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Fyrd Argentus

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Posts posted by Fyrd Argentus

  1. To recap - the arrows to leave the beach were wonky and were fixed using introduction of a key, about a year and a half ago.  CC was older than this, so did not have the key.  He no longer had 3 reality shards or the Gateway Island Dock Map (for whatever reason is buried in ancient history) so he couldn't leave the beach.

    Giving him reality shards to make a new map did not help, as the map maker apparently will only let you make one map ever.

    Hence, I gave him a map off one of my test alts.  He should be fine now.

    However, any veteran MP5 going back to GWI without a Gateway Island Dock Map might have similar issues, about access to all spots.  If so, contact someone such as myself that can remedy the situation.

  2. If you've got 300 active days, the arena combat way of exiting is not open.

    We did make some changes about a year ago to the keys you get along the way, to fix other problems, and perhaps others before my time.  The map is probably a 1-time pickup.  I can help further by having a TestPilot alt give you their copy of the map.  (probably later today)

  3. Fyrd Argentus reluctantly admits to a misadventure in his youth, in which an entire bookshelf of storybooks was magically frozen.  They are finally, years later, starting to thaw out.  You are invited to join the recovery effort and see what treasures may unfold - Fyrd is too embarrassed to be seen by any Archivist there.  Just go to the MDA Log Room and check out the Frozen Storybook Shelf.


    As an added incentive, first one to get to the end of book 1 also gets a colored creature.  (Save a screen shot.)

  4. 5 minutes ago, Ledah said:

    players can easily get to MP4 currently

    Not easy in the eyes of a newbie.  Without lifesteal, and with GWI citizen defenses, it takes a long time to get to 380,000 heat scars-- thousands of battles (x2 worrying about balance), which for a new player, is discouraging.

    {But not relevant to this thread.  Sorry.}

  5. I've made it so that you only have to click that obelisk one more time, and it vanishes.

    If people want it to NOT disappear for them (or for anybody at all), I can turn off the key-giving part and leave it invisible for BSR.

    If people have other precious places they wish it to disappear, let me know.

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