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  1. Downvote
    adiomino reacted to The Great Pashweetie in Quest creation quest - PM entries   
    I have an idea... quite a stupid idea, but an idea( i have no programming experience, so apophys your on your own for the coding :S)

    a group of competitors starts in a place, they run to a place, trying to beat everyone there, go to a clickie and get a count, at first i thought that this would be, everyone runs into a land getting the clickie, but now i think the locations should be un-revealed so that the first person to get to them all isnt just the fastest of them all, but the smartest of them all, after getting all the clickies (must be in a correct order to get the count back at the start, the start is the first count (10 counts in all))you return to start and get the last count, winning! I thought of this idea after winning a previous head contest because it always seemed like we were running around playing hide-and-seek ... and so... this stupid idea was born!
  2. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Sharazhad in Sludge and floods discussions   
    [color="#0000ff"][i]OOC :Chewy its simple, you dont just declare something and then all of a sudden it is- Its obviously not Liquid Dust and/or Black water because of all the rammifications that come with it.Obviously I cant take everyone's RP and say what think the sludge is - Id have 100's of different versions of sludge. Thats why the story line is separate.

    The story line is "factual" and comes from events within game, so for example if you rp'd that you got a wart from the sludge then I would write on the story line that Chewy stuck his finger in the sludge and developed a wart. Id like players to come up with suggestions, and a plausible theory - that has been Rp'd in game (preferrably) so you cant say, well I think the black sludge is living ooze without actually checking it out. Get my drift?

    Sage, I believe ,may have mistaken her finding with something else. Its not Milungus. Its not Liquid Dust. It is a sludge that is making Mya and Darigan sick and whoever else that has direct contact with it.

    I hope this answers your question.
  3. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to SageWoman in Sludge and floods discussions   
    [quote name='aranna' timestamp='1296045696' post='78039']
    being the first to post on this topic i would like to put forward the motion that the sludge be called squishy as the sludge has a tendancy to be alive

    While called the Black Sludge, in the story line, Sagewoman has identified it as Milungus, a cross of the words Mildew and Fungus.
    After further discussion with Sharazhad about the Black Sludge, Sagewoman comes to the conclusion that what she remembers from the past is vague and allows that she made a hasty judgment.
  4. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to aranna in Sludge and floods discussions   
    being the first to post on this topic i would like to put forward the motion that the sludge be called squishy as the sludge has a tendancy to be alive
  5. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Sharazhad in Sludge and floods discussions   
    [quote name='aranna' timestamp='1296123369' post='78080']
    but cant we call it squishy? its still whatever the hell it is but name it squishy so so far its squishy the black sludge

    [color="#2e8b57"][i]No Aranna, its not called, Squishy, its Sludge. I would appreciate it, if you did not rename it. Again you cant's just declare something and then suddenly it is that. If you have some in a jar, what are you doing with it? Performing experiments? observing it? What have you noticed about it? Again, please dont post your conclusions without actually Rping it in game first. [/i][/color]
  6. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to dragonrider7 in The Perfect Artist 2011   
    Here is what I could make out
  7. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Esmaralda in MP-Level as upgrade requirement   
    I agree. I find this to be a great idea!
  8. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to CrazyMike in MP-Level as upgrade requirement   
    Totally on board with the idea.

    Its motivation for low MPs to level up.

  9. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Chewett in MP-Level as upgrade requirement   
    I like the idea, sounds like a really good one. Anything to stop people massing crits at mp3 and slaughtering real mp3s
  10. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Kyphis the Bard in Ocarinas   
    I'd play Ocarina (Zelda Nerd ftw), but Mel hates them.
  11. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Metal Bunny in 'Metal Bunny's Malicious and Delicious and Malformed Diamond of Mental Misery with the Sublime Sigil of Superior and Stressful Suffering of Dastardly   
    This is the quest result for;
    Metal Bunny's Malicious and Delicious and Malformed Diamond of Mental Misery with the Sublime Sigil of Superior and Stressful Suffering of Dastardly and Diabolical Doom!

