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Everything posted by nadrolski

  1. Once upon a god not again Chew stopped coding time and space, all was lost. Meanwhile Mur and BFH did nothing to stop the streams of fiery, but instead both refined their grammar drinking sake allot with green elephants while twerking on
  2. * nadrolski * 169416 * barfight spell * from 'selfish wishes granted' thread: [17/02/13 22:02] Master of Ceremonies:as for nadrolski [17/02/13 22:02] Master of Ceremonies:he receives his altered barfight spell
  3. Happy Birthday, Ms. Kiley. High five!
  4. Once upon a god not again Chew stopped coding time and space, all was lost. Meanwhile Mur and BFH did nothing to stop the streams of fiery, but instead both
  5. Once upon a
  6. Happy birthday, lashtal! High five!
  7. HBD, Mallos! High five!
  8. Belated Happy Birthday, Sir Aelis!
  9. mouth-watering
  10. Please come here and take the stairs to Champion's Challenge. Maybe you'll remember those "plans" for these golden natural-colored hexagon clickables, including that arrow pointing to nowhere..
  11. I'd like to help too, sir. I only know how to copy/paste, but i am willing to train and learn what else to do.
  12. Happy Birthday, sir! and a Happy Birthday also to my friend Manda :) High five!
  13. "I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear." -MLK, Jr.

  14. i am not asking for your "sorry", those were taken months ago, as part of my water dowsing duties. yes, hard work, i do hard work on taking screen shots because it is better to show genuine proofs than to accuse people without basis. "So you do what you do best: cry and whine :D." i believe it is normal for a person to cry, for him or her to release stress or such. but BITCHING all the way is not my style. and for the better, i shall now not feed the trolls.
  15. introduce a weight (for example.. weight: 1) to every resource that will be collected, and to those existing in everybody's inventory. not just on resources but also with other items. the weight on each resources should somehow affect one's movement. this weight could be applied to the viscosity feature. the more you carry, the heavier the weight is, and the "slower" you should be able to move. - - - if a scene visibly illustrates existing resource, it should have that resource available for collecting. for example, water, adding more sources to make it common: a river is visible in Wind's Crossing, the same lake as with Willow's Walk and Angien's Ferry is visible in Sage's Path and Sage's Keep.
  16. and so, i learned just now, it is a MUST for one in MagicDuel Adventure to come to you first and negotiate for him/her to receive a dst/No one VIP treatment? what do you mean by that? sorry, but no sorry, but i don't practice the habit of by-passing my land's monarch. no, not me. it is not that i do not understand what hypocrite is, but what i mean is, your actions of posting stuffs about me, as a whole, aren't that BITCHING? "All you do is call us bullies and intruders and other nasty words when we don't even DEPLETE." you are again assuming that i speak of specific names when i say bullies and intruders.. you and your friends don't deplete? [Spoiler] [/Spoiler] [Spoiler] [/Spoiler] [Spoiler] [/Spoiler] [Spoiler] [/Spoiler] [Spoiler] [/Spoiler] [Spoiler] [/Spoiler] [Spoiler] [/Spoiler] [Spoiler] [/Spoiler] [Spoiler] [/Spoiler] [Spoiler] [/Spoiler] [Spoiler] [/Spoiler] [Spoiler] [/Spoiler] [Spoiler] [/Spoiler] "To summarize: YOU (not dowsers, not your ally mates) are the only one complaining. And you keep doing this for more than 1 year." Nothing personal, just doing the job given to me by the MB people. Yep, i keep on doing this since day one. You tired of my campaign against intruders (take note, no names mentioned here again)? Then you find a way, regardless of legitimacy, to permanently shut me off (banned), and your quest for dominating the whole MD realm is done. -
  17. During my early Water Dowser days and when MDA buckets don't exist yet, i was confronted both by Firsanthalas and Grido for dowsing (actually, Grido used the word "stealing") GG waters. I explained that this water dowsing is part of my role and made clear to them that I was not over-harvesting their resources, which Firs approved, but none from Grido. GG people probably won't or can't complain nowadays because either: - Marind Bell people were responsible enough to harvest water inside GG with discipline*, or - GG people do not have tools to collect Water, and again, most likely it is "because" WE, THE MB PEOPLE HOARD THE WATER TOOLS** - or both * we treat other lands's resource limit same as Marind Bell's. ** according to No one's testimony. "nadrolski is the only one that acts like a militia." It is because since Handy Pockets appointed me to lead this guild, I have dedicated myself a role of protecting Marind Bell's water resource as well as the other 2 non-water resources. Badges aren't really only for fancy, show-off purposes, you know. And I am not getting paid, nor my members, for this job. EDIT: and speaking of the: "All he does is bitch in chat and on the forums." [Spoiler] [/Spoiler] [Spoiler] [/Spoiler] [Spoiler] [/Spoiler] i ain't bitching, but obviously i got bitched. those two are different.
  18. And I don't need to invent stories just to receive heroic attention and treatment.

  19. Get well soon for your dad. And take your time, lady Nimrodel. Water cures.
  20. Happy Birthday, lady Peace! High five!
  21. There is no cow level

    1. Mallos


      There actually was a cow level.

  22. I never assume on things, and I never lock my Status Updates. I still await for your answer at my thread on why you calling me hypocrite and coward. Explain, do not just complain. c",)o

  23. I never assume on things, and I never lock my Status Updates. I still await for your answer at my thread on why you calling me hypocrite. Explain, do not just complain. :)

  24. I never assume on things, and I never lock my Status Updates. I still await for your answer at my thread on why you calling me hypocrite.

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