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Everything posted by Aelis

  1. Aelis (ID:169860; Days:1015)
  2. I'm in. ~Aelis
  3. I agree with dst. Looks like everything is becoming a bit "techno". And why is there a bench in front of MB gates (and it's floating!)? I personally think key scenes shouldn't be changed/have something added (but then every scene is a bit "key"...with gates being very important among the important scenes) ~Aelis Edit: Changed a bit the parenthesis part to make it clearer.
  4. A) would be interesting to let resources regen a bit. ~Aelis
  5. Best game ever: Grim Fandango! (check the soundtrack, it's the best!) Another best game ever: Metal Gear Solid Lots of other great games there, but these two should do. -Aelis
  6. I'd like to give it a try. Aelis (ID:169860; Days:986) [Activity days: 71% (A total of 986 out of 1392 days)] Lands of the East: 208 (Current land) Marind Bell: 421 Tag: Bringers of Light ~Aelis
  7. Repair/damage the windmill at the Fields of Abandonment to change behaviour of liquid dust there. (That may be hard to modify because of story mode) ~Aelis
  8. Aelis
  9. I'd like to help with lowering viscosity too. Count me in. Perhaps this could become a regular thing? (Expeditions to the East every month? This could be a nice group activity) ~Aelis
  10. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think this happens when your actual "scene" is alliance chat. I just tested and it showed two Aelis too. ~Aelis
  11. Lightsage. He's one the smarter players I've seen around. He's also very organised and creative. I'm sure he'll manage to handle TK's previous activities and will bring new ideas to the alliance. He's seen a lot of MD's history and knows at least a bit about everything in this realm (which I think is a good quality for the TK leader). He's also already experienced with leading and dealing with people, and as Burns already said, he can handle pressure. He's also a great observer! ~Aelis
  12. Happy birthday Ivorak! ~Aelis
  13. Hello and welcome Kaijin! Hope to catch you ingame soon ~Aelis
  14. Aelis 169860 803 AD
  15. Happy birthday Maebius! Have a great one! ~Aelis
  16. Awesome quest! Very amusing! I choose 7! ~Aelis
  17. I don't know how the newbie interviewing thing is going, but perhaps this might help. ~Aelis
  18. Does anyone have a complete log? It seemed quite strange to me that an "official" meeting didn't have its log posted on forums. I think it would be interesting to show everyone what's been told/discussed. ~Aelis
  19. Name: Aelis MP-Class: MP5 Age: 762 active days Main Principle: Imagination Reason for applying: I feel the East is calling me back, but more specifically it's teling me to join the Caretakers. I feel that Death should be seen from another perspective. I've first noticed it after I've got my kill item. I would like to learn more about it and help the alliance with its tasks. ~Aelis
  20. [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11589-documentation-of-the-2009-md-war/"]http://magicduel.inv...he-2009-md-war/[/url] I'm pretty sure it should be this link. ~Aelis
  21. Aelis

    Music Thread

    I had the oportunity to see these guys playing live last week (as a trio: soprano saxophone, double bass and accordeon), and they really surprised me. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPuIUCw-BIU[/media] Hope you enjoy it! ~Aelis
  22. You'll be missed, sasha. Good luck in real life! I hope everything works out for you ~Aelis
  23. I think it would be better if we could manage to keep you both as protectors. Perhaps switch adepts if needed. But definitely no one should be dropping in order for another to rise. ~Aelis
  24. Flexible, yes, but at the same time effective. Council and/or Mur should be monitoring alliance activity instead of # of members. But I don't know exactly how to propose something like that. Any suggestions? ~Aelis
  25. I believe a discussion is needed because it seems that 2 active members < 3 inactive ones in terms of alliance activity. Also, walking around and doing your own things doesn't mean you're active within the alliance (not pointing fingers). Right now a lot of people only stay in alliances to get land loyalty (and I don't think they're right or wrong by doing that). My point is, can you measure activity based on # of members? ~Aelis
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