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Everything posted by addy

  1. I agree with chewey.if thepeople of marind bell vote for you to be the monarch then we shouldnt let a case like this stop you.Sonce if the majority of people want you to be the monarch then the majority of citizens will also want you to be a citizen of a marind bell and would vote ffor you anyway if you try to become a citizen again. on a totally different note, even if you cant make it to monarch, still apply for citizenship in marind bell so we can have you back in the land. n.n
  2. Why would IRL age be an indicator to how well a player can manage other people?As long as a candidate is not a little kid I fail to see how you can say that she is more mature then fangy or chewey on nothing but the basis of age.Im not saying that shes not mature nor am I making any comparisions between the maturity of the candidates, but thats a poor way to try to get her maturity across Vertu. As far as experience goes, I do not understand why experience in RL means she'll be a better leader.I value players with experience in the game more than people with experience in RL, and i would trust someone with this kind of experience to lead me rather thansomeone whose experience seems to stem with the fact that she was born before me.if you argue that her experience in RL will translate to equal experienced behavior in-game when shes a monarch, shouldnt that experience already have translated into the game without this entire monarch business?If youre going to stand up for her, please use her achievments in game and for the game so they cant be dismissed so easily. like that managing windy's bar thing and SoE thibg.Thats good.Do more of those type of reasons why she should be the monarch. last point, irs really not that much of a biggie actually, how sure are you magistra wont mind you throwing about her age like that?Since she has informed me that only two people in the entire realm know her irl age?
  3. Dan, you forgot to give DD 4 dmg due to the dmging power of the demonic sword.
  4. Because you wanted to make a quest out of it? :P Im onto you, sir horsey.>_>
  5. Happy Birthday to both of you. :)
  6. Justice my dear friend, Justice. My love will not be cheapened with this...this "game" or "quest" youre trying to make this tradgedy into.I just want someone, anyone to find out who did this to Mr. Menteh, who may or may not be Menhir's secret identity, and bring that villain to feel the same pain he made us feel.
  7. I.. was there.. Those fires that raged..those, pieces of glass spread on the floor..theyre still etched in my mind.Who did this?Why did they do it?These questions still rage in my mind. 'I work at the kitchen, and it is my job to bring meals to the warden.This evening when I came back to clean up his supper I found him lying unconscious.Its messy there and broken glass everywhere.The place was on fire.There was number 4 too.we carried him to safety.Then I took care of Mr. Menteh while number04 went back to put out the fire.' I dont seek rewards for finding the perpetrator of this heinous crime, I seek justice.My slave brethrens, my masters, Mr. Menteh is a man I love and adore.He's a man we all have loved and adored.Then why?Who?How dare they?.. Come with me my fellow friends, seek out the person who did this.Do this not for me or for these rewards that cheapen our love.Do it for the sake of the man who lies in the hospital bed.Do it for the man who fights for his life with his last breaths.Do it for the pain this act has stirred in your heart.Do this not for the happy memories Mr. Menteh left us with as he fights on.Do it to to avenge those memories that may never be.. My brothers, this is my plea.. #the handwriting is too shaky from this point to read properly.The scent of tears still hangs loosely from the piece of paper handed to nimrodel by her loving slave# signed:- Slave03
  8. is it just me or are those bots too much focused on bringing back(spamming) topics that are old and interesting to read right about the time stage 12 began?is that how bots work?Shouldnt spambots be more...diversly spamming? later edit(by like half a minute):Just as I made the post i went back to see it had spammed every diverse topic there was in the time I posted.lol.my bad.:p
  9. addy 1 silver coin
  10. Happy birthday Eagle!!:)
  11. And what if the amount bidded can not be diveded into 10 parts to give 10%to the TK(Like 5 sc).what will happen then?guess ill put it at 13% later, for the lulz. 1)addy 2) 4 weeks.I have no qualms with staying enslaved longer if my master is awesome 3)I cant possibly be the best slave,thats gotta be DuSTy the christmas tree 4)13% 5) can my master give me free Kake?Dobby likes free kake.:3 Reason for editing: was waiting for someone awesome to put emselves up as slave to make point 3).
  12. You know you've been in MD too much when your own name starts feeling wrong, but your player name feels JUSSSST right.
  13. My submission. [url="http://s1348.photobucket.com/user/aditya_4_4/media/Knator_zps363ad3b4.jpg.html"]http://s1348.photobucket.com/user/aditya_4_4/media/Knator_zps363ad3b4.jpg.html[/url]
  14. I see there is no limit on length, neither maximum nor minimum nor any scores for length as such.Does this mean there will be no penalizations for a poem that is really short?
  15. I am "custard apple", which is an actual item apparently.The things you learn.. Well thats one thing extra I learned from this quest.Im glad i devoted JUST enough time to my entry, though I havd no idea how I couldve devoted any less time.. I liked the topic of the quest, and the managment mightve had its downs but I enjoyed looking at the icons of logos I have seen for years and think about them in a new light.In that sense, atleast, this quest was fun for me.
  16. [quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' date='13 May 2010 - 09:00 AM' timestamp='1273741256' post='59746'] PS: If you ever have enough gall to prove to me that you are not a coward, please, do so. And I don't mean behind a computer screen where you have absolutely no chance of physical harm. Try doing what I do, and then talk to me about cowardice. [/quote] *reads the statement carefully and then again reads it carefully* It doesn't sound like a threat to me,it sounds more like fenrir was challenging DST to do the job that he does in RL....and seeing the job that he does in RL,this fact can well be correct to the 'no chance of physical harm part...After all,he does have quite a dangerous job....I want you guys to seriously read these lines and tell me how you can think anything else then what I just said when you read 'try doing what I do'. I know I am virtually disagreeing with every post in this topic on this one...but I really feel like I need to speak on this.
  17. Welcome to the realm of MD!
  18. [quote name='Pipstickz' date='14 May 2010 - 06:22 AM' timestamp='1273818171' post='59796'] TS is over, SW is under >> Anyways, the SW will be bid on lots anyways. [/quote] That's 8 gold coins for soul weaver...I dunno,I think it's a bit unreasonable...
  19. Btw,you also have my permission to post it on the forums.
  20. Pazur shall act as my proxy for the event.
  21. I really dont mind this in the BCH,but the thoughts of it in the HC is one that I do not wish to see in effect. HC is all about fighting,it has almost nothing to do with RP'ing.HC is a game of fighting using your creatures and brains,I wish to see it remain this way.The effect will make the game a game based on popularity....giving great fighters who dont RP well a great disadvantage. So I've voted a no for this,because I want to see HC as what it is,a game of the warriors.
  22. It's quite a new account actually.:)

  23. [Addy]-[shore of happiness] Theme:[being in love with someone whom you dont want to be in love with] Lines:[22] Words:[195]
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