    Or sigil or diamond of doom, for short.

    I wanted to put this up on the.. 25th of december 2010, but I got distracted and then promptly forgot.

    So.. I'm going to lay out the quest here, which is just 1 picture. Then some hints in spoilers.
    Then, the answer in spoilers.
    Then, how to actually solve it, in spoilers again.
    Then, who actually solved it and why I stopped after 1 winner, because apparently, it was too hard to find more than 1 winner ¬_¬.

    So here is the quest.
    [attachment=2542:Sigil of doom puzzle.png]
    That's it. Nothing else.
    When it became clear that no one was brave enough to torture themselves, I added hints in a couple of stages.
    [log=First Stage]
    Color tips: The colors of the dots and stripes are important, the monotonous color of the squares are not. The colors of the squares are a hint at best. This puzzle is designed so that color blind people can solve it as well.

    Shape tips: Every shape is important, but the circles and stripes are separate from the squares.

    A line is a line and a circle is a circle, not a slightly bigger or smaller one.

    Method tips: Concentrate on the colors, they are different for a reason, but they are surprisingly similar. Find out what the colors mean and you will know almost everything you need to know.
    [log=Second stage]
    Not including the ugly color of the diamond itself and the black outlining, there are a total of 24 colours.
    As said before, every shape is important, but the colors are completely separate of the shapes.
    [log=Last Stage]
    First word spells ‘Welcome’.
    The shapes will tell you where the first word starts.

    Alrighty then, the answer:
    The correct answer was *drum roll*
    Send me a pm with a picture of me, at Willow's shop, saying lol, and then say that the magic number is 175.

    The method! Yay!
    I decided I wanted to make a tiered quest, or puzzle, but that these tiers, or layers or levels, had to be interlocking, or go beyond the convention.

    Most quests are made in such a way that you can't continue without solving something else first. I wanted mine to be slightly different.

    What I did was take a really generic and simple way of making a secret message; I substituted the alphabet for something else.
    What people usually do is turn A into b, or x, or even m and subsequently make B into c, or a or even n.

    What I did was slightly more nasty.

    The hint (you did look at the hints right?), of 'there are only 24 colours', indicate implicitly, that I substituted the alphabet into a series of colours. Oh noes, the horror~!
    Yes, there are 26 letters in the alphabet, but most people 'should' know that in a secret message, you don't always use all 26 letters. The letter X for instance, is almost never used.
    I didn't use the letters X and J.

    That was the first tier of one part of the puzzle.

    The symbols, meaning the stripes and circles, or - and . , were very simple. Very simple *cough- some of you were thinking too complex -cough*.
    It was morse code. You know, where they also use - and .?

    Now here is something nasty that I did. I made the morse code stay inside the squares, but the secret message of the colours go outside of the boundary.
    Meaning that the morse code was supposed to be read within the squares, but that the words of the secret message could be broken down into two, with one half in one square and the other half in another square.

    If you deciphered the morse code, which wasn't that hard, then you realize that they are numbers.
    They were numbered from 1 to 49, as it was a square of 7 by 7. If you look at the way they are ordered, it may not make any sense, but to help you out, it's a magic square order 7.
    Google is your friend.

    Anyway, the morse code was only useful for showing you what the order of the squares was. (read the hints).
    With the very last hint, you could've started deciphering the colours. (read the hints).

    Once you deciphered the colours (which could've been a real hassle, only the very last hint of 'welcome' would've made this a whole lot easier.), the following message would appear:

    Welcome to Metal Bunny(’)s Malicious and Delicious and Malformed Diamond of Magnificent Mental Misery
    Solve this riddle and perform the task to claim your wp reward
    Sadly though you will not get any hints or tips for the riddle
    When you stand before three paths diverging
    With equal amounts of towers
    That nurture new winds emerging
    To gain great wishing powers
    Travel one must and do their best
    To catch me red handed in the act
    In place from four strides to the west
    Of breaking the anti lol making pact
    Then send it to me with the magic numbers

    Ah. How refreshing. For once I actually made an easy riddle. (I was thinking about going overboard with the interlocking stuff and crossing boundaries and do the riddle in dutch or latin, so that you'd actually still have to translate it, but that would've just been cruel.) (and I was feeling lazy).

