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Manda last won the day on June 3 2012

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About Manda

  • Birthday 08/10/2000

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  1. SW normal cost 4 gc if someone give it for lees is his/her will
  2. 3 gold 5 silver the SW
  3. sw 2 gc 5 silvers rusty 3 gc 5 silvers
  4. well the creats to sell are creature Age Minimun Bid [s]Santa fresh [/s] Sold [s]Unholy priest 168 age 2 silver coins [/s]sold [s]Blood pact 439 age 8 silver coins [/s]Sold Tormented soul 196 age 1 silver coins SW fresh 3 Gold coins Blood Pact fresh 5 silver coins all with no tokens
  5. well mods can close now this topic the festival end well and some recibe big and small prices
  6. Alone and overwhelmed his life was taken. On my way to locate an Molquert, my armor was stolen, exhausted my strength, my patience tested in the end I could not even move and I fainted ... When I woke someone dropped then disappeared, i was stuck for a few days, with no sign of anyone, lost when depronto sound caught my attention and I get a message .... The heads are rolling and everything is upside down many eyes, whisper in the night owls abound other visitors consume all ¿what things are and how they are? ... the answer was easy and when was correct appeared with a gloomy aspect of child Molquert walking in circles around and looking at me luckily thought was best if I had seen it before, maybe i be exiled in the void you can find plenty of them its a thought or concept ?¿what is and how you can explain ... Molquert ask me continued his questions and after several days of questions and a game was played I understood the situation I was charged with the task of reviving a who is not beloved in this festival Fang Archbane be revived receive prizes for their assistance but not before a few simple answer, riddles the prizes will be: 2 Armors 1 Colored Joker 1 Nutcraker for xmass And maybe a rusgold Also some coins Apart can meet, the great Molquert, his guards confront them or being in a sacred place All will take place at the entrance of the labyrinth at 12 server time
  7. For the BHC i suggest no influence from the stats of the players and in different time of the year use spells and things on the whole contest like nomulti (just 1 ceature of each kind) Freeze (random freeze 1-6 ) Total Freeze (you need to figure out how unfreeze your creatures) Baby ( Just creatures level 1) Burning (No freezze at all) Rainbow (just coloredcreatures) Plain (Plain creatures) combinations like nomulti + baby or babyrainbow., etc Field Magic where you battles have other army, mirror., etc
  8. [quote name='Menhir' timestamp='1348993401' post='122592'] 5 Credits 1 GC? How do you do this? Try to get a GC in the shop by spending 5 credits and if one succeeds please let me know how - thank you. I remember a rate which was 15 credits for 1 GC. Menhir [/quote] Ahem when you void one MD shop section you can get 1 GC with just 1 credit if you have reset shop
  9. I wan tto buy or trade a swor shade i have manny tokened creatures and some rare too i can add coins some resources if you want Pm ME in game or forum with your offer
  10. me too i can changE mine for yourS
  11. 10 gc Rein
  12. [size=5][font=Arial, sans-serif]Well rest it’s ok, it’s a fair way to others to try the BHC and those that get 3 BHC won, will be the champions between they can discuss who is the best [/font] [font=Arial, sans-serif]Fair way to Mp3 now with the upgrading rules (I’m agree with those) will be a problem at least one contest with just lv 1-2 creatures [/font] [font=Arial, sans-serif]But BHC about stats it will be a good idea to implement no stats for BHC also different ways to stop abilities like, Burning (heat) BHC edition no freeze its (summer: D), BHC Lonely edition just 1 creature of each kind, BHC Plain edition so no colored creature, maybe no tokens too BHC Rainbow edition just colored creatures, BHC All the Same edition all with permanent Mirror, etc [/font][/size]
  13. [quote name='Liberty4life' timestamp='1338835716' post='113379'] i would personally like to see "everybody can beat anybody" again, cuz atm combat is all about stats so combat system redesign is wut i say [/quote] really sorry but there are lots of creats and a easy way to get it SW frezz new free spells are really great i have 80k in attack and lose against shooting sands with his coolll team manny times also other players
  14. Well im really agree with the ego of he she it Ahem let's see the BHC really can be much more nicer, with the opinion of the players I heard about great minds on MD like *Burns* with the fight club and i guess he was help with that, if you can do this take away the whole stats of every single participant in BHC what things you can do, null armor, keep all in just one land and much more I’m sure So by this ways the BHC can be clearly more fun Eon need to work more on his/her/its ideas, I know, we have RL and need to attend it, if you are busy, but some players can help you. I’m not really agreed with this: Eon don't have advantage lol that just not true, no advantage with loyalty points on the east the most hard land to walk, a enormous number of stats, guild protection extreme number of teas, that isn´t advantage please someone tell me what is that, as many view all players had more fun on stat less To stav I was on alliance with Lone and light also ignnus saw I can had the heads enough time to place 2-3 but as he/she/it, say not much aim for first place. It’s really true that skill damage is a really strange stat but anyone want it, the players that not train much maybe they don’t care, but hard trainers really don’t want to be in the first place when they get the stat you will see no one will like to train with you. As some players said hey we need to accelerate this lets give the whole heads to eon right
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