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  1. Upvote
    redneck reacted to death ray in Guardians Recruitment   
    who better to fight and protect LR with than my friends that i know and trust?!
  2. Downvote
    redneck reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Guardians Recruitment   
    No, he will only be in your alliance temporarily, adiomino.
  3. Downvote
    redneck reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Guardians Recruitment   
    I wonder why? ... lol
  4. Downvote
    redneck reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Guardians Recruitment   
    A redneck that lives in a forest... they fit! Let him in guys... Bwahaha
  5. Upvote
    redneck reacted to death ray in Guardians Recruitment   
    i would like to sign up fot the GOTR the only friends i have (just about) are all from there

    Death Ray
  6. Downvote
    redneck reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Guardians Recruitment   
    How many people are you actually mentoring Sage?

    Shouldn't someone else mentor someone? So it isn't all Sage brainwashing the kids to kiss people when they see someone?
  7. Downvote
    redneck reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Guardians Recruitment   
    I do not need to be Mentored. I am not a new recruit.
  8. Downvote
    redneck reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Guardians Recruitment   
    Sage, you are withdrawing your support because I said Ailith smells like Poo?


    She didn't have any problems with it, why you take offence to smelling like poo, I have no idea...
  9. Downvote
    redneck reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Guardians Recruitment   
    I wish to return to Loreroot...
  10. Upvote
    redneck reacted to Muratus del Mur in Maximum Online User Limit   
    Finaly! no more limit. In just 2 days of advertising you can see the high number of online players. It was all because the damn 32bit OS.. thousands of dollars lost on ads for nothing, good at least that in the last couple of onth i stopped it entirely arrgggggggggggg
  11. Downvote
    redneck reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in a use for coins   
    I really like this idea. Perhaps we should get mur to read it over?
  12. Downvote
    redneck reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Is Md Too Exclusive To Entice A Larger Player Base Than Hard Cores?   
    The whole voting system is biased on the pure fact that it is opinion based, but if you can think of a way that would make a person tell the truth on such things please... do it.
  13. Downvote
    redneck reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Maximum Online User Limit   
    Awesome... so in a few months we will have LOTS of people to DESTROY. MWAAHAHAHA
  14. Downvote
    redneck reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Hello!   
    My name is Nathan von Minden. I live in Kitchener, Ontario. I am currently in a welding/fitting apprenticeship. I am in the Canadian Reserves, and I love MD! It's an original game with many new updates that I can't wait to see be implemented.

    This is my character's story. If you have any questions, or suggestions to improvement, please ask and I will gladly answer you!


    [quote]When the Earth had made its 21st circle around the sun in his life, Fenrir found himself the only remaining Greycloth of his family line. Fenrir was raised by his paternal grandfather, Vallis Greycloth; the Court Sorcerer. His parents had vanished without a word, though there were rumors in the court and some were nasty indeed. Fenrir did not like the one about how his grandfather had sired him upon his mother and there have been blood shed over it.

    Vallis took it upon himself to leave the court in order to remain at home with the boy and raise him properly .His idea of proper was considered old-fashioned, but Fenrir learned diplomacy, courtesy, combat skills both magical and mundane. Once the boy proved himself capable, Vallis turned his mind to other pursuits.

    Some say it was those that caused his demise leaving a trail of blood over the family estate. Vallis left all his fortune and the secrets of the Greycloth estate to the young Fenrir, who up to this point was sheltered away from things he should not know.

    Naturally, once the funeral garments were cast aside Fenrir decided to investigate his fortune. He secretly hoped he would uncover the mystery behind his parent’s demise.

    Most of the estate held mundane items, those he could use he kept. Those he could not, he sought out charities to take what they needed and sell what remained until all there was left was his grandfather`s study.

    Vallis` study had been magically enhanced to keep the servants away, most didn`t know it was there and would avoid that area. It was for their own protection; Fenrir knew and approved of this. Some things were not meant to be public knowledge and yet, these things were now his.

