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Everything posted by aaront222

  1. You can laugh evilly, apparently it won't let me use my elves because the cards aren't in the database or soemthing... The deck builder has all the cards but the online play application says my card's don't exist. Edit: Windows Explorer can't find the decks I made on the deckbuilder. Help?
  2. Garruk would definitely be something I would add to this deck if I could. The main reason I have Vorinclex is nostalgia. I open my first pack of cards and I see Vorinclex, I read him, and because he is really fun against mana intensive decks, and his massive manaboost goes well with Untamed Might when I attack with a 1/1 Infect. Also, the lands aren't a problem because this deck does generally lack in mana acceleration but there are LOTS of creatures with land acceleration. I'm going to a prerelease on Sunday with some friends, I'll probably get a Garruk, a few llanowar elves, and some overrun to replace the plains. My school's Magic club bans infect and milling decks, says they're too cheap... they would not let me use Triumph of the hordes. Yet somehow we're still allowed to use Slivers and Allies.
  3. Anyone else play Magic the Gathering out there? General Magic the Gathering discussion. Also- How's my deck look? [b]Lands[/b][list] [*]Forest x15 [*]Plains x5 [/list] [b]Creatures[/b] [i](this is mostly an elf deck with the intent of overrunning the opponent)[/i][list] [*][i][u]"Big" Creatures[/u][/i] [*][i]Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger[/i] [*][i]Spearbreaker Behemoth [i](gives stuff with 5+ power indestructible)[/i][/i] [*][i]Drove of Elves x2 [i](not quite strong early game but it becomes amazing late game)[/i][/i] [*][i][i][u]Other Creatures[/u][/i][/i] [*][i]Llanowar Elves x2[/i] [*][i]Elvish Eulogist x2[/i] [*][i]Farhaven Elf x3[/i] [*][i]Elivish Archdruid[/i] [*][i]Tel-Jilad Fallen x2[/i] [*][i]Viridian Corrupter[/i] [*][i]Glistener Elf[/i] [*][i]Viridian Emissary x3[/i] [*][i]Sylvan Ranger[/i] [*][i]Frontier Guide[/i] [*][i]Darksteel Myr [i](equip with lure)[/i][/i] [*][i][i]Soul's Attendant [i](gives me life and this deck is heavy on tokens)[/i][/i][/i] [/list] [i][i][i][b]Non-Creature Spells[/b][/i][/i][/i][list] [*][i][i][i][i][u]Token Givers[/u][/i][/i][/i][/i] [*][i][i][i]Gilt-Leaf Ambush x2[/i][/i][/i] [*][i][i][i]Presence of Gond x3[/i][/i][/i] [*][i][i][i][i][u]Creature Powerups[/u][/i][/i][/i][/i] [*][i][i][i]Giant Growth x2[/i][/i][/i] [*][i][i][i]Blanchwood Armor x2[/i][/i][/i] [*][i][i][i]Untamed Might[/i][/i][/i] [*][i][i][i][i][u]"Recovery" Spells[/u][/i][/i][/i][/i] [*][i][i][i]Blunt the Assault[/i][/i][/i] [*][i][i][i]Nature's Spiral[/i][/i][/i] [*][i][i][i][i][u]"Counter" Spells[/u][/i][/i][/i][/i] [*][i][i][i]Naturalize[/i][/i][/i] [*][i][i][i]Arrest x2[/i][/i][/i] [*][i][i][u][u]Misc.[/u][/u][/i][/i] [*][i]Lure (Equip this on Darksteel Myr)[/i] [/list] What do you think of that deck? Should total 60 cards but I might have not mentioned multiple cards.
  4. That Snorlax you just called fat? Yeah, it's eating rare candies by the dozen for you to accept it. That Gastly you just called ugly? It's been trying to learn a new move to replace its Mean Look. That Slowpoke you just tripped? He has a learning disability that makes him legally retarded. See that Hitmonchan with the scars? He fought in Vietnam for your freedom today. I bet 80% of you won't repost this if you're against PokeBullying, but help Pokemon with a visit to the local...

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Junior


      theres only one case in which pokemon have died, Garys to be exact. In pokemon...Black? i Believe?

