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Everything posted by BFH

  1. [quote name='shayanuser' timestamp='1350825577' post='124410'] Nice skulls guys! I'm new here and want to say that the community is so energetic and great Here are the best skulls I could make so far. I made these myself using some awesome tool + some Photoshop while listening to the fantastic Dia de Los Muertos(Spanish), the music is now stuck in my head and won't go away. It took so long before I was satisfied enough with them to post but I enjoyed making them and I hope you like them too. If anyone likes to have one of the original (big size) versions, just PM me [center] [img]http://imageshack.us/a/img703/3426/skull1copy.png[/img][img]http://imageshack.us/a/img840/852/skull2copy2.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://imageshack.us/a/img145/7064/skull4copy.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://imageshack.us/a/img196/7984/skull3.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://imageshack.us/a/img204/4845/skull5copy.png[/img][/center] [/quote] A big applause Wel use of photoshop! Looks awesome!
  2. Don't go off-topic please. [quote] i think that certain crits should be used for HC... which is what someone else said... becuase when i was MP3 i remember some people having angiens and other powerful crits that are hard to get... ok it is a bit easy-er to get angiens and stuff at MP4 but thats not my point... i mean that a selected group of crits should be used in HC so it isn't just "oh... i have an angien... i am just going to kick your... Knator's (?) butt!!!" i think that heads contest should be about tactics AS well as strenth. [/quote] When I participated on HC i was very weak, against creatures way more overpowered than those available to mp3/4 nowadays. I used strategy againsts others and got second place, which means that there's always opportunity if the correct strategy is used.
  3. late, but happy bday
  4. Great entries. Offtopic: Why people are neg rep Fang? Just because he made a "fun" reward comment that we know is a joke >> Great use of reputation system.
  6. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1350511633' post='124191'] how about we stop HC BHC and everything for a bit? [/quote] Yes with the current system that will have to happen at some point. But i guess there will be still need for a redesign for both contests for whenever they'll get back if the council or any game admins stop it. According to what I read from forum updates game admins are working or at least discussing hc as well (i read that somewhere too lazy to quote it) So it think this topic might help them identify major issues or problems. or whatever.
  7. I'd login like 5 times today normally. I do assume is something related to your browser.
  8. BTW: Tutorial reconstruction effort is not dead. I'm just too busy currently. But it will be done.
  9. MD server just laggy , I assume
  10. Not down at all.
  11. Since this are ideas and I like to somehow have plans. I'll compile a bit using all ideas already listed and adding mine.[list] [*]Contest happens every [b]two [/b]months, at a [b]different[/b] land, for mp4 and above MP, with one winner each time. [/list] [indent=2]Winner will be the highest score from each mind power in the predifined amount of time.[/indent] Initially that person gets silver medal, then if he wins a second time he receives gold.[list] [*]Players who get in, won't receive any land influence (no viscosity, no land bonuses, etc) [*]For the first stage player scores on all the land. For the second stage players score on 2-3 headshill. [/list] This time lets make HC interesting. [Will involve a Lot of coding ... but well][list] [*]Based on the fact that all players will have heat feature, we will include spells So how? [/list] [indent=1] 1. Allow every user that is not participating on the HC to cast any sort of spells during the HC (which means to remove that global restriction). With an unique exception. None of those spells should allow targetting a player that is participating on the HC. That way there are no interferences with the event at any sort.[/indent][list] [*]This allow every user to keep their normal path while HC is on. protectors will be able to heal, players will be able to teleport back etc. [/list] [indent=1]2. HC participants won't be able to use any of their current spells. Instead a new system is created (some sort of protector's style), in which they are given initially a list of spells from which they pick three.[/indent] [indent=1]3. Each option will grant a max amount of 4 casts of the selected spell.[/indent] [indent=1]4. As they progress system could be preconfigured so that when x amount of time is reached they get a reset and they pick again 3 spells. (Maybe every 48 hours, anything initially preconfigured from the interface).[/indent] [indent=1]5. Since HC system works on time basis and not on score, I think , we could allow players to get a special pack of spells he/she could use after reaching a predifined amount of heads. So the pack will contains 3 random spells, selected by system, from the predifined spells list.[/indent] [b]Predifined list of spells:[/b] Movelock Attack Lock Weaken No multi Freeze mirrorritual no armor chaotic boost Suggest more I can't think now. [b]I would also suggest a total reset. Which means leave ecery user participate again with the new system. [/b] This way we ensure system mode last for many years and won;t be part of the current boredom HC is currently. Open to suggestions. B
  12. It would be useful to mds if you guys ask mods to close after trade/sale/ or whatever... [color=#ff0000][b][size=8]MOD CLOSE[/size][/b][/color]
  13. [quote name='haustorium' timestamp='1349487723' post='123261'] so its OUR servers going down??? [/quote] IDK. We should ask council. Or wait for them. Last time it was server related issues
  14. It is very possible
  15. Dang now which ghost i'll annoy... I won;t say you bye bye, because I hope you return one day. So cya.
  16. [quote name='Fang Archbane' timestamp='1349476887' post='123224'] im still logged in o.o but it keeps sending me to the [url="http://magicduel.com/new_begining.php"]http://magicduel.com/new_begining.php[/url] page, and whenever i hit play, i go to the screen in which im logged in, at the GoE, but then after loading i get re booted back to the [url="http://magicduel.com/new_begining.php"]http://magicduel.com/new_begining.php[/url] page xD its a vicious cycle :3 [/quote] That's a cached part of the page. You just can;t login as everybody else
  17. [quote name='Fang Archbane' timestamp='1349479373' post='123237'] the game is down guys, just relax xD its either due to OUR servers going down (lawl?) or CLoudFlare. my guess? cloudflare T-T turn it OFF people Ox! [/quote] Cloudflare is not the issue.
  18. This is fixed I guess it can be closed no?
  19. Nobody is able to login..... As always... It is Greedo's Fault!! Kill him!
  20. Let Fang decide what is better for his alliance. He is in test period. i think it is time for us to let new people get involved and see if that works. Fang I have to speak to you regarding few things that can help you a bit. As a note: It is fang's responsibility to take care of the ones he put in his alli, or at least to make sure they fulfill the role Ignore spelling issues. I'm just almost dead.
  21. no mur??? no wookies?? Oo nevermind hope you get connection soon, i know how it feels
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