    Anyway, the morse code and the squares now come into play, even though they were given at the start. You have to know that it's a magic square, in order to send me not just a pm with me saying lol in it at willow's shop, but also the actual magic numbers. Which was just a magic number, but I was to lazy to change the whole frigging message, just to remove 1 letter.
    I know this wouldn't have been a problem, because absolutely none of you, except for one, actually came this far. Really, was it that hard?

    The only person to successfully complete this puzzle was VonUngernSternberg
    Not to mention that he was the only person to do it within the 9 frigging months I had this quest going, lol.
    He also did it before the last stage hints, so.. Yeah. Shame on the rest of you .
    Kudos to him, he got a wp.

    Also, thanks for Shadowseeker for some test help.
  12. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Asterdai in The Advertisers' Recruitment Stage 1   
    i have no interest in applying for this alliance, its just reading your adverts and opinions it has stimulated me to write my own x
    (please move if you wish this to be in a different place, but really i feel that it is linked with what you are trying to achieve here, i would value if a Moderator can apply a box, to show/hide what i have to say to minimise space)

    [log=advert]When i started playing MD, everything was fresh, exciting and new. I had never experienced anything so unique in concept, and to be honest i dont think i will find any other game which has grabbed at my imagination and got me so involved.

    Now 2 years on i am suprised how much i still enjoy immersing myself within the vast lands, i have grown strong, have many friends, and have earnt unique items which aid and bring a reality to my roleplaying.

    What kept me in the game, keeps me coming back for more? The people.

    The deep and hypnotic world of MD allows people to explore different facets of their personalitys in different characters, personal pages allow people to express themselves, their opinions and their goals, and a chat room style interface allows you to roleplay in real time. MD first and formost stimulates your imagination and more importantly your creativity, sometimes i just like to sit back and watch how newer players develop just like i feel i have. I do feel i should have learnt not to be suprised when i am overwhelmed by peoples creative abilities, but i am often blown away.

    The second most important thing to say is that i enjoy being part of something which is ever changing, for the better. I am excited to think of the way the game is evolving and i want myself to be part of that, and you know what pleases me the most? I am.

    i value RP and these are a few reasons which keep me coming back for more, i have a few different characters which i interact differently with, and i find it fun to see how people react depending on the character i am using. I do not fight so much, so i suggest you look for another review which covers this other, vast part of the world

    Asterdai - Dream Scryer [/log]
    [color=purple]added log box - Grido[/color]
  13. Downvote
    adiomino reacted to Chewett in Avatar Shop   
    Other than that i find its rude to buy up all the avatars and sell them for ridulous prices.
  14. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Glaistig in Recruiting Lorerootian Spies   
    UPDATE: I am no longer Loreroot's Master of Spies nor part of the Lorerootian alliance!~ Please refer to the third post down.
    Like any other alliance we maintain an interest in the internal affairs of certain peoples. Currently we are in need of spies, to be blunt. As a spy you will be part of the support group, but you won't be listed in any place others outside the alliance might see. Meaning, you won't be added to the official list of SG members in either the fansite forums or the MD forums. Most likely only I and Nelya will know your identity.
    For now I am in charge of all espionage activity as spymaster for Loreroot. That means if you want to spy for us, you'll be overseen by and report solely to me. Contact me discreetly; for obvious reasons you should not associate yourself publicly with Loreroot, so don't post here or join the forums. I'll be asking you:

    Why do you want to help Loreroot rather than another alliance?What is your opinion about the current state of affairs in the MD lands?