    3. Mallos


      ewww the newest version sucks. They need to stop making them, just remake the old ones.

    4. Ars Alchemy

      Ars Alchemy

      read the MANGA newbs!

  5. Thanks Kyphis.
  6. I understand what is meant by the quantity but... Under Lower Xp to zero is says "cost 1 wp" and below the cost is "wish 2" or ghost is cost 1" wish 7" what does this wish thing mean?
  7. So my wish doesn't always "come true"?
  8. Due to the new updated many players (including myself) will be running around with one, two or three wish points. The question I, and many other people new to the WishShop have. All wishes seem to cost exactly 1 Wishpoint... BUT there is another wlue to the right of it simply titled "Wish"... What does the second value mean?
  9. happy late md bday and tyvm i had i good one. apart from being grounded from my computer >.> but i stayed up till 3am playing fallout new vegas on a schoolnight.
  10. H4P! 5P4WN D473
  11. Summary of my life: I play minecraft and play MD. Example of how much i play minecraft (i really did type this to someone >.>): if this was minecraft i would fill your house with wood and light it on fire only to have it set off redstone which would flood your house breaking all your torches setting off a massive sand cave in blocking the water source one of the sand setting off a redstone circuit hooked up to a tnt cannon obliterating your house
  12. It really sucks having the same Bday as MD. "Happy Bday MD!" "But it's mine too...." "You must be lying that is too big of a coincidence" "bleh" which is why I don't play MD during the celebrations. It would jsut be notstop sulking.

    1. Sunfire


      then do like me, one day after :D

    2. nadrolski


      Don't you worry, my friend aaront222. I will greet you as soon as I see your name at the Birthday Announcement below :D (*prepares his rainbow-colored pompons*)

  13. Pimps ------ Child's Pimp Age: 64 Tokens: Claw I, kelletha fire, antifreeze, stardust, onyx fangs, gold belt, sunshine. Stored heat: 530, 559 Child's Pimp III Age: 22 Tokens: onyxfangs, darkshield, black tear Stored Heat: 1,588,333 Child's Pimp II Age: 22 Tokens: stardust, darkshield, onyxfangs, claw 3, sunshine i offer 1gc and 16branches for all of them together
  14. hello world.... document.write("Hello World"); wasn't that used to teach people javascript at some point?
  15. My stats tripled form the HC, mine were really low

    1. ChildOfTheSoul


      lol, I guess that's good? I thought it was probably by a percentage.

    2. ChildOfTheSoul


      lol, I guess that's good? I thought it was probably by a percentage.

    3. Chewett


      Nop, a percentage would make sense lol

  16. I bid 2sc
  17. 1 silver on the elemental
  18. [quote name='Kyphis the Bard' timestamp='1300674472' post='80974'] Now we move to coins. How are coins generated in the first place? (excluding Murvine intervention, of course) Via the MDShop, ie credits once again. There are certainly many ways of getting coins, such as gifts, quests, the shop, and trading, and these do serve quite a valuable place in the market, but ultimately they are only created via the expense of credits. [/quote] Coins are no longer obtainable via shop. This is because someone got alts and abused free credits to "farm silvers". Now the amount of coins in MD is essentially an exact and set amount. In that case there is in theory an INFINITE amount of Reindrachs and Rusties. They are PURCHASABLE from the shop bot only after lots of credits spent. WHY? So that you can't abuse free credits to get them. Because we keep getting shop resets we can spend $50+ (or about 145 days on free credits) per shop reset to get a Rusty/Rein. Over VERY LONG amounts of time what's not to say there are more Rusties/Reins then silvers? (I'm referring to EXCRUCIATINGLY LONG AMOUNTS OF TIME)
  19. YESS I HAVE WAITED FOR ONE OF THESE FOR SO LONG!!! *likes on facebook* I am signing up I'm Mp5.
  20. I love the part when I go and eat a churro. ALMOST AS MUCH as when I ate the sour kraut..
  21. CTC and tokens cause this then.
  22. I have extremely low stats. And I still maintain my balance without tokens or ubers. I can't attend the toruney... 3am
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