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Kyphis the Bard

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Everything posted by Kyphis the Bard

  1. Glad to hear you are still going ahead with this Ailith, and I will be looking forward to seeing the events
  2. First off: Generally, you will get more people to enter if they know the rewards. A quest that doesn't list the rewards is less likely to get attention as people will expect the rewards to be simple things like creatures, that they may not feel are worth the effort. Second: How do you plan to verify that the images contestants send in are in fact of themselves? While it would be difficult to get images of the same person looking both cool and then nerdy, it is by no means impossible. Third: If I was going to enter, I would send in one of my old modeling shots. However, as in the shot that I would use I would have my shirt off, I cannot upload it to the forum (Chewett informed me of this when I tried to, I had not expected this to be an issue as I am male, but the rules are the rules). What provisions do you have in mind for this sort of event? Are contestants able to send you the image privately for you to pass on to the judges, or must all images fit within the Forum rules for uploading? (NOTE: I am not entering this contest, while this situation is a literal one for me, I am useing it as a hypothetical)
  3. I use them a fair amount, I find them very strong and useful. However, because they have such low initiative compared to a Drachorn, they are often killed before they can have an impact against overpowered players. Very useful in the regular rounds of combat, not so useful in the major leagues. When they can hit, they hit very hard though. Especially in Alliance fights where every round counts for so much. Offtopic(ish): One of the things a few of us have discussed amongst ourselves is making premium artwork for the LoreArcher, as Loreroot is the only land without an associated premium creature. I know that what gets made a premium creature or not is entirely up to you Mur, but regardless of whether you ever plan to or not, when I get some new watercolors I will be finishing off the images. Since the Current LoreArchers are great for normal combat, it would be cool to see the premiums made to be able to stand up to the big leagues (more health, defence, init, higher max% of damage, or ability to target multi at higher levels would all make it a significantly more powerful creature)
  4. Thankyou
  5. [quote name='Shadowseeker' date='20 May 2010 - 04:50 PM' timestamp='1274334647' post='60087'] It's nothing bad, but probably fixed in 5mins: When using a shopreset, Unbind all Inactive, Distribute vitality to creatures, WP logs and WP reasons don't disappear..quite an annoyance if you bought them all already. ID 73, 74, 80 and 81 it is. [/quote] I used my reset a few days ago, the "Unbind all Inactive" and "Distribute vitality to creatures" items didn't re-appear, but the two WP related ones did.
  6. [quote name='Grido' date='27 May 2010 - 08:56 AM' timestamp='1274910989' post='60420'] if someone can confirm the fix? [/quote] Confirmed across 4 levels.
  7. [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/3851-comments-on-poetry/"]Thread for comments on poetry[/url]
  8. Yeah, I have to agree with Chewett. While the current system relies on Mur actually doing the work himself, I trust him to do so fairly. Especially when the last Land Leader votes had a section to name a second preference anyway. I do think that this data is usefull to anyone other than Mur trying to use public opinion to reach a decision, but it only really has an impact when there are more than 2 choices (the more choices, the higher the impact).
  9. I actually filled out a bug report for this to Chewett last year, which he sent off to Muratus. It's actually easier to do on NON-alliance members than alliance members. Hopefully it gets fixed soon, but it has been tested fairly thoroughly and apparently isn't very abusable (the conditions are hard to meet, in most cases)
  10. This begs the question of whether you will close this topic or leave it open? I suggest closing it rather than leaving it for others to post WP abuses in, as otherwise you will get people talking about the original list you posted again. And people are rather inclined to create their own topics anyway, even if one already exists
  11. [b][u]Dust[/u][/b] In the beginning, there was dust. It spun, and hung like stars upon the air. Like a twinkling nothing, the sparkle in a fathers eye. It was a very long beginning. From the dust, arose an idea. With a spark of life, it grew and branched out. Like a creeping vine, it set down roots. It was a very good idea. From the idea, came the world. Full of love, of life and death. Full of waves, and windy cities. Full of time, of day, and night. Of blazing creatures, and furious flight, pealing thunder, and roaring might. A wild world, a vast world, a full world. A home. It was the very best home. From outside this world, back in the dust it grew from, arose a person. Are you a good person? Do you even need to be?
  12. Just so that we don't run out of time, any idea how much longer you will keep this quest open?
  13. I will be sad to see you go In my opinion, you were a fun person to be with, who was inquisitive and creative, and always tried their best to be at least reasonable, if not friendly. While you had issues with following instructions, that was more out of excitement and good intent than desire to annoy or cause harm.
