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[quote name='Jester' timestamp='1291530981' post='74452'] Edit: I sent a message to the staff. We will have answer soon enough. [/quote] I believe if there is to be a formal inquiry into the matter that it will have to be proposed to the council since it will deal with rather important things. Also, simply because the rebels do not approve of you as king does not make them any less loyal to the land- You are not Necrovion, Jester. Therefore preventing access to the resources of the land to rebels who oppose you not only hurts the land but is unnecessary punishment against the rebels for simply not liking you. [size="1"]edited for clarity.[/size]
Much obliged, Jester.
[quote name='Jester' timestamp='1291526899' post='74440'] She is not discriminating, I am. I am the one that made the rule that Necrovion rebels cannot make quests or receive the codes to make a quest of their own. If you wish to rebel against me, you will not be receiving my assistance. [/quote] [quote="News log"](regarding rebels) If the decision proves to be abusive or based on no actual reason, the king will get one bad point out of a maximum of four.[/quote] This is the most immediate clause I can find regarding unnecessary rebel abuse. The king's rebel queller is there to serve the purpose of thwarting the rebels- cutting them out of things such as quests is unnecessary and could be considered unnecessary abuse against those who fight for a larger issue at hand. Therefore, I ask the quest maker to reconsider on this basis. Also, Jester, last time I looked at the rules of Necrovion, there weren't any, so I have no idea where you are claiming such a thing- besides the fact that you cannot possibly stop any of us from making quests if we choose to do so. [u]edit for Jester's edit since he didn't want to make a new reply post[/u]: For a policy that is not listed anywhere at all, I feel I was perfectly in the right to inquire about it. I still consider the exclusion of rebels from quests created by its citizens to be unnecessary abuse. Until I see something in the land rules about what you're talking about, I am going to consider this stance the doing of the quest maker. If you yourself make it an official 'policy' as you put it, then I will have to pursue my belief of this being rebel abuse. AGAIN since Jester is intent on deleting my posts (which you also so kindly admitted to do in game- thank you, it made a lovely screen cap): Jester, if you wish to make this an official policy, put it into the official land rules in game. I do not see why this is such a difficult request. Until then, anyone excluding rebels from quests will be seen to be doing it out of personal preference and not an order of the king.
Necrovion rebels are still citizens of the Land, therefore you cannot discriminate. As a side note, as you are even younger than me in the land, I hope you are not the one judging the submissions.
It's not late- the 4th is my birthday. xD Thanks, you two!!!
Awww, I wasn't expecting this!! Thank you guys!!! One hour till my birthday!! 8D
I'm reviving this! Miso is EXTREMELY healthy- it can help prevent cancer even! So, try this simple soup out. You've probably had it before! Japanese miso soup: [u]Ingredients[/u] White miso paste obtainable from any and all asian markets chives (preferably japanese leeks sliced into thin rings if you can get them) medium tofu ([size="1"]prolly cheaper bought at said asian market- organic is 99¢ at mine compared to $6 organic at the standard grocery store [/size]) 3/4 cup of boiling water Optional: wet seaweed Begin by putting water on to boil- or just filling a measuring cup with 3/4 cup of water and putting it in the microwave for 3 minutes. Take out a small bowl that you will take the soup from and put about two generous (not monstrous, mind you) spoonfuls of miso paste directly into the bowl. Take the whole, washed chives/japanese leeks and slice them thinly to a quantity that suits your own tastes. Take the tofu out of the package and put it sideways to cut from the short side a half inch thick slice from the tofu. Cut this slice into cubes in sizes and shapes of your choosing. Remove the boiled water from the stove/microwave, and pour about 3/4 of a cup of the water directly into the bowl containing the two spoonfuls of miso paste. (if you put too much paste in, you might have to add more water) Add tofu and chives/leeks to the bowl and stir together, making sure the paste has dissolved well into the hot water. Allow to cool for about a minute or so before drinking. The paste elements WILL settle in the bowl between sips, so be sure to stir before you drink. Notes: When storing the remaining tofu, when you cut the package, you can drain the liquid into the tupperware that you intend to store the tofu in to keep it fresh. Japanese leeks are hard to get ahold of, and they are very different from regular leeks. So, if you cannot find japanese negi, chives will work just fine. I highly suggest using white (白)miso instead of red(赤)miso for miso soup. White miso and red miso look identical, so you'll have to be mindful of packaging when you buy it- miso paste is very cheap. You cannot make miso paste yourself unless you are a 100 year old japanese great grandmother who lives in the country, so buying it is the only option, even in japan. If you use wet seaweed (which will come packaged wet), just take a pinch of it and put it directly into the soup if you use it. You should probably dry off the excess packaging juice before you put it into the soup itself. You can always add other things to miso soup- what I've listed here is what's traditionally in it. However, there's no rule stating you can't add anything else, and often times in japan they do add other things, such as mushrooms, sweet fried tofu, and other things as different styles of miso. Enjoy!
