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Everything posted by Yoshi

  1. Yoshi


    [spoiler]Wish 31 - Change location subtitle Allows you to change a subtitle on a given location. The new title will remain forever untill someone else changes it and for at least 4 days. With this you can mark locations to support your role, such as pubs, markets, themed gathering places, mark historic locations to remember an important event for all future players, organise group activities, support role play situations, etc. [b]You are not allow to write playernames in this subtitle.[/b] Abusing this by writing ofences, advertising or similar will be penalised.[/spoiler] Or however you do that spoiler thingy Anyways, is Awiiya really considered a player anymore, or something different since he's... changed/changing?
  2. Yoshi


    Yeah, that stupid \ always appears before the apostrophes, even in the player logs.
  3. It would be awesome if, when rain gets activated, something like this gets initiated: http://www.rainymood.com/ Out of nowhere, if you hear this, right away you know to go indoors... to get your raincoat of course
  4. Why not... I'm in... now I need to go outside... to the post office... for stamps and envelopes and cards and stuff... the things I do for MD...
  5. So, if I understand this correctly, you are implying that the same person is controlling different accounts, to attack and take the heads?
  6. @tankfans You lost 'cause at the end of the fight Rendril's crits recovered A LOT of VE. And for some reason, that is included in the fight.
  7. Kaf, your theory is wrong in that, Person B should have confronted Person A first, and then they would have received a satisfactory answer. If Person B wasn't satisfied and had a doubt about it, THEN they should post it. Also, what was the point of posting the other non-relevant Wish Points and their details?
  8. Merry Chri...what...oh... my bad... Happy Birthday!
  9. Bumpity bump bump.
  10. Heh, mold removal is what I've been doing for the last 5 months or so xD Basically, what we would do is conceal the area where the mold is in, take down the drywall/insulation, w/e is contaminated, bag it, throw it away. All the while running air scrubbers(also called negative airs), taking the moldy air and forcing it out the window using a duct: http://www.deadmold.com/files/Forceair2000.jpg Since mold spores linger in the air, you have to flush it all out and replace it with good healthier air. Once we are done taking out the infected areas, we will leave the air scrubbers running, without the ducts, so its basically moving the air inside around, collecting the spores/cleaning the air. Then we will wipe everything (ceilings, walls, floors, EVERYTHING) with this cleaning solution called Benefect: http://www.benefect.com/. Then we will vaccuum using HEPA vacs, which use filters that are able to collect the spores and contain them. We may have to repeat the hepa vac and wiping again the next day, all depends on how big of the job we are doing. Then we will use what Phantasm said, the Killz2 Latex Primer. It's excellent for containing and repelling mold. Then finally, we will take everything out and, again depending on how much the mold has contaminated, we will fog the room/house using an anti-mold fogger: http://groutmasters.ca/july2010/Fogger_noJug.jpg filled with Microban: http://www.baneclene.com/catalog/microban.html. Now, we don't usually work for private people, so we work under the bank, and well, usually there will not be furniture (cause we already did a cleanout earlier(which is fun cause sometimes you can find pretty cool stuff, specially in grow op houses cause they usually leave everything, and after the police come in and snip the plants, we even have to clean out the pots *breathes deep*)). Soooo as far as cleaning the furniture, I have no experience, but perhaps you could use Benefect, it's all natural which is a plus. ...crap...there goes the company secrets...oh well...hey, if anyone thinks of making a mold removal business, contact me for a royalty check please XD
  11. Giving loyalty to the leader would be kind of abusable... but interesting
  12. Heh... will update my post with picture tomorrow... not as good as any of these though EDIT: I had to shave due to something pertaining to my work, I almost cried shaving my 'stache off [attachment=2244:Hierarchy of Beards.jpg]
  13. Thanks Mur
  14. I'm sorry for your loss Mag, although interestingly enough, when my brother passed, I got more involved in MD, probably was a bad thing though... still not sure... Anyways, take your time, and we will await your return with open arms.
  15. All depends on what you consider a "worthy death" to be. In my opinion, a worthy death would be if you sacrificed yourself to save someone. ex. Someones drowning, you jump in, save them, but somehow you get swept away and drown. That would be better than watching them from afar and not trying to help at all. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I just watched.
  16. Yoshi


    Hmmm... It's about time I joined a Golemian alliance/guild.
  17. 1) A hot-air balloon trip. why not: Scared of open heights. why yes: It would be fairly easy to find one somewhere close. why: Have never done it, and I've always wanted to try it ever since I was little. (Always saw it in cartoons xD) 2) To get my driver's license. why not: I realized right before I was going to get it, that I tend to pay attention to things around me other than what I should, so I'm afraid of endangering others lives. why yes: Good to have, can take you places if you have a vehicle, form of ID that is required for some things. why: I wanted one since I was little. (19 now :/) Freedom. 3) My dad (and me) to finally renovate the bottom section of our house. why not: Lack of money, time, motivation. why yes: Once we do, we can move down there (It's a bit bigger) and we will rent upstairs to my friends. why: It would be awesome to have my two best friends living right above me.
  18. Uhhh... what they said *points*
  19. Welcome back Sharpy.
  20. [img]http://magicduel.com/img/screenshots/magiwb001.jpg[/img] ^that
  21. Perhaps the first part with vitality is random, and the defence increase is the only one affected by the whatever is greater? EDIT:I'm tired, just.. disregard above xD
  22. Age of the Santas? GG = 20 credits
  23. [quote name='Shemhazaj' timestamp='1289300925' post='71730'] [font="Book Antiqua"][color="#696969"]I had a shade once, it's name was "man in the mirror" I don't have it anymore and the name prolly got changed... just saying *shrugs* [/color][/font] [/quote] Yeah, it did get renamed: Shade III ...stop looking at me like that... I have no creativity so I don't change the names xD
  24. Alakazam.
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