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Kyphis the Bard

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Everything posted by Kyphis the Bard

  1. To clarify a few things I have been getting asked about: You are [b]NOT[/b] to send your entrances to either myself, emerald arcanix, or any of the judges before the event, unless I specifically request you do so (which will be to review your poems length). Doing so may disqualify you from receiving awards, and you will not be notified of this disqualification in advance. To enter, post in this topic the data about your poem that was requested in the first post (this section is in bold) in the format it is layed out in. Once the Event begins at 00:00ST on the 3rd of May (day 122), you may send your whole poems to me via In-game PM. Do not use the Forum PM as it has a finite limit, which will be reached quickly. As far as whether you can use poems written before the event, Yes you can. Just be aware that a new piece is more likely to get the judges attention, so you will be better off writing a new piece. I look forward to hearing your entries on the day, May your Muses run as fast as rain, ~Kyphis, Leader of the Legend Speakers
  2. Having such high loyalty available would mess with Alliance Leadership, being able to gain loyalty so fast would essentially prevent MP6 from joining alliances unless they were already its leader (since no-one wants to have their alliance taken over, even by accident ) It would also make leaders more paranoid about who they invited into alliances, in case the player had previously been an MP6 and gained a ridiculous amount of loyalty. Most of the items that cost loyalty cost less than or upto 100 loyalty, which you can get in a fairly short time anyway if you know how.
  3. [quote name='freelancer' date='20 April 2010 - 08:56 AM' timestamp='1271714174' post='58239'] Hello there, been playing MD for a few days and luckily i managed to get Book of Dreams - Parchment 7 from Mur. People have been asking me to sell it to them, but before i do anything, I really would like to know more about this item first. All i know right now is that this is an item for a quest by another player, but i could be wrong. Is it going to do anything for a new player like me? Should i save it or sell it? [/quote] There are three main uses for items in the realm: Role Play Item Crafting Scripted Functions I'll deal with the scripted functions first, since it is easiest. Muratus del Mur, the creator of this realm, recently added functionality to large number of items, making them usable. Some are consumable, some are regenerative. At first, these items were all pre-scripted by Muratus. Shortly after that, he added the ability to re-script a lot of old items, so that we could design their function. However, to be able to do that the item has to be scriptable, and you need to have gained the Item Scripting ability from the Wish Shop, and it is VERY deep. The reason that this function will not apply to your item is that (as far as I know) none of the items Muratus released over the festival are capable of being scripted yet. Now, for item crafting, you require four things. First, you need to get a Wish Point. These are very rare, and the catalyst for the most powerfull magics in the realm. After that, you require a mark of creation. These are given by the crafters guild for certain quests, and are also hard to earn. Third, you need the components of the new item. These other items will be consumed in order to create the new item. And last, you need to know what you want to create. Now, since your item is a parchment, there are very few things that you could logically craft with it. The most obvious item would be the Book of Dreams, but that would require ALL the pieces, which you do not have. Role Play is entirely up to you, its about actually interacting with and using the item. How you go about that is up to you, but always remember your role is going to be one of the most important things in this realm. Other than those three things, you can also use them for trading and quest rewards, but those are about getting rid of items, not keeping them to benefit yourself. I hope this helps you decide what to do, ~Kyphis, Leader of the Legend Speakers
  4. Congratulations Rendril, you deserve it
