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notxasj last won the day on June 14 2023

notxasj had the most liked content!

About notxasj

  • Birthday 10/29/1979

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  • Gender
  • Playername
    Sajura Oninay

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  1. All I can think about now after reading this is what's wrong with drinking tea without sugar?
  2. I might like to be an auditor. I have no special skills but have been around for awhile and think it might be nice to help contribute something back towards MD
  3. Sajura Oninay
  4. Why so many complainers? In real life if you don't wait around to be given something or you don't even show up you are not automatically given the item. I was there at GoE and had to wait my turn like all the others and had to ask confused santa for a gift. It was not bestowed upon me just for my presence. Children who want a present from Santa write a letter or go see him in person to let Santa know they want a present and have been good and deserve to have one given to them. Thank you again Confused Santa for my Murmas present, I thought everything about the event went fine.
  5. no I didn't upload any pics and it had been a few months I guess since I used any credits in MD Shop before the items I selected on that day and ID is 185397
  6. Extra Creature Slot x 2 Shield of Knight x 2 Sword of Knight x 2 I've made lots of purchases in the MD Shop in the past and this is the 1st time I notice any problem
  7. I looked in my vault to see my avatars but did not change it. I also looked at the current avatars in the shop but did not click to shuffle to view any others.
  8. I started out with $32 of credits made a total of 6 purchases and end total is $24
  9. So is there a list to identify what the MP requirements are for the various creatures?
  10. like everyone who
  11. I actually have the guy hanging upside down as my avatar right now. I purchased it a couple days ago. So that is probably why it won't let others purchase. So the error is that it is showing in the shop still. When I look at the avatars available it is also showing there are two the one I have and the unicorn.
  12. So Monday What time and where?
  13. I'm certainly not a champion but if it is with no tokens I might be able to win a fight Name: Sajura Oninay Land: N/A MP: 5
  14. Trying to pretend that you're ignorant is not an excuse. He has been in the game for over a year and should easily know that using alts in that manner would be alt abuse. I've only been here for 6 months and am able to know that you don't use alts to benefit the main account. I don't think it matters how beneficial someone else thinks the items that he spent his WP's on are. That isn't the issue. It should be obvious to anyone that he obtained items on his main account that he was not able to do without the use of his alts. If you have enough intelligence to come up with the idea of solving a puzzle to earn a WP on multiple alts and to have each alt use the WP to create an item you want your main account to have, then you would have enough intelligence to know that what you are planning to do is wrong.
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