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The Great Pashweetie

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Everything posted by The Great Pashweetie

  1. Tomatoes or tomatoes?... YOU DECIDE!!!

  2. I think that death is important for creatures, like the game idea that losing is just as important as winning, but i dont think that the "death" of a creature should be important... unless using a balancing tecnique for example: 500 deaths/1000 fights=less experience for a creature, like the profile balance? or perhaps it changes game play for that creature, the more fights(The less deaths) the more percentage of extra stats? Just an idea.
  3. Any friend of Azulls is a friend of mine.

  4. yet again i am the weakling of a mp, but soon i will get better (stupid marind!!!)

  5. probs 10g max for a rein
  6. HELL YEAH!!! Gay people rock!!! they are outgoing caring and nice, even if they do like us, its not an insult, being gay (which im not btw) makes you be noticed in a way that being "normal" never would, being different IS GOOD!!! Many fail to see that weirdos have all the fun On the other hand though... gay was never meant to be and most people who think their gay are actually intended to be straight, they simply suffered enough torment to think that they are that much different than the rest of us and eventually went gay. I say this because i have felt almost "gay" at times, but then i came back and i said... i still like girls better , but anyways, dont yell at me if im wrong this is just my idea.
  7. Why follow trends when you can be original?

  8. uh huh :P... there you go again with the humility... but ill shush :Z

  9. Humble too!?!?! sir, you are a 4 way meal :P

  10. having people who hate you is just as important as having people who love you.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Sharazhad


      dont be pedantic, you know I am referring to you.

    3. Pipstickz


      I also know you're overreacting to my statement, yet I still answered you.

    4. The Great Pashweetie

      The Great Pashweetie

      having people who hate you help you grow as a person and focus more on yourself

  11. :P yeah yeah MR.ohdontbesorryformeimtooselfless lol try saying that as one word.
  12. I have an idea... quite a stupid idea, but an idea( i have no programming experience, so apophys your on your own for the coding :S) a group of competitors starts in a place, they run to a place, trying to beat everyone there, go to a clickie and get a count, at first i thought that this would be, everyone runs into a land getting the clickie, but now i think the locations should be un-revealed so that the first person to get to them all isnt just the fastest of them all, but the smartest of them all, after getting all the clickies (must be in a correct order to get the count back at the start, the start is the first count (10 counts in all))you return to start and get the last count, winning! I thought of this idea after winning a previous head contest because it always seemed like we were running around playing hide-and-seek ... and so... this stupid idea was born! TGP
  13. hahaha, sorry about the heads contest, but now i've won :D, thanks for your help and support

  14. What is life without problems?

  15. 2g 20s for the untokened + bp untokened age 78
  16. nice tat, did you get it because of md? :P

  17. Have faith that you have done good and you shall be spared.
  18. Pine trees are indigenous to cold mountainous areas... which would mean they could be in GG... but still MD is more of a sunny and warm place rather than a cold and high place
  19. You know when you've been playing too much MD when... 1. You sware that you hear that chat beep when your away from the computer 2. Your afraid someone like nadrolski is going to kill you while your gone, so you have anxiety the entire day 3. You begin to dream of having a drachorn 4. You start to talk like your character in real life
  20. ello :D... my head contest competitor!

  21. I will miss you sincere friend... i will always remember you and you shall always be in my heart, and in my stories ... i know you will succeed in everything you do.
  22. *hopes to win the head contest, Sighs*

  23. im confused... how did i win but get nothing? i just read this and i dont want anything for the record.
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