  5. [quote name='Yoshi' date='19 April 2010 - 05:28 AM' timestamp='1271615280' post='58147'] Is there any requirements such as length? Also, can someone win all of the judges over for the judges choice awards, aswell as place? [/quote] There is no minimum length, but if I consider the poem to long I will ask for a copy of it in advance to review its length, and if I still think it is to long I will notify you and ask for a shorter one. And no, it is explicitly stated that the Judges Choice award is outside of the top 3. In addition to that, part of the reason for the long interval between the end of the contest and the announcement of the Judges Choice award is so that the judges may discuss amongst themselves who they wish to get the award, so that it doesn't all go to one person.
  6. [quote name='redneck' date='19 April 2010 - 03:57 AM' timestamp='1271609874' post='58140'] nice bfg good thinking i tihnk that would help me alot cause i never delete pms cause im afraid i will loose an important one [/quote] Just remember to back them up, since they get deleted automatically anyway >.>
  7. I can't confirm this myself, but I have heard that PMs auto-delete after a certain age. So the search space shouldn't be to large. I like this idea, I think it would be highly useful. I think it should be released via the Shop though.
  8. Most (there are about three automatic quests) quests are player run, that means you have to find them to start and finish the quest, as well as get the reward. A quest is finished when the person who made the quest says so, and if you are a winner you get a reward. Anyone can set up quests, if you need rewards contact the land leaders (you will discover who they are as you learn more about the game) Most land leaders can help you with setting up quests, be that pointing you to people who can work the scripts or helping you with ideas for new quests, and telling you the sort of things that are more likely to work.
  9. Bearing in mind that it is 30 seconds per [b]Action Point[/b] not Scene, it would mean that the Loreroot Gates would equate to 15 minutes. This system is quite good so long as every race goes through a gate, as it allows people to figure out how long the journey should take and do everything else they need to as well. It also means people with faster connections will have to sit around for a while to make sure they get the timing correct, if they make the observations fast enough Personally, I think this is a good way of making a race fair for people with slower connections, and I hope to see this event continuing to run in the future.
  10. [quote name='Yoshi' date='06 April 2010 - 10:33 AM' timestamp='1270514027' post='57701'] As Grido said, 1. has been suggested before: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/6339-user-interface-improvement-ideas/ [/quote] That suggestion is actually different, it was suggesting having a visible countdown timer for each player you attacked in the Scene interface. BFH is suggesting making the countdown timer in the Attack interface actually countdown.
  11. Like Burns, I often click them so I appreciate them being there. In fact, I wouldn't mind if there were MORE ads there, so long as the Free credits section was still easy to scan and access.
  12. [quote name='Fyrd Argentus' date='05 April 2010 - 03:06 AM' timestamp='1270400786' post='57628'] I would be interested in helping. I'm a game-rule lawyer and puzzle fanatic and learned computer programming in the days of punch cards. If you need help with the written stuff or other window dressing, I could do that professionally as well (as a Legend Speaker). [/quote] I would like to encourage you to consider Fyrd, everything I have seen from him shows me he would be able to help you with this.
  13. I have been having these issues for the last two updates of FF, and whenever I run on IE it works fine.
  14. I like it, especially as having it as a Shop item would slow down the integration, lowering the load on the server for its application And if that idea that everyone keeps suggesting of having the ability to designate if a ritual will use tokens or not gets embraced, you would be able to use colour coding to indicate which ones are useing or not useing tokens. Of course, you would still need the normal indicators as some people are colour blind >.>
  15. Cats are to be treasured.