    Excitement flew through him as he sent the mundanes out for the day, not sharing his plans with the household staff he shut the door and searched the study. There were books, some old, some in languages not still spoken whispering secret promises if only he could understand. Papers, a few odd photographs, including one of his parents with a dark shadow looming in the background. It had to have been taken near the time right before they disappeared. They had only disappeared!

    Vallis would say if they were dead and Vallis would have known. Some artifacts on cluttered shelves, it appeared that grandfather`s neat tendencies did not follow him here. It made Fenrir smile to think of a man that was more God than man...as more...reachable, real and not the distant sorcerer that he appeared to be.

    When he was done he had sorted everything into piles. Some to keep and more for the charities, once he dispelled their charms, of course. No need to create bad will with the Goodwill. He savored every memory until there was one item left to explore...an old Iron Chest.

    Iron was sacred to the masters of Luado and Fenrir could feel a tingle of anticipation as he wondered what could be so valuable to be so hidden. Iron was easier to spell and it kept certain influences away by its very nature. The bands of the chest alone would by him two of his grandfather`s stables alone!

    The intricate artwork moved as if the box breathed, it was as if they were the only two living things in the room. Would opening it break the spell of such a wonderful work of art? No, grandfather`s magic was always functional, but never this beautiful.

    The seal had the crest of the family line and the pictographs told a story that stretched back to the start of the Greycloth legacy. It was a shame he didn`t have the time to study it all. Fenrir made the decision to open it. It was indeed beautiful, but to keep it closed would be more of a crime than opening it. Inside the smooth walls hummed with a flowing golden light. If the iron was worth the stables, that lining had to be worth the entire estate, especially if it had been magiked to live past Vallis` lifetime.

    The light flicked away as if calling his attention to a small locket of iron surrounded by six deep impressions surrounding it. Six? What was missing from this case? Did the servants? No...Placing the locket around his neck, another decision made.

    The glow from the box dissipated. The mates to this one must be found, either they would reveal their secrets or be destroyed.[/quote]
  15. Upvote
    redneck reacted to death ray in Rewards Of The Drachorn Chase   
    im a little lost what do i do ? or am i to late?
  16. Upvote
    redneck reacted to death ray in New Crit Idea   
    i dont have nothing to helpful to say but that i suport you're cause and effort
  17. Upvote
    redneck reacted to death ray in Rewards Of The Drachorn Chase   
    i'd take a chance to win a Drake over silver any day
    so yes i would like to take my chance on a roll for the Drake
  18. Upvote
    redneck got a reaction from death ray in Creature: Necrovion Gem   
    i like the crit and the crit idea but i think it could actually work if it had a couple touch ups:))

  19. Upvote
    redneck got a reaction from death ray in The Rumors Are True...   
    way to go Grido your MP7 woo hooo!!!!

  20. Upvote
    redneck got a reaction from death ray in Creature: Necrovion Gem   
    idk anything about what the crit should be like im not much into crits im more into RP and whooping pppls butts:DXD
  21. Downvote
    redneck reacted to Guybrush Threepwood in Unfair Forum Rule And Behavior   
    CrazyMike your ideas are just plain crazy. Your logic isn't welcome here. I am going to guess at all the numerous foul mouthed things Grido must have said. I will of course not repeat them, as they were horrid and awful things.
  22. Downvote
    redneck reacted to Grido in For those wanting to become Live Help   
    will edit this in later...
    paraphrased what players are required to do
    as to the the requirements, you do the job before getting it, only requirement other than the job itself is that you are mp4 or above