  14. [quote name='Esmerelda' date='18 May 2010 - 01:43 PM' timestamp='1274150606' post='59950'] @Kyphis: 1. You don't even know what eden's avatar looks like and here you are busy flaming my thread. Genius. 2. I removed the avatar from sale right after amoran told me about it. So you might as well stop whining without getting your facts right. 3. You are no one to tell Firsanthalas what to do and what not to do. You aren't even from loreroot. If he decides to punish me for selling a gold avatar which I LEGALLY bought from the shop spending MY CREDITS, so be it. I am ready to accept the punishment without a word. 4. QUIT SPAMMING MY THREAD!!! @junior and Kafuuka: I didnt know it was Eden's avatar till shadowseeker told me, and I didn't know anything about him till Amoran explained the situation to me. I removed it As soon as i understood its importance. I can assure you I did not sell the avatar and it is in safe hands atm. And whoever's doing it, YOU CAN STOP NEGATIVE REPPING PEOPLE WITHOUT A REASON. I see no point in Neg reppin sasha lilias. She was merely bidding. [/quote] I actually know exactly what Edens avatar looks like. The image you had up is not the same one that I had recorded as his, hence why I had specifically said each time "if". I have also been asking Lorerootians if the avatar that you had displayed was his, and had not been able to receive any confirmation. Now that it has been clarified, I'm going to be adjusting that previous statement, since it is no longer an issue. And I never told Firsanthalas what to do, at any point.
  15. The high bid is obviously so that it is harder for me to be out bid. Normal hand drawn avatars, nothing. Gold avatars, especially ones representative of people important to MD's history, everything. Firsanthalas is the King of Loreroot, and Eden's main importance is to Loreroot. Hence, I trust his judgement in what happens to it, be that holding it forever, giving it to someone, or even selling it again.
  16. If that avatar is Edens, then it should be kept in Lorerootian hands. 2 gold, if it was Edens, and I will be sending it to Firsanthalas to decide what to do with it. EDIT: I have been informed that the displayed avatar is NOT Edens, so I withdraw my bid.
  17. [quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' date='17 May 2010 - 06:08 PM' timestamp='1274080124' post='59910'] Just my two cents: As someone that knows a bit about this subject, I can almost guarentee that none of those were hand drawn/traced. For instance, look at the venus, the shading is identical. In almost every aspect. What he did was use a pencil shading tool to make it look like it was hand drawn. It uses pencil strokes to replace the actual paint strokes. Now, start apologizing Kamil. Or shall I do a few myself and show everyone here what you did with actual evidence? [/quote] Actually Fenrir, the venus is without a doubt a tracing. Nothing about the image matches up perfectly, it all has tiny variation due to in-experience. What you where looking at was the first image in that row, where Sir Kamil's work was super-imposed over the original. If you compare the second (the image submitted as the avatar) and the third (the original painting) you see clearly that nothing matches up perfectly, from the way the arm extend, the hair falls, the knees bend, or the hand rests.
  18. If you had taken inspiration then they would bear a small resemblance. These are largely IDENTICAL. If you want to say the discussion is closed, hell that just means Muratus judges you on what we have seen already. Namely: Complete lack of defense Direct tracing of artworks that we have the originals for The fact that you where directed to read through the previous topic related to this sort of thing (the Fenrir one), which you had said you had done after this was first brought up If you where doing an arts course, submitting a single one of these pieces would be regarded as plagiarism, and you would be failed instantly. You want this closed the way that stands? Be our guest, it certainly will NOT end well.
  19. [quote name='Harion' date='17 May 2010 - 10:23 AM' timestamp='1274052210' post='59893'] i think it should be the duty of the artisan's guild to screen these avatars so Mur's time doesn't have to be taken up with this crap artists should be artists, not copiers. have some dignity at least! [/quote] Artisan Guild was dissolved months ago, sorry.
  20. I'd suggest Sir Kamil list his "Influences" for each avatar as soon as he can, as it will both save everyone time and reduce the risk of a severe punishment. Ignorance that something may be wrong is one thing, but when a topic like this turns up suggesting what you did may be wrong, it's time to co-operate fully. Lack of response is often VERY incriminating. I'd hope that, since Sir Kamil is in fact a good artist, this will serve as clarification and that he won't make possible mistakes like this in the future.
  21. [quote name='I am Bored' date='12 May 2010 - 07:57 AM' timestamp='1273611453' post='59712'] I have an account with almost a year worth of active days, and it's name? The Puzzle Master. what i am suggesting is to use this basicly as a repository of rewards that quest creators can reward from, my question is, if i set this up would you use the system? [/quote] Maybe, but it depends. It would have the advantage of increasing the amount of time that people could claim their reward, but for things like creatures the disadvantage of an additional trade (items also have a trade count, but so far that has no public function so isn't important) What is your normal ST period for activity (specify if it varies for different days regularly)? I assume you would locate this character in a public place such as the Gazebo of Equilibrium, or the Marble Dale Park?
  22. Damn, wasn't aware that it had gone to auction. Ah well, I wouldn't have beaten 18 silver anyway for a simple gift Kamil, can I suggest useing a spoiler tag to hide the purchased avatars so they don't clutter the post, that will make it easier to read. How about doing it in a table format with a column for [Image Link], [Buyer], [Price sold for]?
  23. [quote name='Udgard' date='04 May 2010 - 02:44 PM' timestamp='1272944688' post='59349'] Czez's smelly sack. PS: welcome back bro =) [/quote] Is it: Owner - Czez Item - Smelly Sack Because if it is, while I want it, Udgard should get the free item And on another note, I am only interested in the hooded figure with the orb, as its final destination is not myself (it is to be a gift)
  24. Several years experience as Electrical Engineer, some experience as an English Teacher, three years as a dance teacher. Currently unemployed Edit: Make that Sound and Electrical Technician, 6 months and ongoing >.>
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