would be consider bug testers and game mechanics? i think a list should be established so bugs discovered by newer players can get reported to the right people. [/quote] You can find out who the head of that department is if you read the Announcements.
  24. *chuckles* I'm been spending a lot of time in LR actualy right now, Burns turned me into a wolf for part of his quest :P

    I plan to make use of the situation as much as I can >:D

    (But I haven't been on much in the last few days, I got a new job yesterday and we're buying a house in late December/Early January. Just need to finish the paperwork)

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