    Do you have any objectives besides helping Loreroot?

    Why do you want to be a spy rather than help Loreroot other ways?

    What alliance/group do you think you can infiltrate and spy in most easily, and why?

    What will tactics would you use in espionage, given the liberty to choose?

    I reserve the right to tell you how and where to spy, but I tend to believe that people know themselves and their capabilities best so I will consider what you say carefully. I also expect my spies to be flexible and sensible, in case an opportunity or choice presents itself during espionage activity and must be answered immediately. Therefore I will search for signs of such characteristics in your response.
  15. Downvote
    adiomino got a reaction from Asterdai in Want To Buy A Variety Of Creatures   
    And thank you grido and shadowseeker

    And if you really just wanna sell ANYTHING then pm me or post here and i'll make a deal with you :PP just buying stuff x)

    I want to buy a few imperial aramors (done buying those for now too), 3 pimped grasans, maybe another joker (done buying those for now), i'd also buy a santa. i'd offer 3 gold coins for a santa. and if that isn't enough i'd throw in a cup of tea! (item) for a santa or nutcracker. whichever idk haha.

    Creatures i'm interested in right now (i'll look at these creatures before i look at another joker or imp):
    tokened grasans, chaos archers

    (If i do not get back to you it means i am not interested. Probably because i already have the creature you want to sell to me. x3 or soemthing like that )
  16. Downvote
    adiomino got a reaction from Asterdai in Want To Buy A Variety Of Creatures   
    please change topic to wtb double maxed jokers
  17. Downvote
    adiomino got a reaction from Asterdai in Want To Buy A Variety Of Creatures   
    Bump~Someone please change topic name to Want to buy a variety of creatures. (soemthing like that)
  18. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Jester in The End Of Jester's Reign   
    Due to Necrovion being the first thing that interested in me in MagicDuel, the first alliance I joined, the inspiration for my name, the homeland of my Teacher and the only alliance I was actually loyal to, I stuck with Necrovion until this point. Now I'm leaving for good. Necrovion itself has betrayed me twice within the past month, I see no reason in staying loyal to a land that is against me. Before Khalazdad left he gave me one final mission, which I have been waiting all this time to carry out. Since I haven't accomplished it yet I will not reveal what it is, but it had a lot to do with Yrthilian at the Necrovion Land Weapon. I followed Khalazdad's orders while there, and it got me attacked by the Summoned Army and branded as a failure in the Announcements and the Forum. I passed that by since there was no way for people to have known my mission. I continued on as planned with my goal of increasing Necrovion.

    In the middle of my plans a Kingship election was called for. It appears to me that only Necrovion itself could choose its King, so I assume that the elections went based on Necrovion's will. If Necrovion doesn't even have a say in the person who rules it then it is not a land worthy of respect. The elections chose Peace to be Queen of Necrovion. With me gone, the majority of the active members of Necrovion also left, not because they were not loyal to Necrovion, but for other reasons. Fifty people voted for Peace, and Necrovion chose her. Let the fifty people who supported her defend Necrovion. I want nothing more to do with it.
  19. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to awiiya in Standing On The Literary Shoreline   
    The time has come for the stories to be read to me. So far, the majority of people who have posted here have succeeded in doing just that, with Malaikat Mut and Aysun still to go. The deadline for reading to me is two weeks from today.

    In addition, if you write a story between now and then, you may still read it to me and you will be considered for the reward. This quest is more about literary skill than deadlines - I trust that you can follow directions, there is no need to test that.

    The reward will be given to who I think had the best story. Yes this is subjective, but keep in mind it's a personal item that should be passed down according to the rules of the original owner (namely, me).

  20. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Burns in MP-Level as upgrade requirement   
    Due to once again increasing problems, i, again, want to propose an idea to stop alts from bashing on newbies.
    Since GGG ceased, there are only minor problems with monstrous stats left, and people now take their massively aged, tokened and traded creatures and transfer them to mp3 to create new god accounts.