    And Pampered >.>

    And basically, we need to bow down to their wills at every opportunity ^_^

  16. Waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka MAGE HAND!

  17. [quote name='Izuel Flash' date='24 March 2010 - 07:47 PM' timestamp='1269424068' post='56827'] Ok, so In regards to Murs latest Announcment about the lands Chatting to each other on what they should do about various things, I had a thought, And feel free to shoot me down if It really is a stupid idea... So we got the random lands that don't belong to anyone right? Archives, Tribunal etc. Wouldn't it be groovy if The main lands could conquer them, or put them under their rule or whatever. It would be a good opportunity for RP, and an awesome excuse for people to rally together. Or another idea is, that whichever alliances are outwaying all the others in a particular area (In terms of active players moving around there), get land bonuses etc as if it were their own turf. The areas would be in constant flux I guess, but it would encourage encampments in the more deserted lands. Anyways, that's just a few thoughts. P.s. Sorry if this is in the wrong place, hi everyone. lol [/quote] Lord NO! While yes, it would be concievable for a land to try to invade, there would be all sorts of consequences. "Neutral" does not mean the same thing you seem to think it does. I am a member of a Neutral Guild, and I would NOT accept that behaviour.
  18. [quote name='Yoshi' date='22 March 2010 - 10:19 AM' timestamp='1269217147' post='56746'] Or, you know, have it be an item that doesn't return with a shop reset. [/quote] No, that would penalize all the paying players. The ritual is useful in a lot of ways other than the reduction in experience, and to prevent it returning with a reset is a fairly heavy limitation.
  19. While the ability to reduce experience via a shop item is highly useful, it will also encourage players to stay at MP3 (which is only the most basic part of the game) for longer. I think that it needs an experience requirement to prevent it doing this, however as a lot of people (Such as Zleiphener) prefer MP4 to MP5, I don't think it should be more than 1 mill. The minimum it would need to be to prevent encouraging that behavior would be just under 450,000 (That gives a maximum reduction to 382,500) Thanks to Tokens, we already see players who are willing to pay staying at MP3 forever because they can't be hurt, making it so they can keep training so long as they get shop resets will allow them to get even stronger, further unbalancing the difference between those who pay and those who don't.
  20. I agree largely with burns but I would like to some protective measures to prevent A) the wrong people getting possessed, [img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons//cool.gif[/img] the shadow escaping the ring of torches. First, I suggest that anyone who is not the bait wear reflective armour that encases the whole body. This could be with highly polished armour easily, but best would be a suit of armour made from actual mirrors specifically for the purpose. It would not have to be highly mobile, just enough to allow basic movements of the Shoulder, Knee, Hip, and Elbow, as well as some mobility for the Ankle, Wrist, and Neck. Any armour used would also require a number of light sources around them, such as fireflys in small jars hung from their body, to ensure they where always surrounded by light. The effect would be to create a light barrier the Shadow would have difficulty crossing, preventing it from possessing the person. Second, I would have covered , convex mirrors around the ring of torches, covered and face-down until the shadow has taken the bait. Once the shadow is inside the ring, the mirrors could be raised to reflect the light in stronger beams around the entire circle, creating a stronger barrier. This could be done in multiple ways, either facing them all inwards so they flood the whole area, or by focusing the majority of the light so that all but the very center was bathed in intense light. The benefit of the later is that the shadow would be more reluctant to leave the very center of the trap, as doing so would require it to increase its exposure to the light. Also worth note is that the bait needn't be inside the trap, but once the shadow makes a move on it if the possessed one is strong enough they may simply walk into the center and wait while the trap is secured before shedding the shadow. Let is just hope the shadow can't fly (Shouldn't be able to as shadows generally act on a 2D plane, but considering it could show itself around air particles, it may be able to. Also, if a creature flew over it may take the opportunity to hitch a ride within the creatures shadow as it passed over, if it is able)
  21. I have to agree with Orlando on this one, I like the timers how they are with only some people having to take time before they can be attacked. If you get enough people in one place (about 10) you can often be making almost constant attacks with only short pauses right now, but if it was a longer timer it would be incredibly boring. A change to the timers would only harm MD. If it ain't broke, don't break it.
  22. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='18 March 2010 - 06:14 PM' timestamp='1268900042' post='56570'] Gold avys will remain as they are now, but the time i use now for normal avys i will use only for gold ones. Making your avy gold will probably also be an option again..not sure if for money or for active days or as rewards only, or both, idk yet.. [/quote] [quote name='MRG' date='19 March 2010 - 03:33 AM' timestamp='1268933591' post='56581'] POOF - HOPES AND DREAMS GO OUT OF THE WINDOW [/quote] Read it again, MRG
  23. Bugger, I won't be back until Monday, so I will probably miss this one
  24. Aye, I agree. I would have done the same thing had I noticed it, but I only just got back from the weekend. This sort of behavior is intolerable, regardless of age. That said, if it had been a newer player a warning about this sort of thing should suffice, but this is typical of this player and if not fixed should definitely receive some sort of penalty. You push the boundaries long enough, eventually you fall off the cliff they were saving you from.
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