    or i'm just sleepy and cant think of stuff atm, either way, will edit in stuff tomorrow
  23. Downvote
    redneck reacted to Grido in For those wanting to become Live Help   
    For ease, all the LHO announcements I'm putting at the top here [img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif[/img]
    [quote](2008-07-15 02:06:07 - Alpha 6 )
    .... For those that don't know yet, becomming LHO is one of the many ways you can get deeper in the game and involved with its development. Like all other ways you first have to actualy DO what you are supposed to be doing and only after that you can claim to be recognized and allowed in the team.[/quote][quote](2008-09-27 21:58:58 - Alpha 7 )
    New voting feature will be used to allow votes for certain players such as LHO, Dojo teachers, and in other situations where a public vote is needed. If a player should be voted for something, you will see the question and the voting buttons on his detail panel when clicking the playername in chat. You can vote only once. Votes are reset from time to time and they count for important decisions such as who does a good live support job or other specific activities. More uses of this new voting system will be implemented in time.[/quote][quote](2009-04-29 00:18:51 - Alpha 8 )
    LHO staff members are requested to do what LHO is about or they will be demoted without warning. Papercabin and other strategic beginner locations were empty for the past days with lots of newcommers.[/quote][quote] (2009-04-30 19:18:27 - Alpha 8 )
    LHO cleanup. Some of the existing, now former, LHO think that their LHO status is some kind of fancy playername change that they carry around forever after they did LHO work. Today i cleaned all the LHO i found in other locations other than regular noob locations, or those that were inactive to much. The LHO assigned to dojo should also know that defesive quarters interior is not the same as defensive quarters exterior and just because they enjoy beeing in a remote empty location where is nobody to help, does not count as an escuse. The LHO announcement requesting all LHO to assist in the key locations was posted long ago, yet i didn't find anyone helping at the papercabin for example. The demoted LHO can regain their status the same way they gained it before. Currently there are many LHO jobs available both for the demoted LHO but mainly for the non-LHO players that want to help and get promoted to LHO. If .jonn. is temporary away it doesn't mean its chaos time for you, it just mean i will takeover and judge you based on what i see , not based on your previous experience with .Jonn.[/quote][quote](2009-05-06 22:27:37 - Alpha 8 )
    Grido was promoted to chief of LHO staff. This promotion was decided both by me and the former LHO chief of staff, .Jonn. All LHO will report to Grido.[/quote]

    There was an announcement that said about the demotion of LHO's, that happened because they were helping less than they should have been. Being a LHO isn't about showing off you have *'s around your name or fancy spells, it's about helping new players into the game, if you stop doing that, you get demoted.

    LHO = Live Help Operator. You help people, live.

    This is not just for a week or a month, this is for as long as you have your wings, if you don't agree with this, or can't handle it, then don't apply. Simple as that.

    Now that i've said that [img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif[/img]

    If you feel you're cut out for the job send me a pm under the heading ''Becomming Live Help'' detailing what SERVER times you are available (from and to), please list seperate times for weekdays and weekends. Also include your ID and messenger address (if you have one) in the pm.
    [b]Note: if it is not in this format I may be prone to lose or misplace the message.[/b]

    [u]What the post involves:[/u]
    [list][*]Answering questions left by noobs in the chat.[*]Leaving helpful messages in the chat for new players, such as ''Click on the scroll to begin'' or ''You will need more than one creature to defeat the shades''. (Please use better ones than these)[*]Being along the noob route (Paper Cabin down to The Aramory) at the agreed upon times to help those in need of assistance*[*]Willingness to respond in a friendly mannor even if you've recieved the same pm from 20 different noobs in a week, or repeated simple answered questions from a single player.[/list]*Timetable being created, will be ready soon when information has been confirmed, until then, be around the area as much as you can whenever you're online.

    There will be ''shift leaders'' which I will assign, these will always be players who have already made LHO, but those who are not yet will still work under them, I will inform them who has been asked to help at the hours they are shift leader, the shift leader will be publicly known. They will report back to me the events that happened within their shift.

    If needs be, I can be contacted at the e-mail address: grido (at) ymail (dot) com

    This post will get updated as needs be, feel free to ask questions as to what I've put.
  24. Upvote
    redneck reacted to Liberty4life in I Won I Won   
    same here but after i upgraded all creats and sacked them i stopped playing since i have nobody to attack
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