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Everything posted by Yoshi

  1. So, certain types have the slash depending on it's creation. I went through to screenshot the various silver coins I have acquired through different sources over the years.
  2. Item 8 - 156 (Yoshi - 103 / Granos - 30 / Taurion- 23)
  3. Item 8: 69 plushies aww yeaaa
  4. SPROUTS (The signage got washed out cause flash, but I swear it's still me!)
  5. Unfortunately I was unable to scan this picture earlier, or take a picture of it. Even though it's late, and I don't suspect it will increase my score, I feel that I should post it nonetheless. I would be curious in the breakdown of my submission, either on here or privately.
  6. Can we use previously submitted works if they never won anything?
  7. I vote for running the simulation 1000 times.
  8. In this post I remember both Awiiya and Handy Pockets, and the many seed-walks we had taken together. I learned about poetry, prose and perspective from Awiiya. From Kets I learned kindness and gentle quiet strength. Not just these things, but these in my mind were some of the biggest influences of Yoshi's character and I miss them terribly.
  9. Perhaps only when Bob blooms, which is another thing to add to this list. Bob blooms in all the colours curiously enough.
  10. I am interested in joining, whatever the time is chosen.
  11. Interested. Working on strategy now.
  12. I always thought it was interesting that the Santa creature has purple robes.
  13. By 'pay something' is this a standalone statue or something? Location and availabilty would determine pricing. 1 Silver per 10k heat?
  14. The Null and The Void The Void is calling, whispering silent screams for me. Do I let them be, or do I give in to the falling? I cannot surely ignore the beckon, for I am afraid that I am weak. Do I only take a peek, for it would merely be a second? A wonder to stare into its depth, only to be consumed. Would I eventually be exhumed, or left without breath? Seconds turn to hours, and with time it all grows larger. Would I be able to departure, or be trapped in all the flowers? Perhaps to master the Void, one must be a Null. But before I try to cull, must I not be undestroyed? To be a Null would be an achievement, to be something not important. But is something so forgotten, even truly worth attainment? If in the end the Void cares not for me, I fear I would not care about myself. Is it worth losing sight of yourself, only for a taste of impossibility? I must learn to preserve myself, especially in darkest times. Can I walk between the lines, and put the fear up on the shelf? I feel I must remain steadfast, and not be coerced to either side. But how long can I run and hide, from the dead hand of the past? I will refrain today from looking, for the Void will not be winning. But will tomorrows bringing, make it all again alluring? The Void is calling, whispering silent screams for me. Do I let them be, or do I give in to the falling?
  15. To Adam's family and friends: Everything went well, with only a single, minor complication. The anesthetic started wearing off too soon, and Adam started snoring slightly halfway through, which started vibrating the equipment. It was quickly remedied however, and the surgury carried on as normal. They were able to do a complete removal through endoscopic endonasal surgery. He is currently resting, and will be out of commission for the next few days. Pre-written message from Adam: Thank you all for the prayers and support I've received through this difficult time. I tried doing it with just God and I, but found out, albeit a little late, that a larger support system is more beneficial. I came to realise that by not utilizing those people around me that God had placed for me, it was really just me trying to get through on my own. Next time, and I hope it never comes, I will do things differently. Thank you all again, you guys are amazing, and I praise God for getting me through this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36reZ9-3VK0
  16. *yawns* Well, they come to get me any minute now. Thank you to everyone I've known here. You guys have always been a fantastic community, and I wish you all the best. Everything's going to be fine, and I'll be back here before you or I know it. Also, can this be merged with the other birthday topic? Thanks.
  17. So, earlier today I cut off my 3 year old hair for cancer donation: Pictures: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10154228034990727.1073741829.603690726&type=1&l=f91d6c436a Videos: Cutting: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10154228061315727&l=8776203504897455816 Grieving: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10154228136890727&l=8024233853917274386 Final Thoughts: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10154228156725727&l=4859258542358085861 It's been an interesting 3 years. Would I do it again? Yes, but only if I didn't have to take care of the hair for all 3 years of it's life. Will I be doing it again? Probably not.
  18. If you go back and read the rules, you took over the previous leaders count, which was Grido's 114. Whether he actually has that amount or not is now null and void and you both get a second chance at this due to me not being here, and Sir Blut currently possibly beating both of you.
  19. I didn't realize this went to a second page, hence the edit of my previous post. Because of my lack of being here, and because of Sir Blut potentially passing you, you get a freebie. Fix up your repeats, add more words, and try again.
  20. Sorry, I was out of town for work all week, just getting to this now. Grido needed to show his 114 word count. Sir Blut is currently in the lead.
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