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Everything posted by Aelis

  1. I'm with Josephine here. I think the initial research level requirements are just fine (like a little push in form of "here's a 'free' taste of MD research, let's see what you do with it"), but in order to progress further you'd have to somehow grow as a researcher (and maybe get a tag too, why not?). Ideally (to me, at least), one of the paths that could unlock the higher levels would be submitting your own research clue(s) and having the powers that be approve it (though I guess no one's taking care of the R&C interface right now). As for the "alt trick" to unlock clues, perhaps add another requirement to the research wishes so as to prevent it? Fight count, friend count, etc.
  2. Happy birthday, man! ???? I wish you lots of stat increases!
  3. I didn't quite like the old sound, but this one is really unbearable (and it's being played twice here too). Totally not a priority, but could we eventually opt to deactivate this sound (and maybe some others) via settings or something like that?
  4. Aelis


    I was trying to find clues for dealing with the Old Man and the altar issues (for future reference: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/18020-complaint-on-one-man-many-voices-al/) and I found something interesting: Shade Sentinel has a skill named Coherence. I stalk some player profiles from time to time and have never seen this skill before. I wonder what it does and how the Shade got it. It makes me wonder if there is a symbolic meaning behind it (the 1 value makes me think so) or if it is a result of some crazy experiment. Here is the link for SS's profile: https://magicduel.com/players/Shade Sentinel It's worth mentioning that the skill shows up with an asterisk. I don't know exactly what that means, but from what I found, other skills like that are: *skilldamage, *fusioning, *excavation and *taming. Any opinions on this? Am I trying to find implicit meaning in everything (MD made me that way )?
  5. Just to make it clear: yes, I am interested in helping with the documentation Please add me to the team.
  6. Forum could work, but in my opinion it should be more structured/organized than this: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/forum/168-md-script-manual/ I think discussions should be kept separate from the actual documentation so as to make it clean for the reader. The forums are great for discussions, but I'm not so sure as the "final version" page. I've read about document generators that use markup to make pretty pages, don't know if that could be applied to the A25 tools though (also I don't have experience with that kind of thing ). As for what could be done with the tools: let's create a land weapon for the East! Edit: Still on land clickables, perhaps land mechanics such as weapons could require at least one player from certain strategic alliances for said land in the same location (e.g. at least one member from CT, SoS and SotIS) in order to activate its function.
  7. I can't help but picture all this information organized in a documentation page style (such as https://networkx.github.io/documentation/stable/, for instance). That way, we could have separate sections for actual documentation, guidelines (questmaking, rewards, etc.) and examples. And on top of that, it'd be easier to navigate when compared to a forum subsection. What does everyone think? Would it take too much work? That being said. This is great news! I look forward to seeing more stuff done with these tools (and possibly help too). Hopefully this will be an important step towards a meaningful repopulation of the realm.
  8. If you can't bring back any memories, I imagine you'd have to, while you are still aware of the problem, make some change to either (or both): Your environment/reality (so you could somehow prevent the course of actions that lead to that outcome). This would be an "external" solution. Yourself (I think this path would be harder since you'd have no way of remembering, so the change would have to happen on a subconscious level). This would be an "internal" solution. These seem a bit vague, but I expressed them in this way because I believe the specific way of attempting both depends on the kind of thing you are experiencing over and over.
  9. Aelis


    Law Abiding Wrongdoers
  10. Mago's right: https://magicduel.com/page/Announcement/view/571
  11. Auction over. I'll message Fang and dst
  12. Just got some water today and noticed it came from MB! Way to go, Dowsers! Expanding business
  13. Deal, Ungod I'll send you a message! As for the creatures, I'll leave it open like an auction for a while and then sell to the highest bidder. Also after checking Nim's creature auction I've decided to copy her and put a minimum bid of 5gc on the Rein. Will edit the first post stating this and putting the bids so far.
  14. I'll run this like an auction for a while (two weeks maximum). Creatures: - Reindrach ID: 757018 - Minimum bid: 5gc - 75 sc (5 gc) - dst - Santa ID: 757630 Tokens: Stardust, Kelletha Fire - 48sc - Fang Archbane - Imperial Aramor ID:715419 - Imperial Aramor ID:757179 Items (item - description): - Turtle Shell Hair Comb - A brown and white comb made out of a turtle shell. It can be used to untagle even the most strongheaded...fur. - Wormy driftwood - I suppose its a habitat, so you could call them pets. I guess. - Unaddressed ransom note - A ransom note not particularly addressed to anyone. Useful if you want to kidnap someone or something. - Decisive Saying - A small metal plate with the engraving: “It's written in stone.” - Torn Kite - This use to fly until children played with it. - Yang's Fortune cookie #3 - Tastes like sugar and cardboard, the note inside reads “Will you marry me?” Bidding shall stop when I like the price.
  15. I have recently acquired an Elu and it seems it's not consuming candy. It's been 3 days and a couple hours and nothing so far. Is this normal? ID: 749935
  16. I'm here Feel free to find me ingame/message me. I think I still have the logs of the Sky Scouter meeting with Mur and would love to discuss ideas for possible outfits and tools.
  17. ~ Day: 213, Year: 5 ~ dst the rper :) (also look at the people around lots of fun oldies)
  18. Added lashtal's item and updated Dark Demon's. Should old PL entries be listed?
  19. [attachment=4489:temporalvault-printscr.jpg] This one, I believe.
  20. I wouldn't mind if it ended already. It kinda stopped being fun a couple extensions ago. ~Aelis
  21. Thank you for the comment, No one. As Rophs pointed out, revival is directly involved with the death system and among the things I want to ask about (I thought I had written about it on the topic :P). So yeah, definitely revival too.
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