As Yoshi has indirectly put it, once the mold takes root in the walls, you can't get it out- it has to be ripped up and fully replaced. Best of luck to you as you move, and as Mya said, make sure you're seeing a doctor!!
...And the mome raths outgrabe~
I could be over-stepping myself in interjecting anything into this, but there are a couple of things I feel should be pointed out that I think have been looked over. One is that MD is the least automated thing I have ever experienced. Those who say it is perhaps need to take a look at what 'automated' actually means. MD is not, for the most part, self-sufficient. It rests on Mur as a lynch pin for major activity in the realm- when Mur is not active in some sense, the mood of the land is often lacking in excitement. Of course there are user run quests, but the quests themselves are more external to the land, as they cannot affect the environment or scenes in any direct way. Mur is the one who causes the changes. Sure, someone can say something in chat that Mur sees in secret and decides to make real (such as Awiiya becoming a tree), but unless Mur sees it himself or even decides to act on it, it cannot really be effectual in some way. Automation would be the rebel system, as an example, recognizing so many rebels in a land and that triggering a vote for kingship in the system which is how I originally proposed the idea. But even so, the idea was taken and formed by Mur and the council into something that would best fit MD and which again relies entirely upon Mur noticing enough upheaval himself to *consider* some sort of vote, or even in this case the Council taking notice and choosing to act. So instead of it being a self-sufficient interface based mechanism, it is instead entirely based on the action Mur or the Council might want to take at their leisure. That is the difference here. Two, I think people are perhaps overstretching the profundity of this event with Lifeline's spell removal. To me, without all of the subjectivity and feelings involved, it appears as such: Someone had a spell. The spell was misused to allow others into areas already declared restricted. The spell was removed from that person for the knowledgeable infringement. It seems fairly straightforward and doesn't seem to have so much to do with roleplay and gameplay excitement but simple misuse- if you are given a toy to play with, you are to play with it, not use it to throw through a window. If you throw it through a window, even if you say that's how you were playing with it, you know there's the very good chance that you're never going to see that toy again. A solution to this that I can think of offhand would be a more intricate classification of locations throughout MD. If certain spells are not to be used in some locations, they should be marked and coded as such. Granted, Jail is such a place, but the Lair is not jail so should probably not have that sort of classification but something different. Perhaps there are also other such places that are considered mostly restricted and thus are considered places that 99% of people do not need to be in without Mur's express permission and knowledge, and if that is so perhaps all those places collectively could share this new sort of location type that prevents those sorts of spells from working there, thus preventing abuse but still allowing the spell to be used freely within the boundaries that it is intended to be used. If I have misinterpreted things at all with my words here, please forgive me as I am predominantly going by what has been said already in this thread. I acknowledge that there are most likely personal complexities at work here influencing some ideas presented, but none the less wanted to share a perhaps more objective perspective on the event.
