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Everything posted by Aelis

  1. I think it's this avatar: [attachment=2926:yoshi.gif] ~Aelis
  2. Aelis AD: 314 I consider myself patient, and I think most of MD players are, because for sure patience is mandatory to "survive" in the realm. Since my first days around, I've always been curious and asked a lot of questions. And I believe this hasn't changed, I try to keep in mind "Do not stagnate" as my motto. With this I have gained some knowledge and am always willing to learn more! ~Aelis
  3. So, here's my attempt (with birthday cake and hat!) I hope you guys like it! (Is that eligible for the contest? I had a great time drawing that) ~Aelis
  4. After one tie. I won against Shemhazaj ~Aelis
  5. I won against VonUngernSternberg.
  6. Oh my god, the cloak looks totally awesome!! The only thing is that I guess he's way too muscular, perhaps you can change that? And can you make the cloak cover more of his body? Perhaps even remove the armor and the sword and focus on the cloak (As you might have noticed, I really liked it) I hope that can be done! Thanks in advance. ~Aelis
  7. Welcome! You should follow Maebius advice! Hope to see you ingame soon! ~Aelis
  8. A knightly man, wearing a white cloak with a sheathed sword on a sword belt. Shield is optional. Some small details on the cloak (so it won't be completely white) would be great, it's up to you! About the stance, maybe something mysterious or noble (or both), not offensive at all. Hope that is a good description. Thanks in advance. ~Aelis
  9. Happy birthday, Brulant!
  10. [b]EDIT: I'm still looking for the current owner and I'd like to add that I wish to buy it (or trade, negotiate, whatever).[/b] As the title says, I'm looking for a picture of Eden's old avatar. Also I'd like to ask if any of you know who's the actual owner? Thanks in advance. ~Aelis
  11. Can I join? ~Aelis
  12. Awiiya, I think the world outside does not cease to matter when you ignite because from what I see the "Sun" remains outside, and it is the source of that infinite energy, remaining as a bond. ~Aelis
  13. Can we say that Renavoid's fourth point of void is/was his quill? During the times of Master Archivist? An object not necessary for him to preserve the system, but with it he managed to amplify his Sun? (I'm saying that by reading the AL, I was not around during that time) ~Aelis
  14. Happy Birthday!!
  15. Is that a The Dark Side of the Moon t-shirt? Awesome! I want one! :D

  16. So the Sun is there as a source of energy to all individual systems? Also, circles symbolises systems? If so I wonder which circle is the symbol of MD, and what is the point of void in it. And the other three points aswell. (It's probably a secret ) ~Aelis
  17. From what I understood we can post our comments to your answer on this topic, right? (If I'm wrong please someone move my post) So, in order to ignite our inner sun, we must identify the fourth point and close the gate? (Which kind of infinite energy we'll get?) Is there any way for the gate to close/open spontaneously? ~Aelis
  18. Sorry for your loss. Be strong.
  19. It's an interesting idea, and perhaps we don't even need to discuss ancient stuff. There are a lot of "actual" subjects we could question and theorize together. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like in the past (I'm not a veteran, so I'm just guessing by reading some old topics) this sort of "everybody speculating together" was a bit common. Guess it wouldn't hurt to try. ~Aelis
  20. I have a question: Will it count if my friend does all the facebook stuff and does not actually play MD? Because I guess I can manage to make some friends like the page but I'm not sure if they will keep logging, as I already tried to make them play. ~Aelis
  21. Ah, show!

    Aí é quanto tempo de residência?

    (bom falar com você de novo :D)

  22. Olha só! Por causa dos estudos?

    Você morava em que cidade antes?

  23. I think the Sun represents strenght, perhaps needed to unlock our Inner Sun? In the AL we can read: Page 97 [2008-12-18 03:22:22 - The Inner Sun - Ren., Am.] "I channeled all of my energy into the Quill. It was the thing that most closely identified with my mind, you see. When the darkness completely consumed my body, the quill, with my soul and essence, remained glowing. It glowed with the fierceness of the sun, and drove the darkness out. It is here, always, that I wake from the hellish nightmare." There, the light drove the darkness. And a bit later it says his Inner Sun is unlocked. Perhaps the Sun is there to balance the darkness within? To help each one with his own Inner Sun. (Of course I don't know the exact meaning of Inner Sun, and would love to know more about it, if someone has information to share! I certainly would love to learn more in order to find my own Sun!) There are a lot of good lines of thought in this topic, mine is maybe a different approach on the main question. ~Aelis
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