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The Great Pashweetie

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Everything posted by The Great Pashweetie

  1. I wish you luck on recruiting more people for the savelites ;)

  2. One day you are shot in the face, do not fret, life goes on like a neverending buffett, do not mind when you are forsaken by those around you, because the next day you will still be there, and if you keep worrying you will find yourself where you started.

  3. Go amoran and become a father-saver! im shure hed want you more than any of us could. Edit: I just read your last post, and ehm, sorry your gonna be stuck with us for a little while longer :/ hope your daddy gets better!
  4. yep, you need to advance further in the shop, thats not the one sorry to dissapoint :'(
  5. would like to say: yay i may get into my first alliance :D *does a dance*

    1. Miq


      How many you plan to join?

    2. The Great Pashweetie
  6. truthfully it is annoying but... giving gifts wont make it better if we may never be able to get on! (this is due to server down... not matience!)
  7. I think that this is simply a matter of opinion and not very much of a bug :/
  8. i should be the one called the most hated not the guy who runs the markets! lol!

    1. Pipstickz


      Fenrir clearly has more -rep than you. Also, he's not a mod anymore >>

  9. Here's a poem I wrote about magic duel in general.(edited) I sit here upon the GoE Spending my time merrily Speaking to friends, telling of lands Teaching the wise Telling the young Listening to everyone Learning games Searching for names A place in Magic duel The teachings it beholds, The few who behold it, Can learn so ever more, Everyone has something to teach, And what I teach, Is still coming to me, We are all young and foolish, In ones' eyes, But at least we all try To find our names To show them To behold them The name we create May not always be true to ourselves, But do not fret, You do know what your true name is, Do not let others stir you, Into believing it is something else, For you, are your only master, you decide, Do not ever feel, Another is. Written with passion and love, i hope you enjoyed.
  10. lately i just had a fight with a npc and before i could see what happened... first it had to show this: Fatal error: Call to a member function report() on a non-object in /home/magicdue/public_html/core/combat/abilities/Defend.php on line 19
  11. man dude hows the ban going? must stink, but you shouldnt have alted! *thinks he'll start a trend*

  12. that is a good way to make shure lazy fat people like me dont have to get off their duff, good job . [quote name='Kyphis the Bard' timestamp='1271547480' post='58104'] I can't confirm this myself, but I have heard that PMs auto-delete after a certain age. So the search space shouldn't be to large. I like this idea, I think it would be highly useful. I think it should be released via the Shop though. [/quote] this is true, i lost your alliance one and now im not shure how to contact you...
  13. I would like to show the truth about the rumors being spread about me, so be it if you do not beleive it: I never take adepts under the age of 10 days, i have never given a spoiler and never plan to. I have stopped gathering adepts as soon as i found out that this hurts the mp6's and can disable them.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BFH


      As soon it doesn't interfere with the new players' process of learning, is ok. (I mean, no spoilers, or creatures that are supposed to be "locked or restricted" to them)

    3. Laphers


      Yes but that applies to all characters.

    4. The Great Pashweetie

      The Great Pashweetie

      thank you laphers i somewhat agree with you, but if it is needed for the mp6's ill just have them add me.

  14. whoever has been spreading lies about me, and trying to run me, congratz, it worked now everyone thinks im a selfish little adept stealer who gives out spoilers like party hats

    1. The Great Wanderer

      The Great Wanderer

      If could find this believable, so long as you suddenly change your ways. I do not believe anyone could make so many suggestions without thought, and then continue to do so after it is obviously aggrivating everyone. I sincerely hope that this is the milestone of change, one for good, in the life of The Great Pashweetie. Best wishes to you...

    2. Chewett


      well, iv heard that you have been telling lots of people how to beat LR guards amoung other things. It being several people means there must be some truth.

      so, its your fault.

  15. Well i was just thinking that so many games have a huge general chat that can be heard from everywhere across md and others can speak. I think it would be nice and there would be a chat filter so that the friends list doesnt become underused, and it could be incorporated into the side chart where the mood panel and all the other stuff is. Tell me if you like this idea!
  16. Why, oh why does the weekend have to end now? I dont want to go to school it soooo boring.

  17. well, oops im too blind to see that.
  18. Well, everyone who has ever programmed a game or has had a talk with a game maker knows that lagg is an ugly creature to tackle... and now magic duel has it! Lately i have not been attacked by it but, on several ocasions i have been unable to logg on the rest of the day because it is so bad. Please man war stations, and attack this lagg!
  19. The reason for people hating me has never been told to me... Please tell :D.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Tipu


      welcome to the club bro. hehehe

    3. The Great Pashweetie

      The Great Pashweetie

      I created the club oO, just look at my reputation on my profile.

    4. The Great Pashweetie

      The Great Pashweetie

      theres the answer curiose, okay ill try not to "run my mouth" anymore XD.

  20. happyyy birthday random perrson!

  21. you know who id ask but seriously, i wasnt trying to sell it. I was just wondering, The story behind the poll: I asked fyrd: how much would a angien egg go for? He said: i dont know... I put a poll online to see how much they'd fetch for... end of story . But thanks, i do realize that there were a few things left out.
  22. hey lol we both are gunners :D *shoots*

  23. yep its pretty funny, dont you aggre? what did i ever do :'(

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