Best Spell Caster -Pamplemousse Champion Fighter - Eon Elite Evil Villain of the Year - Ivorak Fossil of the year (On vet list, Chewett can't nominated, as he won last year) - Amoran K Kol The Golden Protector - Pamplemousse Helper of the Year (Grido can't be nominated) - Mya Celestia Most Addicted - dst Most Influential - Pamplemousse Outstanding Service to MD - Rendril Revant Pre-eminent Role Player -Rask (He's the only one who sticks to roleplay 100%) Prime Quest (best quest) - Fyrd Argentus Rookie of the year (20 - 365 AD) - Curiose Superlative Orator (Debating) - Awiiya Top Techie (technical knowledge as well as technical help or script help) - Rendril Revant (Seriously THE man, for reasons I probably can't share)
What you're looking for has already been proposed in the original rebel thread, pipz. edit: But for the sake of things (and also because I'm pressed for time at the moment), here's a link to my last post in that thread mentioning problems with that same thing: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/8355-rebel-rule/page__view__findpost__p__72116
I originally suggested a sort of interface integrated vote where if enough citizens (not alts) voted against the king for another candidate that it would trigger an election. Although here the rebels themselves can in theory 'trigger an election by their presence', I'm not sure how this would be done save on the whim of a passing coder who happened to walk by and see some rebels gathered since there's no official rebel-to-citizen ratio count system, and so with nothing formally in place it clearly isn't very reliable. Now, if a rating meter were to become that trigger (say a certain percentage of discontent triggered a vote), I suppose it could work that way, but to me that seems too random since discontent could reach any level at any time with no prepared opponent against the king. Another issue is who would vote and who would get to rate the monarch? To me, logically, only the citizens of a land would get to vote/rate, but in the past the entire land has gotten to vote on a specific land's monarch. Why are non-citizens getting to vote on a monarch whose rule they would not have to be under? If all of MD likes one person and yet the land's actual citizens like another, the rest of the land could shaft the citizens' votes and yet not have to live with it where the citizens DO. I'd like to request that if there IS some sort of vote that gets triggered in whatever fashion that it stay in-house- aka just to the citizens of the land to which the monarch applies. Non-citizens would not be under the rule of the winner, and therefore shouldn't have a say in what will so profoundly affect the citizens of the land having the vote. [size="1"]edited for clairfication[/size]
[quote name='dst' timestamp='1289597807' post='71980'] Unfortunately for some cases it is. Should I remind you that Pample left Necro when Peace was elected queen? [/quote] Yes, although it was before my time, I remember reading that in the forum. I think leaders and their people should be able to work together, at least to some extent, to better the land, but when that communication breaks down, or one side decides to just stops listening, this is where Rebellion will become useful when it gets out of hand, I think.
[quote name='Firsanthalas' timestamp='1289594735' post='71976'] Yes and technicaly when you join a land you are pledging to follow the king and therefore not rebel. [/quote] I think when you join a land you are doing it for the land in the hopes that the king is doing what's best for the land. A citizenship isn't a fan club for whoever the king happens to be at the time, so you're not really there for them. xD
[quote name='Curiose' timestamp='1289587615' post='71963'] No, you see I was applying a real world situation and putting it into MD. Say you have Land A which is the land with the abusive king or whatever, and its Rebellious people went to Land B to discuss their plans and such. Say that people in Land B knew of this, and helped to discuss their plans, take over, or whatever, and if Kings of Land A and B were.. good friends, and such, would land B punish his own citizens as for aiding against an allied land or something? I know how the mechanics work, but in a situation as such, I was curious as to what lengths the Rebels would be deterred. [/quote] Sounds like something that would be up to the discretion of the ruler and how the roleplay went, really, I think. xD It would certainly be a fascinating scenario to play out.
[quote]Here's a question... Would lands harboring the Rebels be punished, or would there be freedom as to where the rebels can discuss their plans and such, if not in their own land? As I see it, the Kings could easily punish their own citizens for such aiding, but at the same time, how does one draw the line from that? [/quote] The rebels are still citizens of their own land. Taking up rebel status only removes them from their alliance and prevents unwarranted jailing because of their protest against the monarch for whatever reason it might be. In the end, the mechanics of Rebellion aren't the point- the point is what it is as a whole. Now, if a monarch decides to become a despot or completely inactive, citizens now have the tools to actively do something about it instead of having no real choice in the matter for the sole reason that "The king is the king and that's the way it is- tough". Now monarchs will have to be held responsible for their actions if they wish to be kept in power. It won't be easy to take them out of power, but if they step on too many peoples' toes, it will be possible. THAT is the purpose here- not that kings didn't have a say in the building of the system or that people don't like the cool down rates of items. The point is that if enough people find fault with their monarch, they can now do something about it and that it will count for something where it didn't before. [size="1"]edited for grammar tweaks.[/size]
Hello once again, everyone! The first post has been updated with the current progress. At the moment, we need three weeks in November and all of December worked on. Slots can be seen at the bottom of the first post on the first page. Anything not volunteered for I will be working on. ========>If you would like to work on a week, please read ALL OF THE FIRST POST and post what you'd like to work on in this thread. Please do not send me incomplete entries or days that do not need to be worked on. Thanks so much to everyone who's completed work so far! It all looks really good!