    So now, instead of banning certain creatures from certain mps, i'd like to implement MP-level as an upgrade requirement for creatures in general.

    The most important to me appear to be angiens, which should get requirement mp4 for level 3+ and mp5 for level 6+, drachorns, with mp4 for level 3+ and specially the rusts and reins, and probably other crit-boosters, with way steeper requirements, probably mp4 for lvl 2+ and mp5 for level 4+.

    Existing creature of that kind would either need to be downgraded, or the holders put on the matching mp-level.

    MAGIC-ctcs would need to be un-MAGIC-ed when they are transferred to an account that doesn't have the mp-requirement necessary to hold that creature, but only as far as the level is concerned. Like, if such is possible, they could well keep their age, xp and wins, as long as they get downgraded to the highest level accessible to the account in question.

    Plus, Mur, i ask you personally to take a stand on that matter. Not the technical aspects or about starting to get nit-picky about what creatures should have what mp-requirement, but a general opinion on the matter of overly well equipped accounts in newbie-levels. I hate not knowing what's on your mind =P
  21. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to redneck in painting   
    gah dang got me beat
  22. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Blackwoodforest in painting   
    Cherry blossom tree in hell, nothing special in this from my point of view. You all are so easy to attract from things "Mur" did...
  23. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Clock Master in Now for some complete and total Randomness FUN!   
    I yelled at my tangled Christmas lights on the roof because I was drinking tequila, again
  24. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Darigan in Now for some complete and total Randomness FUN!   
    Pick the month you were born:
    January-------I sang to
    ...February------I threw a wreath at
    March--------I smelled
    April----------I yelled at
    May----------I threw a snowball at
    June---------- I ran away with
    July-----------I baked cookies with
    August--------I danced with
    September---- I stole
    October-------I kidnaped
    November-----I ran over
    December-----I licked

    Pick the day (number) you were born on:
    1-------a snowflake
    2-------an elf
    3-------a Christmas tree
    4-------a candy cane
    5-------a snowman
    6-------a cup of cocoa
    7-------my Christmas present
    8-------a reindeer
    9-------a box of toys
    10-------a nutcracker
    11-------a sugar plum fairy
    13-------a Christmas stocking
    14-------a stuffed animal
    15-------Santa's beard
    17-------a fireplace
    18-------a sugar cookie
    19-------a Snowman
    20-------a glass of milk
    21-------the naughty and nice list
    22-------Santa Claus
    23-------a wreath
    24-------my tangled Christmas lights
    25-------my child's brand new bike
    26-------a tree topper
    27-------an elf
    28-------a snowflakes
    29-------wrapping paper
    30------- Mrs. Clause
    31------- a lump of coal

    What is the last number of the year you were born:
    1--------- in wal mart
    2 -------- on a train
    3 -------- in the mall
    4 -------- under your bed
    5 -------- on Santa's Sleigh
    6 -------- on the roof
    7 -------- in an elevator
    8--------- at the dinner table
    9 -------- in the North Pole
    0 -------- in your bathroom

    Pick the color of shirt you are wearing:
    White--------because I can!
    Black--------because I was drinking tequila, again.
    Pink----------because I'm only in it for the good times.
    Red----------because the voices told me to.
    Blue---------because I'm sexy and I do what I want
    Green-------because I think I need some serious help.
    Purple-------because I'm AWESOME!
    Gray---------because Big Bird said to and he's my leader.
    Yellow-------because someone offered me 20 dollars
    Orange -----because I saw it on the Internet.
    Brown-------because I'm cool like that!
    Other--------because it sounded like a good idea!
    None--------because I can't control myself!
  25. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Yala Sviseusen in Now for some complete and total Randomness FUN!   
    I baked cookies with Santa in an elevator because I'm sexy and I do what I want!!!

    Baked cookies??? Is that what you crazy kids are calling it these days??
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