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Everything posted by Myth

  1. Asthir!
  2. Good point. :P
  3. Ok, I only left in the items I believed would be found on a tree. My question being: If any of the items I left in ranging from 2 to 50 are in the picture of the tree (no. 1), am I to understand they can't be reused? :P
  4. I don't want to get into it until I have all the technical details I need, not to mention it would probably be something I'd be doing after 1 or 2 years. All I wanted to know for now was to find out who to turn to when I have it all figured out. :) The idea is quite simple and neutral, (hence my question about NML) however I feel like I should talk privately with people with experience in the domain before I blurt it out. :P
  5. So it happened, it might never happen again, but then again, who really knows... I see it as good news. Now, to find out what need be done to create an alliance...
  6. Sort of on topic... is it possible to create an alliance in No Man's Land? Or, might it ever be?
  7. Alright then... I'd like to be in. :P Edit: powle agreed to team up with me. We need only find another volunteer and a name. :D Edit no.2: elfraim agreed to join us. The name remains to be discussed. :D Edit no.3: team name: The APEs Good luck to all participating! :P
  8. *will give it a try* :P
  9. It took a good nights' sleep to figure out what you meant. :D Well, 10 seconds, but only after the sleep :P
  10. What's the connection between Fibonacci and the number of winners? :P
  11. I'll go with 5! *crosses fingers* :D
  12. That's another way, sure. The reason I went with the 'password in chat' is that I find it more challenging, thus, more rewarding... if not in a material manner (improperly said, but meh) then at least in a spiritual one... I'd feel good about myself if I were to 'stumble' over actions that are well hidden. The click-and-gain method I see in most games, so I personally find it obvious and a bit boring.
  13. Update: Further inspections revealed that none of the creatures acquired before the bug occurred can be used in a ritual; only the ones acquired after. Edit: Never mind... they had no health.
  14. This is something that happened on an account of mine a long time ago, which is why I made another. At some point, the "Creature" button simply went missing. I have no idea what caused it, or what I did before it happened. The result was the following: I could not manage my creatures, and I could not attack anyone; I could, however, sacrifice them, and once I sacrificed one, I was able to buy a new one - when I did this, the creature button reappeared. My guess is that there was a update of the game in between the periods of time. In any case, it got fixed, but only through sacrifice. This occurred on the following character: Asthazar (ID:154350; Days:14) P.S.: The following is not a bug; more of an observation, so I don't want to create a separate topic for it. In the MDA, in the Great Hall of the Sun, when you go through the entrance to the left (or right, if you turn the picture around to fit a x,y perspective) you end up in the Maintenance Access Stairs (part 1) which have the stairs going up on the right wall. Once you climb the stairs you reach the Maintenance Access Stairs (part 2) which have the stairs going up on the left wall. The artwork is reversed. :P This could be explained if there was a series of stairs one went through from part 1 to part 2, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to mention it. :P
  15. Aha... then the temporary handicap would be prefered. Another posibility could be to regain the permanent loss through a series of actions involving the found item. That could prove difficult for the player, though. Just a thought. :P
  16. It's true, not everyone has this urge. I did, though, and I can't believe I'm the only person with such urges. :P Although I could be wrong. A way to let them know that some items respond is to tell them from the start - in the tutorial mode. After that it would be up to them to find a right combination. For better chances at obtaining a reaction, the same object could respond to a number of different actions. Edit: for example, if the players' chat line contains key words such as "well" and "look", or "root" and "trip" the responce would be triggered. Edit2: also, to balance the gain of a resource or item from my second example, the player could lose al his current APs (he would need to recover from such a fall) and perhaps gain a temporary handicap in that regard, such as half AP regeneration for 30 minutes, or perhaps a permanent -1 max APs. (wouldn't hurt too much, considering everyone gets +1 every 2 or 3 days, as I've seen it) Depending on the importance of the found item, the temporary or permanent handicap could be enhanced or lowered, to have a sense of balance in the situation.
  17. It would, though I wouldn't go as far as implementin it for every scene. Only the ones that tend to stirr curiosity.
  18. Myth

    New ideas

    Turning resources into creature useable items http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/15032-turning-resources-into-creature-useable-items/ Responding surroundings through chat http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/15031-responding-surroundings-through-chat/
  19. More like receips. Say you have wood, matches, herbs, water, a pot and a spoon. Each action would take some AP - arrange wood; light it; pour water into pot; wait for it to boil; add herbs; add other spices; stirr; wait for it to cool down - result: a vial of unknown properties. It's then up to the player to find out what his or her potion does by trying it out on a creature.
  20. I've seen a simillar suggestion, but mine is a little less constructive. I was thinking of responces triggered by certain chat lines that can be categorized as passwords (e.g. password: *Player talks into the well*; responce: *bats woosh out of the well, knocking Player on his back*) This idea has no constructive aspect whatsoever. It's just meant to raise the mood of players that are just curios about what they see in various scenes. I'm thinking such responces would give a player the curiosity to explore more places and try out more of such actions. To not give a player the impression that this is all for nothing in the end, some scenes could generate a random resource from such actions, for example - action: *Player trips over a tree root*; reaction: *Player falls down the small hill, face-first in a herb patch. 1 Herb added to inventory*. This action could also land you in a different scene alltogether.
  21. Hell... I can't wait to try this out. Mythrandir ID: 38628
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