Hey guys- nothing's been forgotten. Expect for the first post to change in the next two days. I'll also post here again mentioning when I do.
In the end, I feel, personally, that the problem is this: Everyone from the past is relying too heavily on the past. The past passes away to the future, yet people cannot move on. They do not try to make new names for themselves in this time and for the future- they just rest on their laurels of the past. Not only that, but all that's left of Khalazdad's story are, and this is no insult to those involved, just secondary characters in comparison to Khalazdad. So why can't people work to legitimize themselves in this era, to grow in this era, instead of beating a dead horse? That's not the most eloquent term to describe things, but still. I would like to quote the Celebrated Sufi Poet Philosopher Jalaluddin Rumi: "Men do not praise that which is not worthy, They only err in mistaking another for him. Just when moonlight falls on a wall, The wall is merely a link to reflect its beams; Yet when it reflects back to its source, it seems They forget the Moon and worship the wall. Or when a Moon is reflected in a well, They look into the well and praise the image; In truth they are praising the Moon, But mistakenly only praising its reflection. The object of their praise is the Moon, not its guises, But when this does happen, infidelity arises. The well-meaning person, in this way, goes astray, The Moon is in the heavens, but he only see it in the well. Because of such idols, mankind is confused, And driven by vain desires, they reap sorrow!" Perhaps we should stop looking for Khalazdad in the reflections of himself in his children. Khalazdad is and always will be Khalazdad and no one else, but Khalazdad has passed beyond the veil of MD. We can take what all of us learned from those days, and the young can read and ask questions of the old to learn the lessons themselves, but you cannot bring those days back- time has passed, and Entropy is being stifled because people cannot seem to move on and shape their own fortunes without the crutch of the past. I might get a lot of flack for saying this, and more than a few of you will claim that I'm wrong for one reason or another, but if you do, ask yourself why you think so. Necrovion is trying to move forward and embrace what's ahead- why do so few others want it to, or for that matter don't want themselves to? [size="1"]::edited for prepositional errors.[/size]
[quote name='Rask' timestamp='1287006013' post='70286'] The Shades have not acted. I don't know why and I don't care. [b]I will act as I believe befits them[/b]. They may allow themselves to be elevated, or they may try to stop me. [/quote] YOU will act as befits THEM? The Shades do not need [i]you[/i] to do anything for them. Already you assume too much, but by all means, do continue- the hole you insist on digging for yourself will only grow deeper and wider.
[quote name='Rask' timestamp='1286922616' post='70232'] If the people of Necrovion are as useless old papers, then they should be swept aside. [/quote] OLD papers? Well you don't certainly seem to be new, Rask- you're quite old in the scheme of things. Although I cannot speak for the intentions of my Queen and King, I feel that we wish to move forward and not backward- moving back to Khalazdad would be a retrogression, and not progress. Wallowing in the past is just that- wallowing. I would hope that it would be our intention to embrace the future instead of perpetually drawing out the old and obsolete. OOC: [quote=Forum Rules]"- Alts are not to be used on the forum. They will be removed/merged and you can be punished for using alts."[/quote] >[url=http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/5784-forum-rules/]source[/url]<
[quote name='dragonrider7' timestamp='1286501251' post='69896'] Adding to Tipu's 1)Date October 16-17 : Mahanavami/Vijayadhashami Description: Concluding days of famous Navaratri (Nine days of celebration). These days are mainly referred as "Pooja" holidays. This is basically the days of whorship to Goddess Durga. During these days people put down their work materials and engage in poojas. 2)August 18- 25 : Onam Description : Onam is the largest festival in the Indian state of Kerala. It falls during the first month of the Malayalam calendar which is Chingam (August–September) and marks the homecoming of the legendary King Mahabali. Kerala's rice harvest festival and the festival of rain flowers which fell on the Malayalam month of Chingam celebrated the annual visit from pathalam of the very noble Demon King Maveli. Will add more :-) -rider [/quote] Please PM me with any work you do. Thanks!