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Everything posted by Aelis

  1. I have some problems on ff.. it seems to load things slower than IE (specially the sorting cloud, and some battles). In general I prefer firefox.. IE is just for MD.
  2. If the Sage's Keep is not available, perhaps the Hall of the Sun (I guess this is the name, it is located in MDA) or the Hall past the stairs on the Lands of the East?
  3. Indeed. Go to the Tribunal pub, it is a great place to have a drink or just chat! And a chef would be great. Assira just makes me get drunk, no food at all :/ ( )
  4. I agree with Observer on the Rookie of the Year. I have 79 active days right now.. (not saying I will get nominated or something like that) and I know some people that have active days (I guess) ranging from 80-100 that would make great nominees!
  5. Couldn't agree more.. My first days in MD were all about exploring and reading the AL.. it was something unbelievable to me that a normal player just like me could change the history of the realm! Eventually I finished reading the AL and wondered why did it stop. From time to time I even reread some entries. I am relatively new here, but I can see that lately we lack interation within the realm. I have always wanted to research and find out about new things.. but I had never found people willing to do it (suprised myself after reading Pample's post). Maybe kings will change this aspect, maybe not. I really hope to keep reading and maybe even being part of such excellent stories like the ones in AL. This post did not say much.. it is merely the point of view of a "newcomer".
  6. Are you a martian? (or he could ask any known fact) Then the martian would do the gesture for "yes" and Jonathan would know what he wanted
  7. I met you few weeks ago.. but I can say you are a very honorable person and I'll miss seeing you and chatting at the plains. Good bye, mate. Hope we can talk sometimes.
  8. Not exactly funny.. an interesting coincidence Perhaps a sign of dst's power beyond MD realm edit: forgot the link -> http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/9467/dstu.jpg
  9. Aelis

    Be A Creature

    I sent a pm right when he posted the results and no answer yet Probably you're right and he's busy at the moment..
  10. Aelis

    Be A Creature

    Behold the dark archer III!
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